DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Uninstalling >

Uninstalling fix packs

For Linux® and UNIX® operating systems, you can go back to an earlier fix pack level by reinstalling an earlier fix pack. On Windows® operating systems, after a fix pack is applied, you cannot go back to a previous fix pack unless you uninstall the current fix pack, then install the previous fix pack.

  1. On Linux or UNIX operating systems, to uninstall a fix pack, use the installFixPack command with the force option (-f) to bypass the level check. The command must be run from the lower level fix pack image. For example:
    ./installFixPack -f level -b DB2DIR
  2. On Windows operating system, to uninstall a fix pack, use the Add/Remove Programs window, accessible through the Windows Control Panel. Refer to your operating system's help for more information about removing software products from your Windows operating system.

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