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" ' (0 )y *v + - .G / 0o22O QwQR4RG GxGb H bI@cIdfIJtDB2 Enterprise Server Edition DB2 Workgroup Server Edition DB2 Personal Edition Data server developer tool DB2 Spatial Extender InfoSphere Federation Server Relational Wrappers DB2 Connect Server IBM Data Server Client IBM Data Server Runtime Client InfoSphere Federation Server Nonrelational Wrappers Data server administrator tool IBM DB2 Enterprise Server Edition IBM DB2 Workgroup Server Edition IBM DB2 Personal Edition DB2 Query Patroller IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: DB2 Agent IBM DB2 Express Edition IBM DB2 Express Edition DB2 Information Center IBM DB2 Information Center DB2 National Language Package IBM DB2 National Language Package IBM Database Add-Ins for Visual Studio IBM Database Add-Ins for Visual Studio IBM DB2 Spatial Extender IBM InfoSphere Federation Server Relational Wrappers IBM DB2 Connect Server IBM Data Server Client IBM Data Server Runtime Client IBM InfoSphere Federation Server Nonrelational Wrappers IBM DB2 Query Patroller DB2 Information Center Version %1 IBM Data Server Driver Package IBM Data Server Driver IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases SA MP DB2 Express-C IBM DB2 Express-C DB2 Advanced Enterprise Server Edition IBM DB2 Advanced Enterprise Server Edition DB2 Enterprise Server Edition is designed to meet the data server needs of mid- to large-size businesses. Optional features for DB2 Enterprise Server Edition are available that provide additional advanced product capabilities. DB2 Workgroup Server Edition is designed to meet the data server needs of deployment of a workgroup or medium-sized business environment. Optional features for DB2 Workgroup Server Edition are available that provide additional advanced product capabilities. DB2 Personal Edition provides a single user full-function relational database with built-in replication, ideal for desktop or laptop PC-based deployments. DB2 Spatial Extender allows you to store, manage, and analyze spatial data (information about the location of geographic features) stored in DB2 Server products. The InfoSphere Federation Server Relational Wrappers allows you to query and retrieve data located in distributed DB2 and non-DB2 relational databases. DB2 Connect Server products are designed to address the needs of organizations that require robust connectivity from a variety of desktop systems to mainframe and iSeries database servers. The IBM Data Server Client is a collection of client application drivers and tools to provide data access to DB2 and Informix IDS data servers. The IBM Data Server Runtime Client is a collection of client application drivers for DB2 and Informix IDS data servers. Non-graphical tools are also provided for DB2 data servers. The InfoSphere Federation Server Nonrelational Wrappers enables a federated system to integrate genetic, chemical, biological, and other research XML-based data, WebSphere MQ messages, and data from other data sources. DB2 Query Patroller is a query workload management offering that proactively and dynamically controls submission and execution of queries to better manage DB2 database workloads. DB2 Express Edition contains a full-function DB2 data server that provides an entry-level product for the Small and Medium Business (SMB) market. Optional features for DB2 Express are available that provide on additional advanced product capabilities. DB2 Information Center contains documentation for DB2 products. It covers every aspect of DB2, from getting started, to database connectivity, database administration, query management, business intelligence, and application development. DB2 Express-C contains a full-function DB2 data server, which provides an entry-level product for the Small and Medium Business (SMB) market. It comes with simplified packaging, and is easy to transparently install from within an application. GSKit support DB2 Advanced Enterprise Server Edition is designed to meet the data server needs of mid- to large-size businesses. Optional features for DB2 Enterprise Server Edition are available that provide additional advanced product capabilities. Integrated Flash Copy Support Base application development tools Application development tools Base client support Base Client Support for installation without root privileges Base Client Support for installation with root privileges Base server support Base server support for installation with root privileges Product Signature for DB2 Client Command Line Processor Plus Communication support - TCP/IP Communication protocols Communication protocols Connect support Product Signature for DB2 Connect Server Control Center Control Server Custom data source support Parallel Extension Administration tools Client support Control Center Help (HTML) - Portuguese - Brazil Control Center Help (HTML) - Simplified Chinese Control Center Help (HTML) - Czech Control Center Help (HTML) - German Control Center Help (HTML) - English Control Center Help (HTML) - Spanish Control Center Help (HTML) - French Control Center Help (HTML) - Italian Control Center Help (HTML) - Japanese Control Center Help (HTML) - Korean Control Center Help (HTML) - Polish Control Center Help (HTML) - Russian Control Center Help (HTML) - Traditional Chinese DB2 data source support DB2 Documentation - Bulgarian DB2 Documentation - Portuguese - Brazil DB2 Documentation - Simplified Chinese DB2 Documentation - Czech DB2 Documentation - German DB2 Documentation - English DB2 Documentation - Spanish DB2 Documentation - French DB2 Documentation - Croatian DB2 Documentation - Hungarian DB2 Documentation - Italian DB2 Documentation - Japanese DB2 Documentation - Korean DB2 Documentation - Polish DB2 Documentation - Romanian DB2 Documentation - Russian DB2 Documentation - Slovakian DB2 Documentation - Slovenian DB2 Documentation - Traditional Chinese Java Help (HTML) - Portuguese - Brazil Java Help (HTML) - Simplified Chinese Java Help (HTML) - Czech Java Help (HTML) - German Java Help (HTML) - Danish Java Help (HTML) - English Java Help (HTML) - Spanish Java Help (HTML) - Finnish Java Help (HTML) - French Java Help (HTML) - Italian Java Help (HTML) - Japanese Java Help (HTML) - Korean Java Help (HTML) - Norwegian Java Help (HTML) - Polish Java Help (HTML) - Russian Java Help (HTML) - Swedish Java Help (HTML) - Traditional Chinese Product Messages - Bulgarian Product Messages - Portuguese - Brazil Product Messages - Simplified Chinese Product Messages - Czech Product Messages - German Product Messages - Danish Product Messages - English Product Messages - Spanish Product Messages - Finnish Product Messages - French Product Messages - Croatian Product Messages - Hungarian Product Messages - Italian Product Messages - Japanese Product Messages - Korean Product Messages - Dutch Product Messages - Norwegian Product Messages - Polish Product Messages - Romanian Product Messages - Russian Product Messages - Swedish Product Messages - Slovakian Product Messages - Slovenian Product Messages - Turkish Product Messages - Traditional Chinese Sample database source Server support DB2 Update Service Product Signature for DB2 Information Center WSWB Help System - (Eclipse) EnterpriseDB code Product Signature for DB2 Enterprise Server Edition Product Signature for DB2 Express-C Product Signature for DB2 Express Server Edition First Steps Getting started Product Signature for DB2 Spatial Extender Global Secure ToolKit ICU Utilities Application data sources Common files for InfoSphere Federation Server Nonrelational Wrappers Product Signature for InfoSphere Federation Server Nonrelational Wrappers Scientific Data Sources Structured file data sources Product Signature for InfoSphere Federation Server Relational Wrappers Informix data source support DB2 Instance Setup wizard Interfaces Java Common files Java Runtime Support Java support JDBC data source support IBM Software Development Kit (SDK) for Java(TM) DB2 LDAP support ODBC data source support Oracle data source support Product Signature for DB2 Personal Edition Product Signature for DB2 Query Patroller Query Patroller server Query Patroller Center Query Patroller command line support Query Patroller Common Files Relational wrappers common Replication tools Product Signature for DB2 Run-Time Client Spatial Extender client Spatial Extender base server support SQL procedures SQL Server data source support Sybase data source support Teradata data source support DB2 Text Search Product Signature for DB2 Workgroup Server Edition DB2 Enterprise Server Edition is designed to meet the data server needs of mid- to large-size businesses. DB2 Workgroup Server Edition is designed to meet the data server needs of deployment of a workgroup or medium-sized business environment. DB2 Express Edition contains a full-function DB2 data server that provides an entry-level product for the Small and Medium Business (SMB) market. DB2 Connect Server products are designed to address the needs of organizations that require robust connectivity from a variety of desktop systems to mainframe and iSeries database servers. DB2 Personal Edition provides a single user full-function relational database with built-in replication, ideal for desktop or laptop PC-based deployments. DB2 Advanced Enterprise Server Edition is designed to meet the data server needs of mid- to large-size businesses. IBM DB2 Information Catalog Manager Contact added by DB2 Setup Wizard Administrators Power Users Users Guests Domain Admins Domain Users Domain Guests MB KB The user group "%1" on computer "%2" is a local user group. The user group "%1" on computer "%2" is a global user group. The user group "%1" on computer "%2" exists. The user group "%1" on computer "%2" has been successfully created. The user group "%1" on computer "%2" has been successfully deleted. A domain controller called "%1" for domain "%2" has been found. The computer "%1" is a primary domain controller. The computer "%1" is a backup domain controller. The computer "%1" is neither a primary nor a backup domain controller. Act as part of the operating system Logon as a service Create a token object Increase quotas Replace a process level token Profile single process Add the following user rights in order for the DB2 installation to be able to properly authenticate the user accounts entered: "%1" The user account "%1" does not have the required authority of the user group "%2" on computer "%3". The user account "%1" has the required authority of the user group %s on computer "%2". Warning Error Information The user group "%1" on computer "%2" does not exist. The user "%1" has been successfully added to the user group "%2" on computer "%3". The user "%1" has been successfully deleted from the user group "%2" on computer "%3". The installation program has been able to create the user "%1" on computer "%2". The installation program has been able to delete the user "%1" on computer "%2". Command to be run: "%1". The DB2 required component. database tools catalog metadata satellite Response file All files The log file specified already exists. Continuing will overwrite the existing file. Click "Yes" to continue, or click "No" to exit the uninstall. The trace file specified already exists. Continuing will overwrite the existing file. Click "Yes" to continue, or click "No" to exit the unistall. DB2 Setup log file started at: DB2 Setup log file finished at: SUCCESS: ERROR: WARNING: INFORMATION: A general error occurred. The return value is "%1". An error occurred while trying to open the log file "%1". Installation will