-- source include/have_ndb.inc --disable_warnings DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1; --enable_warnings # # creating a temporary table with engine=ndb should give an error # --error ER_ILLEGAL_HA_CREATE_OPTION create temporary table t1 (a int key) engine=ndb; # # alter temporary table to engine=ndb should give an error # create temporary table t1 (a int key) engine=myisam; --error ER_ILLEGAL_HA_CREATE_OPTION alter table t1 engine=ndb; drop table t1; # # create temporary like on an ndb table should give an error (bug#57437) # CREATE TABLE bar ( id TINYINT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY ) ENGINE=NDBCluster ; --error ER_CANT_CREATE_TABLE CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE foo LIKE bar ; DROP TABLE bar; # # if default storage engine=ndb, temporary tables # without explicit engine= should be created as myisam # SET SESSION storage_engine=NDBCLUSTER; create table t1 (a int key); # verify that we have a ndb table select engine from information_schema.tables where table_name = 't1'; drop table t1; # verify that we have a myisam table create temporary table t1 (a int key); show create table t1; drop table t1;