DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
After you install a DB2 Server product > Post-installation tasks >

First Steps interface

First Steps is a DB2® setup tool which introduces which directs you to the information required to accomplish your tasks after you install DB2 database products.

From First Steps you can:

Product updates

Ensure that you are aware of the available product updates and enhancements for DB2 database products. With the update service you can view a list of available DB2 database product updates, and learn details about DB2 database product updates.

Running First Steps

You can manually start First Steps using the db2fs command:

   $ db2fs

On Linux® and UNIX® operating systems
The db2fs command is located in the INSTHOME/sqllib/bin directory, where INSTHOME is the instance home directory. You need SYSADM authority to run this command.

Alternatively, on Linux operating systems you can start First Steps from Main Menu by selecting IBM DB2 -> First Steps.

On Windows® operating system
The db2fs command is located in the DB2DIR\bin directory, where DB2DIR is set to the location you specified during the DB2 installation.

Alternatively, you can start First Steps from the Start menu by selecting Programs -> IBM DB2 -> [DB2 Copy Name] -> Set Up Tools -> First Steps or from the DB2 database product folder on the desktop.

To make full use of the resources provided by First Steps, you must have an internet connection and access to the online DB2 Information Center.

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