continue however no logging will occur. An error occurred while retrieving the summary of install options. Operating system information: %1 Error messages can be found in the file "%1". Post Install Recommendations DB2 Setup wizard has finished copying files to your computer and has completed all the required system configuration tasks. Shut down all software programs running on the system now. The programs can then be restarted and DB2 will be ready for use. The install log %s is located in %s. DB2 Setup wizard has finished copying files to your computer. Shut down all software programs running on the system now. The programs can then be restarted and DB2 will be ready for use. However, a minor error occurred while installing this computer. Some features may not function correctly and some required system configuration tasks may not be completed successfully. The install log %s is located in %s. A major error occurred while installing DB2 on this computer. The installation cannot continue. The install log %s is located in %s. DB2 Fix Pack Update log file started at: DB2 Fix Pack Update log file finished at: Post Fix Pack Update Recommendations DB2 Uninstall log file started at: DB2 Uninstall log file finished at: Post Uninstall Recommendations DB2 Prune log file started at: DB2 Prune log file finished at: Product to install: Computer use: Instance owning Single partition New database partition: Installation type: Typical options: Satellite administration capability: Custom Compact Target directory: Space required: Scheduler: Enabled: Yes No Existing instances to configure: New instances: Instance name: Authentication: Start instance on reboot: Maximum logical nodes: User name: Partitioned Option: Instance owning computer: Database partition number: FCM port range: Domain: Home directory: User creation: Service name: Port number: Transaction program name: Workstation name: Adapter number: Typical NetBIOS configuration: APPC configuration: TCP/IP configuration: Disabled Name: Schema: Server: Fenced user information: Instance user information: UID: GID: Group name: Contacts to add to this instance: New contacts: Name: E-mail address: E-mail address is for a pager: DB2 tools catalog: Install on this computer: SMTP server: Contact list: Local Remote Host name: Local directory: Directory: Tivoli Storage Manager Response file location: System name: DB2 tools catalog location: WebSphere: Icon directory: Documentation directory: CGI bin directory: Update IBM HTTP Server configuration files: Create links for DB2 libraries and header files: User information: User exists: Logical Port Number: Node Name: Languages: Selected Languages: Setup type: Default: Selected features: Partition number: Oracle data source settings: Client installation directory: Sybase data source settings: Informix data source settings: Server: Microsoft SQL Server settings: Path to .odbc.ini: ODBC driver installation directory: Selected Languages to be pruned: KERBEROS SERVER_ENCRYPT CLIENT SERVER Response file name: Response file name for additional database partition servers: Create user: DB2 Administration server: Miscellaneous settings: Scheduler enabled: Notification enabled: Working directory: Contact metadata settings: Contact list location: Contact list host name: Contact list user name: Alias: Instance: Location: Upgrade: Information catalog: DB2 tools catalog: Satellite control database: Contact specification: Instance owner: Selected Components: Instances to update: Features to be removed: Teradata data source settings: Path to CLI v2 library: Path to error message text file: Query Patroller database objects: Database name: Control data table space: Table space name: Table space type: Container type: Container path: Number of 4K pages: Partition Group: Partition Group Name: Name: Partition(s): Result table space: DB2 Query Patroller Service: System managed Database managed File Raw device Previously Installed Components: DB2 Information Center Server settings: Service Name: Port number: DB2 Information Center settings: Host name: Port number: DB2 copy name: Set as default DB2 copy: Installation specific driver details IBM Data Server Driver for ODBC and CLI name: OLE DB Provider GUID: IBM Data Server Provider for .NET name: already installed All Products Default DB2 copy: Set as default IBM database client interface copy: Copy name: DB2 Text Search: HTTP service name: HTTP service port number: Install SA MP: Update SA MP: Install IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Previously Installed Products: Selected Products: Previously Installed Languages: Selected Products to be pruned: Selected Components to be pruned: Prune SA MP: Prune IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: Start instance after installation: Create an XML version of the default copy catalog: Install the DB2 documentation from the CD labeled "%1". At least one of your existing DB2 v8.1 instances on this computer were active during installation. You will be required to run db2iupdt on any active instances after the installation completes. This product requires you to configure your licensing information. You will need to add the proper license for the product you have purchased and also update the number of concurrent and registered users you have purchased. If you purchased "DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition" you will need to add the license that is contained in the "%1" file on the installation media. If you purchased the "DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition" product you should add the license that is contained in the "%2" file. If you purchased the "DB2 Connect Application Server Edition" product you should add the license that is contained in the "%3" file. This license can be added by using the "License Center" which is accessible through the "DB2 Control Center" or by using the DB2 License Manager command line utility (%4). The format of the command is db2licm . To update the number of concurrent or registered users that you have purchased see the online help in the "License Center" or the command line help by typing db2licm -h. This product requires you to configure your licensing information. You will need to add the proper license for the product you have purchased and also update the number of concurrent and registered users you have purchased. If you purchased the "DB2 Connect Personal Edition" product you should add the license that is contained in the "%1" file. This license can be added by using the "License Center" which is accessible through the "DB2 Control Center" or by using the DB2 License Manager command line utility (%2). The format of the command is db2licm . Configure an existing DB2 instance to work with Query Patroller. Run qpsetup to set up DB2 Query Patroller to monitor queries on one or more databases. At least one of the existing DB2 v8.1 instances on this computer were active during installation. You must run db2iupdt on any active instances after installation is complete. You have selected an instance which does not have any existing local databases. DB2 Query Patroller Controller functionality must be set up using an existing database. You can select a different instance which does have an existing local database, or you can continue and use the instance currently selected. If you choose to continue, further setup of the DB2 Query Patroller Controller will be deferred until after installation is complete. This setup will have to be performed manually after a database has been created in the selected instance. Press OK to continue, press Cancel to go back. Specify the SMTP server to be used by the DB2 Administration Server to send notifications to administration contacts. For more information see the documentation on notification and contact list setup and configuration. Instance "%1" is active during installation. You must update the instances manually. If you are performing a root installation, use the db2iupdt command. If you are performing a non-root installation, use the db2nrupdt command. If the manual instance update also failed, contact DB2 Customer Service. Prepare the DB2 tools catalog if you would like to schedule tasks with the task scheduler on this computer Open First Steps by running "db2fs" using a valid user ID such as the DB2 instance owner's ID. You will need to have DISPLAY set and a supported web browser in the path of this user ID. Install the DB2 documentation from the CD labeled "%1". Some features, such as OS-based authentication, DB2 High Availability, and configuring the DB2 Advanced Copy Services (ACS) directory are available only in root installations. Also, reserving service names for TCP/IP remote connection or DB2 Text Search is available only in root installations. To enable these features and abilities in non-root installations, run the db2rfe script as the root user with a configuration file. See %1 for an example of the configuration file. Set up a DB2 instance to work with DB2. Specify an administration contact for health monitor notification. Specify the SMTP server to be used by the DB2 Administration Server to send notifications to administration contacts. For more information see the documentation on notification and contact list setup and configuration. Configure an existing DB2 instance to work with "%1". Run qpsetup to set up "%1" to monitor queries on one or more database. Verify that you have access to the DB2 Information Center based on the choices you made during this installation. If you performed a typical or a compact installation, verify that you can access the IBM Web site using the internet. If you performed a custom installation, verify that you can access the DB2 Information Center location specified during the installation. The DB2 Setup wizard has modified who has access to DB2 files and other objects on your computer. For more information see the DB2 administration documentation. Perform the post-installation tasks specified in the fix pack Readme. Manually remove the files that are not removed successfully if there is any in this log file. Review the response file created at %s. Additional information about response file installation is available in the DB2 documentation under "Response file installation of DB2 overview". Review the response files created at %s and %s. you can use the response file in %2 to install DB2 on the other computers that will act as additional database partition servers in the instance created during this installation. Additional information about response file installation is available in the DB2 documentation under "Response file installation of DB2 overview". Your DB2 instance is created as a single-partition instance because this machine is not connected to a domain. To set up a multiple-partition instance environment, refer to DB2 documentation under "Adding a database partition server to an instance". Install data server developer tool. It is located in "%1". The data server developer tool is a comprehensive suite of integrated Eclipse tools for the database designer and development DBA. The tool reduces the time to create, deploy, and debug SQL and Java stored procedures, deploy data-centric web services, and create queries for relational and XML data using SQL and XQuery for DB2 and Informix IDS data servers. Updates to the content of the Information Center may be made available from time to time. See the home page of the DB2 Information Center for more information about how to determine if an update is available. Required steps: Optional steps: Refer to "What's new" %1 in the DB2 Information