-- source include/not_embedded.inc -- source include/have_cp932.inc -- source include/have_log_bin.inc --character_set cp932 --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1; --enable_warnings set names cp932; set character_set_database = cp932; # Test prepared statement with 0x8300 sequence in parameter while # running with cp932 client character set. RESET MASTER; CREATE TABLE t1(f1 blob); PREPARE stmt1 FROM 'INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(?)'; SET @var1= x'8300'; # TODO: Note that this doesn't actually test the code which was added for # bug#11338 because this syntax for prepared statements causes the PS to # be replicated differently than if we executed the PS from C or Java. # Using this syntax, variable names are inserted into the binlog instead # of values. The real goal of this test is to check the code that was # added to Item_param::query_val_str() in order to do hex encoding of # PS parameters when the client character set is cp932; # Bug#11338 has an example java program which can be used to verify this # code (and I have used it to test the fix) until there is some way to # exercise this code from mysql-test-run. EXECUTE stmt1 USING @var1; source include/show_binlog_events.inc; SELECT HEX(f1) FROM t1; DROP table t1; # end test for bug#11338 # End of 4.1 tests