-- source include/have_gbk.inc # # Tests with the gbk character set # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1; --enable_warnings SET @test_character_set= 'gbk'; SET @test_collation= 'gbk_chinese_ci'; -- source include/ctype_common.inc SET NAMES gbk; SET collation_connection='gbk_chinese_ci'; -- source include/ctype_filesort.inc -- source include/ctype_innodb_like.inc -- source include/ctype_like_escape.inc -- source include/ctype_like_range_f1f2.inc SET collation_connection='gbk_bin'; -- source include/ctype_filesort.inc -- source include/ctype_innodb_like.inc -- source include/ctype_like_escape.inc -- source include/ctype_like_range_f1f2.inc # # Bug#11987 mysql will truncate the text when # the text contain GBK char:"0xA3A0" and "0xA1" # SET NAMES gbk; CREATE TABLE t1 (a text) character set gbk; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0xA3A0),(0xA1A1); SELECT hex(a) FROM t1 ORDER BY a; DROP TABLE t1; # # Bugs#15375: Unassigned multibyte codes are broken # into parts when converting to Unicode. # This query should return 0x003F0041. I.e. it should # scan unassigned double-byte character 0xA140, convert # it as QUESTION MARK 0x003F and then scan the next # character, which is a single byte character 0x41. # select hex(convert(_gbk 0xA14041 using ucs2)); # End of 4.1 tests # # Bug#21620 ALTER TABLE affects other columns # create table t1 (c1 text not null, c2 text not null) character set gbk; alter table t1 change c1 c1 mediumtext character set gbk not null; show create table t1; drop table t1; # # Bug#35993: severe memory corruption and crash with multibyte conversion # CREATE TABLE t1(a MEDIUMTEXT CHARACTER SET gbk, b MEDIUMTEXT CHARACTER SET big5); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (REPEAT(0x1125,200000), REPEAT(0x1125,200000)), ('', ''), ('', ''); SELECT a FROM t1 GROUP BY 1 LIMIT 1 INTO @nullll; SELECT b FROM t1 GROUP BY 1 LIMIT 1 INTO @nullll; DROP TABLES t1; --echo End of 5.0 tests