DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Installing DB2 Servers > Response file installation > Response file installation of DB2 overview (Windows) >

The response file generator

You can use the response file generator to re-create an exact setup on other machines.

The response file generator utility creates a response file from an existing installed and configured DB2® product. You can use the generated response file to install an identical product setup on other machines.

For example, you can install and configure an IBM® Data Server Client to connect to various databases across your network. Once this IBM Data Server Client is installed and configured to access all the databases that your users have access to, you can run the response file generator to create a response file and a configuration profile for each DB2 instance.

The response file generator creates a response file using the db2rspgn command. A response file is created for the installation and instance profiles for each instance that you specify. The response file name is db2<product_abbreviation>.rsp, for example db2ese.rsp. The instance profile file name is <instance_name>.ins, for example db2inst1.ins. You can use the response file generator to create multiple response files, one for each installed product. For example, if ESE and CLIENT are installed in the same location, the db2rspgn command generates response files db2ese.rsp and db2client.rsp.

Although several DB2 copies might already be installed on your system, the response file generator only generates the response file for the current copy (that is, for the DB2 copy where you ran the db2rspgn command.)

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