drop table if exists t1; CREATE TABLE t1 ( a int not null, b int not null, c int not null, primary key(a,b), index (a)) engine = ndb partition by range (a) partitions 3 (partition x1 values less than (5) nodegroup 12, partition x2 values less than (10) nodegroup 13, partition x3 values less than (20) nodegroup 14); ERROR HY000: Can't create table 'test.t1' (errno: 140) show warnings; Level Code Message Error 1296 Got error 771 'Given NODEGROUP doesn't exist in this cluster' from NDB Error 1005 Can't create table 'test.t1' (errno: 140) CREATE TABLE t1 ( a int not null, b int not null, c int not null, primary key(a)) engine = ndb partition by range (a) partitions 3 (partition x1 values less than (5), partition x2 values less than (10), partition x3 values less than (20)); drop table t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (id INT PRIMARY KEY) ENGINE=NDB PARTITION BY LIST(id) (PARTITION p0 VALUES IN (2, 4), PARTITION p1 VALUES IN (42, 142)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2); UPDATE t1 SET id=5 WHERE id=2; ERROR HY000: Table has no partition for value 5 DROP TABLE t1; create table t1 (a int,b int, c int, primary key(a)) engine = ndb partition by list(a) partitions 2 (partition x123 values in (11, 12), partition x234 values in (5, 1)); insert into t1 values (NULL,1,1); Got one of the listed errors drop table t1; create table `t1` (`a` int, b int, primary key (a,b)) engine=ndb partition by key(`a`,`b`,`a`); ERROR HY000: Field in list of fields for partition function not found in table