DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
After you install a DB2 Server product > Post-installation tasks >

Main menu entries for DB2 tools (Linux)

After installation, you can add several DB2® tools to the Main menu.

On Linux® operating systems, the following DB2 tools can be added to the Main menu:

These DB2 tools can be added to the main menu automatically or manually. Main menu entries are created automatically when any of the following DB2 commands are run:

The db2icrt and db2iupdt commands must be run by root. The db2nrcfg and db2nrupdt are for non-root install and are run by the instance owner.

To see the menu entries you might need to restart the desktop.

The main menu entries are automatically removed when either of the following commands are run:

In addition, you can manually create or remove main menu entries by running the following commands:

Before running the db2addicons command, the DB2 instance environment must be set for the current user. The instance environment can be setup with: Instance_HOME/sqllib/db2profile (for Bourne shell and Korn shell users), or Instance_HOME/sqllib/db2chsrc (for C shell users), where Instance_HOME is the instance owner's home directory.

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