DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Installing DB2 Servers > Additional Linux and UNIX requirements >

Multiple DB2 copies on the same computer (Linux and UNIX®)

DB2® products can be installed to an installation path of your choice. DB2 products can also be installed multiple times on a single machine. Each DB2 Copy can be at the same or different code levels.

Root installations of DB2 products can be installed to an installation path of your choice. Unless specified otherwise, the default installation paths are:

If you are using the DB2 Setup wizard and choose to install a new DB2 copy when the default installation path is already in use, the default path becomes:

where ## is a zero-prefixed sequential number in the range 01 to 99. The first occurrence of modifying the default path is _01. For example, a DB2 product is installed using the DB2 Setup wizard without specifying an installation path, and, the default installation path /opt/ibm/db2/V9.7 is already in use, the DB2 product will be installed in the new default path /opt/ibm/db2/V9.7_01.

If you install a DB2 copy using an installation method other than the DB2 Setup wizard, you must specify the installation path. Automatic sequential incrementation of the default path only occurs when the DB2 Setup wizard is used to install a DB2 copy. Regardless of the installation method, another full product cannot be installed in the path of another DB2 copy (such as /opt/ibm/db2/V9.7). A DB2 copy installed to a subdirectory of an existing DB2 copy is not supported because all copies are rendered unusable.

With the ability to install multiple copies of DB2 products on your system and the flexibility to install DB2 products and features in the path of your choice, the db2ls command helps you keep track of what is installed and where it is installed. Run the db2ls command to locate DB2 products installed on your system.

The following restrictions apply when installing multiple DB2 copies on one system:

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