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UpP3ܷ4l67yT9;#<)=.?2@u.B#DG6IL   /x SU-UVWa,ņ [o= `B5#`54<uDq%V2&&a' ;eg]i :lf*0+|rtvug-/=0yn}1)2z7 73&~HPdF,SNB qjokqMv"vxI~5DBI1001I Usage: db2icrt [-h|-?] [-d] [-a AuthType] [-p PortName] [-s InstType] -u FencedID InstName Explanation: An invalid argument was entered for the db2icrt command. Valid arguments for this command are: -h|-? display the usage information. -d turn debug mode on. -a AuthType is the authentication type (SERVER, CLIENT, or SERVER_ENCRYPT) for the instance. -p PortName is the port name or port number to be used by this instance. -s InstType is the type of instance to be created (ese,wse, standalone, or client). ese used to create an instance for a DB2 database server with local and remote clients with DPF support. This type is the default instance type for DB2 Enterprise Server Edition. wse used to create an instance for a DB2 database server with local and remote clients. This type is the default instance type for DB2 Workgroup Edition, DB2 Express or Express-C Edition, and DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition. standalone used to create an instance for a DB2 database server with local clients. This type is the default instance type for DB2 Personal Edition. client used to create an instance for a IBM Data Server Client. This type is the default instance type for IBM Data Server Client products and DB2 Connect Personal Edition. DB2 products support their default instance types and the instance types lower than their default ones. For instance, DB2 Enterprise Edition supports the instance types of 'ese', 'wse', 'standalone' and 'client'. -u FencedID is the name of the user under which fenced UDFs and fenced stored procedures will be run. This flag is not required if only a IBM Data Server Client is installed. InstName is the name of the instance. User response: Confirm that user IDs and group names used to create the DB2 instance are valid. For information about naming rules, see the topic called "User, user ID and group naming rules" in the DB2 Information Center. Refer to the DB2 Information Center for a detailed description of the command. Correct the syntax and reissue the command. DBI1002I Usage: db2uit [-d] [-Q] [-D] [-q ] [-i ] [-a ] [-r ] [-p ] Explanation: An invalid argument was entered for the db2uit command. Valid arguments for this command are: -d turn debug mode on -q query a field given the search parameters. Without -q, this becomes an update (if -i ID is already present) or insert. Valid fields: i, r, a, p -i ID of the entry -r run levels -a action to perform -p process to launch -Q Quiet: no output -D Delete record FileName file to modify RETURN CODES: -q If no field matches, non-zero, zero otherwise update/insert If file could not be updated, non-zero, zero otherwise User response: Rerun the command with valid arguments. DBI1003I Usage: dlfmcrt [-b BackupDir] -p PortName -g DLFMGid DLFMAdmin Explanation: An invalid argument was entered for the dlfmcrt command. Valid arguments for this command are: -h|-? display the usage information. -p PortName is the port name or port number to be used by this instance. -b BackupDir is the directory to be used to create the backup of the dlfm database in. -g DLFMGid is the DLFM Admin group (this group must be a secondary group of DLFMAdmin) DLFMAdmin is the name of the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator. User response: Enter the command again as follows: dlfmcrt -p PortNum -g DLFMGid DLFMAdmin DBI1004W %s detected. This DB2 copy may encounter problems loading its libraries. Explanation: The db2ln command was run from another DB2 copy which creates symlinks in /usr/lib. These symlinks interfere with multiple DB2 copies running on the same system, whether those copies are the same version at different fixpacks, or different versions. User response: From the installation path where the db2ln command was run, run the db2rmln command to remove these links. DBI1006I Usage: db2idrop [-h|-?] [-d] [-f] InstName Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered for the db2idrop command. Valid arguments for this command are: -h|-? display the usage information. -d turn debug mode on. -f This option is deprecated. This option flags applications. If this flag is specified all applications using the instance will be forced to terminate. InstName specifies the name of the instance. User response: Enter the command again using valid parameters. DBI1007I Usage: dlfmdrop DLFMAdmin Explanation: An invalid argument was entered for the dlfmdrop command. Valid arguments for this command are: -h|-? display the usage information. DLFMAdmin is the name of the DB2 data Links Manager Administrator. User response: Enter the command again as follows: dlfmdrop DLFMAdmin DBI1008E Install media and AIX version mismatch. Explanation: Installing DB2 64-bit on AIX requires different CDs for AIX version 4 and AIX version 5. db2setup has detected that your system is running AIX version 5, but you are installing from the DB2 for AIX version 4 CD. User response: Insert the DB2 for AIX version 5 CD and try the installation again. DBI1009E Install media and AIX version mismatch. Explanation: Installing DB2 64-bit on AIX requires different CDs for AIX version 4 and AIX version 5. db2setup has detected that your system is running AIX version 4, but you are installing from the DB2 for AIX version 5 CD. User response: Insert the DB2 for AIX version 4 CD and try the installation again. DBI1011I Usage: db2iupdt [-h | -?] [-d] [-k] [-s] [-D] [-a AuthType] [-u FencedID] {-e | InstName} Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered for the DB2IUPDT command. Valid arguments for this command are: -h|-? display the usage information -d turn debug mode on. -k keep the current instance type during the update. -s ignore existing SPM log directory -D updates the instance to a code level that is lower than the current code level. This option is only valid in a multiple fix pack environment. -a AuthType is the authentication type (SERVER, CLIENT, or SERVER_ENCRYPT) for the instance. The default is SERVER. -u FencedID is the name of the user under which fenced UDFs and fenced stored procedures will be run. This flag is not required if only a IBM Data Server Client is installed. -e specifies that every instance is updated. InstName is the name of the instance. User response: Enter the command again with the proper options and arguments. DBI1013I Usage: dlfmupdt [-h|-?] DLFMAdmin Explanation: An invalid argument was entered for the dlfmupdt command. Valid arguments for this command are: -h|-? display the usage information. DLFMAdmin is the name of the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator. User response: Enter the command again as follows: dlfmupdt [-h|-?] DLFMAdmin DBI1014E Instance upgrade to 32-bit is not supported. Explanation: Upgrading from 64-bit to 32-bit is not supported in this version. User response: No actions required. DBI1015I Usage: db2iupgrade [-d] [-a ] [-u ] [-k] Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered. Valid arguments for this command are: -h|-? displays the usage information -d turns debug mode on. -a AuthType specifies the authentication type (SERVER, CLIENT, or SERVER_ENCRYPT) the instance. -u FencedID specifies the name of the user under which fenced UDFs and fenced Stored Procedures will be run. This flag is not required if only a IBM Data Server Client is installed. -k keeps the pre-upgrade instance type if it is supported in the DB2 copy from where you are running the db2iupgrade command. If this parameter is not specified, the instance type is upgraded to the default instance type supported. InstName specifies the name of the instance. User response: For more information about this command, refer to the DB2 Information Center. Enter the command again as follows: db2iupgrade [-a ] -u DBI1016I Program %s is performing uninstallation. Please wait. DBI1017I installFixPack is updating the DB2 product(s) installed in location %s. DBI1018I Usage: db2istop [-h|-?] [-d] [-f] InstName Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered. Valid arguments for this command are: -h|-? display the usage information -d turn debug mode on. -f is the force applications flag. If this flag is specified then all applications using the instance will be forced to terminate. InstName is the name of the instance. User response: Enter the command again. DBI1019E DB2 Administration Server %s cannot be updated. Explanation: An attempt to update the DB2 Administration Server %s has failed because: * This version of the dasupdt command cannot be used to update the DB2 Administration Server. * To use this level of code for the DB2 Administration Server, an upgrade is required (instead of an update). User response: To move the DB2 Administration Server up to this code level, issue the dasmigr command from the /instance directory to upgrade the DB2 Administration Server. DBI1020I Usage: db2setup [-h|-?] [-t ] [-r ] [-l ] [-i ] [-f ]Explanation: Valid arguments for this command are: -h|-? Displays help information. -t Turns on the debug mode. The debug information is written to the file name specified. -r Performs a response file install using the file name specified. -l Writes the log to the file name specified. For root installations, the default log file is /tmp/db2setup.log. For non-root installations, the default log file is /tmp/db2setup_.log, where represents the user ID that owns the non-root installation. If the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) is being installed with db2setup, the install log file for the SA MP will be located in the same directory as DB2 log files. -i Displays the db2setup utility in the language specified. -f This applies to the non-root upgrade only. Force db2setup to not backup installation files when the components are updated. If you choose not to backup the files, the space requirement of the installation directory is reduced. However, choosing not to backup the files also means that if any errors occur, the DB2 installer will not be able to perform a rollback operation. In this case, you will need to manually clean up the files and reinstall the product. User response: Reenter the command. DBI1021I Usage: db2imigrev [-h|-?] [-m Version] InstName Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered. Valid arguments for this command are: -h|-? display the usage information. -d turn debug mode on. -m specify DB2 version. Version is the version the instance will be migrated backward to. InstName is the name of the instance which will be migrated backward from version 8 to the previous version of DB2. User response: Enter the command again as follows: db2imigrev [-h|-?] InstName DBI1022I Usage: db2imigrev [-h|-?] [-f] InstName Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered. Valid arguments for this command are: -h|-? display the usage information -d turn debug mode on. -f is the force applications flag. If this flag is specified then all applications using the instance will be forced to terminate. InstName is the name of the instance which will be migrated backward from version 8 to a previous version of DB2. User response: Enter the command again as follows: db2imigrev [-h|-?] [-f] InstName DBI1023I Usage: db2ginfo [-h|-?] [-y] [-c InstName [-a AuthType] [-u FencedID]] OutputDir Explanation: An invalid argument was entered for the db2ginfo command. Valid arguments for this command are: -h|-? display usage information. -y executes script (only shows warning otherwise). -c InstName specify instance to test. -a AuthType specify authentication type (SERVER, CLIENT, or SERVER_ENCRYPT). -u FencedID specify fenced user ID. OutputDir is the directory where the output file, dbginfo.txt, will go. User response: Enter the command again as follows: db2ginfo [-h|-?] [-y] [-c InstName [-a AuthType] [-u FencedID]] OutputDir DBI1024I Usage: db2iauto [-h|-?] -on|-off InstName Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered. Valid arguments for this command are: -h|-? display the usage information -on|-off enables or disables autostarting of an instance. InstName is the name of the instance. User response: Enter the command again as follows: db2iauto [-h|-?] -on|-off InstName DBI1025I Usage: dascrt [-d] -u ASUser Explanation: An invalid argument was entered for the dascrt command. Valid arguments for this command are: -d enters debug mode, for use with DB2 Service -u ASUser is the user the DAS will run under User response: Enter the command again as follows: dascrt -u ASUser Confirm that user IDs and group names used to create the DB2 instance are valid. Related information User, user ID and group naming rules dascrt - Create a DB2 administration server command DBI1026I Usage: dlfmfsmd [-h|-?] [-j] dlfsMntPt Explanation: An invalid argument was entered for the dlfmfsmd command. Valid arguments for this command are: -h|-? display the usage information. -j modify the named file system from dlfs to jfs on AIX or ufs on Solaris Operating Environment. dlfsMntPt Mount Point for Data Links Manager Filter file system (including the slash: /). User response: Enter the command again as follows: dlfmfsmd dlfsMntPt DBI1027I Usage: %s [-d] Explanation: An invalid argument was entered for the command. Valid arguments for this command are: -d enters debug mode, for use with DB2 Service User response: Review the command syntax and enter the command again. DBI1028I Usage: dasupdt [-d] [-D] [-h|-?] Explanation: An invalid argument was entered for the dasupdt command. Valid arguments for this command are: -d enters debug mode, for use with DB2 Service -D Moves the DAS from a higher code level on one path to a lower code level installed on another path. -h|-? Displays usage information. User response: Enter the command again as follows: dasupdt Related information dasupdt - Update DAS command DBI1029I Usage: db2nqadm [start|stop] Explanation: An invalid argument was entered for the db2nqadm command. Valid arguments for this command are: start start all NetQ services and daemon stop stop all NetQ services and daemon You must specify one of the arguments. User response: Enter the command again with the proper argument. DBI1030E Kernel parameter %s must be set to %s. Explanation: DB2 requires certain kernel parameters to be updated. User response: * Update all necessary kernel parameters. * Reboot the system * Try this command again Related information Modifying kernel parameters (Linux) Modifying kernel parameters (HP-UX) Modifying kernel parameters (Solaris Operating System) DBI1031E The product you selected requires either DB2 Workgroup Server Edition or DB2 Enterprise Server Edition installed first. User response: * Install either DB2 Workgroup Server Edition or DB2 Enterprise Server Edition. * Try to install the product again. DBI1032E The product you selected can not be installed on AIX with a version less than 4.3 Explanation: The DB2 product you selected requires an AIX version that is 4.3 or greater. DBI1033E The product you selected requires DB2 Enterprise Server Edition installed first. User response: * Install either DB2 Enterprise Server Edition * Try to install the product again. DBI1034W Missing prerequisite package. Explanation: One of the following packages has been selected for installation: %s Either the installed %s file set level is below %s or it cannot be detected. User response: Ensure the %s file set is version %s or higher. Your %s level will not affect the installation of DB2. DBI1035E Failed to mount file system %s. Explanation: An attempt to mount the specified file system has failed. User response: Verify that the file system is defined. Correct any errors from the mount command and try again. DBI1036E Failed to unmount file system %s. Explanation: An attempt to unmount the specified file system has failed. User response: Correct any errors from the umount command and try again. DBI1037E File system %s does not exist. Explanation: The file system specified is not defined on this workstation. User response: Define the file system on the workstation and try again. DBI1038E File system %s cannot be modified. User response: Ensure that you have write permission to the system file that contains file system definition, and try again. DBI1039W Missing prerequsite package. Explanation: One of the following packages has been selected for installation: %s However, the installed %s file set level is below %s User response: Install the %s file set version %s which is provided on the CD. DBI1040I The translated version of following message is not available on this system. User response: The translated version of following message is not available on this system. Please refer to the "Installation.Notes" file in the PRODDIR/Readme/LOCALE directory, where PRODDIR is the product directory and LOCALE is the locale name. For example, the product directory is: /usr/opt/db2_08_xx, where xx is 01 or FPn, where n is the FixPak number or /opt/IBM/db2/V8.x, where x is 1 or FPn, where n is the FixPak number DBI1041E File system %s cannot be converted to dlfs. Explanation: The File-systems "/", "/var", "/usr", and "/tmp" cannot be converted to a dlfs File-system. This has been done to avoid booting problems that may arise by making these dlfs File-systems. User response: Run the command again specifying a different File-system. DBI1042E Base File-system %s cannot be changed to dlfs. Explanation: On Aix, a File-system can be changed to dlfs only if its vfs is fsm or jfs. Dlfs is not supported for any other vfs. User response: Run the command again on a jfs or fsm file system. DBI1043E The product you selected requires DB2 Administration Client installed first. User response: * Install DB2 Administration Client. * Try to install the product again. DBI1044E The installation of the DB2 National Language Package cannot begin because there is no prerequisite DB2 product installed at this install location: %s. Explanation: The DB2 National Language Package can only be used to add national language support to installed DB2 products that include: DBI1045I An invalid argument was entered for the db2_install command. Explanation: The syntax for the db2_install command is: db2_install [-b ] [-p ] [-c ] [-l ] [-f NOTSAMP] [-f nobackup] [-f ignoreType1] [-t ] [-n] [-m] [-L ] [-h|-?] For details about the parameters of the db2_install command, refer to the topic called "db2_install - Install DB2 product command" in the DB2 Information Center. User response: Enter the command again using valid parameters. DBI1046I Usage: doce_install [-b ] [-p ] [-c ] [-l ] [-t ] [-n] [-L ] [-h|-?] Explanation: -b Specifies the path where the DB2 product will be installed. Mandatory when -n is specified. The length of the path is limited to 128 characters and is a full path name. -p Specifies the DB2 product to be installed. Mandatory when -n is specified. -c Specifies the location of the related DB2 National Language Pack (NLPACK). This parameter is mandatory when -n is specified. The DB2 NLPACK locations needs to be provided explicitly if the all of the following conditions are all met: * The -n option is specified * The current installation requires needs to install National Language (non-English) language supports * The DB2 NLPACK is neither on the DB2 DVD nor in the same subdirectory as the DB2 product being installed -l Specifies the log file. The default log file is /tmp/doce_install.log$$, where $$ is the process id. -t Turns on the debug mode. The debug information is written to the file name specified. -n Specifies non-interactive mode. When specified, you must also specify -b, -p, and -c. -L Specifies national language support. To install multiple languages at the same time, this parameter can be specified multiple times. For example, to install both English and German, specify -L EN -L DE. -h|-? Displays help information. User response: Reenter the command. DBI1047I An invalid argument was entered for the db2_deinstall command. Explanation: The syntax for the db2_deinstall command is: db2_deinstall -F | -a | -r [-l ] [-b ] [-t ] [-f sqllib] [-h|-?] User response: Enter the command again using valid parameters. Related information db2_deinstall - Uninstall DB2 database products, features, or languages command DBI1048I Usage: doce_deinstall -a [-l ] [-b ] [-t ] [-r ] [-h|-?]Explanation: -a Removes all installed DB2 products in the current location. -b This option is valid if the command is run from the DB2 media. It specifies the absolute path where the DB2 product was installed and will be uninstalled. The command will prompt for the path if the option is not specified. -l Specifies the log file. The default log file is /tmp/doce_deinstall.log$$, where $$ is the process id. -t Turns on the debug mode. The debug information is written to the file name specified. -r Removes the Information Center using a response file. For example, doce_deinstall -r db2un.rsp. Cannot be combined with the -a parameter. -h|-? Displays help information. User response: Reenter the command. DBI1049I Usage: db2ls [-q] [-b ] [-c] [-f ] [-l ] [-p] [-a] Explanation: -q Specifies that this is a query of the local components. By default, only the visible components (features) are displayed unless -a is also specified. -b Mandatory when -q is specified and you are running the global db2ls command. -c Prints the output as a colon-separated list of entries rather than column-based. Allows you to use shell scripts to accurately work with this information. For example: #FEATURE:NAME:VRMF:FIXPACK: SPECIALINSTALL:PREREQS. -f Queries to check if the specific feature is installed. If the feature is installed, the return code is zero. If the feature is not installed, the return code is non-zero. -l Specifies the log file. The default log file is /tmp/db2ls.log -p Lists the DB2 products installed. Cannot be combined with -f or -a. -a Lists all hidden components and visible features. The default is to only list visible features. User response: Reenter the command. DBI1050E Unsupported operating system - %s, version %s. Explanation: Your current operating system is not supported or this version of the operating system is not supported. Related information Installation requirements for DB2 servers and IBM data server clients (AIX) Installation requirements for DB2 servers and IBM data server clients (Linux) Installation requirements for DB2 servers and IBM data server clients (Solaris) Installation requirements for DB2 servers and IBM data server clients (Windows) Installation requirements for DB2 servers and IBM data server clients (HP-UX) DBI1051E You cannot execute this program as root. Explanation: This program can only be run under a non-root user ID. User response: Login as an user ID other than root, and issue the command again. DBI1052E You must be root to execute this program. Explanation: This program can only be run under the root user ID. Special privileges are required to execute this program. User response: Login as root and issue the command again. DBI1053E File system of type %s is not supported. Explanation: Creating the instance's home directory on this type of file system is not supported. Instance's home directory must exist either on a local file system or on a NFS mounted file system. User response: Change the home directory to a supported file system and recreate the instance. DBI1054I An invalid argument was entered for the installFixPack command. Explanation: The syntax for the installFixPack command is: installFixPack [-b ] [-c ] [-f level] [-f db2lib] [-f install|update] [-f NOTSAMP] [-f noWPAR] [-f nobackup] [-l ] [-t ] [-n] [-h|-?] For details about the parameters of the installFixPack command, refer to the topic called "installFixPack - Update installed DB2 products command" in the DB2 Information Center. User response: Enter the command again using valid parameters. DBI1055E The message file %s cannot be found. Explanation: The message file required by the instance commands is missing from the system; it may have been deleted or the database products may not be installed properly. User response: Verify that the product option containing the message file is installed correctly. If there are verification errors, reinstall the product option. DBI1056I Usage: db2chgpath [-d] [-f ] Explanation: -d Turns debug mode on. -f Specifies a specific file name to update the runtime path. The specified file name should have the path name relative to the base of the current DB2 install location. Root authority is required, and this command must be run directly from DB2DIR/install directory. User response: Reenter the command. DBI1057E Required locale %s is not available. Explanation: The required locale directory, /usr/lib/locale/LANG/LC_MESSAGES, does not exist, where LANG is the name of your current locale. User response: Verify that the specified locale has been installed correctly. Also check for the read and execute permissions are set correctly on that directory. DBI1058E gunzip command not found. Explanation: The gunzip utility must be available on your system to install or update DB2 products. User response: Ensure the gunzip utility is installed in the PATH environment variable. Reenter the command. DBI1059E There still exists DB2 instance(s) related to the current installation directory where DB2 Suite filesets are going to be completely uninstalled. The deinstallation process can't continue because of this. User response: 1. If the deinstallation is for moving up or down DB2 level for the current DB2 installation, you need to use installFixPack in the DB2 images of the desired DB2 Level to update the current DB2 installation. 2. If the purpose is to uninstall then reinstall DB2 in the same location, use installFixpack with the -f option. 