Center to learn about the new functions for DB2 V%2. DB2 Text Search has not been configured for the instance "%1". Run the db2iupdt command with the /j "TEXT_SEARCH" option to automatically configure the DB2 Text Search instance services. Manual configuration steps can be found in the DB2 Text Search documentation "%2". DB2 Text Search has not been configured. Run the db2isetup command to configure the DB2 Text Search server. Manual configuration steps can be found in the DB2 Text Search documentation "%1". Some DB2 components were uninstalled from the DB2 installation location specified. You need to manually update the DB2 instances related to the DB2 installation location. To start using the DB2 instance "%1", you must set up the DB2 instance environment by sourcing db2profile (for Bourne or Korn shell) or db2cshrc (for C shell) in the sqllib directory with the command ". $HOME/sqllib/db2profile" or "source $HOME/sqllib/db2cshrc". $HOME represents the home directory of the DB2 instance. You can also open a new login window of the DB2 instance user. In order to start using DB2 you need to logon using a valid user ID such as the DB2 instance owner's ID "%1". You should ensure that you have the correct license entitlements for DB2 products and features installed on this machine. Each DB2 product or feature comes with a license certificate file (also referred to as a license key) that is distributed on an Activation CD, which also includes instructions for applying the license file. If you purchased a base DB2 product, as well as, separately priced features, you might need to install more than one license certificate. The Activation CD for your product or feature can be downloaded from Passport Advantage if it is not part of the physical media pack you received from IBM. For more information on licensing, search the Information Center (%1) using terms such as "licensing" or "db2licm". You can connect to the DB2 instance "%1" using the port number "%2". Record it for future reference. You have enabled DB2 extended Windows security. You must add DB2 users that need to run DB2 local applications or tools to either the DB2 administrators group or DB2 users group. To validate your installation files, instance, and database functionality, run the Validation Tool, %1. For more information, see "db2val" in the DB2 Information Center. There are WPARs which share the DB2 copy but are inactive Enable or re-enable features such as OS-based authentication, DB2 High Availability, and DB2 Advanced Copy Services (ACS) configuration. Certain TCP/IP service names may need to be reserved if they have been changed during the upgrade. To enable these features and abilities after upgrade is completed, run the db2rfe script as the root user with a configuration file. See %1 for an example of the configuration file. OS authentication HA Loaded all install helper DLLs successfully. Successfully initialized silent install. Successfully generated a response file. Successfully started the Up and Running Engine. Successfully enabled tracing. Successfully created registry entries for selected features. Successfully created registry entries for installed components. Successfully dropped DB2 instances during uninstall. Successfully configured MS ODBC Driver Manager. Successfully configured IBM data server driver for ODBC and CLI. Successfully de-registered IBM data server driver for ODBC and CLI. Successfully set up the registry for Merant OEM ODBC Drivers. Successfully set up the registry for Cross Access ODBC Drivers. Successfully uninstalled NetQuestion. Successfully removed non-instance TCP/IP services from the services file. Successfully removed files from a previous version of DB2. Successfully removed shortcuts from a previous version of DB2. Successfully removed registry entries from a previous version of DB2. Successfully upgrated files from a previous versions of DB2. Successfully removed environment variables set by a previous version of DB2. Successfully de-registered NT services. Successfully killed active DB2 processes prior to additional DB2 functionality being installed. Successfully ensured that at least one feature was selected. The "%1" product has been successfully removed. Successfully registered COM object %s. Successfully unregistered COM object %s. Successfully enabled DB2 enhanced security. Successfully granted complete operating system access to DB2 objects to members of the "%1" group. Successfully granted read and execute operating system access to DB2 objects to members of the "%1" group. Successfully created the "%1" group. Successfully granted the "%1" right to the "%2" group. The installed copy of DB2 product %1 is going to be upgraded. You have installed the following products: %2 Run the installation separately for each product that is not upgraded in this installation after the current upgrade is completed. The functionalities of installed products other than %1 will be lost if this is not followed. A different DB2 product at an older release level already exists on this system. You must upgrade the existing DB2 product on the system before you will be able to continue with this installation. A previous version of DB2 is installed on your system. This version has the following functions that do not exist in the DB2 product and version you are installing: %s If you continue with the installation, the old version will be removed from your system and these functions will no longer be available. The installation program has detected previous versions of the following products: %s Completing this installation will remove the previous versions of these products from your system and upgrade all settings. Query Patroller Server Query Patroller Client OLAP Starter Kit Administrative Functionality You have selected not to upgrade the ODBC driver manager. The current version of this component is lower than the minimum version fully tested with DB2. InfoSphere Federation Server Nonrelational Wrappers requires one of the following products: %s Install one of these products before installing InfoSphere Federation Server Nonrelational Wrappers. %s requires one of the following products: %s Install one of these products, version %s, before installing %s. DB2 Version %s exists on this system. The upgrade from this version of DB2 database systems is not supported. You need to either upgrade it to DB2 Version %s or uninstall the existing version of DB2 database systems before you can complete the installation Would you like to continue with this installation? IBM DB2 DB2 OLAP Server IBM DB2 DataJoiner DB2 Setup has detected a Universal Naming Convention path reference (ie. entry of the form \) in the PATH environment. You must remove this entry or change it to a mapped drive before you will be able to complete this install. DB2 Setup has detected that no features or components were selected. Select at least one feature or component before continuing the install. A component has been selected that pre-requires MDAC 2.8 . MDAC 2.8 is available as a selectable feature through this install, but will not be installed unless requested. The file you have specified already exists, do you want to overwrite it? DB2 Setup has detected that you may have local databases on the system. In order to use these databases with this version of DB2, they must be upgraded. Execute the DB2CKUPGRADE command, located in the utilities directory on the CD, before installing DB2. DB2CKUPGRADE checks for conditions that would prevent the successful upgrade of the local databases that are cataloged on the system. If you have existing databases and have not run the DB2CKUPGRADE utility, click on 'Cancel' now to quit Setup. %s is required by one of the following products: %s Uninstall one of these products, version %s, before uninstalling %s. DB2 has detected that there are databases on your system that will need to be upgraded after DB2 version %d has been installed in order to be used. The %s product does not give you the functionality to upgrade a database after completion of the install. If there are databases on your system that you would like to upgrade to version %d, it is recommended that you install a DB2 version %d server product. %s is an add-on product. It requires a primary DB2 product, such as %s or %s to be installed on the machine. Install one of these products, version %s, before installing %s. The "%s" is a replacement for the "%s". If you choose to continue, the "%s" will be removed from the system before installing the "%s". Do you want to continue? The DB2 Setup Wizard has detected that "%1" is installed on this computer. If you continue this product will be removed. Do you want to continue? The DB2 Setup Wizard has detected that "%1" is installed on this computer. "%1" must be removed for this installation to continue. The "%1" is no longer compatible with this version of "%2". If you continue with the installation, "%1" will be removed. Use the %1 to access the documentation. The %1 can be accessed on the IBM Web site, installed and accessed on another computer on your intranet, or installed and accessed on your local computer. The DB2 Setup Wizard has detected that 32-bit DB2 is installed. The installed image of DB2 on your system has the following functions that do not exist in the DB2 product you are installing: %s If you continue with the installation, the installed products will be removed from your system and these functions will no longer be available. The DB2 Setup Wizard has detected that 32-bit DB2 is installed. The installed image of DB2 on your system has functions that do not exist in the DB2 product you are installing. If you continue with the installation, the installed products will be removed from your system and these functions will no longer be available. Ensure that the current product contains all the functionality you need. The DB2 Setup Wizard has detected that 32-bit DB2 is installed. Completing this installation will remove the installed products from your system and upgrade all settings. IBM LDAP Replication Development Center APPC Business Intelligence XML Extender Informix data source support Successfully copied or moved the "%1" registry key and all of its sub keys to the 64-bit view of the registry. Successfully upgraded files from a previous 32-bit install of DB2. %1 requires Visual Studio 2005, Visual Studio 2008, or Visual Studio 2010. Install Visual Studio 2005, Visual Studio 2008, or Visual Studio 2010 before installing %2. Successfully uninstalled "%1". Would you like to continue uninstalling the remaining products specified? "%s" is required by the following products: "%s" Uninstall these products before uninstalling "%s". "%1" cannot be uninstalled because it is not installed under the installation path "%2". The following products will be removed from this computer: %1 Are you sure you want to continue? Warning: You have chosen to force the removal of all DB2 Products on the system. Are you sure you want to continue? Start to uninstall DB2 products...... Successfully killed all running DB2 processes. Successfully removed SQLLIB directory and DB2 shortcuts. Successfully removed DB2 environment variables. Successfully cleaned the registry. Finished manually uninstalling all the DB2 products. Restart your computer. Explanation: The db2unins utility uninstalls one or more DB2 products: db2unins [-d|-f|[-p products][-u response file]] [-l log file] [-t trace file] [-y] [-?] Running the db2unins utility without one of the parameters (-?, -d, -p, -u) will result in the removal of all DB2 products under the current installation