drop table if exists t1; create table t1 (id int auto_increment primary key not null, mydate date not null); insert into t1 values (0,"2002-05-01"),(0,"2002-05-01"),(0,"2002-05-01"); flush tables; select * from t1 where isnull(to_days(mydate)); id mydate drop table t1; # # Bug#53933 crash when using uncacheable subquery in the having clause of outer query # CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0),(0); SELECT ISNULL((SELECT GET_LOCK('Bug#53933', 0) FROM t1 GROUP BY f1)) AS f2 FROM t1 GROUP BY f1 HAVING f2 = f2; f2 0 SELECT RELEASE_LOCK('Bug#53933'); RELEASE_LOCK('Bug#53933') 1 DROP TABLE t1; End of 5.0 tests