3. If the purpose is to just uninstall DB2 in the current location, you need to drop the DB2 instances related to the installation directory if they are not needed any more. Or you need to update the DB2 instances to other DB2 installation location for the same version of DB2 and then restart db2_deinstall. DBI1060E Invalid package name %s. Explanation: An incorrect name has been entered. The package either does not exist or the name has been entered incorrectly. User response: Check to see if the name of the given package exists on the distribution media. If so, examine the name to see if it has been misspelled. All package names should be in lower case. DBI1061E A file set or package name %s is missing. Explanation: An error occurred when verifying software pre-requisites. The above file set or package must be installed before using this command. User response: Check to see if the name of the given package has been installed on your system. DBI1062E A file set or package name %s is missing. Explanation: The above file set or package must be installed before using this command. User response: Install the file set or package and then reissue this command. DBI1063E PTF or patch %s is missing. Explanation: The above PTF or patch must be installed before using this command. This PTF or patch is required to complete this command successfully. User response: Install the required PTF or patch and and enter this command again. DBI1064E The user %s is being used by the DB2 instance and thus can not be used to create the DB2 Administration Server. Explanation: The user that is being used to create the DB2 Administration Server is being used by the DB2 instance. You should not create the DB2 Administration Server with this user. User response: Use a different user name that is not being used by the DB2 instance to create the DB2 Administration Server. DBI1065E Program %s terminated prematurely. Explanation: An error has occurred during the execution and that has caused this program to terminate prematurely. User response: Correct the problem and try the command again. DBI1066E Program %s terminated by request. Explanation: This program has been terminated by the user. User response: Issue the same command to restart the program. DBI1067E DB2 Product Library for locale %s is not installed. Explanation: No compressed-tar HTML files can be found in the DB2DIR/doc/%s/html directory, where DB2DIR = /usr/opt/db2_08_xx, where xx is 01 or FPn, where n is the FixPak number or /opt/IBM/db2/V8.x, where x is 1 or FPn, where n is the FixPak number User response: Install the DB2 Product Library for the required locale and issue this command again. DBI1068E There is not enough space to uncompress and un-tar all the HTML file in the directory %s. Explanation: After uncompress and un-tar, all the HTML files cannot be saved in the above directory because the file system is full. User response: Increase the size of the file system or free up sufficient disk space in the file system. Issue the command again. DBI1069E Unexpected error. Function = %s, Return code = %s. Explanation: An unexpected error occurred during the execution of this program. User response: If the problem persists, contact IBM Support with the following information: * Message number * Function name * Return code * Problem description DBI1070I Program %s completed successfully. DBI1071E There was a problem to untar the file %s. DBI1072I db2licm failed to update the nodelock file. Refer to the log file %s for more information. Explanation: db2licm failed to add the license to the nodelock file, so DB2 will run with a Try-and-Buy license until a product license is installed. User response: Try the command again and if it continues to fail, manually add the license key to the nodelock file. Related information DB2 license files db2licm - License management tool command DBI1073E The -b is required for the installer script %s. DBI1074E Administration server does not exist. Explanation: An attempt was made to update or upgrade an administration server. An administration server does not exist. User response: Create an administration server using the dascrt command. DBI1075E Administration server cannot be migrated. Explanation: The administration server cannot me migrated. The administration server is running at a level which is not a supported DB2 migration level. User response: * If the administration server is running the same version as DB2, use dasupdt to update the administration server. * If the administration server is running an unsupported migration level, drop the administration server using the dasdrop command, and re-create the administration server using the dascrt command at the current DB2 level. DBI1077E The user %s is being used by the DB2 Administration Server and thus can not be used to create the DB2 instance. Explanation: The user that is being used to create the DB2 instance has been used by the DB2 Administration Server. You should not create the DB2 instance with this user. User response: Use a different user name that is not being used by the DB2 Administration Server to create the DB2 instance. DBI1078E Updating the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) failed. See the log file %s for details. (TSAMP_RC=%s). Explanation: The DB2 installer uses the installSAM utility to update the SA MP. The installSAM utility returned errors. The installSAM log file contains more complete information. TSAMP_RC is the return code fom the installSAM utility. Note that you must have root authority to use the DB2 installer to update SA MP. SA MP was not updated. User response: See the mentioned log file for details. To update SA MP manually, use the installSAM command. For more information about the installSAM command, see the SA MP Base Component documentation. Related information SA MP Base Component documentation DBI1079I Output is saved in the log file %s. Explanation: All processed and failed operations have been saved into this log file. User response: Do not modify this file in any way. This file is for IBM Technical Support reference. DBI1080E Disk full. Minimum space required in %s is %s KB, whereas only %s KB space is available. Explanation: There is not enough free space available in the file system or directory. User response: Free more disk space and retry the command. DBI1081E The file or directory %s is missing. Explanation: A file or directory that is required to process this command is missing. User response: If the file belongs to one of the database products then verify that the product is installed correctly and reinstall the product if necessary. If the file belongs to an instance then the instance may have already been removed or it may be corrupted. Check to see if the name of the given directory exists on your file system. If so, examine the name to see if it has been misspelled. Note that all file and directory names are case-sensitive on Unix. DBI1082E The file or directory %s already exists. Explanation: A file or directory that the command needs to create already exists. User response: Examine the specified file or directory. If the file or directory exists as a result of a previous successful completion of the command, no action is required. Otherwise, you need to either rename or remove the specified file or directory before trying the command again. DBI1083E An attempt to remove %s failed. Explanation: An error occurred when removing the given file or directory. This may be due to an inappropriate ownership on this given file or directory. User response: Adjust the file permissions or ownership of the specified file or directory and then issue the command again. DBI1084E An attempt to create %s failed. Explanation: An error occurred when creating the given file or directory. User response: Check that there is enough space in the file system and that you have write permission for the required directory. Suggested directory permissions are u=rwx,go=rx. DBI1085E An attempt to move the file or directory %s to %s failed. Explanation: An error occurred when attempting to relocate the given file or directory. The command could not be processed successfully. User response: Determine why the specified file or directory could not be moved and then try the command again. DBI1086E An attempt to copy the file or directory %s to %s failed. Explanation: An error occurred when attempting to duplicate the given file or directory. The command could not be processed successfully. User response: Determine why the specified file or directory could not be copied and then try the command again. DBI1087E An attempt to create the link %s failed. Explanation: The given link cannot be created. It could be that the write permission on its parent directory has been turned off, or that a file or directory with the same name already exists. User response: Check permissions for the parent directory and restart the install process. Suggested directory permissions are u=rwx,go=rx. DBI1088E Invalid access permission detected for directory %s. Explanation: There may be several reasons for this error. It is likely that one of the following situations has occurred: * Either the given name is not a directory, or it does not have read and execute permission. * The given directory can be created but cannot be accessed. * The permissions on any of its parent directories in its path have been set incorrectly. User response: Check permissions for the given directory and restart the install process. Suggested directory permissions are u=rwx,go=rx. DBI1089E Error in saving current instance related information in the %s directory. Explanation: There may be several reasons for this error. It is likely that one of the following situations has occurred: * The given directory does not have sufficient permissions or does not have the write permission. * There is no space left on the file system. User response: Take an appropriate corrective action and issue the command again. DBI1090E An attempt to update %s in %s failed. Explanation: An error occurred while updating the given file. User response: Verify that all occurences of %s are set to %s in %s. DBI1091E An attempt to change permissions for %s failed. Explanation: An error occurred when changing permissions on the given file or directory. This may be due to an inappropriate ownership on this file or directory. User response: Check permissions and ownership for the given directory and restart the install process. Suggested directory permissions are u=rwx,go=rx. DBI1092E An attempt to change ownership for %s failed. Explanation: An error occurred when changing ownership on the given file or directory. This may be due to an inappropriate ownership on this given file or directory. User response: Check ownership for the given directory and restart the install process. DBI1093E An attempt to change group ownership for %s failed. Explanation: An error occurred when changing group ownership on the given file or directory. This may be due to an inappropriate ownership on this file or directory. User response: Check ownership for the given directory and restart the install process. DBI1094E Directory access error. Explanation: The tool encountered an access error during an I/O operation with the directory server. User response: Ensure the directory server is on-line and accessible over the LAN. DBI1095W The file or directory %s cannot be found. User response: Verify that the file set/package providing the file/directory has been installed. DBI1096E The file or directory %s already exists. Explanation: A file or directory that the command needs to create already exists. User response: Examine the specified file or directory. If you no longer need this file or directory, remove it and then run the command again. Otherwise, you will need to either rename or remove the specified file or directory before trying the command again. DBI1097E The file or directory %s does not exist. Explanation: A file or directory that the command requires does not exist. User response: If the file or directory does not exist, you may have to install the software that provides the file/directory. If the file or directory does exist, check to see that the PATH variable has been set properly. Once the file or directory is there in your PATH, try the command again. DBI1098I Usage: db2cptsa [-h|-?] [-c] [-f] [-r]Explanation: Valid arguments for this command are: -h|-? Displays help information. -c Verifies that the DB2 High Availability (HA) scripts exist in /usr/sbin/rsct/sapolicies/db2, and that they are at the proper level. -f Forces a reinstall of the DB2 HA scripts in /usr/sbin/rcst/sapolicies/db2. Without this argument, if the version of the DB2 HA scripts that are already installed is the same as or higher than the version of the scripts being installed, then the installed scripts are not overwritten. -r Removes the directory /usr/sbin/rsct/sapolicies/db2. This dicrectory is where the DB2 HA scripts for the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) are located. These scripts and this directory will only be removed if the SA MP is not installed. This utility installs or updates the DB2 HA scripts in /usr/sbin/rsct/sapolicies/db2. You need these DB2 HA scripts to use the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) with the DB2 HA feature. By default, this utility installs the DB2 HA scripts in /usr/sbin/rsct/sapolicies/db2 if they aren't already installed there, or if the version of the scripts already installed is older than the version of the scripts being installed. This utility installs or updates the DB2 HA scripts if and only if the SA MP is already installed. This command must be run with root authority. This command can be found on the DB2 install media in the directory: * db2//tsamp where is: * aix for DB2 for AIX * linux for DB2 for Linux on 32-bit AMD and Intel systems (x86) * linuxamd64 for DB2 for Linux on AMD64 and Intel EM64T systems (x86-64) * linuxppc for DB2 for Linux on POWER (iSeries(TM) and pSeries) systems * linux390 for DB2 for Linux on System z9 and zSeries The command is also available at /install/tsamp directory where is the installation path of DB2 database. User response: Reenter the command. DBI1099I The DB2 High Availability (HA) scripts for the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) were successfully installed in /usr/sbin/rsct/sapolicies/db2. Explanation: You need DB2 HA scripts to use the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms with the DB2 HA feature. These DB2 HA scripts are located at /usr/sbin/rsct/sapolicies/db2. The DB2 installer detects whether these DB2 HA scripts need to be installed or updated. The DB2 installer successfully installed the DB2 HA scripts. User response: No action is required. DBI1100E An instance lock is found. Another instance management command is running. Explanation: The command failed because another instance management command (eg. db2icrt, db2idrop, db2iupdt, or db2imigr) is running. The instance management commands acquire an exclusive lock to avoid conflicting simultaneous commands against the same instance. User response: Wait for all other occurrences of the instance commands to finish executing before trying the command again. If no other instance commands are running then delete the file "instance.lock" in one of the following directories: /usr/opt/db2_08_xx, where xx is 01 or FPn, where n is the FixPak number or /opt/IBM/db2/V8.x, where x is 1 or FPn, where n is the FixPak number DBI1101E The user name %s is invalid. Explanation: The given user name must be the login name of an existing user and cannot: 1. be more than 8 characters long. 2. start with "sql", "ibm" or "sys". 3. start with a numeral or contain characters other than a-z, _, or 0-9. User response: Please check the "User, user ID and group naming rules" in DB2 Administration Guide for details. Try the command again with a valid user name. DBI1102E The DAS name is invalid. Explanation: The DAS name must be the login name of an existing user and cannot * be more than 8 characters long, * start with "sql", "ibm", or "sys", * or start with a numeral or contain characters other than a-z, $, #, @, _, or 0-9. User response: Issue the command with a valid DAS name. DBI1103E The Administration Server already exists. Explanation: The system detects that the Administration Server has already been created on your system. You can only create one Administration Server on each system. User response: If you want to re-create the Administration Server, you have to drop the Administration Server first before re-creating it. DBI1104E The Administration Server cannot be dropped. Explanation: An attempt to drop the Administration Server failed. The system detects that the Administration Server does not exist. User response: No action required. DBI1105E The DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator already exists. Explanation: The system detects that the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator has already been created on your system. You can only create one DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator on each system. User response: If you want to re-create the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator, you have to drop the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator first before re-creating it. DBI1106E The DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator cannot be dropped. Explanation: An attempt to drop the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator failed. The system detects that the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator does not exist or has been created under a different user ID. User response: Verify that the name of the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator as reported by the "dlfmlist" command is correct and try again. DBI1108E Valid group name or number %s not specified for the DLFM user %s. Explanation: While creating a dlfm instance,or migrating a dlfm instance from DB2 V7 or earlier, the -g DLFMGid must be specified. DLFMGid can be a numeric group id or a group name. The named group must be in the secondary group list of the named DLFM user. If migrating a V8 or later dlfm instance, if -g DLFMGid is specified which is not the same as the DLFMGid already set up for the instance, the specified parameter will be ignored and the old Gid will be used. User response: Set the group in the list of secondary groups for the DLFM user and reissue the command. DBI1109E The kernel parameters must be updated before using this command. Explanation: Some of the kernel parameters are not configured properly. User response: * Update all necessary kernel parameters. * Reboot the system * Try this command again Related information Modifying kernel parameters (Linux) Modifying kernel parameters (HP-UX) Modifying kernel parameters (Solaris Operating System) DBI1110I The DB2 High Availability (HA) scripts for the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) were successfully updated in /usr/sbin/rsct/sapolicies/db2. Explanation: You need DB2 HA scripts to use SA MP with the DB2 HA feature. These DB2 HA scripts are located at /usr/sbin/rsct/sapolicies/db2. The DB2 installer detects whether these DB2 HA scripts need to be installed or updated. The DB2 installer successfully updated the DB2 HA scripts. User response: No action is required. DBI1111E The FencedID parameter must be specified using -u flag with this command. Explanation: The FencedID parameter must be specified with this command. The FencedID parameter is set to the name of the user under which fenced User Defined Functions (UDFs) and fenced Stored Procedures will be run. User response: Enter the command again adding the arguments "-u FencedID" where FencedID is the name of the user that you want your fenced UDFs or fenced Stored Procedures to run under. For security reasons it is recommended that you do not use the instance name as the FencedID. However, if you are not planning to use fenced User Defined Functions (UDFs) or fenced Stored Procedures then setting the FencedID to the instance name may save you the step of having to create another user for the FencedID. DBI1112E The FencedID parameter %s is not valid. Explanation: The FencedID parameter which specifies the user name under which fenced User Defined Functions and fenced Stored Procedures will be run: * Must be the login name of an existing user. * Cannot be set to the root or the bin user. User response: Try the command again with a valid FencedID parameter. DBI1113W Previous value of FencedID parameter %s is different. New value %s is ignored. Explanation: The FencedID parameter entered on the command line is different from the one used before for this userid. New value for this parameter is ignored. DBI1114W The DB2 High Availability (HA) scripts for the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) were not found in /usr/sbin/rsct/sapolicies/db2. Explanation: You need DB2 HA scripts to use SA MP with the DB2 HA feature. The db2cptsa utility expects to find these scripts, as well as a file named "spec", in /usr/sbin/rsct/sapolicies/db2. The DB2 installer could not find the DB2 HA scripts, or the spec file. User response: Run the db2cptsa utility with root authority to manually install the DB2 HA scripts. DBI1115E Invalid AuthType parameter %s specified with -a flag. Explanation: The AuthType parameter which specifies the authentication type used for the instance is not valid. Valid authentication types are: * SERVER * CLIENT * SERVER_ENCRYPT User response: Try the command again with a valid AuthType parameter. DBI1116W The version of the DB2 High Availability (HA) scripts for the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) found in /usr/sbin/rsct/sapolicies/db2 is a lower version than the version of the same scripts on the current DB2 install media. Explanation: You need DB2 HA scripts to use SA MP with the DB2 HA feature. SA MP and the DB2 HA feature being installed from the DB2 install media require DB2 HA scripts with a version the same as or higher than the version of the scripts also on the DB2 install media. The version of the DB2 HA scripts currently installed is lower than the version of the scripts on the DB2 install media. User response: Run the db2cptsa utility with root authority to manually update the DB2 HA scripts. DBI1117I The version of the DB2 High Availability (HA) scripts for the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) found in /usr/sbin/rsct/sapolicies/db2 is a higher version than the version of the same scripts on the current DB2 install media. Explanation: You need DB2 HA scripts to use SA MP with the DB2 HA feature. SA MP and the DB2 HA feature being installed from the DB2 install media require DB2 HA scripts with a version the same as or higher than the version of the scripts also on the DB2 install media. The version of the DB2 HA scripts currently installed is higher than the version of the scripts on the DB2 install media. User response: No action is required. DBI1118W DB2 has created a .profile file under the home directory of user %s (instance owner or DAS) that contains the entries to set up a default environment (instance or DAS). Explanation: The user ID for the instance or DAS %s is using the Korn Shell but does not have a .profile file under its home directory. The DB2 installation script has created the .profile file for the user ID and has populated the file with entries necessary for setting the default instance or DAS environment. This is done so that when the user logs in, the user will automatically acquire the instance or DAS environment. User response: If you are using the Korn Shell and want to manually set up the environment of the instance or DAS %s, you can remove the .profile created by the DB2 script and manually set up the instance or DAS environment. DBI1119I The version of the DB2 High Availability (HA) scripts for the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) found in /usr/sbin/rsct/sapolicies/db2 is the same version as the version of the scripts on the current DB2 install media. Explanation: You need DB2 HA scripts to use SA MP with the DB2 HA feature. SA MP and the DB2 HA feature being installed from the DB2 install media require DB2 HA scripts with a version the same as or higher than the version of the scripts also on the DB2 install media. The version of the DB2 HA scripts currently installed the same as the version of the scripts on the DB2 install media. User response: No action is required. DBI1120E Instance %s cannot be dropped. Explanation: An attempt was made to drop an instance which may still be active. DBI1121E Cannot drop the Administration Server using "db2idrop". Explanation: An attempt was made to drop the Administration Server using "db2idrop". This operation is not allowed since it will cause the registry to be in an inconsistent state. User response: Use the "dasidrop" command to remove the Administration Server. DBI1122E Instance %s cannot be updated or upgraded. Explanation: An attempt was made to either update or upgrade an instance. This instance cannot be updated or upgraded because: * One of the following commands cannot be used to either update or upgrade this instance: db2iupdt, db2iupgrade, or db2nrupdt. * The instance is still active. User response: Ensure that you are using the correct version of one of the following commands: db2iupdt, db2iupgrade, or db2nrupdt. Also, ensure that there are no DB2 processes running at the instance. Retry the command. DBI1123E Cannot update the Administration Server using "db2iupdt". Explanation: An attempt was made to update the Administration Server using "db2iupdt". This operation is not allowed since it will cause the registry to be in an inconsistent state. User response: Use the "dasiupdt" command to update the Administration Server. DBI1124E Instance %s cannot be upgraded. Explanation: An attempt was made to upgrade an instance. This instance cannot be upgraded because: * The instance is still active. * Upgrading this instance is not supported. * This version of the db2iupgrade command cannot be used to upgrade this instance. User response: Ensure that the instance is ready for upgrading and you are using the correct version of the db2iupgrade command. For more information on upgrading an instance, refer to the DB2 Information Center. DBI1125E Cannot drop the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator using "db2idrop". Explanation: An attempt was made to drop the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator using "db2idrop". This operation is not allowed since it will cause the registry to be in an inconsistent state. User response: Use the "dlfmdrop" command to remove the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator. DBI1126W Instance upgrade failed because one or more views defined in the database might impact database upgrade. Explanation: The db2iupgrade command calls the db2ckupgrade command. The instance upgrade fails if the db2ckupgrade command returns any errors. The db2ckupgrade command has identified one or more views that are dependent on database entities that have changed. This might cause the UPGRADE DATABASE command to fail. The identified views are listed in the db2ckupgrade log file. User response: Resolve the issue with the identified views or drop the views and then re-issue the re-issue the db2iupgrade command. After database upgrade, re-create the views that you dropped. Alternatively, you can upgrade a test database that contains the identified views in a testing environment to determine if the UPGRADE DATABASE command will fail. If the database upgrade is successful, re-issue the db2iupgrade command with the -F parameter to force the upgrade. DBI1127E The DB2 High Availability (HA) scripts for the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) found in /usr/sbin/rsct/sapolicies/db2 were not removed because the SA MP was still installed. Explanation: You need DB2 HA scripts to use the SA MP with the DB2 HA feature. You cannot uninstall these scripts while the SA MP is still installed. This is to prevent unexpected behaviour resulting from using the SA MP with the DB2 HA feature without the scripts being installed. The DB2 HA scripts were not uninstalled. User response: * If you intend to manually uninstall the SA MP as well as the DB2 HA scripts, uninstall the SA MP first using the uninstallSAM utility. For more information about the uninstallSAM utility, see: IBMTivoliSystemAutomationfor Multiplatforms2.2.html * Alternatively, use db2_deinstall with the -a and -F TSAMP arguments to uninstall the SA MP and the DB2 HA scripts, because db2_deinstall will uninstall these in the correct order. DBI1128E Cannot drop the Administration Server using "dlfmdrop". Explanation: An attempt was made to drop the Administration Server using "dlfmdrop". This operation is not allowed since it will cause the registry to be in an inconsistent state. User response: Use the "dasidrop" command to remove the Administration Server. DBI1129E Cannot update the Administration Server using "dlfmupdt". Explanation: An attempt was made to update the Administration Server using "dlfmupdt". This operation is not allowed since it will cause the registry to be in an inconsistent state. User response: Use the "dasiupdt" command to update the Administration Server. DBI1130E The IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) could not be installed or updated because system prerequisites were not met. See the log file %s for details. Explanation: There are system prerequisites for installing or updating SA MP. These prerequisites have not been met. The mentioned log file has the details for the unsatisfied prerequisites. To find out more about the system prerequisites for the SA MP Base Component, see the SA MP Base Component documentation's Installation and Configuration Guide. SA MP cannot be installed or updated. User response: Modify your system to meet the prerequisites; and use the installSAM utility to manually install SA MP. Related information SA MP Base Component documentation DBI1131E The user ID %s is invalid. Explanation: An attempt to access the given user ID failed. One of the following situations has occurred: * This user ID does not exist on the system. * The home directory of this user is not set up properly. * One of the user attributes needed by DB2 is unset. * The UID of this user is 0 User response: Make sure a valid user ID with valid home directory, shell, primary group and secondary group has been used. Create a new user if necessary. DBI1132E The DB2 installer could not find the correct license to install or update the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP). The DB2 installer expected the licence file to be found at %s on the DB2 install media. Explanation: The regular licence for SA MP is named sam31.lic, and the try-and-buy license is named sam31tb.lic. One, but not both, of these files must exist in the specified directory on the DB2 install media for the DB2 installer to install or update SA MP. SA MP cannot be installed without the proper license. User response: Ensure the appropriate license file is in the specified directory and reissue the command. DBI1134W The DB2 High Availability (HA) scripts for the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) were not installed because the SA MP was not installed. Explanation: You need DB2 HA scripts to use the SA MP with the DB2 HA feature. You do not need these scripts if you are not using the SA MP. The DB2 HA scripts were not installed. User response: No action is required. DBI1135E The primary group '%s' of user ID '%s' is invalid. Explanation: The primary group name of the instance user ID: 1. Cannot be one of "guests", "admins", "users" or "local". 2. Cannot start with "sql" or "ibm". 3. Cannot start with a numeral number. 