# suite/funcs_1/t/is_key_column_usage_embedded.test # # Check the layout of information_schema.key_column_usage and the impact of # CREATE/ALTER/DROP TABLE/VIEW/SCHEMA/COLUMN ... on it. # Variant for the embedded server # The expected results must equal is_key_column_usage except that all users # have all privileges (affects some result sets). # # There is detailed information about this test within # suite/funcs_1/datadict/is_key_column_usage.inc # # Author: # 2008-06-06 mleich Create this this variant for the embedded server. # if (`SELECT VERSION() NOT LIKE '%embedded%'`) { --skip Test requires: embedded server } if (`SELECT VERSION() LIKE '%embedded%'`) { --skip Bug#37456 funcs_1: Several tests crash when used with embedded server } --source suite/funcs_1/datadict/is_key_column_usage.inc