set session transaction isolation level read committed; create table innodb_bug52663 (what varchar(5), id integer, count integer, primary key (what, id)) engine=innodb; insert into innodb_bug52663 values ('total', 0, 0); begin; set session transaction isolation level read committed; begin; update innodb_bug52663 set count = count + 1 where what = 'total' and id = 0; select * from innodb_bug52663; what id count total 0 1 update innodb_bug52663 set count = count + 1 where what = 'total' and id = 0; ERROR HY000: Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction select * from innodb_bug52663; what id count total 0 0 commit; update innodb_bug52663 set count = count + 1 where what = 'total' and id = 0; commit; select * from innodb_bug52663; what id count total 0 2 select * from innodb_bug52663; what id count total 0 2 drop table innodb_bug52663;