directory. The command options are: -d Displays the products that are installed in the current DB2 copy on the system. (This option is only available when executed from an installed DB2 copy) -f Performs a brute force uninstallation of all DB2 database products on the system. The db2unins -f command can only be issued from the installation media. Your system will reboot when you successfully issue db2unins -f. It can only be issued if there are no other DB2 products prior to version 9 installed on the system. The DB2 copy with the name "%1" contains the following products: %2 If you run db2unins from the CD, you can only use "-f" option to force uninstall all the DB2 products on the system. Option "-f" cannot be used when already using either option "-p" or option "-u". The parameter "%1" is not valid. "%1" is not a valid DB2 product abbreviation. To install %1, you must have one of the following providers installed: %2 The location specified "%1" contains an installed DB2 product and cannot be used for this installation. Specify a different folder. An error occurred while uninstalling %1. The registry does not contain necessary data for uninstallation. Contact a technical service representative. An error occurred while adding registry keys for %1. Contact a technical service representative. An error occurred while removing registry keys for %1. Contact a technical service representative. An error occurred while modifying IBM Data Server Provider for .NET registry keys. Contact a technical service representative. IBM Data Server Provider for .NET None - use local user account The "-f" option cannot be used if DB2 Version 8 is installed on the computer. Uninstall any DB2 Version 8 products from the computer and reenter the command again. You must have administrator authority to run the db2unins.exe utility. None - use local group Attempting to uninstall "%1" from "%2". Successfully collected all instances for the IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases. -p Specifies the products to be uninstalled. This parameter is only available when run from an installed DB2 copy. To uninstall multiple products, separate a list of products by a semicolon and enclosed in double quotation marks. When both parameters -p and -u are specified, the products specified in -p override the products specified in the response file. For example, db2unins -p "ESE;QP" -u db2un.rsp uninstalls both DB2 ESE and QP regardless of the REMOVE_PROD keyword value in db2un.rsp. -u Performs an uninstallation of products, features, or languages based on what is specified in the response file. For example, db2unins -u db2un.rsp. This parameter is only available when run from an installed DB2 copy. If both parameters -p and -u are specified, the DB2 products specified in the -p parameter override the REMOVE_PROD keyword in the response file. -l Specifies the location of the log file. The default log file location is My DocumentsDB2LOG. -t Turns on the trace functionality. The trace file will be used for debugging problems with the db2unins utility. -y Ensures no confirmation is done during the uninstallation process. -? Displays help for the db2unins command. The version, release, and fix-pack level of the %1 must be identical to the version, release, and fix-pack level of the %2. An error occurred while installing VSAI Help into Visual Studio 2010. An error occurred while uninstalling VSAI Help from Visual Studio 2010. Default DB2 and IBM Database Client Interface Selection Wizard Introduction Default DB2 copy Summary Welcome to Default DB2 and IBM Database Client Interface Selection wizard This wizard allows you to select the default DB2 copy when there is one or more DB2 copies on your computer. It also allows you to set the default IBM database client interface (ODBC/CLI driver and .Net provider) copy. To continue, click Next. Select your default DB2 copy The following DB2 copies have been detected on your computer. Select the DB2 copy to be set as the default copy. The current default DB2 copy is: %s &Next> <&Back Cancel &Finish Details: Click next to make the selected DB2 copy the default on this computer. The Default IBM Database Selection wizard has completed successfully The current default DB2 copy is %s. The DB2 Administration Server for your computer has not been changed. To move the DB2 Administration Server to the new default DB2 copy on your computer, use dasupdt command. For more information on the dasupdt command, see the DB2 Information Center or the Command Reference. To close this wizard, Click Finish DB2 copy name: DB2 installation path: DB2 copy version: Products in DB2 copy: (Default) DB2 version 8 is currently installed on your computer and set as the default DB2 copy. This cannot be changed. If you would like to set another DB2 copy as the default, uninstall DB2 version 8 from your computer. Configuration Selection Default IBM Database Client Interface Copy Select the DB2 and database client interface configuration(s) to work with Applications will use this DB2 copy be default. The other DB2 copies on your computer will still be accessible and usable. Romanian Default IBM database client interface (ODBC/CLI driver and .NET data provider) copy Applications will use the ODBC/CLI drivers and .NET data provider in this copy by default. The IBM database client interface in the other copies on your computer will still be accessible and usable. Default DB2 Copy For more information, see the DB2 infornmation Center or the appropriate DB2 Quick Beginning book. Set the default IBM database client interface copy to the selected DB2 copy Select your default IBM database client interface copy The following copies have registered the IBM database client interface (ODBC/CLI driver and .NET provider) on your computer. Select the copy to be set as the default IBM database client interface copy. The current default IBM database client interface copy is: %s Copy name: Installation Path: Client interface(s) in the copy Copy version: The SQLI IDS .NET data provider references in machine.config have been successfully redirected to Common IDS .NET data provider. Failed to redirect the SQLI IDS .NET data provider references to Common IDS .NET data provider in machine.config. The Common IDS .NET data provider references in machine.config have been successfully redirected to SQLI IDS .NET data provider. Failed to redirect the Common IDS .NET data provider references to SQLI IDS .NET data provider in machine.config. (Default DB2 and IBM Database Client Interface Copy) (Default IBM Database Client Interface Copy) (Default DB2 copy) The current default DB2 and IBM database client interface copy is %s. The DB2 Administration Server for your computer has not been changed. To move the DB2 Administration Server to the new default DB2 copy on your computer, use dasupdt command. For more information on the dasupdt command, see the DB2 Information Center or the Command Reference. The current default IBM database client interface copy is %s. Switching is successful. A DB2 Version 9.1 copy is currently installed on your computer and is set as the default DB2 copy. To switch the default DB2 copy to a higher version, use the command "db2swtch -d ". You are not allowed to switch the default IBM database client interface copy to a DB2 Version 9.1 copy without switching the default DB2 copy. If you want to switch both the default DB2 copy and the default IBM database client interface copy, use the command "db2swtch -d ". (no DB2 instance support) Bulgarian Chinese (Simplified) Chinese (Traditional) Czech Danish Dutch English Finnish French (Standard) German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Italian Japanese Korean Norwegian Polish Portuguese (Brazilian) Portuguese (Standard) Slovenian Spanish Russian Swedish Turkish Arabic Croatian Slovak Starting Microsoft Clustering Service Registering DB2 licenses Initializing instance list Configuring DB2 instances Setting environment variables Installing DB2 file sets Configuring NT Service dependencies and logon settings Configuring DB2 Governor Service Configuring Remote Command Service Building physical/logical database partition server list Creating physical/logical database partition servers Installing DB2 performance counters Setting default global profile registry variables Configuring DB2 for use with Oracle data sources Setting up the Application Development Center Configuring LDAP Configuring Query Patroller service Configuring DB2 for use with Sybase data sources Configuring DB2 for use with Microsoft SQL Server data sources Configuring DB2 for use with Teradata data sources Configuring DB2 for use with Informix data sources Configuring DB2 for use with Classic Connect data sources Registering OLAP Spreadsheet Add-ins Configuring health alert notifications Creating the DB2 Administration Server Updating the DB2 Administration Server Performing input validation Building list of databases to create Creating DB2 databases Enabling Asynchronous I/O Configuring the satellite control database Reserving port for the Data Links replication daemon Configuring the DB2 Administration Server Updating ODBC driver locations Updating global profile registry Checking license agreement acceptance Updating existing DB2 instances Registering ODBC data sources Starting all DB2 services Creating DB2 tools catalog Configuring registry reflector service Importing configuration profiles Add a task which resets the settings made during the installation Upgrading Query Patroller user profiles and system settings Configuring DB2 Query Patroller Service Configuring DB2 Information Center Server Configuring DB2 Documentation Configuring DB2TEMPDIR Configuring DB2 extended security Installing DB2 file sets Updating DB2 file sets Deleting DB2 file sets Setting DB2 library path Updating global registry Rolling back what has been installed Starting DB2 Fault Monitor Stopping DB2 Fault Monitor Executing control tasks Updating global registry Configuring the default DB2 copy Upgrading DB2 instances Updating the db2ls link Preparing the system Installing or updating SA MP Installing national language support for SA MP Uninstalling SA MP Installing or updating DB2 HA scripts for SA MP Updating the djxlink Installing IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases Uninstalling IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases Pruning SA MP Pruning IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases Pruning DB2 file sets Registering DB2 Update Service Creating SAMPLE database Preparing the system Upgrading DB2 file sets Upgrading DB2 instances Select network location Select path for the new instance profile Select the instance owning computer SETUP ERROR QUESTION Unable to create the "%s" directory. Cannot write to the specified location. The specified directory does not exist. Would you like DB2 Setup to create it for you? --No instance found-- --Access denied-- --Invalid computer-- &Manual Select Configure to enable %s support. Do not configure at this time Configure Workstation name Adapter number Service name Port number &Defaults Socket number &Default Transaction Program %s has been detected on the system. %s has not been detected on the system. Error The %s can not be blank! The %s is invalid! The value "%s" can not be used for the %s! It is either invalid or has a conflict with other values in the system. The TCP/IP Port Range is invalid. The TCP/IP port range %s-%s, which is required for the %s instance, is not available on your local system. In order to install %1 on Windows %2 you must have service pack %3 