DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Installing DB2 Servers > Response file installation > Response file installation of DB2 overview (Windows) >

Setting up shared access to a directory (Windows)

Setting up shared access to a directory is part of the process to perform a response file installation of a DB2® product on multiple machines. This allows you to grant your network workstations access to a directory on the installation server.

To set up shared access to a directory on the installation server:

  1. Copy the DB2 installation files to a directory. For example, c:\db2prods.
  2. Open Windows® Explorer.
  3. Select the directory on the installation server that you want to share.
  4. Select File-->Properties from the menu bar. The Properties window for the directory opens.
  5. Select the Sharing tab.
  6. For Windows 2003, select the Shared this folder button.
  7. For Windows 2008 or Windows Vista (or higher), click the Advanced Sharing button. Enable the Shared this folder check box.
  8. In the Share Name field, type a share name. For example, db2win.
  9. To specify Read access for everyone:
    1. Click the Permissions push button. The Permissions for <share name> window opens.
    2. Ensure that the Everyone option is selected in the Group or user names box.
    3. In the Permissions for Everyone box, ensure that read permission is enabled. Click the check box in the Allow column for Read.
    4. Click OK. You are returned to the Properties window of the directory for which you want to set up shared access.
    5. Click OK.
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