################ suite/funcs_1/t/processlist_val_ps.test ############### # # # Testing of values within INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST # # # # The no (ps/sp/view/cursor) protocol variant of this test is # # suite/funcs_1/t/a_processlist_val_no_prot.test. # # # # There is important documentation within # # suite/funcs_1/datadict/processlist_val.inc # # # # Creation: # # 2007-08-09 mleich Implement this test as part of # # WL#3982 Test information_schema.processlist # # # ######################################################################## # This test does not make sense on the embedded server because processlist # will be empty. --source include/not_embedded.inc # The file with expected results fits only to a run with "--ps-protocol". if (`SELECT $SP_PROTOCOL + $CURSOR_PROTOCOL + $VIEW_PROTOCOL > 0 OR $PS_PROTOCOL = 0`) { --skip Test requires: ps-protocol enabled, other protocols disabled } --source suite/funcs_1/datadict/processlist_val.inc