4. Can contain only lowercase letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), and the underscore character ( _ ). User response: Ask a user with root privilege to change the primary group of the instance user ID to a valid group as described above and then try the command again. DBI1136W OLAP Start Kit not installed. Explanation: The instance you are migrating has OLAP functionality. OLAP Starter Kit is not available in this version of DB2. The instance will be migrated only if the -F parameter was specified. User response: If program aborts, rerun the same db2imigr command with the -F parameter to force migration. OLAP functionality will not be present. DBI1137W Server Product not installed. Explanation: The instance you are upgrading is a Server instance. A DB2 Server Product has not been detected. The instance will be upgraded only if the -F parameter is specified. User response: If the db2iupgrade command fails, reissue this command with the -F parameter to force the upgrade. The instance will not have the DB2 Server functionality . To re-enable DB2 Server functionality in the instance, install a DB2 Server Product and issue the db2iupdt command to update the instance. DBI1138W Query Patroller not installed. Explanation: The instance you are upgrading has Query Patroller functionality. Query Patroller was not detected in the installed DB2 product. The instance will be upgraded only if the -F parameter was specified. User response: If the db2iupgrade command fails, reissue this command with the -F parameter to force the upgrade. The instance will not have the Query Patroller functionality . To re-enable Query Patroller functionality in the instance, install Query Patroller and issue the db2iupdt command to update the instance. DBI1139E Data-Links File Manager is not installed. Explanation: The instance you are upgrading has Data-Links functionality. Data-Links File Manager is not supported in the version of the DB2 product you are upgrading to. DBI1140W Command is being Forced. You have specified the -F flag to force the issued command past the point of failures mentioned in the above warning(s). DBI1141E Visual Warehouse 3.1 instance detected. Visual Warehouse 3.1 instance migration to V8 is not supported. Only Visual Warehouse 5.2 and above can be migrated to V8. DBI1142W Visual Warehouse 5.2 instance detected. Instance will be migrated but warehouse metadata will not be migrated. DBI1143W Relational Connect is not installed. Explanation: Relational Connect was not detected in the version you are migrating to, but a setting file for DB2 and/or non-DB2 datasources was detected for the instance you are migrating. This configuration will be migrated but Relational Connect for DB2 has to be installed to make use of these configuration parameters. User response: Install Relational Connect for DB2 to make use of the configuration parameters. DBI1144E Relational Connect is not installed. Explanation: Relational Connect was not detected in the version you are migrating to but environment variables have been found that indicate that you have non-DB2 data sources. This instance cannot be migrated if Relational Connect is not installed. User response: Please install Relational Connect and try the command again. DBI1146E DB2 Instance Setup wizard is not installed. Explanation: The db2isetup script can perform configuration and instance setup tasks using a response file, or it can launch the DB2 Instance Setup wizard to perform these tasks using a graphical user interface. Currently, only the response file support mode is installed. To use the graphical mode, the DB2 Instance Setup wizard feature must be installed. User response: * Install the DB2 Instance Setup wizard by launching the DB2 Setup wizard from the CD (not available as part of the Runtime Client). * Create a response file and reissue the command as db2isetup -r . DBI1147E db2iupdt failed to update the user ID %s. Explanation: The user ID specified is not a DB2 instance. DBI1148E dasupdt failed to update the user ID %s. Explanation: The user ID specified is not an Administration Server. DBI1149E To execute this program, you must be the owner of the installation copy. Explanation: The current DB2 copy was not installed by the user who is running the program. User response: Log in as the user who installed the current copy of DB2 and rerun the command. DBI1150W db2iupdt has updated this instance to a 64-bit non-server instance. Explanation: You cannot create or upgrade to a 64-bit Express server instance. If you want to run a 64-bit server instance, you must have the Enterprise Server Edition installed. User response: If you do not require a server instance, you can continue to use the created or upgraded instance. If you want to use a 64-bit server instance, you should install DB2 Enterprise Server Edition, and run the following command: db2iupdt -w 64 DBI1151E db2icrt/db2iupgrade has created a 64-bit non-server instance. Explanation: You cannot create or upgrade to a 64-bit Express server instance. If you want to run a 64-bit server instance, you must have the Enterprise Server Edition installed. User response: If you do not require a server instance, you can continue to use the created or upgraded instance. If you want to use a 64-bit server instance, you should install DB2 Enterprise Server Edition, and run the following command: db2iupdt -w 64 DBI1152E To run this program, you can not be root user. Explanation: %s can not be run by users with root authority. User response: Rerun the command as a non-root user. DBI1153E AIO is not enabled. Explanation: AIO needs to be enabled on the system to run DB2. User response: Ask a user with root privileges to enable AIO and try the command again. DBI1154E %s is an instance that belongs to a DB2 copy installed by a non-root user. The instance cannot be updated from a DB2 copy installed by a root user. If you want to update the instance, run db2nrupdt from the DB2 copy installed by the non-root user. DBI1155E The command failed for the DB2 non-root instance %s. Explanation: The command failed because you tried one of the following actions, which are not supported: 1. Update the DB2 non-root instance to become a DB2 root instance 2. Upgrade the DB2 non-root instance to become a DB2 root instance 3. Drop the DB2 non-root instance by running the db2idrop command from a DB2 root installation location User response: 1. To update the DB2 non-root instance, run the db2nrupdt command in the $HOME/sqllib/instance/ directory, where $HOME is the home directory of the user ID that installed the DB2 non-root instance. 2. Upgrading to a DB2 root instance is not supported for DB2 non-root instances. Refer to the DB2 Information Center for details on how to upgrade databases from DB2 root instances to non-root instances. 3. To drop the DB2 non-root instance, uninstall the DB2 non-root installation by running the db2_deinstall command in the command $HOME/sqllib/install/ directory, where $HOME is the home directory of the user ID that installed the DB2 product. DBI1156I System prerequisites cannot be checked completely when installing as a non-root user. Explanation: A complete system check cannot be performed because root authority is required. User response: A non-root user must check system prerequisites from the DB2 documentation. A system administrator must make sure the system meets all the requirements to install and use the current DB2 level. DBI1157E Invalid value. Explanation: The %s passed to the installer command %s is not valid. User response: Correct the error and run the command again. DBI1158I DB2 will be installed to %s. DBI1159E db2iupdt can not update an instance from using a non-root installation to using a root installation or vise versa. DBI1160I Non-root install is being performed. DBI1161I Usage: db2rfe [-h|-?] [-d] [-l logfile_name] [-q] -f Explanation: -h|-? displays the usage information. -d turns debug mode on. -l logfile_name is a user specified log file. -q query which installed root features are enabled or not enabled or which configured service ports are reserved or not reserved. The -q option should not be used with the -f option. -f is mandatory option. db2rfe_configuration_file is the full path name of db2rfe's configuration file. Note: This command must be run from the $DB2DIR/instance directory. If the db2rfe command detects any root features enabled or any port numers reserved and used by the DB2 instance, a summary report shows the following information: * The installed root features that have been or have not been enabled * The DB2 service ports used by the DB2 instance that have been or have not been reserved in the system's services file. DBI1162I Usage: db2nrcfg [-h|-?] [-d] [-a AuthType] [-p PortName] [-s InstType]Explanation: -h|-? displays the usage information. -d turns debug mode on. -a AuthType Specifies the authentication type (SERVER, CLIENT, or SERVER_ENCRYPT) for the instance. -p PortName Specifies the port name or port number to be used by this instance. -s InstType Specifies the type of instance to be created (ese,wse, standalone, or client). ese Creates an instance for a DB2 database server with local and remote clients with DPF support. This type is the default instance type for DB2 Enterprise Server Edition. wse Creates an instance for a DB2 database server with local and remote clients. This type is the default instance type for DB2 Workgroup Edition, DB2 Express or Express-C Edition, and DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition. standalone Creates an instance for a DB2 database server with local clients. This type is the default instance type for DB2 Personal Edition. client Creates an instance for a IBM Data Server Client. This type is the default instance type for IBM Data Server Client products and DB2 Connect Personal Edition. The type of instances listed above are ordered from the highest level 'ese' to the lowest level 'client'. DB2 products support their default instance types and the instance types with a lower level than their default ones. For example, DB2 Enterprise Edition supports the instance types of 'ese', 'wse', 'standalone' and 'client'. Note: This command must be run from the $DB2DIR/instance directory. Source the db2profile or db2cshrc in the sqllib directory or logout and login again before you start using DB2. DBI1163I Usage: db2nrupdt [-h|-?] [-d] [-k ] [-a AuthType] Explanation: -h|-? displays the usage information. -d turns debug mode on. -a AuthType is the authentication type (SERVER, CLIENT, or SERVER_ENCRYPT) for the instance. -k keeps the current instance type during the update. Note: This command must be run from the $HOME/sqllib/instance directory where the $HOME is the home directory of the non-root DB2 instance ID. This command can be run only as the non-root DB2 instance who owns the non-root DB2 installation at $HOME/sqllib. DBI1164E A value is needed for %s. Explanation: To enable the remote connection, please provide a value for %s in the configuration file. DBI1165E Instance %s is not accessible on the following database partitions: %s DBI1168W While attempting to create or update a 64-bit instance, it was detected that the installed level of bos.rte.libc is lower than the minimum requirement for 64-bit instances. Explanation: The installed level of bos.rte.libc is lower than, the minimum required level for supporting 64-bit instances. User response: Before proceeding, download APAR IY32466 and update your system. Information on downloading APARs is available from You can reissue the command with a -F parameter to force execution past the point of warning. DBI1169E The DB2 HTML Documentation is not installed. Explanation: The DB2 HTML Documentation is not installed or it cannot be found. To update the DB2 HTML Documentation to this FixPak, the DB2 HTML Documentation must be installed. User response: Install the DB2 HTML Documentation and try the command again. DBI1171E DB2 64-bit support is not installed. Explanation: 64-bit instances are not supported or implicit on this platform. User response: * For Linux IA64, reissue the command without the -w option to create a 64-bit instance. * For other platforms, reissue the command without the -w 64 option to create a 32-bit instance. DBI1172W While attempting to create or update a 64-bit instance, it was detected that the installed level of one or both of bos.rte.libc and is lower than the minimum requirement for 64-bit instances. Explanation: The installed level of one or both of bos.rte.libc and is lower than, the minimum required level for supporting 64-bit instances. User response: Before proceeding, download one or both of the following PTFs and update your system. * For bos.rte.libc, the PTF is U473728.bff * For, the PTF is U473581.bff Information on downloading PTFs is available from You can reissue the command with a -F parameter to force execution past the point of warning. DBI1173W db2iupdt has updated this instance to a 64-bit non-server instance. Explanation: You can only update a 32-bit Workgroup server instance to a 64-bit server instance if you have Enterprise Server Edition installed. User response: If you do not wish to update to a server instance, you can continue to use the updated instance. If you wish to change this instance back to a 32-bit Workgroup server instance, run the following command: db2iupdt -w 32 If you wish to use a 64-bit server instance, install DB2 Version 8 Enterprise Server Edition and run the following command: db2iupt -w 64 DBI1175W While attempting to create or update a 64-bit instance, it was detected that the installed level of the Solaris Operating Environment is lower than the minimum requirement for 64-bit. Explanation: The installed level of the Solaris Operating Environment is lower than 5.7, the minimum required level for supporting 64-bit instances. User response: Before proceeding, update your system to the minimum required level of the Solaris Operating Environment. You can reissue the command with a -F parameter to force execution past the point of warning. DBI1176I Usage: installAltFixPak [-h] [-s] [-y] Explanation: -h display the usage information -s install the exact same file sets/packages to the alternate path (for supported products) as those installed in /usr/opt/db2_08_01 or /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1. If installAltFixPak detects that DB2 is not installed in /usr/opt/db2_08_01 or /opt/IBM/db2/V8.1, the -s option will not be used. In that case, it will call the db2_install utility. -y You have reviewed and accepted the license terms and conditions located in the db2/license directory for all the DB2 Version 8 products on your system. Please confirm that you have reviewed the license terms and conditions located in the db2/license directory for the installed products. If you accept these license terms and conditions, restart the FixPak installation and specify the '-y' option. By specifying the '-y' option, you indicate your agreement to the license terms and conditions provided with this product. DBI1177W Updating an instance to a code level that is lower than the current level used by the instance. Explanation: An attempt has been made to update an instance to a code level that is lower than the one being used by the instance currently. User response: To update an instance to a code level that is lower than the current level, issue the db2iupdt command with the -D option as follows: db2iupdt -D DBI1178W Updating a DAS to a code level that is lower than the current level used by the DAS. Explanation: An attempt has been made to update a DAS to a code level that is lower than the one being used by the DAS currently. User response: To update a DAS to a code level that is lower than the current level, issue the dasupdt command with the -D option as follows: dasupdt -D DBI1179E Client instances cannot be created using the db2icrt command when the PortName parameter is specified. Explanation: The PortName parameter is used for inbound TCP/IP connections and is not applicable to client instances. User response: Reissue the db2icrt command without specifying the PortName parameter. DBI1180E 32-bit server instances are not supported. Explanation: The current platform does not support 32-bit server instances. User response: You cannot specify the bit size for the instance when you create or upgrade an instance. The bit size for new instances is determined by the operating system where DB2 database is installed. Related information Support changes for 32-bit and 64-bit DB2 servers DBI1181E DB2 64-bit support is not installed. Explanation: 64-bit instances are not supported on this platform. User response: Before proceeding, either * update your system to the minimum required level to run 64-bit DB2, and reissue the command again, or * drop the instance you are upgrading or updating, and re-create it as a 32-bit instance. DBI1182W Either DB2 Warehouse Manager, or DB2 Warehouse Manager Connectors, or both are not supported for upgrade in this release. Explanation: The instance you are trying to upgrade has Warehouse Manager or Warehouse Manager Connectors functionality. Warehouse Manager and Warehouse Manager Connectors are not supported in the product release to which you are trying to upgrade. A successful upgrade means that the upgraded instance will not have these capabilities. If this is the expected outcome, you can re-issue the db2iupgrade command with the -F parameter. User response: Re-issue the db2iupgrade command with the -F parameter to force the upgrade. Either the Warehouse Manager, or the Warehouse Manager Connectors, or both will not be available once the upgrade is completed. DBI1183W Spatial Extender not installed. Explanation: The instance you are upgrading has Spatial Extender functionality. Spatial Extender was not detected in the installed DB2 product. The instance will be upgraded only if the -F parameter was specified. User response: If the db2iupgrade command fails, reissue this command with the -F parameter to force the upgrade. The instance will not have the Spatial Extender functionality . To re-enable Spatial Extender functionality in the instance, install Spatial Extender and issue the db2iupdt command to update the instance. DBI1184W Life Sciences Data Connect not installed. Explanation: The instance you are migrating has Life Sciences Data Connect functionality. Life Sciences Data Connect was not detected in the installed DB2 product. The instance will be migrated only if the -F parameter was specified. User response: Rerun the db2imigr command with the -F parameter to force migration. Life Sciences Data Connect will not be present. You must install Life Sciences Data Connect and manually run db2iupdt on the instance you are migrating in order to re-enable Life Sciences Data Connect functionality. DBI1185I Server protocol %s is no longer supported. It has been removed from DB2COMM. DBI1186I Usage: db2cdbcr [-d] -n CDBName Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered for the db2cdbcr command. Valid arguments for this command are: -h|-? display the usage information -d turn debug mode on. -n CDBName CDBName is the name of the Warehouse Control Database you want to create. User response: Enter the command again as follows: db2cdbcr -n CDBName DBI1187E Unable to complete DB2 Warehouse Control Database setup. Explanation: An attempt to create the DB2 Warehouse Control Database has failed. User response: A database partition groups (created on database partition 0) and a table space (both called FLG32K) needs to be created as well. See DB2 DataWarehouse documentation for details. DBI1188E Migration failed. The group %s is not in the secondary group list of the DLFM user %s. User response: Set the group %s in the list of secondary groups for the DLFM user %s and reissue the command. DBI1189E There has been an attempt to use db2_deinstall on an image for a platform that does not match the current platform %s on which it is being run. Explanation: Possible causes include: * This DB2 install image is not valid for the current platform. * The current platform is not supported by DB2 User response: Install DB2 using the DB2 install image that corresponds with the current platform %s DBI1190I db2setup is preparing the DB2 Setup wizard which will guide you through the program setup process. Please wait. DBI1191I db2setup is installing and configuring DB2 according to the response file provided. Please wait. DBI1192I DB2 installation completed successfully. The install logs db2setup.log and db2setup.err are location in %s. DBI1193W DB2 installation completed with warnings. A minor error occurred while installing this computer. Some features may not function correctly. The install logs db2setup.log and db2setup.err are located in %s. DBI1194E An error occurred while installing DB2 on this computer. The installation cannot continue. The install logs db2setup.log and db2setup.err are located in %s. DBI1195E db2nrupdt failed to update user %s. Explanation: The instance can not be updated because it is still active. User response: Make sure that the instance is stopped. Then rerun the command. DBI1199I DB2IDROP completed successfully. The DB2INSTDEF registry variable was set to the dropped instance; it has been cleared. This registry variable should be explicitly set to another valid instance name. DBI1200E The directory %s is not a version %s instance. Explanation: The command cannot proceed because the specified directory does not point to the required version of the database products. User response: The command cannot be run with the specified instance. DBI1202E Upgrading of instance %s is not supported. Explanation: The instance cannot be upgraded because: 1. Upgrading from this version of the instance is not supported. 2. The instance is already using the current version of the product and upgrade is not required. User response: The db2level command shows the current version and service level of the installed DB2 product. The db2ls command lists where DB2 products are installed on your system and list the DB2 product level. Make sure that the instance is valid for upgrading and try the command again with a valid instance name. DBI1203I The DB2 High Availability (HA) scripts for the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) were successfully uninstalled. Explanation: You need DB2 HA scripts to use SA MP with the DB2 HA feature. These scripts have been removed. User response: No action is required. DBI1204E The keyword %s has an invalid value. Explanation: See the sample configuration file %s for the details of valid values for this keyword. User response: Correct the above error and rerun the command. DBI1205E One or more local databases cannot be upgraded to the version from which you are running this command. Check the log file %s for the list of errors. Explanation: The following list provides the reasons why a database cannot be upgraded and the corrective action to take: * Database is in Backup pending state. Perform backup of the database. * Database is in Roll-forward pending state. Perform a roll-forward database to end of logs and stop. * Database is in Restore pending state. Perform restore of the database. * Database is inconsistent. Restart database to return it to a consistent state. * Database has one or more table space not in normal state. Perform a roll-forward database. * Database contains database objects that have a schema name of SYSCAT, SYSFUN, SYSIBM, SYSPUBLIC, or SYSSTAT. Drop the object and re-create the object with a correct schema name (qualifier). If the object is a table you should first export its data, drop the table, re-create the table with a correct schema name, and then import or load the data to the new table. * Database contains database objects that have a dependency on the SYSFUN.DIFFERENCES function. Possible violated objects and the associated action to correct the violation are: * constraint - alter table to drop the constraint * function - drop the function * trigger - drop the trigger * view - drop the view * Database contains user-defined data types that are reserved in the new version. Rename the data types. * Database contains orphan rows in system catalog tables. Contact IBM technical service representative. * Cataloged database does not exist. Create cataloged database. * SYSCATSPACE does not have at least 50% free pages if SYSCATSPACE is a DMS table space and AUTORESIZE is not enabled. Increase available space for SYSCATSPACE table space. * Database does not allow successful connection as an HADR primary database. Stop HADR on primary database. * A database has HADR standby role. Stop HADR on the standby database and drop the standby database. Upgrade the HADR primary database. Reinitialize the standby database from the copy of upgraded primary database via restore or db2inidb. User response: Determine the reason why the database cannot be upgraded and take the corresponding action specified in the explanation. DBI1206E Enablement of root feature %s failed. See log file %s for details. DBI1207E Reserving the service for %s failed. Explanation: Can not reserve the service in the services file. Possible reasons are: * The service name and port number are used in services file. * The service name or port number are not valid values. User response: Correct the above error and rerun the command. DBI1208E Reserving the service for %s failed. DBI1209E %s is missing in the configuration file. Explanation: %s is needed in the configuration file to enable the root feature %s. User response: Provide a valid value for %s and rerun the command. DBI1210E Unknown system error. DBI1211E Upgrading of the %s failed. Explanation: A system error such as running out of disk space or memory has been encountered during the directory upgrade. Instance upgrade failed. User response: Make sure there is sufficient disk space and memory before you reissue this command again. DBI1212W Upgrade of the local database directory on %s failed. Explanation: The upgrade process of the local database directory is not complete because of an unexpected error occurred. Without the local database directory, databases that are cataloged in the local database directory will no longer be accessible. User response: Perform one of the following actions: 1. Remove the local database directory and re-catalog the databases. 2. Keep the db2mgdbd.err error file and the sqldbdir/sqldddir.bak local database directory backup file that are created in the %s directory and contact IBM service for instruction of possible ways to repair your directory. DBI1213I Root feature %s has been enabled successfully. DBI1214I Service for %s is succussfully reserved. DBI1215I Service for %s has been reserved successfully. DBI1216E Uninstalling the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) failed because the command uninstallSAM was not found in the expected directory: %s. Explanation: db2_deinstall uses the uninstallSAM utility to uninstall the SA MP. db2_deinstall expects to find the uninstallSAM utility in the specified directory, but did not find it there in this case. This might be because the current version of the SA MP is earlier than version 2.2. The option to uninstall the SA MP with the db2_deinstall command is only supported for SA MP Version 2.2 or higher. The SA MP was not uninstalled. User response: To uninstall the SA MP manually, use the uninstallSAM command. For more information about the uninstallSAM command, see the SA MP Base Component documentation. Related information SA MP Base Component documentation DBI1217E Valid installation identifier not detected. Explanation: All valid identifiers from the image have been removed. The installer cannot determine which valid product(s) are available on the image and cannot display the installation choices. User response: The product image has been modified and does not have a valid identifier for the installer to display the available options. Install using the original DB2 product image. DBI1218I The license certificate %s for the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) was successfully installed. Explanation: SA MP requires a valid license certificate to work with the DB2 High Availability (HA) feature. This license certificate was successfully installed or updated. User response: No response is required. DBI1219E The license certificate %s for the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) was not successfully installed. Explanation: SA MP requires a valid license certificate to work with the DB2 High Availability (HA) feature. This license certificate was not successfully installed or updated. If you used the DB2 installer to install or update this license certificate, you can find more detailed information about why the install or update failed in the DB2 install log file. User response: To manually install or update this license certificate for the SA MP Base Component, issue the command: * samlicm -i license-certificate-file-name For more information about the samlicm command, see the SA MP Base Component documentation. Related information SA MP Base Component documentation DBI1220W The upgrade of the node directory on %s failed. Explanation: The process of upgrading a node directory did not complete because an unexpected error occurred. User response: Perform one of the following actions: 1. Remove the node directory and re-catalog the node entries. 2. Keep the db2ugndd.err error file and the sqlnodir/sqlnddir.bak node directory backup file that are created in the path directory and contact IBM service for instruction of possible ways to repair your directory. DBI1221W The node directory is corrupted and cannot be upgraded. Explanation: Either the node directory files are not the same or the node directory file is corrupted. User response: Remove node directory and re-catalog node entry. DBI1222W The system database directory is corrupted and cannot be upgraded. Explanation: Either the primary and backup system database directory files are not the same or system database directory is corrupted. User response: Remove system database directory and recatalog all database entries. DBI1223W The local database directory is corrupted and cannot be upgraded. Explanation: Either the primary and backup database directory files are not the same or the local database directory file is corrupted. User response: An error file db2mgdbd.err and a local database directory backup sqldbdir/sqldddir.bak are created in the directory path mentioned above. Keep these two files and contact IBM service for instruction of possible ways to repair your directory. Without the local database directory, databases that are cataloged in the local database directory will no longer be accessible. DBI1225W The authentication type of one or more cataloged local databases have been changed. Explanation: One or more cataloged database entries were detected with an authentication type different than the authentication type for the instance that owns these databases. If no action is taken, all cataloged local database entries will inherit the authentication type from the instance. User response: Check the log file for the db2ckupgrade command for a list of the cataloged local database entries that do not have the same authentication type as the instance. If you want the database to maintain its previous authentication type, you can either change the authentication type of the instance, or, you can move the database to another instance that has the desired authentication type. However, before changing the authentication type of the instance, you should make sure that you want all the cataloged local database entries to have the new authentication type. DBI1227E %s is not a supported DB2 product for non-root installation. DBI1228E The instance %s is not a server instance. Explanation: Some configuration tasks can be performed against DB2 server instances only. Such configuration tasks include remote connection and DB2 text search. User response: If the specified instance is a client instance and a DB2 server product is installed, run db2iupdt or db2nrupdt to update the client instance to a server instance. Then try the configuration task again. DBI1229E DB2 copy upgrade on Windows is not supported for the IBM Data Server Runtime Client, DB2 Thin Client, or IBM Data Server Driver Package installed at the location %s. Explanation: One of the following conditions is true: * The selected DB2 copy for upgrade is an installation of previous releases of DB2 Run-Time, DB2 Run-Time Client Lite, DB2 Runtime Client, or Data Server Runtime Client. * The DB2 product being installed is IBM Data Server Runtime or IBM Data Server Driver Package. The DB2 copy upgrade is not supported from previous releases of DB2 Run-Time, DB2 Run-Time Client Lite, DB2 Runtime Client, or Data Server Runtime Client. Also, DB2 copy upgrade is not supported to IBM Data Server Runtime or IBM Data Server Driver Package. User response: Choose "Install New" to install the IBM Data Server Runtime Client, or IBM Data Server Driver Package in a new location. For IBM Data Server Runtime Client, upgrade the existing client instances to the new DB2 copy with the db2iupgrade command. DBI1230E DB2 copy upgrade is not supported for the selected DB2 copy installed at %s. Explanation: DB2 copy upgrade is not supported for the selected DB2 copy due to one or both of the following reasons: 1. One or more DB2 instances have an instance type that is not supported by the DB2 database product that you want to install. On Windows operating systems, upgrading to a DB2 instance type of a lower level is not supported. 