# ==== Purpose ==== # # Print status information for replication, typically used to debug # test failures. # # The following is printed on the current connection: # # SELECT NOW() # SHOW SLAVE STATUS # SHOW MASTER STATUS # SHOW PROCESSLIST # SHOW BINLOG EVENTS IN # # Where is the currently active binlog. # # Then, the same is printed from all connections configured by # rpl_init.inc - i.e., on connection server_N, where # 1 <= N <= $rpl_server_count # # # ==== Usage ==== # # [--let $rpl_only_current_connection= 1] # --source include/show_rpl_debug_info.inc # # Parameters: # $rpl_only_current_connection # By default, debug info is printed from all connections, starting # with the current connection. If this variable is set, debug # info is printed only for the current connection. # # # ==== Side effects ==== # # Turns on enable_query_log, enable_result_log, enable_warnings, # horizontal_results, and enable_abort_on_error. # # Prints non-deterministic output to the query log. This file should # never be called in a test that does not fail. --enable_query_log --enable_result_log --enable_warnings --disable_abort_on_error --horizontal_results --let $_rpl_old_con= $CURRENT_CONNECTION --let $_rpl_is_first_server= 1 --let $_rpl_server= $rpl_server_count --inc $_rpl_server while ($_rpl_server) { if (!$_rpl_is_first_server) { --connection server_$_rpl_server } --echo --echo ############################## $CURRENT_CONNECTION ############################## --echo --echo **** SHOW WARNINGS on $CURRENT_CONNECTION **** SHOW WARNINGS; --echo --echo **** SELECT replication-related variables on $CURRENT_CONNECTION **** SELECT NOW(), @@SERVER_ID; --echo --echo **** SHOW SLAVE STATUS on $CURRENT_CONNECTION **** query_vertical SHOW SLAVE STATUS; --echo --echo **** SHOW MASTER STATUS on $CURRENT_CONNECTION **** query_vertical SHOW MASTER STATUS; --echo --echo **** SHOW SLAVE HOSTS on $CURRENT_CONNECTION **** query_vertical SHOW SLAVE HOSTS; --echo --echo **** SHOW PROCESSLIST on $CURRENT_CONNECTION **** SHOW PROCESSLIST; --echo --echo **** SHOW BINARY LOGS on $CURRENT_CONNECTION **** SHOW BINARY LOGS; --echo --echo **** SHOW BINLOG EVENTS on $CURRENT_CONNECTION **** let $binlog_name= query_get_value("SHOW MASTER STATUS", File, 1); --echo binlog_name = '$binlog_name' eval SHOW BINLOG EVENTS IN '$binlog_name'; --let $_rpl_is_first_server= 0 --dec $_rpl_server # Don't use same connection twice. if (`SELECT 'server_$_rpl_server' = '$_rpl_old_con'`) { --dec $_rpl_server if ($rpl_only_current_connection) { --let $_rpl_server= 0 } } } --connection $_rpl_old_con --enable_abort_on_error