!include include/default_mysqld.cnf !include include/default_ndbd.cnf [cluster_config] TimeBetweenEpochsTimeout = 30000 [cluster_config.1] NoOfReplicas= 2 ndbd=, ndb_mgmd= mysqld=, ndbapi=,,,,,,,,, [cluster_config.slave] NoOfReplicas= 1 ndbd= ndb_mgmd= mysqld= ndbapi=,,,, [mysqld] # Make all mysqlds use cluster ndbcluster ndb-wait-connected=20 ndb-wait-setup=120 ndb-cluster-connection-pool=3 slave-allow-batching ndb-log-orig # Turn on bin logging log-bin= master-bin # for performance reasons ndb-table-temporary=1 ndb-extra-logging=99 # Cluster only supports row format binlog-format= row [mysqld.1.1] [mysqld.1.1] [mysqld.1.slave] # Append -slave.opt file to the list of argument used when # starting the mysqld #!use-slave-opt # Connect mysqld in the second cluster as save to first mysqld # Hardcode the host to until running on more # than one host and it probably need to be masked anyway # master-host= @mysqld.1.#host master-host= master-port= @mysqld.1.1.port master-password= @mysqld.1.1.#password master-user= @mysqld.1.1.#user master-connect-retry= 1 log-bin= slave-bin relay-log= slave-relay-bin # Cluster only supports row format binlog-format= row log-slave-updates master-retry-count= 10 # Values reported by slave when it connect to master # and shows up in SHOW SLAVE STATUS; report-host= report-port= @mysqld.1.slave.port report-user= root # Configure slave mysqld without innodb, and set myisam # as default storage engine(since innodb will be default # otherwise starting from 5.5) loose-skip-innodb default-storage-engine=myisam skip-slave-start # Directory where slaves find the dumps generated by "load data" # on the server. The path need to have constant length otherwise # test results will vary, thus a relative path is used. slave-load-tmpdir= ../../../tmp [ENV] NDB_CONNECTSTRING= @mysql_cluster.1.ndb_connectstring MASTER_MYPORT= @mysqld.1.1.port MASTER_MYPORT1= @mysqld.2.1.port NDB_CONNECTSTRING_SLAVE= @mysql_cluster.slave.ndb_connectstring SLAVE_MYPORT= @mysqld.1.slave.port SLAVE_MYSOCK= @mysqld.1.slave.socket NDB_BACKUP_DIR= @cluster_config.ndbd.1.1.BackupDataDir