2. The DB2 DAS is related to the DB2 installation location from which the DB2 copy upgrade was requested, but the DB2 product to be installed does not support the DB2 DAS. User response: Choose the DB2 product which supports all the instances or DAS related to the DB2 copy to be upgraded. DBI1231E Upgrading a DB2 instance is not supported for the instance %s. (The original instance type is %s. The instance type to be upgraded is %s.) Explanation: The specified DB2 instance cannot be upgraded to the current DB2 copy. On Windows operating systems, upgrading to a DB2 instance type of a lower level is not supported. User response: Install the DB2 product which supports the instance type and rerun the db2iupgrade command. DBI1232E Cannot continue with the uninstallation. Explanation: Possible reasons: 1. The database manager for the instance %s is still active. 2. The DB2 Text Search instance service is still active. User response: Stop the database manager and the DB2 Text Search instance service then rerun the command. DBI1233E Instance %s cannot be dropped. Explanation: An instance cannot be dropped if the DB2 Text Search instance service is active. User response: Stop the DB2 Text Search instance service then rerun the command. DBI1234E The DB2 instance update is not supported for the instance %s. (The original instance type is %s. The instance type to be updated is %s.) Explanation: The specified DB2 instance cannot be updated. Downgrading the DB2 instance type is not supported. User response: Install the DB2 product which supports the instance type and rerun the db2iupdt command. DBI1235E Only one product can be installed at a time. Explanation: The DB2 installer only supports the installation of one product at a time. User response: Specify only one product and rerun the command. DBI1236E The multi-partition instance %s cannot be upgraded or updated to a non multi-partition instance. Explanation: The instance being upgraded or updated is a multi-partition instance. The current DB2 copy to which the instance is being upgraded to or updated does not support multi-partition instances. User response: If the DB2 instance does not have any partitioned local databases and you want to use non multi-partition DB2 instance, update the current db2nodes.cfg to include only one partition and rerun the command. If a partitioned local DB2 database with a DB2 instance exists, you should upgrade or update it to a DB2 copy that supports multi-partition instances. DB2 Enterprise Server Edition supports multi-partition instances. DBI1237E The specified component(s) %s cannot be uninstalled since the DB2 database manager has not been stopped on all the instances related to the current DB2 installation. Explanation: The components requested to be uninstalled are related to DB2 database manager. The DB2 database manager has to be stopped on all the instances related to the current DB2 copy before the specified components can be dropped. User response: Stop the DB2 database manager on all the DB2 instances related to the current installation of DB2 and rerun the command. DBI1239I The DB2 Information Center is listening for requests on port %s DBI1240E The database manager could not be started. Explanation: The database manager could not be started when attempting to check if cataloged local databases can be upgraded. User response: Resolve why the database manager could not be started and try the command again. DBI1241I The Information Center daemon is already active. Explanation: The command to start the DB2 Information Center is already processed. The command cannot be processed. User response: The application is already listening. DBI1242I The STOP command to stop the DB2 Information Center completed successfully. DBI1243I The START command to start the DB2 Information Center completed successfully. DBI1244I Directory for non-root installation of DB2 - %s DBI1245E One or more space characters were found in the specified DB2 installation path %s, which is not supported. Explanation: The specified installation path of DB2 contains one or more space characters, which is not supported for DB2 installation on the Unix and Linux platforms. User response: Specify an installation path without space characters and rerun the command. DBI1246I The db2_deinstall command can only be run from a DB2 installation directory. Explanation: Starting from DB2 9, the db2_deinstall command can only be run from a DB2 installation path. It can be found under DB2DIR/install, where DB2DIR represents the directory where the DB2 product is installed. User response: Reenter the command from DB2DIR/install directory. DBI1247W Root feature %s can not be enabled because the feature does not exist in the current installation. DBI1248E You can only use this version of the db2_deinstall command to uninstall a DB2 version %s product. Explanation: To uninstall a DB2 product, you must use the db2_deinstall command that is at the same version level. User response: Find the appropriate DB2 media and rerun the command or run the db2_deinstall command from the /install directory, where represents the installation path of the DB2 product you want to remove. DBI1249E You can only use this version of the doce_deinstall command to uninstall the DB2 Information Center version %s. Explanation: To uninstall the DB2 Information Center, you must use the doce_deinstall command that is at the same version level. User response: Find the appropriate DB2 Information Center media and rerun the command or run the doce_deinstall command from the /install directory, where represents the installation path of the DB2 Information Center you want to remove. DBI1250E Applications are still using instance %s. Explanation: There are applications that are still running that are using the specified instance. All applications using this instance must be terminated before the command can be completed successfully. You can get a list of the applications that are currently using the instance by issuing the command: db2 list applications User response: You can either wait for the applications to end by themselves, or you can explicitly force the applications to end. You can logon as the instance owner and run the command db2 force application all Note that some applications may have unexpected behaviour when terminated using the above command. After all the applications have stopped, stop the database manager using "db2stop" command. DBI1251N An error occurred while creating the cluster resource for this instance. Explanation: The db2iupgrade command is unable to initialize the clustering service or is unable to find the existing DB2 resource to upgrade. User response: Ensure that the current logon user account has sufficient authority to access the clustering service. Also ensure that the cluster service is active on the system, and that any resources that the DB2 resource you are upgrading depends on are online on the current node. If the problem persists, contact your IBM service representative for assistance. DBI1252N An error occurred while registering the DB2 server resource type in the clustering service. Explanation: DB2 requires a resource type to be available in the clustering service but the command to register the resource type failed. User response: Ensure that the current logon user account has sufficient authority to access the clustering service. Register the resource type manually using the utility "db2wolfi.exe i". If the problem persists, contact your IBM service representative for assistance. DBI1253N An error occurred while creating the cluster resource for this instance. The system cannot revert to its original settings. Explanation: An error occurred while creating the cluster resource required for this instance. The existing cluster resource for this instance was removed and could not be restored. User response: Ensure that the current logon user account has sufficient authority to access the clustering service. Also ensure that that cluster service is active on the system, and that any resources that the DB2 resource you are upgrading depends on are online on the current node. Recreate the resource for the instance using the "Cluster Administrator" available under the administrative tools control panel applet. If the problem persists, contact your IBM service representative for assistance. DBI1254N An error occurred while upgrading the cluster resource for this instance because the existing resource cannot be removed. Explanation: In order to upgrade the instance, the cluster resource must be removed and a new cluster resource must be created using the DB2 server type. The command was not able to remove the existing cluster resource and therefore cannot upgrade this instance. User response: Ensure that the current logon user account has sufficient authority to access the clustering service. Also ensure that the cluster service is active on the system, and that any resources that the DB2 resource you are upgrading depends on are online on the current node. If the problem persists, contact your IBM service representative for assistance. DBI1255E The configuration file %s needed to create the specified instance type cannot be found. Explanation: The required configuration file to create the specified instance type can not be found. User response: Specify the instance type supported by the current installation of DB2 and rerun the command. DBI1257I The DB2 Information Center is not listening for requests. DBI1258E Unable to start DB2 Information Center. Explanation: The command to start the DB2 Information Center was unsuccessful. User response: The messages are written in the log file doc/eclipse/workspace/.metadata/.log from the DB2 Information Center install path. DBI1259I Enabled root feature: DBI1260E Cannot read from response file. Explanation: An attempt was made to read from the given response file failed. Ensure that the response file has read access permission and the given path to the response file is correct. User response: Correct the access permission and the location of the response file and try again. DBI1261E The value is not valid for the keyword. Explanation: The value specified in the response file is not valid for its corresponding keyword. Refer to the sample response file for a list of valid entries. User response: Correct the problem in the following line of the response file and try again. DBI1262E Unknown keyword detected in the response file. Explanation: The given keyword in the response file is not valid. Refer to the sample response file for a list of valid keywords. User response: Correct the problem in the following line of the response file and try again. DBI1263I Not enabled root feature: DBI1264E Errors were encountered in running %s. Please refer to the installation log file %s for more information. Explanation: All processed and failed operations have been saved into this log file. User response: Do not modify this file in any way. This file is for IBM Technical Support reference. DBI1265I Reserved service entry: DBI1266I Refer to the log file %s for more information. Explanation: All processed and failed operations have been saved into this log file. User response: Do not modify this file in any way. This file is for IBM Technical Support reference. DBI1267I Not reserved service entry: DBI1268E The file set %s is not available on the installation media. Explanation: One of the file sets to be installed is not found on the installation media. If the file set is not located on the installation media then it cannot be installed. User response: Ensure that the file set is located on the installation media. If the file set is not located on the installation media de-select it and try again. DBI1269I Summary: DBI1270E Error detected in the response file. Explanation: An error has been detected when processing the response file. Install cannot be continued unless the problem has been corrected. User response: Correct the problem in the following line of the response file and try again. DBI1271E The configuration file %s is invalid. DBI1272I To start using the DB2 instance %s, you must set up the DB2 instance environment by sourcing db2profile or db2cshrc in the sqllib directory, or you can open a new login window of the DB2 instance user. Explanation: The DB2 instance cannot be used before db2profile (for Bourne or Korn shell users) or db2cshrc (for C shell users) is sourced. User response: To set up the DB2 instance environment, you can open a new login window under the ID that owns the DB2 instance, or source the DB2 instance environment by running the appropriate following command under the ID that owns the DB2 instance: . $HOME/sqllib/db2profile source $HOME/sqllib/db2cshrc where $HOME represents the home directory of the user ID that owns the DB2 instance. DBI1273W The DB2 Text Search instance service could not be configured for the instance. Reason code: %s. Explanation: An attempt to configure the instance for DB2 Text Search failed. Possible reasons are: 1 DB2 Text Search is not installed. Install DB2 Text Search from the installation media then try again. 2 The service name or port number specified is not valid. A valid service name must not exceed 14 characters in length, and a valid port number must be in the range 1024-65535. 3 The port number specified is being used by another application. Choose a port number that is available on the system. 4 The specified service name or port number conflict with existing values in the TCP/IP services file. Provide a service name and a port number that is available on the system. 5 The TCP/IP services file could not be accessed. Check that you have permission to read and write to the services file. Also, ensure that the content of the file is valid and no duplicate entries exist. 6 The default service name is reserved to a port number that is different from the one provided. Provide a service name and port number that do not conflict with existing entries in the TCP/IP services file. 7 The default service name is reserved to a port number that is being used by another application. Choose a service name and port number that is available on the system. 8 The service name provided is reserved to a port number that is being used by another application. Choose a service name and port number that is available on the system. 9 An attempt to create or copy DB2 Text Search directories or files in the instance directory failed. 10 An attempt to read or write to DB2 Text Search configuration files in the instance directory failed. 11 An attempt to create the DB2 Text Search instance service Windows service failed. 12 An unexpected internal error occurred. User response: Contact your IBM service representative if the suggested action associated with the reason code did not solve the problem. DBI1274N The DB2 Text Search instance service for the instance could not be stopped. Explanation: An attempt to stop the DB2 Text Search instance service failed. The Windows service could not be stopped. User response: Stop the DB2 Text Search server for the instance and try your command again. DBI1275E The DB2 Text Search instance service for the instance could not be stopped. Explanation: An attempt to stop the DB2 Text Search instance service failed. User response: Stop the DB2 Text Search instance service for the instance and try your command again. DBI1276E The DB2 installation at %s must be updated while logged in under the user ID that performed the installation. Explanation: You can only update the DB2 installation by running the installFixPack command under the user ID that performed the DB2 installation. You have to run the installFixPack command as a user with root priviledge to update a DB2 root installation. User response: Rerun the command with an appropriate user ID. DBI1277E Install path and runtime path do not match Explanation: When setting up the runtime path with db2chgpath, a path was given that does not match the current path that DB2 is running from. User response: Perform one of the following actions: * Move the install path to match the runtime path. * Rerun db2chgpath with the correct runtime path, to match the current install path. DBI1278W Warning issued from the response file. Explanation: A warning has been raised when processing the response file. DB2 Installer will carry on without stopping. User response: If required, correct the problem in the following line of the response file and try again. DBI1279I Notice issued from the response file. Explanation: A notice has been issued when processing the response file. DB2 Installer will carry on without stopping. User response: This is for your information only. No action is required. DBI1281E The database manager configuration file could not be initialized. Explanation: An error occurred when attempting to initialize the database manager configuration file. A DB2 instance could not be created or upgraded. User response: Refer to the log file for troubleshooting. Resolve the problem and try the command again. If the problem persists, contact your IBM service representative. DBI1282W The database manager configuration files could not be merged. The original configuration file was saved as %s. (The original instance type is %s. The instance type to be upgraded or updated is %s.) Explanation: An error was detected when attempting to merge two database manager configuration files. The previous database manager configuration file could not be merged with the new database manager configuration file. This error could happen if the instance is being upgraded or updated from a higher instance type to a lower instance type. If the instance update or upgrade was successful, a new instance is created using the default configuration settings for the instance-type-upgrade. This error could happen if the instance is being upgraded or updated from a higher instance type to a lower instance type. The new instance uses the default configuration settings for the new instance type if update or upgrade was successful. User response: Check the values in the new database manager configuration file and update the parameters as required using the dbm-cfg-file-name original configuration file. DBI1283E Unable to update the communication information for %s. Explanation: The SVCENAME parameter and/or the DB2COMM registry values could not be updated during instance creation. User response: Make sure that the SVCENAME parameter is set to %s in the database manager configuration file and update using db2 update dbm cfg using SVCENAME %s Also update the DB2COMM variable to tcpip by running db2set DB2COMM=tcpip DBI1284I %s has been set successfully. DBI1285E Setting %s failed. See log file %s for details. DBI1286E The utility %s was not found. Explanation: The utility must be available on your system to install or update DB2 products. User response: Ensure that the utility is installed and its location is in the PATH environment variable. Re-enter the command. DBI1287E There has been an attempt to use db2_deinstall on an image for a platform that does not match the current platform %s on which it is being run. Explanation: Possible causes include: * This DB2 install image is not valid for the current platform. * The current platform is not supported by DB2. User response: Remove DB2 using the DB2 install image that corresponds with the current platform %s or directly run the command db2_deinstall from the directory 'DB2DIR/install', where DB2DIR is the DB2 installation path. DBI1288E The execution of the program %s failed. This program failed because you do not have write permission on the directory or file %s. Explanation: Reasons for this error include: * The given directory or file is on a local file system of the current machine, but the user id running the program does not have write permission for that directory or file. * The given directory or file is on an NFS mounted file system mounted on the current machine, but the current user id does not have write permission for that directory or file. * The current user id does not have write permission for the given directory or file located at the target partition. This can happen when the current machine's operating system is IBM AIX Version 6.1 or later and a Workload Partition root user id is attempting to write to a Global Partition. * The current user id does not have write permission for the directory or file located at the target zone. This can happen when the current machine's operating system is Sun Solaris 10 or later and a local zone root user id is attempting to write to a global zone. * The current machine is running the Sun Solaris Operating System in a local zone which does not have the write permission for the directory or file located on the global zone. User response: There are several ways to respond to this message: * Run the program with a user id that has write permission for the given directory or file. * Modify the permissions of the directory or file to allow the user id to write to that directory or file, and rerun the program. * Modify the authority of the user id to allow that user id to write to the given directory or file, and rerun the program. DBI1289W The DB2 install or instance utility %s failed to configure file permission and ownership properties for files related to DB2 Advanced Copy Services (ACS). See the log file %s for more information. Explanation: The DB2 install or instance utility attempted to configure permission and ownership for DB2 ACS files that are located in the sqllib/acs directory under the DB2 instance home directory. The given log file contains information about why the DB2 install or instance utility failed. DB2 ACS might not be usable because the DB2 install or instance utility failed to configure permission and ownership for these files. User response: If you will not be using DB2 ACS, you do not need to reinstall IBM Data Server, or recreate the DB2 instance. If you will be using DB2 ACS, perform the following steps: 1. See the given log file for more information about the failures. 2. Correct the cause of the failures and take the action recommended in the log file. For more information about configuring DB2 ACS, see the topic called "Configuring DB2 Advanced Copy Services" in the DB2 Information Center. DBI1290E An attempt to create the profile registry %s failed. Explanation: An error occurred when creating the profile registry. One of the following situations occurred: * Incorrect access permission on the top directory of the current DB2 installation. * There is not enough space on your file system. User response: Check the directory permissions for the top directory of the current DB2 installation. DBI1291E The instance %s was not found in the instance list. Explanation: The specified instance was not found in the instance list. User response: Verify that the list of instances as reported by the "db2ilist" command is correct. Retry the command with a valid instance name. DBI1292E The instance %s is already in the instance list. Explanation: The instance that is being created or upgraded is already in the instance list. User response: Use a different instance name that is not part of the instance list as reported by the db2ilist command. DBI1293E There is no DB2 Query Patroller Server set up on this system. User response: If DB2 Query Patroller was not installed via the DB2 Installer, please use the Installer to properly set up an instance for use with the DB2 Query Patroller Server. If one has been set up, then verify that it is recorded in the default.env file, and that the file is world readable. default.env can be found in /usr/opt/db2_08_xx, where xx is 01 or FPn, where n is the FixPak number or /opt/IBM/db2/V8.x, where x is 1 or FPn, where n is the FixPak number DBI1294W The DB2 install or instance utility %s failed to start DB2 Advanced Copy Services (ACS.) See the log file %s for more information. Explanation: Before you can use DB2 ACS, the services must be started. The DB2 install or instance utility attempted to start the services, but failed. You can use the DB2 instance, but you cannot use DB2 ACS until the services are started. User response: To start DB2 ACS, perform the following steps: 1. See the given log file for more information about the failures. 2. Correct the cause of the failures. 3. Start DB2 ACS manually. For more information about manually starting DB2 ACS, see the topic called "Starting DB2 Advanced Copy Services" in the DB2 Information Center. DBI1295E The instance list could not be updated. Explanation: The instance could not be added to or removed from the instance list. An error has occurred when adding or removing the instance from the instance list. One of the following situations occurred: * Incorrect access permission on the registry profile. * Profile registry is not set up properly. * There is not enough space on your file system. User response: Check the file permissions on the instance list profile under the top directory of the current DB2 installation. DBI1296E The DB2 install or instance utility %s failed to stop DB2 Advanced Copy Services (ACS.) See the log file %s for more information. Explanation: Before you can update or upgrade a DB2 instance, DB2 ACS must be stopped. The DB2 install or instance utility attempted to stop the services, but failed. You cannot update or upgrade the DB2 instance until DB2 ACS is stopped. User response: To stop DB2 ACS, perform the following steps: 1. See the given log file for more information about the failures. 2. Correct the cause of the failures. 3. Stop DB2 ACS manually. For more information about manually stopping DB2 Advanced Copy Services (ACS), see the DB2 Information Center. DBI1297E The instance profile %s could not be updated. Explanation: An error occurred when updating the instance profile registry. One of the following situations occurred: * Incorrect access permissions on the instance profile registry. * Profile registry is not set up properly. * There is not enough space on your file system. User response: Check the file permissions on the instance list profile under the top directory of the current DB2 installation. DBI1298E The DB2 install or instance utility %s failed to disable DB2 Advanced Copy Services (ACS.) See the log file %s for more information. Explanation: Before you can drop a DB2 instance, or remove a non-root install of IBM Data Server, DB2 ACS must be stopped. The DB2 install or instance utility attempted to disable the services, but failed. You cannot drop a DB2 instance, or remove a non-root install of IBM Data Server until DB2 ACS is disabled. User response: To disable DB2 ACS, perform the following steps: 1. See the given log file for more information about the failures. 2. Correct the cause of the failures. 3. Disable DB2 ACS manually. For more information about manually disabling DB2 ACS, see the topic called "Disabling DB2 Advanced Copy Services" in the DB2 Information Center. DBI1299E DB2 profile registry variable %s was not nulled because it is a member of an aggregate set. Explanation: Several DB2 profile registry variables can be grouped together and set as one aggregate DB2 profile registry variable. When you configure an aggregate DB2 profile registry variable, the DB2 profile registry variables that are members of that set are automatically configured to their predefined values. DB2 profile registry variables that are members of an aggregate set, can not be nulled using the following db2set command syntax: db2set %s= The variable was not nulled. User response: To null a DB2 profile registry variable that is a member of an aggregate set, use the following db2set command syntax to set the variable to NULL: db2set -null %s DBI1300N db2set displays, sets, or removes DB2 profile variables. db2set [variable=[value]] [-g|-i instance [db-partition-number]] [-all] [-null] [-r [instance] [node-number]] [-n DAS node[-u user[-p password]]] [-l|-lr] [-v] [-ul|-ur] [-?