create table t1 (a int key) engine ndb; insert into t1 values (1); insert into t1 select a+1 from t1; insert into t1 select a+2 from t1; insert into t1 select a+4 from t1; insert into t1 select a+8 from t1; insert into t1 select a+16 from t1; insert into t1 select a+32 from t1; insert into t1 select a+64 from t1; insert into t1 select a+128 from t1; select count(*) from t1; count(*) 256 # test: simple delete of multiple pk's # expected result 1 roundtrips # 0 - info call # 0 - read the rows (with read before delete, this is 1) # 0 - delete the rows (without bulk update this is 5 + 1 for execute no commit) # 1 - delete the row + commit the transaction delete from t1 where a in (1,7, 90, 100, 130); affected rows: 5 @ndb_execute_count:=VARIABLE_VALUE-@ndb_init_execute_count 1 affected rows: 1 # expected result 1 roundtrips # 0 - info call # 0 - read the rows # 0 - delete the rows # 1 - commit # affected = 0 delete from t1 where a=1000; affected rows: 0 @ndb_execute_count:=VARIABLE_VALUE-@ndb_init_execute_count 1 affected rows: 1 # expected result 1 roundtrips # 0 - info call # 0 - read the rows # 0 - delete the rows # 1 - commit # affected = 0 delete from t1 where a in (1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004); affected rows: 0 @ndb_execute_count:=VARIABLE_VALUE-@ndb_init_execute_count 1 affected rows: 1 select count(*) as "0(was deleted)" from t1 where a in (1,7, 90, 100, 130); 0(was deleted) 0 select count(*) as "0(never existed)" from t1 where a=1000; 0(never existed) 0 select count(*) as "0(never existed)" from t1 where a in (1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004); 0(never existed) 0 select count(*) as "251(remaining)" from t1; 251(remaining) 251 select count(*) as "5(not deleted)" from t1 where a in (2, 3, 4, 5, 6); 5(not deleted) 5 drop table t1; create table t2 (a int primary key, b varchar(256)) engine ndb; Has loaded 2000 rows 2000 Should be 1500 rows left now 1500 drop table t2, t3;