DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Installing DB2 Servers >

Installation requirements for DB2 database products

Before you install your DB2® product, ensure that the system you choose meets the necessary operating system, hardware, software, communications, disk and memory requirements.

Disk and memory requirements
The disk space required for your product depends on the type of installation you choose and the type of file system you have. Likewise, memory requirements are affected by the size and complexity of your database system.
DB2 database and IBM® data server client products
There is a list of operating system, software, and hardware prerequisites that must be met for each operating system, as follows:
Installation requirements for DB2® Connect™ products
There is a list of operating system, software, and hardware prerequisites that must be met for each operating system, as follows:
Java software support for DB2 products
You require the appropriate level of IBM Software Development Kit (SDK) for Java™ to use Java-based tools and to create and run Java applications, including stored procedures and user-defined functions.
Virtualization support
For details about virtualization technology supported by DB2 products, see http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/wikis/display/im/DB2+Virtualization+Support.
Installation requirements for DB2 Query Patroller products
Installation requirements for DB2 Spatial Extender
Installation requirements for InfoSphere™ Federation Server products
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