alter table mysql.ndb_binlog_index drop primary key; use test; create table t1 (a int) engine=ndb; create procedure ins (rows int) begin set @x = 0; repeat insert into t1 values (1); set @x = @x + 1; until @x = rows end repeat; end% call ins(10000); Duplicate epochs according to mysql.ndb_binlog_index select epoch >> 32 as gci, (epoch << 32) >> 32 as ugci, sum(1) as count from mysql.ndb_binlog_index group by epoch having count > 1; gci ugci count Duplicate epochs according to MySQLD Binlog entries select epoch >> 32 as gci, (epoch << 32) >> 32 as ugci, sum(1) as count from epochs_in_binlog group by epoch having count > 1; gci ugci count reset master; alter table mysql.ndb_binlog_index add primary key (epoch, orig_server_id, orig_epoch); drop procedure ins; drop table t1;