# there is no neat way to find the backupid, this is a hack to find it... --let $dump_file= $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/select_all.txt --exec $NDB_SELECT_ALL --no-defaults -d sys --delimiter=, SYSTAB_0 > $dump_file CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE test.backup_info( a BIGINT, b BIGINT ) ENGINE = HEAP; # needed for embedded --chmod 0777 $dump_file --disable_warnings --replace_result $dump_file DUMP_FILE eval LOAD DATA INFILE '$dump_file' INTO TABLE test.backup_info FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' IGNORE 1 LINES; --remove_file $dump_file --enable_warnings # Load backup id into environment variable let $_exists = `SELECT a from test.backup_info where a = 520093696`; if (!$_exists) { # Failed to read the value, dump table and report error select * from test.backup_info; die Could not read backup id from backup_info table; } let $the_backup_id = `SELECT b from test.backup_info where a = 520093696`; DROP TABLE test.backup_info;