|-h] Explanation: The command options are: -g Access the global profile variables. -i Specifies the instance profile to use instead of the current or default. -n Specifies the remote DB2 Administration Server node name. -u Specifies the user ID to use for the Administration Server attachment. -ul Access the user profile variables -ur Refreshes user profile variables -p Specifies the password to use for the admin server attachment. -r Resets the profile registry for the given instance. The default/current instance will be used if none is provided. -l Lists all instance profiles. -lr Lists all supported registry variables. -v Verbose mode. -? Displays the command help message. -h Same as -? option. -all Displays all occurrences of the local environment variables as defined in: * The environment, denoted by [e] * The user level registry, denoted by [u] * The node level registry, denoted by [n] * The instance level registry, denoted by [i] and * The global level registry, denoted by [g] -null Sets the variables value to null at the specified registry level to prevent looking up the value in the next registry level as defined in the variable value search order. Notes: * db2set with no variable name displays all defined variables. * db2set displays 's value. * db2set = (nothing) deletes the . * db2set = modifies the 's value. * db2set -null sets 's value to NULL. * db2set -all displays all defined 's values. * db2set -ur refreshes the current user profile. * db2set -ul displays defined at the user level. * db2set -all displays all defined variables in all registry levels. DBI1301E Invalid value. Explanation: The value specified for the registry variable is invalid. User response: Refer to the DB2 Information Center to determine the valid values for the registry variable. DBI1302E Invalid parameter detected. Explanation: An invalid parameter was used. User response: Use the -? option for the usage help message. DBI1303W Variable not set. Explanation: The variable was not set in the profile registry. User response: No further action is required. DBI1304E Unexpected error. Explanation: The tool encountered an unexpected system error. User response: Contact your DB2 service representative. DBI1305E The profile registry was not found. Explanation: The target machine does not have a profile registry setup. User response: Create the registry on the target machine by installing DB2. DBI1306N The instance profile is not defined. Explanation: The instance is not defined in the target machine registry. User response: Specify an existing instance name or create the required instance. DBI1307N The instance node profile is not defined. Explanation: The instance node is not defined in the target machine registry. User response: Create the registry by installing the required DB2 product parts. DBI1308E Out of memory condition encountered. Explanation: The tool encountered an "out of memory resource" error. User response: System is low on memory resources. Terminate non-essential applications or try again later. DBI1309E System error. Explanation: The tool encountered an operating system error. User response: A system error was encountered during registry access. Ensure that there is enough space on the file system where the registry is located, and that there is a valid LAN connection if the registry is remote. DBI1310E Remote registry access is not supported. Explanation: The tool does not support the remote registry option. User response: Consult the Command Reference on how to access the registry remotely. DBI1311I Listing registry instance profiles... DBI1312I Listing defined global variables... DBI1313I Listing defined instance variables... DBI1314I Listing all supported registry variables... DBI1315E The specified variable is not an aggregate type registry variable. Explanation: To display the group definition, the registry variable must be an aggregate type registry variable. User response: Do not specify the -gd option or specify a valid aggregate variable name when using the -gd option. DBI1316E Instance is not MPP. Explanation: The target instance is not a DB2 MPP instance. User response: Choose an MPP instance. DBI1317E Instance node already exists. Explanation: A duplicate instance node already exists. User response: Choose a different instance node. DBI1318E The value specified for the registry variable is too long. Explanation: The value specified for the registry variable exceeds the maximum limit. The maximum length for a registry variable value is 255 bytes. User response: Specify a shorter value for the registry variable. DBI1319W The variable %s has been explicitly set and will not be affected by the configuration of the aggregate variable %s. Explanation: An aggregate registry variable has been configured to a value whose group definition contains settings for a variable which has been explicitly configured. The explicitly configured value will be retained. User response: If desired, explicitly configure the variable. DBI1320W WARNING: Explanation: This script is used to gather information useful to IBM Support to debug the problems you may be experiencing. This information may be of a sensitive nature. You may wish to edit the output file, db2ginfo.txt, before sending it to IBM Support. User response: To signal your awareness and acceptance of the above warning, run this script with the -y flag specified. DBI1321W The ulimit setting for the DB2 instance %s does not comply with the recommended values for DB2 on the current platform. Explanation: The ulimit setting for the current non-root DB2 instance has values for 'data' and 'nofiles' smaller than the values recommended by DB2 on the current platform. It is recommended to set the 'data' to 'unlimited' and 'nofiles' to 'unlimited' or the maximum value allowed on the system. If setting 'data' to 'unlimited' cannot be done, the following formula can be used as reference to decide the estimate value in kilobytes of 'data' required by DB2 for the current platform: default_data_ulimit + ( ( 20 * max_concurrent_active_databases ) + estimated_max_connections ) * max_querydegree * 8192 where: 1. default_data_ulimit is the default value of 'data' of ulimit for a user on the system. For example, the default value is 262144 on IBM AIX system. 2. max_concurrent_active_databases is the maximum number of concurrent active databases for the DB2 instance. 3. estimated_max_connections is the estimated maximum number of database connections for the DB2 instance. 4. max_querydegree is the value of the parameter "MAX_QUERYDEGREE" for DB2 database manager configuration when the INTRA_PARALLEL is enabled in the DB2 database manager configuration. If INTRA_PARALLEL is not enabled, the max_querydegree's value is 1. User response: Ask the system administrator with root privilege to update the ulimit setting for the current DB2 instance. DBI1322I Usage: db2iprune -r input_file_path -o destination_dir_path | -c [-t trace_file] [-l log_filename] [-h|-?]Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered for the db2iprune command. Valid arguments for this command are: -r input_file_path Specifies the full path to the input file that is to be used. The input file, or .prn file, contains a full list of removable components and is used to indicate which products, components, and languages you would like removed from the installation image. -o destination_directory_path Specifies the full path to where the new DB2 pruned image is copied. Make sure that you have write access to this directory. -c Specifies that you want to prune the source installation image directly. Ensure that the source installation image directory is writable. -t trace_file (On Linux and UNIX operating systems only.) Turns on the debug mode. The debug information is written to the file name specified. -l log_filename Enables error logging. On Linux and UNIX operating systems, if the -l option is not specified, the default log file name is tmpdir/db2iprune_username.log. On Windows operating systems, the log file db2iprune.log is written to the destination directory. -h|-? Displays the usage information. User response: Enter the command again using the valid parameters. For details, see the DB2 Information Center for examples and usage notes for the db2iprune command. DBI1323I Usage: db2rspgn -d output_directory [-i instance] [-t trace-file] [-h|-?]Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered for the db2rspgn command. Valid arguments for this command are: -d Specifies the full path to the output directory for generated files. If the output directory specified is an existing directory, the directory must be empty and writable. If the output directory specified does not exist, the new directory is created if the location is writable. This parameter is mandatory. -i instance Generates the specified instance configuration and saves this information in the generated response file and instance configuration profile. This parameter is optional. By default, all instances are selected. To specify multiple instances, specify this parameter multiple times. For example, -i db2inst1 -i db2inst3. -t trace-file Linux and UNIX operating systems only. Turns on the debug mode. The debug information is written to the file name specified as trace-file. -h|-? Displays help information. User response: Enter the command again using the valid parameters. DBI1324W Support of the %s command is deprecated. For more information, see the DB2 Information Center. DBI1325E The %s command has failed. Explanation: At least one instance is still running the DB2 Text Search instance service. User response: Stop the DB2 text search instance service and re-run the command. DBI1326W The Text Search instance services failed to restart. Explanation: Before running the DB2 instance command, the Text Search instance service was not stopped. The DB2 process stopped the Text Search instance service. However, the DB2 process is unable to restart the Text Search instance service. User response: Manually restart the Text Search instance service. DBI1327E The db2icrt command failed because the home directory of the instance owner is a subdirectory under the directory in which the DB2 product is installed. Explanation: The home directory of the instance owner cannot be a subdirectory under the directory in which the DB2 product is installed. For example, if the DB2 product is installed in the directory named /opt/db2v97, the home directory of the user who will be the instance owner cannot be in any directory under /opt/db2v97. This message is returned in the following scenario: * On Linux and UNIX operating systems: the home directory of the instance owner is a subdirectory under the directory in which the DB2 product is installed. The DB2 instance was not created. User response: 1. Configure that the user environment and directory structure so that the home directory of the instance owner is not a subdirectory of the directory in which the DB2 product is installed. 2. Run the db2icrt command again. Related information Instance directory db2icrt - Create instance command DBI1329I Usage: db2val [-h|-?] [-o] [-i inst_name1] | [-a] [-b db_name] [-d] [-s] [-l log_file]Explanation: An invalid argument was entered for the db2val command. Valid arguments for this command are: -o Specifies that only the installation files will be validated; validation of the instance, database, and extended security will not be performed. If this parameter is specified, the -i, -a, -b, and -s parameters are ignored. -i inst_name Specifies that the name of the instance to validate. To specify validation of multiple instances, specify this parameter multiple times. For example, -i inst1 -i inst2. * On Windows operating systems, if this parameter is not specified, the current instance will be used as the default value. * On Linux and UNIX operating systems, this parameter can only be used by root users in a root installation of a DB2 copy. -a Validates all instances in the DB2 copy. On Linux and UNIX operating systems, this parameter can only be used by root users in a root installation of a DB2 copy. This option overrides the -i option. -b db_name Validates the local database creation and connection with the given database name. This parameter is ignored in the following scenarios: * the instance to be validated is a client instance * -a and -i are not specified when db2val is run by root users (on Linux and UNIX only). -d Valid only on Linux and UNIX operating systems. Use this parameter only when instructed by DB2 Support. Turns the debug mode on. -s Starts the DB2 database manager for the specified instance that is part of a DPF environment. -l log_file Writes the log to the file name specified. Unless the -l parameter is specified, the default log path is: * On Linux and Unix, /tmp/db2valxx.log * On Windows, My DocumentsDB2LOGdb2valxx.log where xx is a generated value. -h|-? Displays the usage information. User response: Enter the command again using the valid parameters. DBI1330W The action might affect other instances. Explanation: The file IWH.environment contains global information for all instances. Updating this file might affect all instances. Do you wish to continue? DBI1331E Installation file validation for the DB2 copy %s failed. Explanation: Some features or components have missing files or are the wrong size. User response: To repair the DB2 installation, from the Add or Remove Programs tool, select Change for the DB2 copy, and select the Repair option. Rerun the db2val command. DBI1332E Missing template file for IWH.environment. Explanation: The template file for IWH.environment is needed. DBI1333I Installation file validation for the DB2 copy %s was successful. DBI1334E Installation file validation failed for the DB2 copy installed at %s. Reason code = %s. Explanation: 1. Some features or components have missing files or files with the wrong size. 2. The embedded runtime path for some DB2 library or executable files is not set properly. User response: Perform one of the following actions: 1. Re-install the products by running the following command from the installation media, installFixPack -f level. Rerun the db2val command. 2. For root installations, run /install/db2chgpath as root. For non-root installations, run /install/db2chgpath as the copy owner. Rerun the db2val command. DBI1335I Installation file validation for the DB2 copy installed at %s was successful. DBI1336E The partitioned database environment validation for the instance %s failed. Reason code = %s. Explanation: 1. The format of the DB2 node configuration file (db2nodes.cfg) is incorrect. 2. The other database partition servers are not accessible. 3. The start and end ports for Fast Communication Manager (FCM) are not reserved properly on all database partition servers. 4. The instance profile directory is not accessible from all database partition servers. 5. The instance service is running under a non-domain account. This will prevent the DB2 instance from starting. 6. The installation directory for the instance is not accessible from all database partition servers. 7. The code level on each database partition server is not consistent. 8. On Windows operating systems, if the db2val command is run to validate a multiple partition instance, domain user account authority is required. 9. An unexpected internal error occurred. User response: 1. Ensure the format of db2nodes.cfg follows the DB2 standard. 2. Check the .rhosts file is configured on all the partitions. If the DB2RSHCMD registry variable is set to ssh, ensure the ssh remote shell utility is available. 3. Ensure the start and end ports for FCM are free and reserved on each computer participating in the partitioned database environment. The start port should be the same on each participating computer. 4. Ensure the instance profile directory on the instance-owning machine is shared among all the database partition servers. The instance profile directory should be in the UNC format. 5. Use a domain account for the instance service on all database partition servers. 6. Ensure the installation directory is accessible from all database partition servers. 7. Ensure the same code level is installed on all computers participating in the partitioned database environment. 8. Log on as a user with the domain user account authority and retry the command. 9. Rerun the db2val command. If this error persists, contact your IBM service representative. DBI1337I The partitioned database environment validation for the instance %s was successful. DBI1338E The validation of instance %s failed. Reason code=%s. Explanation: 1. The default instance is not set. 2. Some files in the instance directory are damaged. The symbolic links of the files are not pointing to the current DB2 copy installation path, and the file permission and ownership might have been changed. 3. The DB2 Extended Security setup does not allow the current user to start an instance. If Extended Security is enabled, the user needs to be in the DB2ADMNS group. 4. To start the instance, read permission is required to the /etc/services file. 5. The appropriate authority is required to validate this instance. 6. The partitioned database environment setting is not correct. 7. The instance failed to start because of system errors. 8. An unexpected internal error occurred. User response: 1. Set the DB2INSTDEF profile registry variable to an instance in the DB2 copy. 2. Run the db2iupdt or db2nrupdt command with the -k option for the instance. 3. Add the current user to the DB2ADMNS group and rerun the command. 4. Ensure you have read permission to the /etc/services file. 5. For authorization details, see the db2val command in the DB2 Information Center. Then log on as a user with the appropriate authority, and retry the command. 6. Check the partitioned database environment validation log file for details. 7. Check the log file for details. 8. Rerun the db2val command. If this error persists, contact your IBM service representative. DBI1339I The instance validation for the instance %s was successful. DBI1340I Database validation for instance %s was successful. DBI1341E %s does not have the authority to perform the requested command. Explanation: The appropriate authority is required to run the command. For authorization details, see the db2val command in the DB2 Information Center. User response: Log on as a user with the appropriate authority, and retry the command. DBI1342E Instance %s does not exist in the current DB2 copy. Explanation: The specified instance does not exist in the current DB2 copy and will not be validated. User response: Rerun the db2val command with an instance that is listed by the db2ilist command for the current DB2 copy. DBI1343I The db2val command completed successfully. For details, see the log file %s. DBI1344E The validation tasks of the db2val command failed. For details, see the log file %s. DBI1345W Read permission to the /etc/services file is not granted to every user. This lack of permission can cause the instance creation to fail. Explanation: Creating an instance requires the users who manage the instance to have read permission to the /etc/services file. User response: Ensure users have read permission to the /etc/services file. DBI1346W Path %s defined in the DFTDBPATH database manager configuration variable is not accessible on the current database partition server. This can cause the database creation to fail. DBI1347W The db2val command completed with warnings. For details, see the log file %s. DBI1348W Read and execute permissions to the installation directory are not granted to everyone. This lack of permission might cause problems when using your DB2 product. DBI1349W Installation file validation completed with warnings for the DB2 copy installed at %s. For details, see the log file %s. DBI1350E The database validation failed for the instance %s. Reason code=%s. Explanation: Database validation failed because of one of the following reasons: 1. Database creation failed because of system errors. 2. Database connection failed because of system errors. 3. An unexpected internal error occurred. User response: Check the log file for details, or rerun the db2val command. If this error persists, contact your IBM service representative. DBI1351E You must be the instance owner to run this command. Explanation: To run this command, you must be the DB2 Query Patroller Server instance owner. User response: Verify that the DB2 Query Patroller Server instance is correctly recorded in the file default.env. Log in as the DB2 Query Patroller Server instance owner and issue the command again. default.env can be found under the top directory of the current DB2 installation. DBI1352E The instance %s is not an ESE instance. Explanation: DB2 Query Patroller Server/Agent must be created on an ESE instance. User response: Run this command again using a valid ESE instance name, or you may create and set up a new ESE instance first before running this command again. DBI1353E DB2 Query Patroller Server has been set up on an instance already. Explanation: DB2 Query Patroller Server can be set up on one DB2 instance only. User response: Run the command dqplist to find out the named of the instance being used as the DB2 Query Patroller Server. If the instance name is correct then there is no need to run dqpcrt to set up a server. For setting up an agent you need to use the correct instance name. If this instance is no longer being used for that purpose, run the command dqpdrop inst_name to remove it. Then re-run the dqpcrt command again. DBI1354E The instance %s is not an DB2 Query Patroller Server instance. User response: Use dqplist to find out the proper server instance name and re-run the command again. DBI1355I Usage: dqpcrt [-h|-?] %s -p PortName InstName Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered. Valid arguments for this command are: PortName Port name to be used with the DB2 Query Patroller Server/Agent InstaName name of an instance that is to be designated as an DB2 Query Patroller Server instance -s Creating a DB2 Query Patroller Server on the named instance -a Creating a DB2 Query Patroller Agent on the named instance. -h|-? display the usage information The -a option is only valid on a multiple partitioned database instance. User response: Re-enter the command with the proper syntax. DBI1356I Usage: dqplist [-h|-?] Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered. Valid arguments for this command are: -h|-? display the usage information User response: Re-enter the command with the proper syntax. DBI1357I Usage: dqpdrop [-h|-?] InstName Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered. Valid arguments for this command are: InstName name of the instance that you wish to remove the DB2 Query Patroller Server from -h|-? display the usage information This command can only be issued on the node where the DB2 Query Patroller Server was created. User response: Re-enter the command with the proper syntax. DBI1358W Failed to modify the DB2 Query Patroller profile files. Explanation: An attempt to update the dqpprofile and/or dqpcshrc files have failed. Possible causes can be * These files do not exist in the sqllib directory under the instance home directory. * There is no write permission on these files. * Failure to create a temporary file in /tmp directory. User response: Check the existence and permission on these files. Verify that you can write to /tmp. Issue the command again. DBI1359E Unable to remove the DB2 Query Patroller Server from instance %s. Explanation: An attempt to remove the DB2 Query Patroller Server from the named instance has failed. User response: Manually remove the file sqllib/cfg/dqplevel from the instance owner's home directory. Also edit the file default.env and remove the DQPSERVER line from this file. default.env can be found under the top directory of the current DB2 installation. DBI1360E Unable to complete DB2 Query Patroller set up. Explanation: An attempt to set up the DB2 Query Patroller Server has failed. Possible cause include: * Failed to create a database for the DB2 Query Patroller Server * Failed to create a database partition group on the specified node * Failed to create a table space in the nodegroup User response: If the database or the database partition group creation failed, try to create them manually and re-run the command. If it failed at creating the table space, check to see that you have write permission to the path you have designated. Try to create the table space manually. DBI1361E DB2 Query Patroller Server code has not been installed. Explanation: The DB2 Query Patroller Server code has not been installed, and is required for the current operation to complete. User response: Install the DB2 Query Patroller Server code, and try the command again. DBI1362W IWM schema objects have been detected. Explanation: DB2 has detected IWM schema objects, possibly from a previous install of IWM. User response: If you wish to keep the existing IWM schema objects, there is nothing to do. If you wish to remove them and re-create new ones, re-issue the dqpsetup command with the -o flag. DBI1363E Failed to create IWM schema objects. Explanation: An attempt to create the IWM schema objects has failed. User response: Verify that the files db2_qp_schema and iwm_schema.sql are both in the directory /usr/opt/db2_08_xx/bin, where xx is 01 or FPn, where n is the FixPak number. If both files exist, then the output of the IWM schema creation procedure can be found in /tmp/iwmschcr.log. Correct any error and re-run the dqpsetup command again. DBI1364E No previous DB2 Query Patroller schema objects exist. Explanation: No previous DB2 Query Patroller schema objects exist to be migrated. User response: Run dqpsetup again with the correct syntax. Use 'dqpsetup -h' to see the syntax. DBI1365E Node number is not defined. Explanation: The node number is not defined in the db2nodes.cfg. User response: Examine the db2nodes.cfg file and make sure the entry you want is there. Enter the command again using the correct node number exactly as recorded in the db2nodes.cfg file. DBI1366E The container %s is already in use. Explanation: The directory named as a container for the table space already exists. User response: Run the command again using a different path for the container for the table space. DBI1367E Failed to bind the files listed in %s. Explanation: There was a problem binding the bind files listed in named file(s). User response: Perform the binding manually. DBI1368E Failed to connect to DQP database %s. Explanation: The database likely does not exist. User response: Specify that you would like to setup a new DQP instance using all the required parameters to dqpsetup. This instance cannot be upgraded. DBI1369W The partitioned database environment validation for the instance %s completed with warnings. DBI1370W Unable to modify the .profile or the .login file of user %s. Explanation: DB2 has failed to modify the .profile file or the .login file of this user. These files may not exist, or you may not have write permission to them. Without the modification you need to set your environment manually each time when you log in as this user to use DB2 Query Patroller. User response: Set up the application development environment. Related information UNIX environment variable settings Setting up the application development environment (Linux and UNIX) DBI1371E Missing arguments for setting up a Query Patroller Server. Explanation: A Query Patroller instance must be set up as server when DB2 Query Patroller Server is installed. Therefore the following arguments must be supplied: 1. Node group. 2. Node number. 3. Database name. 4. Table space. 5. Result table space. 