-- source include/have_gb2312.inc # # Tests with the gb2312 character set # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1; --enable_warnings SET @test_character_set= 'gb2312'; SET @test_collation= 'gb2312_chinese_ci'; -- source include/ctype_common.inc SET NAMES gb2312; SET collation_connection='gb2312_chinese_ci'; -- source include/ctype_filesort.inc -- source include/ctype_innodb_like.inc -- source include/ctype_like_escape.inc -- source include/ctype_like_range_f1f2.inc SET collation_connection='gb2312_bin'; -- source include/ctype_filesort.inc -- source include/ctype_innodb_like.inc -- source include/ctype_like_escape.inc -- source include/ctype_like_range_f1f2.inc # # Bug#15377 Valid multibyte sequences are truncated on INSERT # SET NAMES gb2312; CREATE TABLE t1 (a text) character set gb2312; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0xA2A1),(0xD7FE); SELECT hex(a) FROM t1 ORDER BY a; DROP TABLE t1; # End of 4.1 tests