DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Installing DB2 Servers > Response file installation >

Available sample response files

You can use the sample response files to install or uninstall DB2® products, features, and languages. The DB2 DVD includes ready-to-use sample response files with default entries.

The sample response files are located in:


where platform refers to the appropriate hardware platform.

On Windows®, the sample response files for IBM® Data Server Runtime Client and IBM Data Server Driver Package are located in:


After an install, the uninstall sample response file is also saved in the DB2DIR/install directory, where DB2DIR is the full path name where you install the DB2 product.

On Windows, an uninstall sample response file does not exist for IBM Data Server Runtime Client or IBM Data Server Driver Package, because the db2unins command is not supported for this client or driver.
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