6. Table space path. And optionally: DMS Table space size. User response: Specify the required and/or optional arguments in the response file. DBI1372E Cannot set up a Query Patroller server instance. Explanation: To set up a Query Patroller server instance, you must have DB2 Query Patroller Server installed. User response: * Install DB2 Query Patroller Server. * If you wish to set up a Query Patroller agent, take out the arguments for node group, node number, database name, table space, result table space, table space path and DMS table space size. DBI1373E Cannot set up Query Patroller server instance when creating a new ESE instance. User response: Create the ESE instance and set up the instance as a Query Patroller server in separate steps. DBI1374W The validation of instance %s completed with warnings. DBI1375E Cannot set up a Query Patroller instance without ESE installed. User response: Install ESE, and DB2 Query Patroller Agent/Server. DBI1376E To set up a Query Patroller instance, you need to provide the service name and port number of the IWM user. User response: * If you wish to set up a Query Patroller instance, enter the service name and port number of the IWM user. * If you do not wish to set up a Query Patroller instance, take out the specification of node group, node number, database name, table space, result table space, table space path and DMS table space size from the response file. DBI1377N db2isetup was unable to locate a suitable Java Runtime Environment on your computer. If a Java Runtime Environment %s is present, set your JAVA_HOME environment variable and run the command again. Otherwise, refer to the DB2 Installation Requirements for information on the recommended Java environment for your operating system. If you need to use your own JRE, set DB2USELOCALJRE=true. DBI1378N db2setup was unable to locate a suitable Java Runtime Environment on your computer. If a Java Runtime Environment %s is present, set your JAVA_HOME environment variable and run the command again. Otherwise, refer to the DB2 Installation Notes for information on the recommended Java environment for your operating system. If you are unable to obtain a suitable Java Runtime Environment you can install this product from the command using the doc_install script. Run this script without any parameters for information on how to use it. If you need to use your own JRE, set DB2USELOCALJRE=true. DBI1379I The db2val command is running. This can take several minutes. DBI1380W The database %s cannot be removed. Explanation: The database might be in use by other applications. User response: To manually drop the database, run the following command: db2 drop db %s DBI1381W Database validation for instance %s completed with warnings. DBI1382W The database manager of the instance %s cannot be stopped. Explanation: The database might still be in use. User response: To stop the database manager, run the db2stop command. DBI1383I You must update the DB2 registry for the current instance manually using the db2iset command, including the full path of the db2iset command. For example: /opt/ibm/db2/V9.7/instance/db2iset -d %s. DBI1384E The instance %s cannot be created. Explanation: DB2 Text Search configuration can only be performed on server instances. User response: Configure the DB2 Text Search feature on a server instance. DBI1385W Partitioned instances are not supported with the DB2 Text Search feature. Explanation: The DB2 Text Search feature cannot be configured for this instance. User response: Configure a single-partition instance to use the DB2 Text Search feature DBI1386N The account %s is locked. Explanation: The user's account is locked by the operating system. User response: Contact the system administrator to unlock this user's account. DBI1387I Usage: db2isetup [-h|-?] [-i ] [-r ] [-t ] [-l ] Explanation: -i language-code Specifies two letter code for the preferred language in which to run the install. If unspecified, this parameter will default to the locale of the current user. For a list of language identifiers, see the DB2 Information Center. -r response_file Specifies the full path and file name of the response file to use . -t tracefile Specifies the full path and name of trace file specified by tracefile. -l logfile Writes to the log to the file name specified. For root installations, the path and filename defaults to /tmp/db2isetup.log. For non-root installations, the default log file is /tmp/db2isetup_userID.log, where userID represents the user ID that owns the non-root installation. -h|-? Displays the usage information. User response: Reenter the command with the proper syntax. DBI1388I Usage: db2nrupgrade [-h|-?] [-d] [-a auth_type] -b backup_dir Explanation: -h|-? Displays usage information. -d Turns debug mode on. -a auth_type Specifies the authentication type (SERVER, SERVER_ENCRYPT or CLIENT) for the instance. The default authentication type is SERVER. -b This parameter is mandatory. Specifies the directory where the configuration files from the old DB2 version are stored. User response: Reenter the command with the proper syntax. DBI1389I Usage: db2ckupgrade ( | -e ) [-l ] [-u ] [-p ] [h|?] Explanation: database_name Specifies the name of a database to be scanned. -e Specifies that all local cataloged databases are to be scanned. -l logfile Mandatory parameter. Specifies a log file to keep a list of errors and warnings generated for the scanned database. -u userid Specifies the user ID of the instance owner. -p password Specifies the password of the instance owner. -h|-? Displays the usage information. User response: Reenter the command with the proper syntax. DBI1390E The current instance cannot be upgraded. Explanation: An attempt was made to upgrade the instance. This instance cannot be upgraded because either: * The DB2 version running the db2nrupgrade command is not a supported version to upgrade the current instance. * The instance is still active User response: See the DB2 Information Center for supported versions. Also ensure that there are no DB2 processes running at the instance. Fix the error, and to upgrade the instance to the new DB2 Copy version, rerun the db2nrupgrade command. For example, db2nrupgrade -b %s DBI1391E %s is not a valid path. Explanation: The directory cannot be accessed. User response: Enter a valid path and rerun the command. DBI1392W The %s command is deprecated. The deprecated command is replaced by new command %s. Explanation: The deprecated command will be removed from a future release. User response: Replace the deprecated command with the new command in any scripts or applications. DBI1400N The syntax of the db2licm command is incorrect. Explanation: The db2licm tool performs basic license functions in the absence of the Control Center. It adds, removes, lists, and modifies licenses installed on the local system. Execute db2licm tool with -l parameter to find out the product identifier for your product: db2licm [-a filename] [-e product-identifier HARD | SOFT] [-p product-identifier REGISTERED | CONCURRENT | OFF] [-r product-identifier] [-u product-identifier num-users] [-c product-identifier num-connectors] [-l] [-v] [-?] The command options are: -a Adds a license for a product. Specify a file name containing valid license information. This can be obtained from your licensed product CD or contact your IBM representative or authorized dealer. -e Updates the enforcement policy on the system. Valid values are: HARD and SOFT. HARD specifies that unlicensed requests will not be allowed. SOFT specifies that unlicensed requests will be logged but not restricted. -p Updates the license policy type to use on the system. The keywords CONCURRENT, REGISTERED, or CONCURRENT REGISTERED can be specified. Specify OFF to turn off all policies. -r Removes the license for a product. After the license is removed, the product functions in "Try & Buy" mode. To get the password for a specific product, invoke the command with the -l option. -u Updates the number of user entitlements that have been purchased. Specify the password of the product for which the entitlements were purchased and the number of users. -c Updates the number of connector entitlements that have been purchased. Specify the password of the product for which the entitlements were purchased and the number of connectors. -l Lists all the products with available license information, including the product identifier. -v Displays version information. -? Displays help information. When this option is specified, all other options are ignored, and only the help information is displayed. User response: Enter the command again using the valid parameters. DBI1401I Command line DB2 License Manager. Explanation: The db2licm tool performs basic license functions in the absence of the Control Center. It adds, removes, lists, and modifies licenses installed on the local system. To determine the product identifier for your product issue the db2licm -l command. db2licm [-a filename] [-e product-identifier HARD | SOFT] [-p product-identifier REGISTERED | CONCURRENT | OFF] [-r product-identifier] [-u product-identifier num-users] [-c product-identifier num-connectors] [-l] [-v] [-?] The command options are: -a Adds a license for a product. Specify a file name containing valid license information. This can be obtained from your licensed product CD or contact your IBM representative or authorized dealer. -e Updates the enforcement policy on the system. Valid values are: HARD and SOFT. HARD specifies that unlicensed requests will not be allowed. SOFT specifies that unlicensed requests will be logged but not restricted. -p Updates the license policy type to use on the system. The keywords CONCURRENT, REGISTERED, or CONCURRENT REGISTERED can be specified. Specify OFF to turn off all policies. -r Removes the license for a product. After the license is removed, the product functions in "Try & Buy" mode. -u Updates the number of user entitlements that have been purchased. Specify the password of the product for which the entitlements were purchased and the number of users. -c Updates the number of connector entitlements that have been purchased. Specify the password of the product for which the entitlements were purchased and the number of connectors. -l Lists all the products with available license information, including the product identifier. -v Displays version information. -? Displays help information. When this option is specified, all other options are ignored, and only the help information is displayed. DBI1402I License added successfully. DBI1403I License removed successfully. DBI1404N Product identifier not found. Explanation: The given identifier is either invalid, or a license for this product was not found in the nodelock file. User response: Issue this command with -l option to check that the identifier entered is the correct product identifier for the product that you want to perform this action on. If you are using nodelock passwords, check that the license key for this product is installed in the nodelock file. DBI1405I License policy type updated successfully. DBI1406N Invalid license policy type. Explanation: The license policy type that was entered was not valid for the product specified. User response: Please enter a valid license policy. Options are: * CONCURRENT * REGISTERED * CONCURRENT REGISTERED * OFF DBI1407N Invalid license certificate file. Explanation: License certificate file is not in the correct format. User response: Enter the name of a file with the correct license certificate format. DBI1408N The file %s could not be opened. Explanation: The file is not found or access to the file is denied. User response: Enter the name of a file that exists and can be opened and try the command again. DBI1409N Invalid enforcement policy type. Explanation: The enforcement policy type specified is not valid for this product. User response: Please enter a valid enforcement policy type that is supported by the specified product. DBI1410I Concurrent entitlements updated successfully. DBI1411I Enforcement policy type updated successfully. DBI1412W A hard stop enforcement policy stops the use of the product by unlicensed users when licensing infractions have been exceeded. DBI1413W A soft stop enforcement policy logs license infractions, but allows unlicensed users to still use the product. DBI1414I The db2ls command is preparing and checking the installed DB2 copies on the system. DBI1415I Checking active DB2 instances on AIX system workload partitions (WPARs) %s for the related DB2 copy. DBI1416N The license could not be added to the nodelock file automatically. Explanation: The return code is %s. User response: Please ensure the license certificate is readable. You may also enter the license into the nodelock file manually. Please see the license file for instructions. DBI1417N The license specified could not be removed from the nodelock file. Explanation: The return code is %s. User response: Ensure that the license for this product exists in the nodelock file. DBI1418I The number of licensed processors on this system has been updated successfully. DBI1419N There was an error updating the number of licensed processors. Explanation: The return code is %s. DBI1420N This product does not support this type of license policy. Explanation: The license policy specified does not apply to this product or is not supported. User response: Please enter a valid license policy. DBI1421N This product specified is not installed on this system. Explanation: You can not configure a license policy for a product until the product is installed. User response: Install the product before running this command or specify the correct product identifier. To list the products install on the system issue db2licm -l command. DBI1422N The number of concurrent entitlements was not updated. Explanation: The return code is %s. User response: Please ensure the concurrent policy is enabled for this product. DBI1423N This option requires the creation of an instance. Explanation: Features that are required to perform this action are only accessible once an instance has been created. User response: Please create an instance and issue this command again. DBI1424N An unexpected error occurred while accessing processor information. Explanation: The return code is %s. User response: None. DBI1425E The license for DB2 OLAP Server cannot be updated. The DB2 OLAP processes are currently active. Explanation: DB2 cannot update the license for DB2 OLAP Server while DB2 OLAP Server is running. User response: To update your OLAP license, please stop all OLAP processes and reinstall this DB2 license. DBI1426I This product is now licensed for use as specified in the License Acceptance and License Information documents pertaining to the licensed copy of this product. USE OF THE PRODUCT CONSTITUTES ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS OF THE IBM LICENSE ACCEPTANCE AND LICENSE INFORMATION DOCUMENTS, LOCATED IN THE FOLLOWING DIRECTORY: %s DBI1427I This product is now licensed for use as specified in the License Acceptance and License Information documents pertaining to the evaluation ("Try and Buy") copy of this product. USE OF THE PRODUCT CONSTITUTES ACCEPTANCE OF THE TERMS OF THE IBM LICENSE ACCEPTANCE AND LICENSE INFORMATION DOCUMENTS, LOCATED IN THE FOLLOWING DIRECTORY: %s DBI1428N There was an error updating the number of licensed processors. Explanation: The number of licensed processors entered exceeds the number of maximum licensed processors allowed for this product. User response: Please enter number of licensed processors that does not exceed the defined maximum. If the number of processors on your system exceeds the maximum number of processors allowed for this product, please contact your IBM representative or authorized dealer. DBI1429N This product does not support this combination of license policies. User response: Please enter a valid combination of license policies. For example, you can specify "CONCURRENT REGISTERED" as a valid combination. DBI1430N The license could not be added to the nodelock file because the license date is greater than operating system date. User response: Please check your certificate file to ensure that the license start date precedes the current date (the date set on the operating system). DBI1431N This user does not have sufficient authority to perform the specified action. Explanation: This program can be run only under the root user ID or a user ID with SYSADM authority. User response: Login with a user ID that has permission to run this command. DBI1432N The license could not be added to the nodelock file. Explanation: This product has used the maximum number of evaluation licenses. The maximum number of evaluation licenses is %s. User response: Run this command again with a permanent license key. DBI1433N The number of license entitlements was not updated. Explanation: The specified number of license entitlements is not in the valid range. User response: Run this command again using a valid number of license entitlements. DBI1434N DB2 has added the license entry to the nodelock file, however, this license entry is not active. Explanation: DB2 failed to activate this license entry, therefore DB2 will run with the previous license configuration until this license is activated. User response: Try the command again and if it continues to fail, edit the nodelock file manually or contact IBM support. If you edit the nodelock file manually, move the new license entry to the top of the license entries list. The location of the nodelock file is platform specific: AIX /var/ifor/nodelock Windows $DB2PATH/license/nodelock All other operating systems: /var/lum/nodelock Refer to the DB2 Information Center for more information on licensing. DBI1435E Error Opening DB2 First Steps. Cannot find supported Web browser. Explanation: DB2 First Steps requires a supported Web browser. User response: Install one of the following Web browsers: * Internet Explorer 6.0 and up * Mozilla 1.7 and up * Firefox 2.0 and up When using Windows operating systems, set the default browser to your choice from the previous list. DBI1444E The db2ls command cannot be found in the expected directory %s. Explanation: The DB2 installation path passed to the db2ls command with the -b option must be the location of a copy with DB2 Version 9 or later installed. User response: Specify a DB2 installation path of a copy with DB2 Version 9 or later installed. DBI1445E The -b install-path option is mandatory when the -q option is specified. For a list of DB2 installation locations to query, run the db2ls command without the -b and -q options. DBI1446I The %s command is running, please wait. DBI1447E A Java Runtime Environment is needed to run the program %s. Explanation: The execution of the command requires a Java Runtime Environment (JRE). If IBM Software Development Kit (SDK) for Java is installed with the related DB2 copy, the JRE is found in /java/jdk64/jre/bin for 64-bit Linux systems, or /java/jdk32/jre/bin for 32-bit Linux systems, where represents the installation path of the related DB2 copy. If a JRE is not found in either path, the program looks for a JRE in either: * the current user's ${JAVA_HOME}/jre/bin, or, * the default PATH environment. In this case, the JRE must meet the current DB2 version requirements. For details, see "Java software support for DB2 products" in the DB2 Information Center. User response: Install the IBM Software Development Kit (SDK) for Java and rerun the program. DBI1448E An error occurred during the creation or removal of a DB2 entry on the main menu. For details, check the log file %s. Explanation: On Linux operating systems, main menu entries for DB2 tools can be created and removed manually or automatically. Main menu entries for DB2 tools, such as db2fs, can be created manually by running the db2addicons command, or created automatically when specific DB2 commands are run. These main menu entries can be removed manually by running the db2rmicons command, or removed automatically when specific DB2 commands are run. Errors occurred during either the creation or removal of these main menu entries. For a list of the specific DB2 commands, see "Main menu entries for DB2 tools" in the DB2 Information Center. User response: Check the error log file for details and rerun the program. DBI1449I Usage: db2addicons [-h] Explanation: The db2addicons command creates main menu entries for DB2 tools, such as db2fs, for the current user. The main menu entries for DB2 tools are created by manually running the db2addicons command, or are created automatically when specific DB2 commands are run. For a list of the specific DB2 commands, see "Main menu entries for DB2 tools" in the DB2 Information Center. The only argument for this command is: -h displays the usage information. User response: Enter the db2addicons command again without any argument. DBI1450I Usage: db2rmicons [-h] Explanation: The db2rmicons command removes main menu entries for DB2 tools, such as db2fs, for the current user. The main menu entries for DB2 tools are removed by manually running the db2rmicons command, or are removed automatically when specific DB2 commands are run. For a list of the specific DB2 commands, see "Main menu entries for DB2 tools" in the DB2 Information Center. The only argument for this command is: -h displays the usage information. User response: Enter the db2rmicons command again without any argument. DBI1451E A DB2 instance environment is not set to run the program %s. Explanation: On Linux operating systems, the DB2 instance environment needs to be set for the current user before the command can be run. DB2 instance environment can be setup with: * /sqllib/db2profile (for Bourne shell and Korn shell users), or * /sqllib/db2chsrc (for C shell users) where is the instance owner's home directory. User response: Set up the DB2 instance environment and rerun the program. DBI1452E You do not have the authority to install the network version of the DB2 Information Center. Installing the product named %s requires root authority. You can find the workstation version of the DB2 Information Center in the subdirectory called "workstation" of the folder located at %s, at IBM Passport Advantage, or at the following URL: You do not need to have root authority to install the workstation version of the DB2 Information Center. DBI1457E The DB2 product or feature could not be uninstalled. To uninstall, the following list of instances must be dropped: %s. Explanation: The product or feature must not be associated with any instances when it is uninstalled. The db2ilist command is used to list installed instances. User response: Drop the listed instances using the db2idrop command and re-run the db2_deinstall command. Related information db2_deinstall - Uninstall DB2 database products, features, or languages command db2ilist - List instances command db2idrop - Remove instance command DBI1459E The db2_deinstall command failed because some DB2 database files are in use. Explanation: You can uninstall DB2 database products, features, or languages using the db2_deinstall command. Before you can uninstall any part of a non-root installed DB2 database manager instance, all operating system processes and resources for that instance must be release. This message is returned when an attempt is made to uninstall a non-root installed instance while some DB2 database-related system resources have not been freed. For example, this message can be returned for the following reasons: * DB2 database-related operating system processes are still running * DB2 database-related libraries are still loaded in memory User response: 1. Stop the DB2 database manager using the db2stop force command 2. Run the db2_deinstall command again Related information Uninstalling non-root DB2 database products (Linux and UNIX) Stopping non-root instances (Linux and UNIX) Removing non-root DB2 database products using db2_deinstall (Linux and UNIX) db2_deinstall - Uninstall DB2 database products, features, or languages command DBI1500I Usage: db2inst [-f %s] Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered. The command accepts an optional flag -f which is followed by the path of the "DB2 Installer" response file. User response: Re-enter the command with a valid argument. DBI1501E An internal error was encountered. Explanation: An error was detected while performing an internal operation. User response: Verify that the file system on which the file resides is not damaged. If the problem persists, contact IBM Support with the following information: 1. Message number 2. Internal error message description 3. Problem description DBI1502E An error was encountered when opening or reading from file, %s. Explanation: An error was encountered when opening or reading from a file. One of the following errors occurred: * An I/O error occurred opening or reading from the file. * An expected value was not found in the file. * The order of the data in the file is incorrect. User response: If the file was modified by the user, verify that the data in the file is valid. If the file was not modified by the user, contact IBM Support with the following information: 1. Message number 2. Message description 3. Problem description DBI1503E An error was encountered when opening or writing to file, %s. Explanation: An error was encountered when writing data to a file. One of the following errors occurred: * Incorrect access permissions on a given directory. * There is not enough space on your file system. User response: Check to see if the permissions on the file's parent directory have been set correctly. If the problem persists, contact IBM Support with the following information: 1. Message number 2. Message description 3. Problem description DBI1504E An error occurred opening message files. Explanation: An attempt to open and read from "DB2 Installer" message catalog files failed. Before DB2 Installer starts up, it looks for two resource files -- db2inst.rcx and in the following locations: * DB2 product directory, or * on the distribution media, or * environment variables DB2IRCX and DB2ICAT. User response: Set the environment variables DB2IRCX and DB2ICAT to the absolute location of db2inst.rcx and respectively. DBI1505E An attempt to allocate memory failed. Explanation: An error was detected when attempting to allocate memory. User response: Terminate other applications running on the system that may be using large amounts of memory. If the problem persists, contact IBM Support with the following information: 1. Message number 2. Message description 3. Problem description DBI1507E An instance of the DB2 Installer is already started. Explanation: An error was detected when attempting to start up the DB2 Installer. Another instance of the DB2 Installer is still running. User response: Terminate all instances of the DB2 Installer and restart the install process. If the problem persists, remove the lock file /tmp/.db2inst.lck and restart the DB2 Installer. DBI1511E Installing the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) failed. See the log file %s for details. (TSAMP_RC=%s). Explanation: The DB2 installer uses the installSAM utility to install SA MP. The installSAM utility returned errors. The installSAM log file contains more complete information. TSAMP_RC is the return code fom the installSAM utility. Note that you must have root authority to use the DB2 installer to install SA MP. SA MP was not installed. User response: See the mentioned log file for details. To install SA MP manually, use the installSAM command. For more information about the installSAM command, see the SA MP Base Component documentation. Related information SA MP Base Component documentation DBI1513E Uninstalling the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) failed. See the log file %s for details. (TSAMP_RC=%s). Explanation: db2_deinstall uses the uninstallSAM utility to uninstall SA MP. The uninstallSAM utility returned errors. The uninstallSAM log file contains more complete information. TSAMP_RC is the return code fom the uninstallSAM utility. Note that you must have root authority to use db2_deinstall to uninstall SA MP. SA MP was not uninstalled. User response: See the mentioned log file for details. To uninstall SA MP manually, use the uninstallSAM command. For more information about the uninstallSAM utlity, see DBI1514I The DB2 High Availability (HA) scripts for the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) were successfully installed. Explanation: You need DB2 HA scripts to use SA MP with the DB2 HA feature. These DB2 HA scripts are located at /usr/sbin/rsct/sapolicies/db2. The DB2 installer detects whether these DB2 HA scripts need to be installed or updated. User response: No action is required. DBI1515E An attempt to allocate resource for a subprocess failed. Explanation: An error was detected when attempting to startup a subprocess. User response: Terminate other applications running on the system that may be using large amounts of resources. If the problem persists, contact IBM Support with the following information: 1. Message number 2. Problem description DBI1516E An attempt to terminate a subprocess failed. Explanation: An error was detected when attempting to terminate a subprocess. User response: Terminate other applications running on the system that may be using large amounts of resources. If the problem persists, contact IBM Support with the following information: 1. Message number 2. Problem description DBI1517E An attempt to execute a command in a subprocess failed. Explanation: An error was detected when attempting to execute a command in a subprocess. One of the following problems occurred: * The command does not exist. * Incomplete command search path. * Incorrect access permissions on the command. * System resource problem. User response: Correct the problem and try again. If the problem persists, contact IBM Support with the following information: 1. Message number 2. Problem description DBI1518E The DB2 installer returned an error while installing or updating the DB2 High Availability (HA) scripts for the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP). Explanation: You need DB2 HA scripts to use SA MP with the DB2 HA feature. These DB2 HA scripts are located at /usr/sbin/rsct/sapolicies/db2. The DB2 installer detects whether these DB2 HA scripts need to be installed or updated. The DB2 installer tried to install or update the DB2 HA scripts, but was not successful. User response: Use the command db2cptsa to manually install or update these scripts. DBI1520E Minimum terminal display size is 24 x 80. Explanation: Your current terminal or window size is not large enough. This program requires a minimum terminal display size of 24 lines by 80 columns. User response: Check your terminal or window size and try again. DBI1521E An attempt to read in the terminal capability information failed. Explanation: An error was detected when attempting to initialize your terminal display. There are two conditions where this type of error would occur: * The function cannot find the environment variable TERM or it is unable to find the correct terminfo database entry for the terminal. * There is not enough memory space available when initializing your terminal display. User response: Set your environment variable TERM to a correct terminal type. If the problem persists, try to terminate other applications running on the system that may be using large amounts of memory. If the problem still occurs, contact IBM Support with the following information: 1. Message number 2. Problem description DBI1522E An attempt to restore the terminal capability information failed. Explanation: An error was detected when attempting to restore your terminal display to the original state. User response: Set your environment variable TERM to a correct terminal type. If the problem persists, try to terminate other applications running on the system that may be using large amounts of memory. If the problem still occurs, contact IBM Support with the following information: 1. Message number 2. Problem description DBI1530E Cannot unpack image file. Explanation: An error has occurred while unpacking the tar image from the distribution media. One of the following situations has occurred: * The given path name is a non-existing directory. * The file system does not have enough space. * The access permission on the given path is incorrect. * The tar command was not found in your current search path. User response: Restart the install process and retry with a correct path name. DBI1540E An invalid distribution media path is specified. Explanation: An error was detected when attempting to locate the installable images on the distribution media. One of the following errors occurred: * The file system associated with the given path is not properly mounted. * An incorrect access permission has been assigned to the given path. User response: Check the path and try