or later installed. %1 does not support any version of Windows %2. You must upgrade to Windows %3 or higher to install this product. DB2 Setup has detected that not all users have write access to the selected install path "%1". Users without this access may experience difficulties performing DB2 functions. OK Cancel The server protocol APPC is no longer supported. It will been removed from DB2COMM by this installation. The server protocol IPX/SPX is no longer supported. It will been removed from DB2COMM by this installation. The TCP/IP Network Protocol is not available on this computer. Ensure TCP/IP is available and working before using the "%1". The DB2 instance selected from the instance-owning computer "%1", already exists on the system. It can not be used to setup a new database partitioned server. To proceed, perform one of the following: - select another DB2 instance from the instance-owning computer - create a new DB2 instance on the instance-owning computer and select that DB2 instance - choose another instance-owning computer and select another DB2 instance - if the DB2 instance "%1" is no longer needed on this computer, drop the instance using the db2idrop.exe command. We were unable to detect an existing instance owning partition on the selected computer. Specify the instance name manually or browse for a different computer. DB2 instance configuration - %s You can enable or disable Named Pipes support. Enable Disable The instance can be started at the system startup, or it can be started manually from the command line or from the services dialog. Autostart the instance at system startup. Do not autostart the instance. The instance must be started manually. Startup Backing up installed components. Updating selected components. Removing back up Restoring back up Trace file is in "%1". This group and local administrators will have complete access to all DB2 objects through the operating system. This group will have read and execute access to all DB2 objects through the operating system. To install DB2 version %1 products on Windows Server %2, you must have service pack %3 or later installed. DB2 Version %s Run-time Client exists on this system. Upgrade from this version of a DB2 database system is not supported for non-Administrator users. Install as a new DB2 copy into a new location. TCP/IP Named Pipes The DB2 installer is using the installSAM utility to install the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) version "%1". The DB2 installer is using the uninstallSAM utility to uninstall the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP). The DB2 installer is using the installSAM utility to update the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) from version "%1" to version "%2". The DB2 installer successfully used the installSAM utility to install the SA MP, version "%1". See the log file "%2" for details. The DB2 installer successfully used the installSAM utility to upgrade the SA MP from version" %1" to version "%2". See the log file "%3" for details. The SA MP was successfully uninstalled. See the log file "%1" for details. The version of the DB2 HA feature that is on the DB2 install media requires a more recent version of the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) than is currently installed. In order to use the SA MP with the version of the DB2 HA feature that is currently installed, use db2setup, db2_install, or installSAM to upgrade the SA MP to the version that is on the DB2 install media. You are recommended to upgrade the SA MP to the same version on all nodes in an IBM Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology (RSCT) peer domain. For information about manually upgrading the SA MP, see the Install and Configuration Guide. Install Path Level Fix Pack Special Install Number Install Date Missing Prerequisites Feature Response File ID Product Response File ID Feature Description Product Description Installer UID Status %1 : Success Status %1 : Failure Status %1 : Success Status %1 : Failure Task %1 : Validating installation file sets Task %1 : Validating %2 Task %1 : Validating DB2 node configuration file (db2nodes.cfg) format Task %1 : Validating accessibility to all database partitions Task %1 : Validating Fast Communication Manager (FCM) ports Task %1 : Validating accessibility to the instance profile directory Task %1 : Validating user account of the instance service Task %1 : Validating code level on all database partitions Task %1 : Validating accessibility to the default database path on the current database partition Task %1 : Validating the default instance setting Task %1 : Validating SYSADM authority Task %1 : Validating DB2 extended security Task %1 : Starting DB2 instance "%2" Task %1 : Stopping DB2 instance "%2" Task %1 : Starting DB2 instance "%2" on the database partition "%3" Task %1 : Stopping DB2 instance "%2" on the database partition "%3" Task %1 : Creating test database "%2" Task %1 : Dropping test database "%2" -------- Installation file validation for the DB2 copy "%1" starts -------- -------- Installation file validation for the DB2 copy "%1" ends -------- -------- Instance validation for "%1" starts -------- -------- Instance validation for "%1" ends -------- -------- Database validation for instance "%1" starts -------- -------- Database validation for instance "%1" ends -------- Database partition number Level %1 %2 Task %1 : Validating database connections using the sample .NET application Task %1 : Validating database connections using the sample ODBC application Task %1 : Connecting to database "%2" Calling "%1"... DB2 installation is being initialized. Total number of tasks to be performed: %1 Total estimated time for all tasks to be performed: %1 Task #%1 start Description: %2 Estimated time %3 second(s) Task #%1 end Enter the location of the CD labeled "%1" or press enter to accept the default path. Volume label %2 Type '%3' to abort the installation. [%4]: Error: The required data was not found at the specified path. Error: A fatal error has occurred: %1 DB2 Setup is undoing the changes made to your computer during this installation. Undo complete. %1 for AIX(R) 5L(TM) Operating Systems %1 for Solaris Operating Systems on UltraSPARC systems %1 for HP-UX 11i v2 Operating Systems on HP 9000 PA-RISC systems %1 for HP-UX 11i v2 Operating Systems on HP Integrity Itanium-based systems %1 for Linux(R) Operating Systems on 32-bit AMD and Intel systems (x86) %1 for Linux(R) Operating Systems on Itanium-based systems (IA64) %1 for Linux(R) Operating Systems on System z9 and zSeries(R) %1 for Linux(R) Operating Systems on POWER(TM) (iSeries(TM) and pSeries(R)) systems %1 for Linux(R) Operating Systems on AMD64 and Intel(R) EM64T systems (x86-64) The execution completed successfully. Unable to load the library "%1". Return code is "%2". Unable to allocate the memory required to perform the current action. Free up additional memory and run the program again. An invalid parameter was detected. If the problem persists contact your technical service representative. The function "%1" could not be found in library "%2". Unable to load the requested resource "%1". Return value is "%2". The buffer is too small for the requested data. Contact your technical service representative. The product "%1" is not installed. Unable to open the active MSI database handle. Contact your technical service representative. A duplicate value was detected for "%1". The maximum number of retries has been reached. If the problem persists contact your technical service representative. An error occurred while retrieving information used to install on this computer. The return value is %1. If the problem persists contact your technical service representative. Unable to initialize the response file. DB2 Setup is unable to open the response file "%1" due to an Access Denied error. DB2 Setup is unable to open the response file "%1". A Response file error occurred. The value "%1" is not valid for the keyword "%2". One or more errors occurred while checking the syntax of the response file "%1". Correct the errors and run the install again. A Response file error occurred. Unknown keyword "%1" at line "%2". A requested resource could not be found. The return value is "%1". If the problem persists contact your technical service representative. An error occurred while attempting to stop the Microsoft Cluster Service. An error occurred while attempting to start the Microsoft Cluster Service. Unable to open the cluster that this system belongs to. Unable to obtain a handle for "%1" in the cluster. Unable to obtain a handle to the cluster enumerator. Unable to obtain a handle to the cluster group for "%1". An error occurred while retrieving a list of DB2 processes. The return value is "%1". If the problem persists contact your technical service representative. No more data could be found. The return value is "%1". If the problem persists contact your technical service representative. The installation program is unable to obtain an exit code for the command "%1" because a process was not created. If the problem persists contact a technical service representative. The logged on user ("%1") does not have the necessary "User Rights" to validate the user name "%2", or any other user names. The following "User Rights" are required: "Act as part of the operating system", "Create a token object", "Increase quotas", "Replace a process level token". This message will not be shown again when validating user names. DB2 Setup will continue with the install. The user ("%1") needs to have the user right to "Logon as a Service". This right has been added to the user but may require a reboot before it can take effect. The user ("%1") does not have permission to logon locally. Check the user rights and ensure they have the right to "Log on Locally". An error occurred while initializing the Profile Registry. The return value is "%1". Contact your technical service representative. The installation location for this product can not be found or it is invalid. There was an error backing up "%1" to "%2" for instance "%3". Some configuration settings may not be transferred. The creation of the process to add a node to the existing partitioned instance failed. Return value is "%1". The creation of the process for the partitioned instance failed. Return value is "%1". The creation of the partitioned instance failed. Return value is "%1". The upgrade of a single-partition instance to a partitioned instance failed. Return value is "%1". An error occurred while creating the instance "%1". The return code is "%2". Create the instance manually using the command "%3". DB2 Setup is unable to set up permanent access to "%1". The return code is "%2". An error occurred while trying to open the registry key "%1". An error occurred while creating or generating a name for a temporary file. Ensure you have access to create temporary files. A severe upgrade error occurred. The return code is "%1". Contact your technical service representative. Upgrade of the Database Manager configuration file failed for instance "%1". Default values will be used. The return code is "%2". The path contains an invalid multi byte character. The upgrade of the system database directory failed for instance "%1". Databases will have to be re-cataloged. The return code is "%2". The upgrade of the DCS gateway directory failed for instance "%1". DCS entries will have to be re-cataloged. The return code is "%2". The upgrade of the node directory failed for instance "%1". Node directories will have to be re-cataloged. The return code is "%2". The