DB2 Version 9.7 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
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Installing IBM Data Server Driver Package (Windows)

On Windows® platforms, IBM® Data Server Driver Package simplifies application deployment. This driver, which has a small footprint, is designed to be redistributed by independent software vendors (ISVs) and to be used for application distribution in mass deployment scenarios typical of large enterprises.

IBM Data Server Driver Package is not part of IBM Data Server Client or IBM Data Server Runtime Client. IBM Data Server Driver Package must be installed separately. No other DB2® database product can be installed in the same path if IBM Data Server Driver Package is already installed.

IBM Data Server Driver Package is installed by running the DB2 setup.exe from the product DVD. There are separate install images for each language.

To install IBM Data Server Driver Package using a response file, or to install it from a fix pack image, you can run the DB2 setup.exe from the command line. A sample response file is located in the \samples subdirectory. For fix pack images, you can download the setup.exe command from https://www14.software.ibm.com/webapp/iwm/web/reg/pick.do?lang=en_US&source=swg-idsc11.

The default installation path of IBM Data Server Driver Package is Program Files\IBM\IBM DATA SERVER DRIVER. If a second copy is installed in the same machine, the default directory name is Program Files\IBM\IBM DATA SERVER DRIVER_02. In general, the default directory name is IBM DATA SERVER DRIVER_nn where nn is the generated number to make this directory unique.

If you want to install more than one copy of IBM Data Server Driver Package, you can have a maximum of 16 copies. Each copy must be installed to different directories. The default copy name of IBM Data Server Driver Package is IBMDBCL1. If there are further drivers are installed on your machine, they will receive default names: IBMDBCL2, IBMDBCL3, and so on.

Installation of multiple copies is an advanced installation method that is not recommended for most users.

After installing IBM Data Server Driver Package, you can optionally create and populate the configuration file, db2dsdriver.cfg, with database directory information.

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