# BUG#45574: # SP: CREATE DATABASE|TABLE IF NOT EXISTS not binlogged if routine exists. # # There is an inconsistency with DROP DATABASE|TABLE|EVENT IF EXISTS and # CREATE DATABASE|TABLE|EVENT IF NOT EXISTS. DROP IF EXISTS statements are # binlogged even if either the DB, TABLE or EVENT does not exist. In # contrast, Only the CREATE EVENT IF NOT EXISTS is binlogged when the EVENT # exists. # # This problem caused some of the tests to fail randomly on PB or PB2. # # Description: # Fixed this bug by adding calls to write_bin_log in: # mysql_create_db # mysql_create_table_no_lock # mysql_create_like_table # create_table_from_items # # Test is implemented as follows: # i) test each "CREATE IF NOT EXISTS" (DDL), found in MySQL 5.1 manual # exclude CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE, on existent objects; # # Note: # rpl_create_tmp_table_if_not_exists.test tests CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE cases. # # References: # http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/sql-syntax-data-definition.html # source include/master-slave.inc; disable_warnings; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS mysqltest; CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS mysqltest; USE mysqltest; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t(c1 int); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t1 LIKE t; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t2 SELECT * FROM t; CREATE EVENT IF NOT EXISTS e ON SCHEDULE AT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + INTERVAL 1 HOUR DO SELECT now(); sync_slave_with_master; connection slave; #DROP database from slave. #The database and all tables can be recreated in slave #if binlog of the second CREATE command is recorded and sent from master to slave. DROP DATABASE mysqltest; connection master; CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS mysqltest; USE mysqltest; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t(c1 int); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t1 LIKE t; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t2 SELECT * FROM t; CREATE EVENT IF NOT EXISTS e ON SCHEDULE AT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP + INTERVAL 1 HOUR DO SELECT now(); sync_slave_with_master; connection slave; SHOW TABLES in mysqltest; #Execution time changes in each run. So we disregard it by calling replace_column. replace_column 6 #; SHOW EVENTS in mysqltest; connection master; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS mysqltest; # # BUG#47418 RBR fails, failure with mixup of base/temporary/view TABLE DDL # # Before the patch for this bug, 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXIST ... SELECT' # statement was binlogged as a TEMPORARY table if the object existed as # a temporary table. This was caused by that the temporary table was opened # and the results of the 'SELECT' was inserted into the temporary table if # a temporary table existed with the same name. # # After the patch for this bug, the base table is created and the results of # the 'SELECT' are inserted into it, even though a temporary table exists with # the same name, and the statement is still binlogged as a base table. # echo -------------BUG#47418-------------; connection master; USE test; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t3; --enable_warnings CREATE TABLE t3(c1 INTEGER); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES(33); CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t1(c1 INTEGER); CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t2(c1 INTEGER); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES(1); CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t1(c1 INTEGER) SELECT c1 FROM t3; CREATE TABLE t2(c1 INTEGER) SELECT c1 FROM t3; # In these two statements, t1 and t2 are the temporary table. there is only # value '1' in them. The records of t2 are not inserted into them. SELECT * FROM t1; SELECT * FROM t2; sync_slave_with_master; # In these two statements, t1 and t2 are the base table. The recoreds of t2 # are inserted into it when CREATE TABLE ... SELECT was executed. SELECT * FROM t1; SELECT * FROM t2; connection master; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE t1; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE t2; #In these two statements, t1 and t2 are the base table. SELECT * FROM t1; SELECT * FROM t2; DROP TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t2; DROP TABLE t3; sync_slave_with_master; --echo --echo # Bug#55616 Killing thread or query during CREATE IF NOT EXISTS makes --echo # slave SQL thread abort --echo --connection master1 let $con_id = `SELECT CONNECTION_ID()`; CREATE TABLE t1 ( i INT ); send CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t1 AS SELECT SLEEP(3); connection master; let $wait_timeout = 3; let $show_statement = SHOW PROCESSLIST; let $field = State; let $condition = = 'User sleep'; source include/wait_show_condition.inc; --replace_result $con_id master1 eval KILL QUERY $con_id; sync_slave_with_master; connection master; DROP TABLE t1; --source include/rpl_end.inc