specified file, "%1", was not found. Unable to find a Database Manager configuration file within "%1". Can not set the "%1=%2" value in the Database Manager Configuration File for the instance "%3". Return code is "%4". The value "%1=%2" was set in the DBM CFG file for the "%3" instance. The value "%1=%2" could not be added to the Global Profile Registry. Return value is "%3". The value "%1=%2" is not a valid DBM CFG parameter for the "%3" instance. The value "%1=%2" is not a valid Profile Registry variable for the "%3" instance. Return value is "%4". An error occurred while trying to set the Database Manager Configuration parameters and Profile Registry variables for the "%1" instance. The return code is "%2". Unable to append "%1" to the environment variable "%2". Unable to set the environment variable "%1" to "%2". Unable to remove the environment variable "%1". The value "%1" is not valid for the DBM CFG parameter "%2". Unable to retrieve the user name for the instance "%1". Ensure a user name is specified for this instance. Unable to retrieve the password for the instance "%1". Ensure a password is specified for this instance. Unable to retrieve the home directory for the user "%1". Ensure the home directory is specified for this user. The maximum number of logical nodes was not specified for the instance "%1". Default parameters will be used. The Fast Connection Manager (FCM) base port was not specified for the instance "%1". Default parameters will be used. Unable to retrieve the default node type to use for the instance "%1". Ensure a correct value is entered for the node type. The user "%1" does not belong to any group. For security reasons it is recommended that you do not use an instance user name as the fenced user name. However, if you are not planning to use Fenced User Defined Functions (UDFs) or Fenced Stored Procedures then setting the fenced user name to the instance name may save you the step of having to create another user. Unable to open the file "%1". Ensure that this file exists. A major error occurred during the execution that caused this program to terminate prematurely. If the problem persists, contact your technical service representative. A minor error occurred during the execution. The UID specified for the user "%1" is invalid. The install will continue using a generated UID. Unable to retrieve the password for the user "%1". Ensure a password is specified for this user. The installation program is unable to obtain an exit code for the command "%1" although a process has been created. If the problem persists contact a technical service representative. The instance owning computer is not specified in the response file. The instance that this node should be added to is not specified in the response file. The user name that will be used as the DB2ACCOUNTNAME for this node is not specified in the response file. The password for the user "%1" is not specified in the response file. The database partition number is not specified in the response file. An error occurred while configuring the instance "%1". An error occurred while configuring database partition "%1" on computer "%2" for instance "%3". The installation and registration of the DB2 for Windows Performance Counter DLL failed. Return value is "%1". The registration of the DB2 for Windows Remote Performance Counter user name and password failed. Return value is "%1". The installation of the license file "%1" using the command "%2" did not complete successfully. The error data is "%3". The Return value was "%4". The Profile Registry variable DB2SYSTEM could not be set because the host name could not be retrieved. Return value is "%1". The value "%1=%2" could not be added to the Profile Registry for the "%3" instance. Return value is "%4". The location where Oracle is installed could not be found from the registry. This product may not function correctly. Update ORACLE_HOME in the file "%1" with the location of your Oracle installation. No default instance is available on this computer. LDAP will not be enabled. See the documentation on how to enable LDAP post install. An error occurred when configuring LDAP. LDAP features will not work properly. Contact a technical service representative. An error occurred when retrieving the installation path of this product. LDAP features will not work properly. Contact a technical service representative. Unable to update the Profile Registry variable "DB2_ENABLE_LDAP" to "YES". An error occurred while retrieving existing database information. An error occurred while configuring the database "%1". An error occurred while getting the system's drive identifiers. Could not switch current DB2INSTANCE to "%1". The return code is "%2". An error occurred while getting the current value of DB2INSTANCE. The return code is "%1". An error occurred while trying to connect to the "%1" database, with the "%2" user name. The return code is "%3". An error occurred while trying to disconnect from the "%1" database. The return code is "%2". An error occurred while processing the file "%1", in the "%2" database. The return code is "%3", the SQLSTATE is "%4", native code is "%5", and the returned message is: "%6" An error occurred while trying to create the "%1" database. The return code is "%2" and the SQLCODE in the SQLCA is "%3". An error occurred while trying to start the "%1" instance. The return code is "%2" and the SQL Message is: "%3" An error occurred while trying to stop the "%1" instance. The return code is "%2" and the SQL Message is: "%3" An error occurred while creating a thread. The return value is "%1". Contact a technical service representative. An error occurred while detaching a newly created thread. The return value is "%1". Contact a technical service representative. An error occurred while trying to get the schema names in the "%1" database. The return code is "%2", the SQLSTATE is "%3", native code is "%4", and the returned message is: "%5" An error occurred while trying to catalog the "%1" database. The return code is "%2" and the returned message is: "%3" An error occurred while trying to access the services file. Ensure you have write access to the services file on this computer. If the problem persists contact your technical service representative. The port number specified is not valid. The service name specified is not valid. The port number specified is in use. The service name specified is in use. The entry in the services file with service name "%1" is not valid. Correct it or remove the entry to continue the install. If the problem persists contact your technical service representative. There is not enough information to create the user "%1". If the problem persists contact your technical service representative. One or more errors occurred while committing the changes to the user "%1". Create or make any changes to this user manually. One or more errors occurred while creating the group "%1". Create this group manually. The GID "%1" is either invalid or does not exists. Specify a valid GID. If the problem persists contact your technical service representative. The command line options specified are invalid. This command can be used to manage the services file on a computer. Command line options: db2isrv Parameters in [] are optional -add -s servicename [-n beginport ] [-e end_port] [-p protocol] [ -a alias1] [-c comment] [-l file] -query [-s servicename] [-n port] [-l file] (only tcp is support right now for this option) -validate -s servicename -n port [-e end_port] [-l file] -remove [-s servicename] [-n port] [-l file] return 0 - Success Other - refer to message displayed There has been an error loading the library "%1". The operating system error code returned is "%2". The computer name "%1" is either unavailable or does not exist, so user account or user group information cannot be obtained or updated on the computer. The user name "%1" is not found on computer "%2". The user running the installation program does not have authority to access or update the user account, user group, and/or computer type information on computer "%1". The structure returned from the attempt to get the user information is empty. This likely means that the user name "%1" or the computer name "%2" is wrong, or that the communication to or from computer name "%3" is failing. The last error code returned by the operating system is "%4". There is a problem with a port number in the etc/services file for use in the "%1" by FCM. Check the entry for the service name "%2" with port number "%3". Port number "%3" is reserved by the installer. The computer name "%1" is found on the network, but the NetLogon service on that computer is not running or the current user is unable to authenticate to "%2". The installation program has been unable to log on as the user "%1"\"%2". The last error code returned by the operating system is "%3". There has been an error getting the address of a procedure in the library "%1". The operating system error code returned is "%2". The installation program was unable to receive all the necessary data for user groups and their members. If the function "%1" is called with a larger buffer, this problem should be resolved. The installation program has been unable to find the name of the user currently logged on to the operating system. The error code returned by the Networking API is "%1". At least one of the non-domain part of the user name being checked, "%1", or the user logged on to the system, "%2", has been returned as NULL or empty from the call to the operating system function "%3". There has been an invalid parameter passed to the operating system function "%1" when trying to get information for the computer "%2". An error has been encountered in the call to the operating system function "%1" because an invalid level parameter was passed in. The last error code returned by the operating system is "%2". The installation program has been unable to find the name of the computer that is being used. The last error code returned by the operating system is "%1". There has been an error in creating the \ format of the user name in the function "%1". The last error code returned by the operating system is "%2". The installation program has successfully found the desired information in function "%1", but does not have enough space to return this information to the calling procedure. The user group operation attempted on entry "%1" on the computer "%2" has failed because the operation is only allowed on the primary domain controller. The last error code returned by the operating system is "%3". The installation program has been unable to create the user "%1" on computer "%2" because the password specified is too short. The installation program has been unable to create the user "%1" on computer "%2" because the user name given already exists as a group. The installation program has been unable to create the user "%1" on computer "%2" because the user name given already exists. The installation program has been unable to add or remove the user "%1" on the computer "%2" to the desired group because the user group given is empty. The installation program has been unable to assign the user "%1" on computer "%2" to the desired user group because the user apparently has been created with group membership in more than one group. The installation program has been unable to add or remove the user "%1" to or from user group "%2" on computer "%3" because the user account type is invalid. The last error code returned by the operating system is "%4". The installation program has been unable to add the user "%1" to user