include/ [connection master] SET GLOBAL max_binlog_cache_size = 4096; SET GLOBAL binlog_cache_size = 4096; CREATE TABLE t1(a INT PRIMARY KEY, data VARCHAR(30000)) ENGINE=Innodb; CREATE TABLE t2(a INT PRIMARY KEY, data VARCHAR(30000)) ENGINE=MyIsam; CREATE TABLE t3(a INT PRIMARY KEY, data VARCHAR(30000)) ENGINE=Innodb; ######################################################################################## # 1 - SINGLE STATEMENT ######################################################################################## *** Single statement on transactional table *** Got one of the listed errors *** Single statement on non-transactional table *** *** After WL#2687 the difference between STATEMENT/MIXED and ROW will not exist. *** Got one of the listed errors include/ [errno=1590] *** Single statement on both transactional and non-transactional tables. *** *** After WL#2687 we will be able to change the order of the tables. *** Got one of the listed errors include/ [errno=1590] TRUNCATE TABLE t1; TRUNCATE TABLE t2; TRUNCATE TABLE t3; BEGIN; Got one of the listed errors Got one of the listed errors Got one of the listed errors BEGIN; Got one of the listed errors Got one of the listed errors Got one of the listed errors BEGIN; Got one of the listed errors Got one of the listed errors include/ [master:t1,slave:t1] ######################################################################################## # 3 - BEGIN - COMMIT ######################################################################################## TRUNCATE TABLE t1; TRUNCATE TABLE t2; TRUNCATE TABLE t3; BEGIN; Got one of the listed errors Got one of the listed errors Got one of the listed errors COMMIT; include/ [master:t1,slave:t1] ######################################################################################## # 4 - BEGIN - ROLLBACK ######################################################################################## TRUNCATE TABLE t1; TRUNCATE TABLE t2; TRUNCATE TABLE t3; BEGIN; Got one of the listed errors Got one of the listed errors Got one of the listed errors ROLLBACK; Warnings: Warning 1196 Some non-transactional changed tables couldn't be rolled back include/ [master:t1,slave:t1] ######################################################################################## # 5 - PROCEDURE ######################################################################################## TRUNCATE TABLE t1; TRUNCATE TABLE t2; TRUNCATE TABLE t3; CREATE PROCEDURE p1(pd VARCHAR(30000)) BEGIN INSERT INTO t1 (a, data) VALUES (1, pd); INSERT INTO t1 (a, data) VALUES (2, pd); INSERT INTO t1 (a, data) VALUES (3, pd); INSERT INTO t1 (a, data) VALUES (4, pd); INSERT INTO t1 (a, data) VALUES (5, 's'); END// TRUNCATE TABLE t1; TRUNCATE TABLE t1; BEGIN; Got one of the listed errors COMMIT; TRUNCATE TABLE t1; BEGIN; Got one of the listed errors ROLLBACK; include/ [master:t1,slave:t1] ######################################################################################## # 6 - XID ######################################################################################## TRUNCATE TABLE t1; TRUNCATE TABLE t2; TRUNCATE TABLE t3; BEGIN; Got one of the listed errors Got one of the listed errors Got one of the listed errors ROLLBACK TO sv; Warnings: Warning 1196 Some non-transactional changed tables couldn't be rolled back COMMIT; include/ [master:t1,slave:t1] ######################################################################################## # 7 - NON-TRANS TABLE ######################################################################################## TRUNCATE TABLE t1; TRUNCATE TABLE t2; TRUNCATE TABLE t3; BEGIN; Got one of the listed errors Got one of the listed errors Got one of the listed errors Got one of the listed errors Got one of the listed errors COMMIT; BEGIN; Got one of the listed errors COMMIT; include/ [errno=1590] ######################################################################## # 8 - Bug#55375(Regression Bug) Transaction bigger than # max_binlog_cache_size crashes slave ######################################################################## SET GLOBAL max_binlog_cache_size = 4096; SET GLOBAL binlog_cache_size = 4096; include/ include/ CALL mtr.add_suppression("Multi-statement transaction required more than 'max_binlog_cache_size' bytes of storage.*"); CALL mtr.add_suppression("Writing one row to the row-based binary log failed.*"); TRUNCATE t1; SET GLOBAL max_binlog_cache_size= ORIGINAL_VALUE; SET GLOBAL binlog_cache_size= ORIGINAL_VALUE; BEGIN; Repeat statement 'INSERT INTO t1 VALUES($n, repeat("a", 32))' 128 times COMMIT; include/ [errno=1197] SELECT count(*) FROM t1; count(*) 0 show binlog events in 'slave-bin.000001' from ; Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info SET GLOBAL max_binlog_cache_size= ORIGINAL_VALUE; SET GLOBAL binlog_cache_size= ORIGINAL_VALUE; include/ include/ SELECT count(*) FROM t1; count(*) 128 ######################################################################################## # CLEAN ######################################################################################## DROP TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t2; DROP TABLE t3; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t4; DROP TABLE t5; DROP PROCEDURE p1; include/