DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Installing DB2 Servers > Response file installation >

Embedding the DB2 installation image (Linux and UNIX)

On Linux® and UNIX® platforms, you can embed a DB2® installation image into the installation image of your own application. When installing a DB2 product using a response file with the interactive keyword specified, installation-related information such as progress or prompts is provided in a format easily parsed by your application.

To bundle a DB2 installation image in your own application:

  1. Copy the DB2 sample program, located in db2/samples/, to a working directory. Sample programs are provided in both C and Java™. The C and Java subdirectories contain a sample program and a readme file.
  2. Build the sample program using the makefile provided or a compatible compiler.
  3. Modify the response file to specify the keyword INTERACTIVE=MACHINE.
  4. Using the sample program, start the DB2 installation from your working directory. where
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