the command again. Note that all file and directory names in Unix are case sensitive. DBI1541E An attempt to open or read from the given status file failed. Explanation: An error was detected when attempting to open or read from the status file. If the status file has not been modified manually, then one of the following errors occurred: * An incorrect file path has been specified. * An incorrect access permission has been assigned to the status file. * The file system associated with the given path is not properly mounted. User response: Check the path and try the command again. Note that all file and directory names in Unix are case sensitive. If the problem persists, contact IBM Support with the following information: 1. Message number 2. Problem description 3. Status file DBI1550E There is not enough disk space on the file system. Explanation: An error was encountered when trying to allocate more disk space on the file system. User response: Retry the command after enough space has been freed up for the specified operation. DBI1570I Usage: db2olset InstName Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered for the db2olset command. Valid arguments for this command are: -h|-? display the usage information -d turn debug mode on. InstName is the name of the instance you wish to set up to use with the OLAP Starter Kit User response: Enter the command again as follows: db2olset InstName DBI1631E An error was encountered while creating a sample database. Explanation: One of the following situations has occurred: * There is not enough disk space on the file system. * The DB2 product has not been installed properly, or some of the component files are missing. User response: If this is not a disk space problem, try to re-install the product. If the problem persists, turn trace on and retry the steps to create a database through the CLP. Then, save the trace information to a file and contact IBM Support with the following information: * Message number * Problem description * Trace file DBI1632E An error was encountered while configuring to "auto-start" instance. Explanation: One of the following situations has occurred: * The feature to "auto-start" the instance is already enabled. * An error was encountered while adding an entry to "/etc/inittab" file. This could be a file permission problem. * The db2uit tool is missing. User response: If any of the above three situations apply, then correct the problem and retry the command. If the problem persists, contact IBM Support with the following information: * Message number * Problem description DBI1633E An error was encountered while removing the configuration to "auto-start" instance. Explanation: One of the following situations has occurred: * The feature to "auto-start" the instance is not enabled. * An error was encountered while removing an entry to "/etc/inittab" file. This could be a file permission problem. * The db2uit tool is missing. User response: If any of the above three situations apply, then correct the problem and retry the command. If the problem persists, contact IBM Support with the following information: * Message number * Problem description DBI1634W Unable to update /etc/rc.db2v08 to auto-mount dlfs file system. Explanation: An attempt to update /etc/rc.db2v08 to enable the auto-mounting of the dlfs file system on system reboot has failed. User response: Manually edit the file /etc/rc.db2v08, and add the following lines to it: if [ -x /etc/rc.dlfs ]; then /etc/rc.dlfs fi DBI1635E An error was encountered while adding to the Administration Server group list. Explanation: An error was detected when attempting to add a DB2 instance to the Administration Server group list. User response: If you are running this command on an NIS client, try to append the group name of the DB2 instance to the secondary group of the Adminstration Server on your NIS server. DBI1637W By clicking OK, your previous settings for the instance will be lost. User response: Click OK if you wish to proceed. Otherwise click Cancel. DBI1639E Cannot set up a new instance. Explanation: The given instance name does not belong to an existing instance. User response: * Create a new instance. * If you are running the interactive installer, from the instance creation panel choose to create a new instance. * If you are running the response file installer, provide additional information for the user. * Enter the name of an existing instance. DBI1640W The specified instance is not a server instance. Explanation: Some of the DB2 components can only be configured for DB2 server instances. User response: * If the specified instance is a client instance and DB2 server product is installed, run db2iupdt to update the client instance to a server instance. * If the specified instance is a Data Link Administration Server, exit the installer and set up the instance from the command line, if you wish to do so. DBI1651E The specified UID is invalid. Explanation: An invalid UID has been entered. One of the following situations has occurred: * The given UID is already assigned to an existing user on the system. * The given UID either is too long or consists of invalid characters. * The given UID less than or equal to 100. User response: Retry with a different user ID. DBI1652E The specified user name is invalid. Explanation: An invalid user name has been entered. One of the following situations has occurred: * The given user name already exists on the system. * The given user name already exists on the system but under a different group name. * The given user name either is too long or consists of invalid characters. User response: Retry with a different user name. DBI1653E The specified group is invalid. Explanation: An invalid group ID or group name has been entered. One of the following situations has occurred: * The given group ID already exists but under a different group name on the system, or the given group name already exists but under a different group ID. * The given group ID or group name either is too long or consists of invalid characters. * The given group ID is less than or equal to 100. User response: Retry with a different group ID or group name. DBI1654E The specified directory is invalid. Explanation: An invalid directory has been entered. One of the following situations has occurred: * The given user already exists but has a different home directory specified on the system. * The given directory is either too long or consists of invalid characters. User response: Retry with the user's home directory specified on the system or a different directory. DBI1655E The specified password is invalid. Explanation: An invalid password has been entered. One of the following situations has occurred: * The given password has a length of zero. * The given password does not match with the verify password. * The given password contains invalid characters. User response: Retry with a different password. DBI1657E Instance name already in use. Explanation: An instance with the same name already exists on your system. User response: Verify with the list of instances as reported by the "db2ilist" command. Retry with a different user name. DBI1701E One or more of the TCP/IP parameters specified is invalid. Explanation: One of the following situations has occurred: * The length of service name exceeds 14 characters. * The port number specified is out of range. This number must be between 1024 and 65535. User response: Correct the problem and try again. DBI1702E The specified service name or port number conflicts with existing values in the TCP/IP services file. Explanation: The service name or port number conflicts with existing values in the services file. The service name might already be used with a different port number, or the port number might already be used with a different service name. User response: Specify a service name and port number that does not conflict with existing entries in the services file. DBI1703E No valid service name or port number found. Explanation: No valid service name or port number for this instance can be found in the TCP/IP services file. This information is either missing or is invalid. If you installed "DB2 Extended Server Edition" product, a service name must be specified for the instance before using this command. User response: Specify valid service name and port number for this instance and enter this command again. DBI1704W TCP/IP is not running on your system. Explanation: TCP/IP is not running on your system. TCP/IP services file will not be updated. DBI1705E The port number specified %s is being used by another application. Explanation: The port number specified cannot be used because it is being used by another application that is currently running. User response: Specify another port number that is not in use. The port number must be in the range 1024 to 65535. DBI1709E An error was encountered when updating the TCP/IP services file. Explanation: An attempt to add a service name and port number to the TCP/IP services file failed. User response: If the user wishes to use the service name instead of the port number in the node directory entry, the node must be manually uncatalogued and then recatalogued using the service name. The services file must also be updated manually. If Network Information Services (NIS) is being used, the local services file may have been updated but the NIS server must be updated manually. In this case, the node was also catalogued using the port number. DBI1711E One or more of the IPX/SPX parameters specified is invalid. Explanation: One of the following situations has occurred: * the file server, objectname, or ipx_socket parameter is null. * the file server parameter is set to * but objectname is not *. * the objectname or ipx_socket value specified is not unique. * the ipx_socket value specified is not in the valid range. User response: Correct the problem and try again. DBI1715E NetWare User ID or NetWare Password is invalid. Explanation: The NetWare User ID and NetWare Password that you specify must already exist and is used to register the DB2 Object Name at a NetWare file server and must have supervisory or equivalent authority. User response: Correct the problem and try again. DBI1720E The specified User ID or Group ID cannot be added since NIS is running. Explanation: NIS is running on your system. A new User ID or Group ID cannot be created while you have NIS running on your system. User response: Use a previously created User ID or Group ID and try again. DBI1722E The specified service cannot be added to the /etc/services file because NIS is running. Explanation: NIS is running on your system. A new service cannot be added to the /etc/services file while you have NIS running on your system. User response: Use a previously created service name and port number from the /etc/services file and try again. DBI1725W Cannot create Agent Daemon and Logger services for Data Warehouse Agent. Explanation: TCP/IP is not running on the system. The install will proceed but you need to create Agent Daemon and Logger services manually. User response: Activate TCP/IP on the system and run the installer. DBI1740W Security Risk. Explanation: Using the default instance user ID here allows this instance to have full access permission to other instances on your system. It is highly recommended to use a different user ID for security reasons. User response: To avoid the possibility of a security risk, use a different user ID. DBI1741W Protocol not detected. Explanation: You have selected a protocol that is not detected. DB2 Installer cannot update all of the protocol's required settings. However, you can provide values for this protocol's settings. User response: No actions required. DBI1744W The DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator is not created. Explanation: You have not created the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator. Without the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator, you cannot administer the DB2 Data Links Manager. User response: No actions required. DBI1745W The Administration Server is not created. Explanation: You have not created a Administration Server. Without the Administration Server, you cannot provide services to support client tools that automate the configuration of connections to DB2 databases, and cannot administer DB2 from your server system or a remote client using the Control Center. User response: No actions required. DBI1746W DB2 Instance is not created. Explanation: You have not created a DB2 Instance. A DB2 Instance is an environment where you store data and run applications. User response: No actions required. DBI1747W The specified directory already exists. Explanation: The directory specified in the Home Directory field already exists. If you choose to use this directory you may run into permission problems. User response: Choose a different directory if this may be a problem. DBI1750W Security Risk. Explanation: Using the default instance user ID here allows this instance to have full access permission to other instances on your system. It is highly recommended to use a different user ID for security reasons. User response: * Press OK to continue, or * Press Cancel to enter a different user ID. DBI1751W Protocol not detected. Explanation: You have selected a protocol that is not detected. DB2 Installer cannot update all of the protocol's required settings. However, you can provide values for this protocol's settings. User response: * Press OK to provide protocol settings, or * Press Cancel to ignore. DBI1753W The Administration Server is not created. Explanation: You have not created an Administration Server. Without the DB2 Administration Server, Data Warehouse Agent will not be fully set up. User response: * Press OK to continue, or * Press Cancel to go back. DBI1754W The DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator is not created. Explanation: You have not created the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator. Without the DB2 Data Links Manager Administrator, you cannot administer the DB2 Data Links Manager. User response: * Press OK to continue, or * Press Cancel to go back. DBI1755W The Administration Server is not created. Explanation: You have not created a Administration Server. Without the Administration Server, you cannot provide services to support client tools that automate the configuration of connections to DB2 databases, and cannot administer DB2 from your server system or a remote client using the Control Center. User response: * Press OK to continue, or * Press Cancel to go back. DBI1756W DB2 Instance is not created. Explanation: You have not created a DB2 Instance. A DB2 Instance is an environment where you store data and run applications. User response: * Press OK to continue, or * Press Cancel to go back. DBI1757W The specified directory already exists. Explanation: The directory specified in the Home Directory field already exists. If you choose to use this directory you may run into permission problems. User response: * Press OK to use this directory, or * Press Cancel to go back. DBI1758W DB2 Instance or Administration Server detected. Explanation: You have selected to removed the entire DB2 product. However, a DB2 Instance or Administration Server has been detected on your system. If you remove the DB2 product without dropping these instances first, your DB2 Instances may not be able to function properly later on. User response: * Press OK to continue, or * Press Cancel to go back. DBI1759W DB2 Instance or Administration Server configurations detected. Explanation: You do not have the Administration Server selected. This will cause all of your Administration Server and DB2 Instance configurations to be discarded. User response: * Press OK to continue, or * Press Cancel to go back. DBI1760E To set up %s, you will need to install the package. Explanation: You have chosen to configure a DB2 component for an instance. You will not be able to do so unless the package is installed. User response: Install the package and try again. DBI1761W Software pre-requisites violated on file set or package %s. Explanation: An error occurred when verifying software pre-requisites on the above file set or package. Continuing may result in the product not functioning properly. Do you want to continue without installing its pre-requisites? User response: * Press OK to continue without installing its pre-requisites, or * Press Cancel to abort installation. DBI1762W Software dependencies violated on file set or package %s. Explanation: An error occurred when verifying software dependencies on the above file set or package. Continuing may result in removing all of its software dependencies. Do you want to remove its software dependencies? User response: * Press OK to continue, or * Press Cancel to go back. DBI1763I English HTML documentation files will also be installed. Explanation: The English HTML documentation files are required when you select any non-English HTML documentation files for installation. This is to ensure that users will be able to search the entire DB2 documentation library. DBI1765W A non-existing user ID, %s, has been detected from the registry. Explanation: The registry is containing a non-existing user ID. This can be caused by just removing the instance user ID without first dropping the instance. This will not affect the normal operation of DB2, but it is recommended to remove this obsolete user ID from the instance list in the registry. User response: To remove this user ID from the registry with the command: db2iset -d %s DBI1766W Cannot change the secondary group list of %s. Explanation: A code, %s, is returned when attempting to change the secondary group list of the given user ID. One of the following situations has occurred: * NIS is running. * One or more processes are currently being executed under the given user ID. User response: You must add the group ID, %s, to the secondary group list of the user ID, %s, so that the Adminstration Server can function properly. * If there happens to be any process run under the given user ID, terminate all of these processes and follow the instructions above to setup the secondary group list of this user ID. * If you are running this command on an NIS client, try the above instructions to setup the secondary group list of this user ID on your NIS server. DBI1767W DB2 registry may contain corrupted information. Explanation: The registry may contain invalid instance information. This is probably due to the fact that an instance or the Administration Server is not deleted properly before removing the DB2 product. If you are re-installing the product and want to keep the existing instance information in the registry, press Cancel. Otherwise, press OK to re-create the registry. Do you want to re-create the registry? User response: * Press OK to re-create the registry, or * Press Cancel to keep the current registry information. DBI1768W Unable to add %s to the .profile file or %s to the .login file of user %s. Explanation: DB2 has failed to modify the .profile file or the .login file of this user. These files may not exist, or you may not have write permission to them. Without the modification you need to set your environment manually each time when you log in as this user to use DB2. User response: Respond in one of the following ways: * Add the profile to the .profile file * Add the location of db2cshrc to the .profile file Related information UNIX environment variable settings Setting up the application development environment (Linux and UNIX) DBI1769W Unable to remove DB2 profile entry from the .profile or the .login file of %s. Explanation: DB2 has failed to comment out the DB2 environment setting line in the .profile file or the .login file of this user. The next time you log in as this user, you may get a message saying that the file db2profile (or db2cshrc) cannot be found. There can be different reasons: * The two files (.profile and .login) may not exist. * You may not have write permission on these files. User response: If you receive a message concerning missing db2profile or db2chsrc, locate your .profile or .login file and comment out the following: . sqllib/db2profile from your .profile file source sqllib/db2cshrc from your .login file DBI1770E Unable to update the file /etc/vfs. Explanation: The following DB2 Data Links Manager specific entry is required in the /etc/vfs file: dlfs dlfs_num /sbin/helpers/dlfs_mnthelp none where dlfs_num is to be set to 12, or some number between 8 and 15 if 12 is already assigned to another fs. The installation process has failed to insert this line into the /etc/vfs file. There may be different reasons: * You do not have write permission to this file. * The range 8-15 is all taken up, no number can be assigned to dlfs. User response: Manually edit the /etc/vfs file, and add the entry for dlfs into this file. DBI1771I File /etc/vfs has been copied to /tmp/.db2.etcvfs.backup. Explanation: For DB2 Data Links Manager to work, the following line has to be inserted into the /etc/vfs file: dlfs dlfs_num /sbin/helpers/dlfs_mnthelp none A backup copy of the original /etc/vfs file has been placed in /tmp/.db2.etcvfs.backup. DBI1775W Modified an existing /etc/rc.dlfs file. Explanation: DB2 has modified an existing /etc/rc.dlfs file with the new dlfs file system mount entry. User response: Examine the file /etc/rc.dlfs to ensure that all entries are correct. DBI1780W DB2 Data Links Manager is not supported on the version of your current operating system. Explanation: The version of your current operating system is not supported to run DB2 Data Links Manager. However, you can still install and configure the product at your own risk. The following is a list of supported operating systems for DB2 Data Links Manager: * %s DBI1782E No language specified. Explanation: You must specify at least one language from those available. User response: Issue the command with no parameters for a complete list. DBI1783E No topics specified. Explanation: You must specify at least one topic from those available. User response: Issue the command with no parameters for a complete list. DBI1784E Language not available. Explanation: You specified a language that is not available for installation. User response: Issue the command with no parameters for a complete list. DBI1785E Topic Package not available. Explanation: You specified a documentation package that is not available for installation. User response: Issue the command with no parameters for a complete list. DBI1790E ODSSI utilities have not been installed, unable to create DB2 search index. Explanation: ODSSI utilities have not been installed. These utilities (config_search, config_view and config_help) are required to create the search index for the DB2 online documentation. User response: Install the ODSSI utilities, then run the following commands: /opt/IBM/db2/V8.x/doc/db2insthtml lang_locale, where x is 1 or FPn, where n is the FixPak number to create the search index for DB2 documentation in the language locale lang_locale. Note that whenever you install documentation in any language, English documentation is installed as well. So you should also run the following command to index the English files: /opt/IBM/db2/V8.x/doc/db2insthtml en_US, where x is 1 or FPn, where n is the FixPak number DBI1791W Possible error in creating/removing DB2 search index for html file. Explanation: DB2 runs the system utilities config_view and config_help to create or remove DB2 search index to be used with SCOHELP. However, error messages may be returned if there exists other non-DB2 indexes on the system that have not been created/removed properly. User response: * If you were creating the DB2 index, you can start up SCOHELP and check to see if the DB2 entry has been added to the topics panel. Test searching for a string like "TCP/IP" and see if you get any results. If you are able to do the search, DB2 search index has been created successfully. * If you were removing the DB2 index, you can start up SCOHELP and verify that the DB2 entry has been removed from the topics panel. If the entry is gone, then the DB2 index has been successfully removed. * If you cannot verify that the DB2 index has been successfully created or removed, contact IBM support. DBI1792I Creating search index for DB2 documentation files, please wait ... Explanation: Search index for DB2 documentation files are being created. Depending on the language(s) you have selected, this may take some time. DBI1793W The user ID %s is unknown. Explanation: The specified user is unknown or cannot be found on the current system. User response: Please verify that the user exists on this system and try again. DBI1794E Attempt to put too many icons into one group. Explanation: An attempt has been made to place more icons into the required folder than are allowed by the desktop manager. User response: Please remove any unnecessary icons from your desktop and retry the command. DBI1795E There is insufficient free memory to create all the required icons. Explanation: The icon creation utility ran out of memory during icon generation. User response: Close any unnecessary programs and try again. DBI1796W Attempt to create icons in a directory without proper permissions. Explanation: This user ID does not have the permissions required to create icons for the requested user. User response: Log on as a user with root authority or with the permissions required to create files in the user directory and retry the command. DBI1797I Icons successfully created. DBI1900N The Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) support is not accessible. Explanation: DB2 is unable to access the Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) cluster. User response: Ensure the Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) support has been correctly installed and the Cluster Service has been started. DBI1901N An error occurred when attempting to update the user rights for the DB2 or Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) cluster service. Explanation: An error was encountered when attempting to grant the necessary user rights to the account specified for use with the DB2 service. User response: Ensure a valid account has been specified and that you have the necessary privilege to grant user rights. DBI1902N An error occurred when attempting to update the DB2 or Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) cluster service configuration. Explanation: DB2 encountered an error when attempting to update the DB2 or Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) cluster service configuration. User response: Ensure the Service Database has not been locked and is accessible. Also ensure the DB2 or Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) cluster service has been created. DBI1903N An error occurred when accessing the Cluster registry. Explanation: DB2 encountered an error when attempting to read or update the Cluster registry. User response: Ensure the Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) support has been correctly installed and the Cluster Service has been started. Ensure that the current logon user account has sufficient authority to access the Cluster registry. DBI1904N The DB2 instance is not Clustered. Explanation: DB2 attempted to access an instance to perform cluster operations but the instance was not identified as a DB2 Cluster instance. User response: Verify the instance was created with the Cluster options. The instance may be dropped and re-created using the Cluster option but the Node directory, Database Directory, and Database Manager Configuration file will be lost. DBI1905N A System Error occurred during a DB2 Cluster operation. Explanation: A system error was detected while DB2 was performing a Cluster operation. User response: Check to make sure the Windows operating system is at the correct level for Cluster Support. Also ensure the Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) support has been correctly installed and the Cluster Service has been started. DBI1906N A error occurred while attempting to add a node to a DB2 Cluster instance. Explanation: An error was encountered while attempting to update a node to support a DB2 Cluster instance. User response: Ensure the remote system is on-line and accessible over the LAN. Also ensure you have the necessary privilege to update the Registry on the remote system. DBI1907N A error occurred while attempting to delete a node from a DB2 Cluster instance. Explanation: An error was encountered while attempting to delete a node from a DB2 Cluster instance. User response: Ensure the remote system is on-line and accessible over the LAN. Also ensure you have the necessary privilege to update the Registry on the remote system. A workstation cannot drop cluster support from itself. The instance must be dropped to perform this task. DBI1908N A error occurred while attempting create the instance profile on a remote system. Explanation: A error was detected while attempting to create the instance profile on a remote system to enable Cluster Support. User response: Ensure the remote system is on-line and accessible over the LAN. Also ensure you have the necessary privilege to update the Registry on the remote system. DBI1909N A error occurred while attempting delete the instance profile on a remote system. Explanation: A error was detected while attempting to delete the instance profile on a remote system to disable Cluster Support. User response: Ensure the remote system is on-line and accessible over the LAN. Also ensure you have the necessary privilege to update the Registry on the remote system. DBI1910N Usage : DB2NCRT -I:%s -C:%s Explanation: The user specified incorrect arguments to the DB2NCRT command. User response: Re-issue the command specifying a clustered instance and a valid workstation name for the cluster node. DBI1911N Usage : DB2NLIST -I:%s Explanation: The user specified