# # Test engine logging options for ndb # --source include/have_ndb.inc --source include/have_binlog_format_mixed_or_row.inc --source suite/ndb_rpl/ndb_master-slave.inc --disable_warnings --disable_query_log --connection master # default settings for the mysqld set global ndb_log_update_as_write=1; set global ndb_log_updated_only=1; # create the ndb_replication table drop table if exists mysql.ndb_replication; CREATE TABLE mysql.ndb_replication (db VARBINARY(63), table_name VARBINARY(63), server_id INT UNSIGNED, binlog_type INT UNSIGNED, conflict_fn VARBINARY(128), PRIMARY KEY USING HASH (db,table_name,server_id)) ENGINE=NDB PARTITION BY KEY(db,table_name); --enable_warnings --enable_query_log ## # no logging option = 1 # --echo **** Test 1 **** --connection master delete from mysql.ndb_replication; insert into mysql.ndb_replication values ("test", "t1", 0, 1, NULL); create table t1 (a int key, b varchar(32), c varchar(32)) engine ndb; create table t2 (a int key, b varchar(32), c varchar(32)) engine ndb; insert into t1 values (1,"t1.b from master", "t1.c from master"); insert into t2 values (1,"t2.b from master", "t2.c from master"); # # connect to slave and ensure data it there from t2 but not from t1 # --sync_slave_with_master --connection slave select * from t1; select * from t2; --connection master drop table t1; drop table t2; ## # updated logging option = 2 # --echo **** Test 2 **** --connection master delete from mysql.ndb_replication; insert into mysql.ndb_replication values ("test", "t1", 0, 2, NULL); # # table t1 should get the opption from the table overriding the setting # in the server, t2 will get full row updates as it is the server setting # set global ndb_log_updated_only=0; create table t1 (a int key, b varchar(32), c varchar(32)) engine ndb; create table t2 (a int key, b varchar(32), c varchar(32)) engine ndb; insert into t1 values (1,"t1.b from master", "t1.c from master"); insert into t2 values (1,"t2.b from master", "t2.c from master"); # # connect to slave and ensure data it there # --sync_slave_with_master --connection slave select * from t1; select * from t2; # # now make an update on the slave # update t1 set c="t1.c from slave"; update t2 set c="t2.c from slave"; # # and back to the master to update difffrent columns there # --connection master update t1 set b="updated t1.b from master"; update t2 set b="updated t2.b from master"; # # connect to slave and ensure data it there, but a mix of slave/master # updates # --sync_slave_with_master --connection slave select * from t1; select * from t2; --connection master drop table t1; drop table t2; ## # full logging option = 3 # --echo **** Test 3 **** --connection master delete from mysql.ndb_replication; insert into mysql.ndb_replication values ("test", "t1", 0, 3, NULL); # back to default set global ndb_log_updated_only=1; create table t1 (a int key, b varchar(32), c varchar(32)) engine ndb; create table t2 (a int key, b varchar(32), c varchar(32)) engine ndb; insert into t1 values (1,"t1.b from master", "t1.c from master"); insert into t2 values (1,"t2.b from master", "t2.c from master"); # # connect to slave and ensure data it there # --sync_slave_with_master --connection slave select * from t1; select * from t2; # # now make an update on the slave # update t1 set c="t1.c from slave"; update t2 set c="t2.c from slave"; # # and back to the master to update difffrent columns there # --connection master update t1 set b="updated t1.b from master"; update t2 set b="updated t2.b from master"; # # connect to slave and ensure data it there, but a mix of slave/master # updates for t2 but not for t1 # --sync_slave_with_master --connection slave select * from t1; select * from t2; --connection master drop table t1; drop table t2; drop table mysql.ndb_replication; --source include/rpl_end.inc