--echo **** Checking result of conversions **** disable_query_log; # Create a temporary table containing all conversions # that didn't work as expected, the table should # normally not contain any rows CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE failed_type_conversions ENGINE = 'MyISAM' AS SELECT RPAD(Source, 15, ' ') AS Source_Type, RPAD(Target, 15, ' ') AS Target_Type, RPAD(Flags, 25, ' ') AS All_Type_Conversion_Flags, IF(Compare IS NULL AND Error IS NOT NULL, '', IF(Compare, '', CONCAT("'", On_Slave, "' != '", Expected, "'"))) AS Value_On_Slave FROM type_conversions WHERE Compare != 1 OR (Compare IS NULL AND Error IS NULL); enable_query_log; if (`SELECT COUNT(*) FROM failed_type_conversions`) { echo Some type conversions failed, see below:; SELECT * FROM failed_type_conversions; die Type conversion failure; }