group "%2" on computer "%3" because the user already belongs to the group. The user group operation attempted on entry "%1" on the computer "%2" has failed because the operation is not allowed for certain special groups. The last error code returned by the operating system is "%3". The installation program has been unable to delete the user "%1" from the user group "%2" on computer "%3" because the user does not belong to the group. The installation program has been unable to make the user group "%1" the primary group for user "%2"\"%3". The error returned by the operating system is "%4". The installation program has been unable to get a handle to the policy object for "%1" on computer "%2". The last error code returned by the operating system is "%3". The installation program has been unable to lookup the security identifier for "%1" on computer "%2". The last error code returned by the operating system is "%3". An error has been encountered when calling function "%1". The last error code returned by the operating system is "%2". The computer "%1" for which the computer type (Backup Domain Controller, Primary Domain Controller, or Other) is desired is not running Windows NT, Windows 2000, or Windows XP. The installation program has been unable to successfully launch the process "%1" because the command interpreter could not be found. The installation program has been unable to successfully launch the process "%1" because the argument list is too big. The installation program has been unable to successfully launch the process "%1" because the command interpreter file has an invalid format and could not be executed. The domain "%1" could not be found or is not a trusted domain as a domain controller for the domain could not be found. No logon servers could be found for the domain "%1". Therefore, a domain controller for the domain could not be found. The server that responded is not a proper domain controller of the domain "%1". A domain controller for the domain could not be found. A domain controller for the domain "%1" could not be found because a client side trust relationship is broken. A domain controller for the domain "%2" could not be found because a server side trust relationship is broken or the password is invalid. The installation program has been unable to create the process "%1". The last error code returned by the operating system is "%2". The installation program has been unable to wait for the successful completion of the process "%1". The last error code returned by the operating system is "%2". The error code returned by the process is "%3". The installation program is unable to set the permissions for the file "%1". If the problem persists contact your technical service representative. One more network protocols that are to be configured cannot be found on this system. The NetBIOS adapter number is not found. Configuration of a network protocol could not be completed because the protocol does not exist. The NetBIOS NNAME is not found. The port number can not be set because it is a fixed value. An error occurred while generating default values necessary to configure one or more network protocols. Specify these values manually. The transaction program name is invalid. An error occurred while getting network protocol information because an instance was not specified. Unable to initialize APPC for a different instance. The port number specified "%1" is in use. Specify another number that is not being used by another application. The port number must be in the range 1024 to 65535. There is a problem with a port number in the etc/services file for use in the "%1" by FCM. Check the entry for the service name "%2" with port number "%3". Port number "%3" is open and in use by other applications. DB2 system upgrade is not supported for the selected DB2 copy installed at "%1". The DB2 administrators group domain and DB2 users group domain must be identical. Ensure the group name "%1" already exists in the system. DB2 instance creation will fail if the group does not exist on the system. Click OK to continue the installation, or click Cancel to input another group name. The file or directory "%1" could not be deleted. You must manually delete the file or directory. An error occurred while creating the group "%1". The return value is "%2". Create this group manually. If the problem persists contact a technical service representative. The Informix environment variable "%1" cannot be found from the registry or the response file. This product may not function correctly. Update the variable "%2" in the file "%3". The Sybase environment variable "%1" cannot be found from the registry or the response file. This product may not function correctly. Update the variable "%2" in the file "%3". An error occurred while creating Query Patroller instance "%1". Contact a technical service representative. An error occurred while setting up Query Patroller on database "%1". See the log file or contact a technical service representative. An error occurred while installing file set "%1". Correct the error or contact a technical service representative. An error occurred when registering the Excel OLAP Spread Sheet Add-in. The return values is "%1". Contact a technical service representative. Excel OLAP Spread Sheet Add-in registered successfully. An error occurred when registering the Lotus OLAP Spread Sheet Add-in. The return values is "%1". Contact a technical service representative. Lotus OLAP Spread Sheet Add-in registered successfully. There is not enough information to create the group "%1". If the problem persists contact your technical service representative. Unable to query table space information. The return value is "%1". Unable to retrieve table space information. The return value is "%2". No e-mail address specified for contact "%1". No contact name specified for the contact section "%1". The installation program is unable to add the contact "%1". The return value is "%2". See the DB2 Information Center for more information about adding contacts and configuring health alert notifications. The contact "%1" was successfully added. The DB2 Administration Server is already configured for this computer. One or more errors occurred while configuring the DB2 Administration Server. The return value is "%1". See the DB2 documentation for more information about configuring the DB2 Administration Server after the installation completes. If the problem persists contact a technical service representative. The user name is not specified for the instance "%1". Specify a user name. The password is not specified for the user name "%1". Specify a password for this user. The passwords entered do not match. Re-enter the passwords. The GID "%1" specified for the group "%2" belongs to the group "%3". Enter a unique GID. The GID specified for the group "%1" is invalid. Enter a valid GID. The UID "%1" specified for the user name "%2" belongs to the user name "%3". Enter a unique UID. The UID specified for the user name "%1" is invalid. Enter a valid UID. The home directory "%1" is not a valid home directory for the user name "%2". Enter a valid home directory. A TCP/IP port number is required. Specify a TCP/IP port number. The TCP/IP port number "%1" is invalid. Enter a valid TCP/IP port number. A TCP/IP service name is required. Specify a TCP/IP service name. The TCP/IP service name "%1" is invalid. Enter a valid TCP/IP service name. The TCP/IP entries are invalid. Specify a valid service name and port number. The transaction program name "%1" is invalid. Specify a valid transaction program name. The transaction program name is required. Specify a transaction program name. The workstation name "%1" is invalid. Specify a valid workstation name. The workstation name is required. Specify a workstation name. The adapter number "%1" is invalid. Specify a valid adapter number. The adapter number is required. Specify an adapter number. An error occurred during protocol validation for instance "%1". Protocol entries will not be verified. One or more protocol configuration parameters are invalid. The backup directory "%1" does not have the proper permissions. Ensure you have proper access to this directory. A backup directory is required for the local directory backup method. An Administration Contact Metadata location should be selected. The host name "%1" is invalid. Specify the proper host name of the computer where your contact metadata will be stored. The SMTP server "%1" is invalid. Enter the host name of a valid SMTP server. The host name "%1" is invalid. Specify a valid host name. The service name "%1" is invalid. Specify a valid service name. The user name specified for the instance "%1" is invalid. Enter a valid user name. The password specified is invalid. Enter a valid password. The database location for DB2 tools catalog is not set properly. The database name is not specified for the database section "%1". Specify a database name. An error occurred while cataloging the TCPIP node "%1". An error occurred while cataloging the DCS database "%1". An error occurred while enabling Asynchronous I/O. DB2 requires Asynchronous I/O to be enabled to function properly. Enable this manually using "smit aio". If the problem persists contact a technical service representative. A port number is required to enable the Data Links Manager replication daemon. Specify a port number for the Replication Daemon. The port number entered for the replication daemon "%1" is invalid. Specify a valid port number. Failure Failure Success The installation runtime directory is not set or is incorrect. Contact your technical service representative. The response file is not specified. Specify the response file using the -r parameter. The response file specified "%1" is not valid. The response file specified "%1" cannot be accessed. Ensure the file exists and that you have permission to read the file. A contact name is required in order to receive health alert notifications. You can also defer this task until after installation is complete. The name of the contact "%1" is invalid. Enter a valid contact name. An e-mail address is required for contact setup. Enter a valid e-mail address. The e-mail address "%1" is invalid. Enter a valid e-mail address. You must associate an instance with the contact "%1". Specify an instance. The instance "%1" associated with this contact is invalid. Specify a valid instance. The pager information entered is invalid. Specify whether the e-mail address is for a pager. A user name is required to add contacts to a remote contact list. Specify a user name. The user name "%1" specified for the remote contact list is invalid. Specify a valid user name. A password is required to connect to a remote contact list. Specify a valid password. The password entered to add contacts to the remote contact list is invalid. Enter a valid password. The path for the Database "%1"is invalid. Enter a valid path. The TCP/IP service name "%1" required for the remote database "%2" is invalid. Enter a valid TCP/IP service name. The host name is required for the database "%1". Enter a valid host name. The TCP/IP service name is required to catalog the remote database "%1". Enter service name of the server database manager instance. An instance must be specified for the database "%1". Specify an instance. The database path is not valid for remote database. Remove this setting. The alias entered for the database "%1" is invalid. Enter a valid value or leave it blank to configure it at a later time. The location of the tools catalog database should be 'local' or 'remote'. The location is