incorrect arguments to the DB2NLIST command. User response: Re-issue the command specifying a clustered instance. DBI1912I The DB2 Cluster command was successful. Explanation: The user request was successfully processed. User response: No action required. DBI1913N Unable to connect to the remote machine registry. Explanation: DB2 encountered an error when attempting to connect to the Windows registry on a remote machine. User response: Ensure that the target machine is running and that the computer name specified is correct. Also ensure that the current logon user account has sufficient authority to connect to the remote machine registry. DBI1914N Unable to connect to the Cluster registry. Explanation: DB2 encountered an error when attempting to connect to the Cluster registry. User response: Ensure that the Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) support has been correctly installed and the Cluster Service has been started. DBI1915N The target machine does not belong to the Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) cluster. Explanation: The command failed for one of the following reasons: (1) The db2iclus utility attempted to remove a machine from a DB2 MSCS instance but the target machine had not been added to the DB2 MSCS instance, or (2) The db2iclus utility attempted to add a machine to a DB2 MSCS instance but the target machine does not have the required Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) support software installed. User response: Follow the action corresponding to the cause of the problem: (1) Ensure that the machine is part of the DB2 MSCS instance by running the "db2iclus list" command, or (2) Install the Microsoft Cluster Server (MSCS) cluster software on the target machine and issue the command again. DBI1916N The instance name specified is not valid. Explanation: The instance specified by the instance name parameter does not exist for the local machine. User response: To find a list of valid instances, run the db2ilist command. Issue the command again using a valid instance name. DBI1917I The instance upgrade or instance update completed successfully. However you might need to reconfigure any ODBC data sources for instances cataloged under this instance. Explanation: The instance upgrade or instance update is not able to determine which ODBC data sources are associated with the instance that was upgraded or removed. As a result, these data sources were not modified. User response: Reconfigure the data sources using the DB2 CATALOG ODBC DATA SOURCE command, the Configuration Assistant or the Data Sources (ODBC) control panel applet so you can access these data sources. DBI1918N An error occurred when accessing the Windows registry. Explanation: DB2 encountered an error when attempting to read or update the Windows registry of the target machine. User response: Ensure that the current logon user account has sufficient authority to access the Windows registry of the target machine. If you already have a clustered instance, ensure the cluster service is started. If the problem persists, contact your IBM service representative for assistance. DBI1919N An error occurred when accessing the TCP/IP services file. Explanation: DB2 encountered an error when reading or updating the TCP/IP services file. User response: Ensure that the services file exists in the system and that the file can be accessed for read and write authority. Also, ensure that the contents of the file are valid and no duplicate of entries exist in the services file. DBI1920N The DB2 instance profile path parameter is not valid. Explanation: DB2 is unable to access the DB2 instance profile path specified because the path does not exists or write access has not been given to the current logon user account. User response: Ensure that the path name for the DB2 instance profile points to a valid directory and that the current logon user account has write access to the directory. DBI1921N The user account or password is not valid. Explanation: The user account or the password is not valid. User response: Issue the command again with the correct account. DBI1922N The host name is not valid. Explanation: The TCP/IP host name parameter is not valid or does not exist. User response: Ensure that TCP/IP is operational on the system. If a domain name server is used, ensure that the domain name server machine is active. Issue the command again using the correct TCP/IP host name. DBI1923N The TCP/IP port range parameter is not specified. Explanation: The db2icrt utility requires the TCP/IP port range to be specified when creating a partitioned database instance if the entries for TCP/IP port range for the instance have not been added to the services file. User response: Choose a range of TCP/IP ports that are available for the system and issue the db2icrt command again with the -r option. DBI1924N The computer name is not valid. Explanation: The computer name parameter is not valid User response: Ensure that the target machine is running and that the computer name specified is correct. Also ensure that the current logon user account has sufficient authority to connect to the target machine registry. DBI1925N Unable to query the status of the DB2 service. Explanation: DB2 is unable to query the service status for the DB2 service. User response: Ensure that the DB2 service exists on the target machine. Ensure that the current logon user account has sufficient authority to query the service status on the target machine. DBI1926N The password is expired. Explanation: The account password has expired. User response: Change your password, then retry the request using the new password. DBI1927N Usage: db2iclus { ADD /u:Username,Password [/m:Machine name] | DROP [/m:Machine name] | MIGRATE /p:Instance profile path | UNMIGRATE } [/i:instance name] [/DAS DASname] [/c:Cluster name] Explanation: Valid arguments for this command are: ADD to add an MSCS node to a DB2 MSCS instance DROP to remove an MSCS node from a DB2 MSCS instance MIGRATE to migrate a non-MSCS instance into an MSCS instance UNMIGRATE to undo the MSCS migration Valid options for this command are: /DAS to specify the DAS instance name. This option is required when performing the cluster operation against the DB2 Administration Server. /c to specify the MSCS cluster name if different from the default/current cluster /p to specify the instance profile path. This option is required when migrating a non-MSCS instance into an MSCS instance /u to specify the account name and password for the DB2 service. This option is required when adding another MSCS node to the DB2 MSCS partitioned database instance /m to specify the remote computer name for adding or removing an MSCS node /i to specify the instance name if different from the default/current instance User response: Enter the command again using valid parameters DBI1928N The user account is not specified. Explanation: When creating a partitioned database instance or adding a node to a partitioned database instance, you must specify the user account parameter. Under the Windows environment, each database manager partition (or MPP node) is required to run under a valid Windows account to access the network share which contains the instance directory. User response: Issue the command again with the -u option to specify the user account name and password. DBI1929N The instance is already configured for MSCS support. Explanation: An attempt to upgrade an instance into an MSCS instance failed because the instance is already configured for MSCS support. User response: No action required. DBI1930N The target machine is already part of the DB2 MSCS instance. Explanation: An attempt to add an MSCS node to the DB2 MSCS instance failed because The target machine is already part of the DB2 MSCS instance. User response: No action is necessary. DBI1931N The database partition server (node) is active. Explanation: The database partition server can not be dropped or modified because it is active. User response: Ensure that the database partition server is stopped before attempting to drop or change it. To stop a database partition server, use the db2stop command as follows: db2stop dbpartitionnum DBI1932N Can not add the database partition server on a remote machine because the same instance on that machine already exists. Explanation: The db2ncrt command failed to add a new database partition server on a remote machine because there is an existing instance on the remote machine. User response: If the instance on the remote machine is no longer used, remove the instance by running the db2idrop command on the remote machine. DBI1933N The database partition server can not be moved to a new machine because there is existing database(s) in the system. Explanation: When the db2nchg command is issued with the /m:machine option, the command will move the database partition server to a new machine. The db2nchg will fail if there is existing database(s) in the system. User response: To move the database partition server to a new machine when there is database(s), use the db2start restart command. For more information on the db2start command, refer to the DB2 Command Reference. DBI1934N Usage: db2iupdt InstName /u:username,password [/p:instance profile path] [/r:baseport,endport] [/h:hostname] [/?] [/q] [/a:authType] [/j textSearchConfig] Explanation: An invalid argument was entered for the db2iupdt command. Valid arguments for this command are: InstName the name of the instance /u to specify the account name and password for the DB2 service. This option is required when creating a partitioned database instance. /p to specify the new instance profile path for the updated instance. /r to specify a range of TCP/IP port to be used by the partitioned database instance when running in MPP mode. The services file of the local machine will be updated with the following entries if this option is specified: DB2_InstName baseport/tcp DB2_InstName_END endport/tcp /h to override the default TCP/IP host name if the there are more than one TCP/IP host name for the current machine. /? this usage information /q quiet mode /a authType is the authentication type (SERVER, CLIENT, or SERVER_ENCRYPT) for the instance /j cannot be used with 'client' instances: textSearchConfig is one of "TEXT_SEARCH", or "TEXT_SEARCH,servicename" or "TEXT_SEARCH, servicename, portnumber" or "TEXT_SEARCH,portnumber". The DB2 Text Search instance service will be configured with the provided service name and TCP/IP port number if specified, otherwise defaults will be generated. User response: Enter the command again using valid arguments. DBI1935N The db2iupdt command failed to update the instance directory. Explanation: The db2iupdt command failed to update the instance directory because of one of the following reasons: (1) the db2audit.cfg file is missing from the SQLLIBCFG directory. (2) the db2iupdt command does not have the required authority to create files or sub-directories within the instance directory. User response: Ensure that the db2audit.cfg file exists in the SQLLIBCFG directory and that the current logon account has sufficient authority to create files and directories in the instance directory. The instance directory is located in SQLLIBInstName (where InstName is the name of the instance). DBI1936N The db2iupdt command failed to update the database manager configuration file. Explanation: The db2iupdt command failed to update the database manager configuration file because the previous database manager configuration file is corrupted or missing. The current instance is in inconsistent state and can not be used. User response: Copy the default database manager configuration file to the instance directory then re-submit the command. The instance directory is located in SQLLIBInstName. The default database manager configuration file is named db2systm and can be found in the sqllibcfg directory. DBI1937W The db2ncrt command successfully added the node. The node is not active until all nodes are stopped and started again. Explanation: The db2nodes.cfg file is not updated to include the new node until all nodes are simultaneously stopped by the STOP DATABASE MANAGER (db2stop) command. Until the file is updated, the existing nodes cannot communicate with the new node. User response: Issue db2stop to stop all the nodes. When all nodes are successfully stopped, issue db2start to start all the nodes, including the new node. DBI1940N The DB2 Administration Server is active. Explanation: The DB2 Administration Server cannot be modified because it is active. User response: Ensure that the DB2 Administration Server is stopped before attempting to change it. To stop the DB2 Administration Server, use the db2admin command as follows: db2admin stop DBI1941W The DB2 Administration Server does not exist. Explanation: The DB2 Administration Server was not found on the machine. User response: Create the DB2 Administration Server on the machine. DBI1942N The DB2 Administration Server already exists on the target machine. Explanation: The operation could not be completed because the DB2 Administration Server already exists on the target machine. User response: Remove the DB2 Administration Server from the target machine and retry the operation. DBI1943N The DB2 Administration Server is not Clustered. Explanation: DB2 attempted to access a DB2 Administration Server to perform cluster operations but the DB2 Administration server is not configured for MSCS support. User response: Verify the DB2 Administration Server is configured for MSCS support. DBI1944N The DB2 Administration Server is already configured for MSCS support. Explanation: An attempt to upgrade a DB2 Administration Server failed because the DB2 Administration Server is already configured for MSCS support. User response: No action required. DBI1945N The DB2 Copy Name provided does not exist or the DB2 registry is corrupted. Explanation: To update or upgrade an instance to a specific DB2 copy, the DB2 copy must exist. The DB2 Copy Name provided does not exist or the DB2 registry is corrupted. User response: Check the DB2 registry table and provide a valid DB2 Copy Name. For a list of the DB2 copies installed, run the db2ls command. DBI1946N Usage: db2iupgrade instanceName [/q] [/a:authType] [/p:instanceProf] [/u:uid,pwd] [/j textSearchConfig] [/?] Explanation: An invalid argument was entered. Valid arguments for this command are: instanceName Indicates the name of the instance /q Turns on quiet mode /a authType Specifies the authentication type (SERVER, CLIENT, or SERVER_ENCRYPT) for the instance /p instanceProf Specifies the instance profile path for the upgraded instance /u uid,pwd Specifies the account name and password for the DB2 service. This option is mandatory when upgrading a partitioned instance. /j textSearchConfig Configures DB2 Text Search instance service. You cannot specify this parameter for client instances. The textSearchConfig string can be one of the following values: * "TEXT_SEARCH" * "TEXT_SEARCH, servicename" * "TEXT_SEARCH, servicename, portnumber" * "TEXT_SEARCH, portnumber" If a service name and TCP/IP port number are not specified, default values are generated. /? Displays this usage information User response: Enter the command again using valid arguments. DBI1947N The db2imigr command failed to update the database manager configuration file. Explanation: The db2imigr command failed to update the database manager configuration file because the previous database manager configuration file is corrupted or missing. The current instance is in an inconsistent state and cannot be used. User response: Copy the default database manager configuration file to the instance directory, then re-submit the command. The instance directory is located in SQLLIBinstanceName. The default database manager configuration file is named db2systm and can be found in the cfg directory under your installation path. DBI1948N Files cannot be deleted. Explanation: An error occurred when removing files or directories belonging to the specified instance. User response: Ensure that you have write access to the location where the files are located. DBI1949E Upgrading instance %s is not supported. Explanation: The instance cannot be upgraded because either: * Upgrading from this version of the instance is not supported. * The instance is already using the current version of the product and upgrading is not required. User response: Make sure that the instance version is supported for upgrade and try the command again with a supported instance name or a valid DB2 Copy Name. For details about which DB2 product versions are supported for upgrade, refer to the DB2 Information Center. DBI1950W The instance %s is already in the instance list. Explanation: The instance that is being created or upgraded is already in the instance list. User response: Verify that the list of instances as reported by the db2ilist command is correct. DBI1951W The instance %s was not found in the instance list. Explanation: The specified instance was not found in the instance list. User response: Verify that the list of instances as reported by the db2ilist command is correct. DBI1952E The instance name %s is invalid. Explanation: The instance name is invalid. It cannot: 1. be more than 8 characters long. 2. start with sql, ibm, or sys. 3. contain characters other than a-z, $, #, @, _, or 0-9. User response: Try the command again with a valid instance name. DBI1953E The instance is active. Explanation: An attempt was made to drop an instance which is active. User response: Make sure all applications that are using the instance have finished executing before stopping the instance by issuing a db2stop (from that instance's user ID.) DBI1954E The instance name is currently used by the DB2 Admin Server. Explanation: The instance cannot be created because it is currently used by the DB2 Admin Server. User response: Try the command again with a different instance name. DBI1955E Usage: db2idrop [-h] [-f] InstName Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered for the db2idrop command. Valid arguments for this command are: -h display the usage information -f is the force applications flag. If this flag is specified then all applications using the instance will be forced to terminate. InstName is the name of the instance User response: Enter the command again as follows: db2idrop [-h] [-f] InstName DBI1956I Usage: db2ilist [-h] Explanation: An incorrect argument was entered for the db2ilist command. The db2ilist command lists the names of DB2 instances associated with the DB2 installation path where db2ilist is located. The only argument for this command is: -h displays the usage information. User response: Enter the db2ilist command again without any argument. DBI1957E The syntax of the db2icrt command is incorrect. Explanation: The db2icrt utility creates a database instance: db2icrt InstName [-s {ese|wse|standalone|client}] [-p instance profile path] [-u username,password] [-h hostname] [-r baseport,endport] [-j textSearchConfig] [-?] The command options are: -s to specify the type of instance created: ese used to create an instance for a DB2 database server with local and remote clients with DPF support. This type is the default instance type for DB2 Enterprise Server Edition. wse used to create an instance for a DB2 database server with local and remote clients. This type is the default instance type for DB2 Workgroup Edition, DB2 Express or Express-C Edition, and DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition. standalone used to create an instance for a DB2 database server with local clients. This type is the default instance type for DB2 Personal Edition. client used to create an instance for a IBM Data Server Client. This type is the default instance type for IBM Data Server Client products and DB2 Connect Personal Edition. DB2 products support their default instance types and the instance types lower than their default ones. For instance, DB2 Enterprise Edition supports the instance types of 'ese', 'wse', 'standalone' and 'client'. -p to specify the instance profile path. -u to specify the account name and password for the DB2 service. This option is required when creating an ese instance. -h to override the default TCP/IP host name if there are more than one TCP/IP host name for the current machine. The TCP/IP host name is used when creating the default node (node 0). -r to specify a range of TCP/IP port to be used by the partitioned database instance when running in MPP mode. The services file of the local machine will be updated with the following entries if this option is specified: DB2_InstName baseport/tcp DB2_InstName_1 baseport+1/tcp DB2_InstName_2 baseport+2/tcp DB2_InstName_END endport/tcp -j cannot be used with 'client' instances: textSearchConfig is one of "TEXT_SEARCH", or "TEXT_SEARCH,servicename" or "TEXT_SEARCH, servicename, portnumber" or "TEXT_SEARCH,portnumber". The DB2 Text Search instance service will be configured with the provided service name and TCP/IP port number if specified, otherwise defaults will be generated. -? to display help User response: Enter the command again using the valid parameters. DBI1958N The instance profile cannot be added to the registry. Explanation: An error occurred when adding the instance profile to the registry. The instance was not created. User response: Contact your IBM service representative. DBI1959N The instance directory cannot be created. Explanation: An error occurred when creating the required files or directories for the new instance. The instance was not created. User response: Ensure that you have write access to the location where the instance directory is created. The instance directory is created under the path where the product is installed. You can move the instance to another directory by using the /p option in db2imigr. DBI1960N The DB2 service cannot be created. Explanation: An error occurred when registering a DB2 service because of one of the follow reasons: 1. A service of the same name already exists or was marked as deleted but not cleaned up until the next system reboot. 2. You don't have sufficient access to create a Windows service User response: 1. Ensure that the name of the instance does not match any of the existing Windows services. The list of services in the system can be found in the Windows registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystem CurrentControlSetServices. If the service was marked as deleted, you have to reboot the machine to have the service removed from the system. 2. Log on to a user account that belongs to the local Administrators group and retry the operation. DBI1961N The node key for the new instance cannot be added to the registry. Explanation: An error occurred when adding a node key for the new instance in the instance profile registry. User response: Contact your IBM service representative. DBI1962N The new node can not be added to the registry. Explanation: An error occurred when adding the new node to the instance profile registry. User response: Contact your IBM service representative. DBI1963N An error occurred when granting the user rights to the account for the instance. Explanation: When configuring the account for the DB2 Service, the account must be granted the user rights: 1. Act as part of the operating system 2. Create a token object 3. Increase quota 4. Logon as a service 5. Replace a process level token An error occurred when granting the user rights to the account for the instance. User response: If the machine belongs to a domain, ensure that the primary domain controller is active and accessible over the network. Otherwise, contact your IBM service representative. DBI1964N The logon account cannot be assigned to the DB2 service. Explanation: An error occurred when assigning a logon account to the DB2 service. User response: Ensure user that the user name and the password for the logon account is valid. DBI1965N The node %s was not found in the node list. Explanation: The specified node was not found in the node list. User response: Verify that the node exists by displaying the list of nodes using the DB2NLIST command. DBI1966N The node cannot be deleted from the registry. Explanation: An error occurred when removing the specified node from the instance profile registry. User response: Contact your IBM service representative. DBI1967N The DB2 service cannot be de-registered. Explanation: An error occurred when de-registering a DB2 service. User response: Ensure that you have sufficient authority to delete a Windows service. DBI1968N An error occurred when changing the node configuration in the profile registry. Explanation: An error occurred when changing the node configuration in the profile registry. User response: Contact your IBM service representative. DBI1969N An error occurred when creating a new file in the instance directory. Explanation: An internal error occurred when creating a new file in the instance directory. User response: Ensure that you have write access to the instance directory. DBI1970N An error occurred when reading from or writing to a file in the instance directory. Explanation: An internal error occurred when reading from or writing to a file in the instance directory. User response: Contact your IBM service representative. DBI1971N The instance profile cannot be removed from the registry. Explanation: An error occurred when removing the instance profile from the registry. User response: Contact your IBM service representative. DBI1972N The instance directory cannot be removed. Explanation: An error occurred when removing the required files or directories belonging to the specified instance. User response: Ensure that you have write access to the location where the instance directory is located. DBI1973N An attempt to configure the DB2 service to start automatically failed. Explanation: An error occurred when setting the DB2 service to start automatically. User response: Reboot the machine and try the command again. If the problem persists, contact your IBM service representative. DBI1974N The profile variable DB2ADMINSERVER cannot be set in the profile registry. Explanation: An error occurred when setting the profile variable DB2ADMINSERVER in the profile registry. User response: Contact your IBM service representative. DBI1975N The environment variable DB2ADMINSERVER cannot be removed from the profile registry. Explanation: An error occurred when removing the environment variable DB2ADMINSERVER in the profile registry. User response: Contact your IBM service representative. DBI1978E Update of instance %s is not supported. Explanation: The DB2 Copy Name of the instance does not have the same version number as the target DB2 Copy Name. User response: Make sure that the instance is valid for update and then try the command again with a valid instance name or DB2 Copy Name. DBI1980W Unable to create user ID %s in UPM. Explanation: The user ID that you provided during product installation could not be created in User Profile Management (UPM). This user ID is required to start the DB2 Administration Server. User response: Manually create a user ID and password using UPM and then manually start the DB2 Administration Server. You may need to set the DB2 Administration Server to use this user ID and password combination using the "db2admin" command. %s program completed successfully. %s program terminated prematurely. %s program terminated by request. Exiting.. No products installed. Disk space needed = %s KB Available = %s KB Checking if locale %s is available... Specify one of the following keywords to install DB2 products. Enter "help" to redisplay product names. Enter "quit" to exit. The installation logfile can be found in %s. You must select at least one product to install.. Default directory for installation of products - %s Directory for installation of products = %s Enter full path name for the install directory - Creating link from %s to %s Must create link from %s to %s before continuing. help quit yes no Do you want to choose a different directory to install [yes/no] ? Do you want to create directory %s [yes/no] ? Do you want to continue [yes/no] ? Usage: %s [-p ] [-d ] [-z ] Note: the -d option is for Solaris Operating Environments only. KeywordProduct DescriptionBase directory for this product must be same as the base directory for %s package. Base directory for %s package = %s Do you wish to install the same subset of ESE filesets/packages as you have on the GA path? [yes/no] ? Do you wish to install the same subset of CEE filesets/packages as you have on the GA path? [yes/no] ? Do you wish to install the same subset of filesets/packages as you have on the GA path? [yes/no] ? Task %s: %s Status %s: %s Installation file validation for the DB2 copy installed at "%s" starts. Installation file validation for the DB2 copy installed at "%s" ends. Creating test database "%s". Dropping test database "%s". Validating Installation file sets. Validating embedded runtime path for DB2 executables and libraries. Validating the accessibility to the installation path. Validating the accessibility to the /etc/services file. Instance validation for "%s" starts. Instance validation for "%s" ends. Validating instance file ownership and permission. Validating symbolic links in the instance directory. Validating database connections using CLP command. Starting DB2 instance "%s". Stopping DB2 instance "%s". Partitioned database environment validation for the instance "%s" starts. Partitioned database environment validation for the instance "%s" ends. Validating DB2 node configuration file (db2nodes.cfg) format. Validating accessibility to all database partitions. Validating Fast Communication Manager (FCM) ports. SuccessFailureDatabase validation for instance "%s" ends. Validating accessibility to the installation path on all database partitions. Validating code level on all database partitions. Database validation for instance "%s" starts.