DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Installing DB2 Servers > Additional Windows requirements >

Preparing the environment for a partitioned DB2 server (Windows)

This topic describes the steps required to prepare your Windows® environment for a partitioned installation of the DB2® product.

Each participating computer must have the same operating system.

To prepare your Windows environment for installation:

  1. Ensure that the primary computer and participating computers belong to the same Windows domain. Check the domain to which the computer belongs by using the System Properties dialog, accessible through the Control Panel.
  2. Ensure that time and date settings on the primary computer and participating computers are consistent. To be considered consistent, the difference in GMT time between all computers must be no greater than one hour.

    System date and time can be modified using the Date/Time Properties dialog, accessible through the Control Panel. You can use the max_time_diff configuration parameter to change this restriction. The default is max_time_diff = 60, which allows a difference of less than 60 minutes.

  3. Ensure that each computer object that participates in the partitioned database environment has the "Trust computer for delegation" privilege flagged. You can verify that the "Trust computer for delegation" checkbox on the General tab of each computer's account Properties dialog box in the Active Directory Users and Computers console is checked.
  4. Ensure that all participating computers can communicate with each other using TCP/IP:
    1. On one participating computer, enter the hostname command, which will return the hostname of the computer.
    2. On another participating computer, enter the following command:
           ping hostname
      where hostname represents the hostname of the primary computer. If the test is successful, you will receive output similar to the following:
      Pinging ServerA.ibm.com [] with 32 bytes of data:
      Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
      Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
      Reply from bytes=32 time<10ms TTL=128
      Repeat these steps until you are sure that all participating computers can communicate with each other using TCP/IP. Each computer must have a static IP address.

      If you are planning to use multiple network adapters, you can specify which adapter to use to communicate between database partition servers. Use thedb2nchg command to specify the netname field in the db2nodes.cfg file after the installation is complete.

  5. During the installation you will be asked to provide a DB2 Administration Server user account. This is a local or domain user account that will be used by the DB2 Administration Server (DAS). The DAS is an administration service used to support the GUI tools and assist with administration tasks. You can define a user now or have the DB2 Setup wizard create one for you. If you want to create a new domain user using the DB2 Setup wizard, the account used to perform the installation must have authority to create domain users.
  6. On the primary computer, where you will install the instance-owning partition, you must have a domain user account that belongs to the local Administrators group. You will log on as this user when you install DB2. You must add the same user account to the local Administrators group on each participating computer. This user must have the Act as part of the operating system user right.
  7. Ensure that all computers in the instance have the database directory on the same local drive letter. You can check this condition by running the GET DATABASE CONFIGURATION command and verifying the value of the DFTDBPATH DBM configuration parameter.
  8. During the installation you will be asked to provide a domain user account to be associated with the DB2 instance. Every DB2 instance has one user assigned. DB2 logs on with this user name when the instance is started. You can define a user now, or you can have the DB2 Setup wizard create a new domain user for you.

    When adding a new node to a partitioned environment the DB2 copy name must be the same on all computers.

    If you want to create a new domain user using the DB2 Setup wizard, the account used to perform the installation must have authority to create domain users. The instance user domain account must belong to the local Administrators group on all the participating computers and will be granted the following user rights:

    If extended security was selected, the account must also be a member of the DB2ADMNS group. The DB2ADMNS group already has these privileges so the privileges are already explicitly added to the account.

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