DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
IBM data server clients and drivers overview > Installation methods for IBM data server clients >

Options for connecting to DB2 databases

This section outlines the options for what you can install on a machine (the local system) to enable it to connect to a database on a different machine (the remote system). To select a suitable option, you first need to consider whether the local system is:

You also need to determine where the databases reside that you want to connect to. The databases could be located:

Options for business user systems or application servers

Typically, when a business application connects to a database, one of the following topologies is involved:

If a DB2 server is installed on the same machine as the application, there is no need to install a separate client. The DB2 server product includes functionality to enable applications to connect to local databases and to connect to databases on remote machines, as well.

If the machine with the application does not also have a DB2 server, you have the following options to enable applications to connect to remote DB2 databases:

Options for application development workstations

The IBM Data Server Client provides all the functionality of the IBM Data Server Runtime Client plus tools used for client-server configuration, database administration and application development. The points below describe the role and setup of the Data Server Client in light of the other tools and products used by application developers.

There are several tools and products typically used by application developers who write code to access a DB2 database. Each developer workstation typically includes the following components:

With the foregoing as context, the value of the Data Server Client is that it provides headers and libraries required to compile applications and provides tools for database administration. However, it is not always necessary to install the Data Server Client to obtain these tools. Any time a DB2 server is installed on a machine, there is no need to install a separate IBM data server client. The DB2 server product includes all functionality available in a standalone Data Server Client.

Options for administrator workstations

A database administrator can perform administration tasks on remote databases in one of two major ways. They use a tool, such as telnet, to connect to an individual database server machine and run DB2 administrator commands locally. Alternatively, they can run tools and commands from their workstation that make connections to the remote databases. This section focuses on the second case which involves choices about which IBM data server client to use and where to install it.

DB2 provides various means to perform administration activities on one or more DB2 servers remotely from an administrator workstation. The options and considerations are the following:

Options for connecting to midrange and mainframe databases

With DB2® Connect™ products, you can connect to DB2 databases on mainframe and midrange platforms, namely OS/390® and z/OS®, System i®, VSE, and VM. You can also connect to non-IBM databases that comply with the Distributed Relational Database Architecture™ (DRDA®). With DB2 Connect, you can connect from a user's workstation or from a DB2 for Linux®, UNIX®, or Windows server.

The options and considerations are the following:

Both options can be used concurrently. For example, a workstation can connect to a midrange or mainframe database in the following ways:

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