DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
After you install a DB2 Server product > Verifying your installation >

Verifying the installation of DB2 servers using First Steps (Linux and Windows)

You can verify that the DB2® server installation has completed successfully by accessing data from the SAMPLE database.

You must have the Control Center and the First Steps component installed to perform this task.

First Steps is listed as a getting started component in the feature selection window in the DB2 Setup wizard. It is installed as part of a Typical installation or can be selected when performing a Custom installation.

The Control Center component is only available on Linux® (x86 and AMD64/EM64T only) and Windows® (x86 and AMD64/EM64T only).

  1. On Linux, log on to the system as the instance owner.
  2. Start First Steps:
  3. You have the options to choose the type of database objects to create and the database location. You can choose the drive on which to create the SAMPLE database on Windows, and the directory in which to create the SAMPLE database on Linux.
  4. This command can take a few minutes to process. When the SAMPLE database has been created, you will receive a completion message. Click OK.
  5. Start the Control Center. On Windows, click Start and, select Programs -> IBM DB2 -> [DB2 Copy Name] -> General Administration Tools --> Control Center. On Linux systems, type the db2cc command.
  6. In the left pane of the Control Center screen, expand the object tree to view the SAMPLE database and SAMPLE database objects. Select the Tables object to view the SAMPLE database tables in the right pane of the Control Center screen. Right-click the table name staff and select Query. In the command editor window, click the run button to run the query and see the result set.

After you have verified the installation, you can remove the SAMPLE database to free up disk space. However, keep the SAMPLE database if you plan to make use of the sample applications.

Enter the db2 drop database sample command to drop the SAMPLE database.

You can also use First Steps to check for product updates to ensure that you are aware of the available product updates and enhancements for DB2 products.

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