drop table if exists t1,t2,t3; drop table if exists t1,t2,t3; CREATE TABLE t3 (dummy INT PRIMARY KEY) ENGINE = NDB; DROP TABLE t3; reset master; reset master; CREATE TABLE t2 (a INT PRIMARY KEY, b int) ENGINE = NDB; INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1,1),(2,2); show binlog events from ; Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info mysqld-bin.000001 # Query 2 # use `test`; CREATE TABLE t2 (a INT PRIMARY KEY, b int) ENGINE = NDB mysqld-bin.000001 # Query 2 # BEGIN mysqld-bin.000001 # Table_map 2 # table_id: # (test.t2) mysqld-bin.000001 # Table_map 2 # table_id: # (mysql.ndb_apply_status) mysqld-bin.000001 # Write_rows 2 # table_id: # mysqld-bin.000001 # Write_rows 2 # table_id: # flags: STMT_END_F mysqld-bin.000001 # Query 2 # COMMIT select * from t2 order by a; a b 1 1 2 2 SELECT @the_epoch:=epoch,inserts,updates,deletes,schemaops FROM mysql.ndb_binlog_index ORDER BY epoch DESC LIMIT 1; @the_epoch:=epoch inserts updates deletes schemaops 2 0 0 0 SELECT * FROM t2 ORDER BY a; a b 1 1 2 2 DROP TABLE t2; show binlog events from ; Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info mysqld-bin.000001 # Query 1 # use `test`; CREATE TABLE t2 (a INT PRIMARY KEY, b int) ENGINE = NDB mysqld-bin.000001 # Query 1 # BEGIN mysqld-bin.000001 # Table_map 1 # table_id: # (test.t2) mysqld-bin.000001 # Table_map 1 # table_id: # (mysql.ndb_apply_status) mysqld-bin.000001 # Write_rows 1 # table_id: # mysqld-bin.000001 # Write_rows 1 # table_id: # flags: STMT_END_F mysqld-bin.000001 # Query 1 # COMMIT mysqld-bin.000001 # Query 1 # use `test`; DROP TABLE t2 SELECT inserts,updates,deletes,schemaops FROM mysql.ndb_binlog_index WHERE epoch=; inserts updates deletes schemaops 2 0 0 0 reset master; reset master; CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT PRIMARY KEY) ENGINE = NDB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2); show binlog events from ; Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info mysqld-bin.000001 # Query 2 # use `test`; CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT PRIMARY KEY) ENGINE = NDB mysqld-bin.000001 # Query 2 # BEGIN mysqld-bin.000001 # Table_map 2 # table_id: # (test.t1) mysqld-bin.000001 # Table_map 2 # table_id: # (mysql.ndb_apply_status) mysqld-bin.000001 # Write_rows 2 # table_id: # mysqld-bin.000001 # Write_rows 2 # table_id: # flags: STMT_END_F mysqld-bin.000001 # Query 2 # COMMIT SELECT @the_epoch2:=epoch,inserts,updates,deletes,schemaops FROM mysql.ndb_binlog_index ORDER BY epoch DESC LIMIT 1; @the_epoch2:=epoch inserts updates deletes schemaops 2 0 0 0 SELECT inserts,updates,deletes,schemaops FROM mysql.ndb_binlog_index WHERE epoch > AND epoch <= ; inserts updates deletes schemaops 2 0 0 0 drop table t1; show binlog events from ; Log_name Pos Event_type Server_id End_log_pos Info mysqld-bin.000001 # Query 2 # use `test`; CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT PRIMARY KEY) ENGINE = NDB mysqld-bin.000001 # Query 2 # BEGIN mysqld-bin.000001 # Table_map 2 # table_id: # (test.t1) mysqld-bin.000001 # Table_map 2 # table_id: # (mysql.ndb_apply_status) mysqld-bin.000001 # Write_rows 2 # table_id: # mysqld-bin.000001 # Write_rows 2 # table_id: # flags: STMT_END_F mysqld-bin.000001 # Query 2 # COMMIT mysqld-bin.000001 # Query 2 # use `test`; drop table t1 SELECT inserts,updates,deletes,schemaops FROM mysql.ndb_binlog_index WHERE epoch > AND epoch <= ; inserts updates deletes schemaops 2 0 0 0 create table t1 ( col0 int, col1 int, col2 int, col3 int, col4 int, col5 int, col6 int, col7 int, col8 int, col9 int, col10 int, col11 int, col12 int, col13 int, col14 int, col15 int, col16 int, col17 int, col18 int, col19 int, col20 int, col21 int, col22 int, col23 int, col24 int, col25 int, col26 int, col27 int, col28 int, col29 int, col30 int, col31 int, primary key(col0)) engine = ndb; begin; insert into t1 (col0) values (1); alter online table t1 add column col32 int COLUMN_FORMAT DYNAMIC; commit; drop table t1;