required for the database "%1". Specify the location. You must enter a name for the database. Enter the name that you want to use for this database The system name is not valid for a local database "%1". Remove this setting. The Oracle installation directory is not set. In order for InfoSphere Federation Server Relational Wrappers to access Oracle data sources you must specify the installation directory of your Oracle client. The Oracle installation directory "%1" is not valid. In order for InfoSphere Federation Server Relational Wrappers to access Oracle data sources you must specify the installation directory of your Oracle client. The Sybase installation directory is not set. In order for InfoSphere Federation Server Relational Wrappers to access Sybase data sources you must specify the installation directory of your Sybase client. The Sybase installation directory "%1" is not valid. In order for InfoSphere Federation Server Relational Wrappers to access Sybase data sources you must specify the installation directory of your Sybase client. The keyword "%1" is only valid for root user installation. The value for "%1" is missing. To configure the TEXT_SEARCH component you must specify both the %2 and the %3. The port selected "%1" is reserved to the service name "%2". If this reservation was not made for your usage, then you should choose another number and reserve in the services file for your usage. The TCP/IP port number "%1" has already been defined in the services file with service name "%2". If this is the service name you want to use then you do not need to run db2rfe to reserve it. If not, then you must choose a different port number that is not defined in the services file. The service name or port number entered for the keywords "%1" and "%2" conflicts with existing values in the services file. The service name might already be used with a different port number, or the port number might already be used with a different service name. Specify a service name and port number that does not conflict with existing entries in the services file. The service name or port number entered conflicts with existing values in the services file. The service name might already be used with a different port number, or the port number might already be used with a different service name. Specify a service name and port number that does not conflict with existing entries in the services file. A TCP/IP port number is required. Specify a TCP/IP port number for the keyword "%1". The port number entered for "%1" conflicts with existing values that have been previously specified. Specify a unique port number that is not in use. The port number entered conflicts with existing values that have been previously specified. Specify a unique port number that is not in use. The value for "%1" is invalid. The service name or port number entered conflict with existing values. The service name or the port number have been duplicated for different services that are being created during the installation. Specify unique service name and port number values that do not conflict with existing values. The service name or port number entered conflict with existing values. The service name or the port number have been duplicated for different services that are being created during the installation. Specify unique service name and port number values that do not conflict with existing values. The requested port number conflicts with existing values that have been previously specified. An error occurred while configuring ODBC. An invalid driver or translator name was detected. An error occurred while configuring ODBC. Could not load the driver or translator setup library. An general error occurred while configuring ODBC. Contact a technical service representative. The instance section in the response file with the identifier "%1" does not have a name specified. Identify the name of the instance with the NAME keyword. An error occurred while updating the configuration parameter "%1" to "%2" for the DB2 Administration Server. The return value is "%3". An error occurred while updating the DB2 Administration Server's configuration with the specified administration group. Ensure the DASADM_GROUP setting is correct by using the GET ADMIN CONFIGURATION command. To modify the value of any DB2 Administration Server configuration parameter, use the UPDATE ADMIN CONFIGURATION command. An error occurred while updating the DB2 Administration Server's configuration with the specified DB2 tools catalog settings. View the current settings of TOOLSCAT_DB, TOOLSCAT_SCHEMA and TOOLSCAT_INST using the GET ADMIN CONFIGURATION command. To modify the value of any DB2 Administration Server configuration parameter, use the UPDATE ADMIN CONFIGURATION command. An error occurred while updating the DB2 Administration Server with the specified SMTP Server. No notifications will be sent. Configure the DB2 Administration Server with an SMTP server manually. View the current settings of SMTP_SERVER using the GET ADMIN CONFIGURATION command. To modify the value of any DB2 Administration Server configuration parameter, use the UPDATE ADMIN CONFIGURATION command. An error occurred while creating one or more directories needed by the DB2 Administration Server. Ensure the current user has permission to create directories at "%1". An error occurred while creating the default DB2 Administration Server configuration file in the directory "%1". An error occurred while updating the registry with information about the DB2 Administration Server. One or more errors occurred while creating the DB2 Administration Server. The DB2 Administration Server may not function properly. Create the DB2 Administration Server manually. If the problem persists contact your technical service representative. An error occurred while creating the user "%1" for the DB2 Administration Server. The return value is "%2". An error occurred while trying to run the command "%1". This command is used to create the DB2 Administration Server. The return value is "%2". An error occurred during the execution of the command "%1". The DB2 Administration Server may not function properly. The return value is "%2". The SQL Server ODBC library path is not set. In order to use InfoSphere Federation Server Relational Wrappers to access SQL Server data sources you must specify a library path. The SQL Server ODBC library path "%1" is invalid. In order to use InfoSphere Federation Server Relational Wrappers to access SQL Server data sources you must specify a library path. The location of the SQL Server file ".odbc.ini" is not set. In order to use InfoSphere Federation Server Relational Wrappers to access SQL Server data sources you must specify the path to this file. The location of the SQL Server file ".odbc.ini" is invalid. In order to use InfoSphere Federation Server Relational Wrappers to access SQL Server data sources you must specify the path to this file. The database "%1" is not a local database cataloged in the instance "%2". An error occurred while setting the registry key "%1" to "%2". An error occurred while changing the location of the DB2 ODBC driver libraries in the registry. Ensure that all previous DB2 ODBC entries are updated to the proper installation location. The group name is not specified for the user name "%1". Specify a group name. The value "%1=%2" is not a valid Global Profile Registry variable. The installation program has been unable to create the user group "%1" on computer "%2" because the group name given already exists. The last error code returned by the operating system is "%3". The user group operation attempted on entry "%1" on computer "%2" has failed because the group name given already exists as a user name. The last error code returned by the operating system is "%3". The installation program has been unable to create the user group "%1" on computer "%2" because doing so would cause a problem accessing an alias. The last error code returned by the operating system is "%3". The installation program has been unable to delete the user group "%1" on the computer "%2" because no alias with that name exists. The last error code returned by the operating system is "%3". The entry "%1" appears to be neither a local nor global user group on computer "%2". The last operating system error code returned is "%3". The user group "%1" on the computer "%2" seems to be both a local and global user group. The last operating system error code returned is "%3". An error occurred while setting one or more DB2 profile registry variables. The database name "%1" is invalid. Specify a valid database name. The instance "%1" that the database is to be cataloged under is invalid. The metadata database "%1" must be a local database. Specify a local database that will be used to store the DB2 tools catalog. The metadata database "%1" is invalid. Specify a valid database that will be used to store the DB2 tools catalog. The location of the database "%1" is invalid. Choose either "LOCAL" or "REMOTE". The password is required to connect to the database "%1". Enter a password. The password is invalid for the user "%1". Specify the correct password. The schema name is required. Enter a valid schema name. The schema name "%1" is invalid. Enter a valid schema name. The prefix for contact set is invalid. The prefix for instance set is invalid. The prefix for database set is invalid. The Satellite Control database "%1" is invalid. Specify a valid Satellite Control database. The DB2 tools catalog database is invalid. The PROD keyword does not have a value or has an invalid value. You have selected to decline the license agreement. Installation has not been completed. You may restart installation later or you may return the Program to the party (IBM or its reseller) from whom it was acquired and request a refund. For information on how to accept the license agreement refer to the DB2 documentation or the LIC_AGREEMENT keyword in the sample response files. The install is unable to update the instance "%1" because it is currently in use. Ensure the instance is not active and update the instance post install using the command "%2". One or more errors occurred while updating the instances on the system. This usually occurs because some instances are currently active. An error occurred while updating the instance "%1". The return value is "%2". Run the command "%3" to update this instance after the install completes. If the problem persists contact your technical service representative. An error occurred while updating the services file on the system for the service name "%1" with port "%2". An error occurred while updating the DB2 Administration Server's configuration. Ensure that the "%1" configuration parameter is set correctly by using the GET ADMIN CONFIGURATION command. To modify the value of any DB2 Administration Server configuration parameter, use the UPDATE ADMIN CONFIGURATION command. The keyword "%1" must have a value. The keyword "%1" is not found. The keyword "%1" has an invalid value "%2". The SQL Server environment variable "%1" cannot be found from the registry or the response file. This product may not function correctly. Update the variable "%2" in the file "%3". An error occurred while setting "%1" to "%2" in the file "%3". This product may not function correctly. Update "%4" in the file "%5" with the location of your Oracle client installation directory. An error occurred while setting "%1" to "%2" in the file "%3". This product may not function correctly. Update "%4" in the file "%5" with the location of your Sybase client installation directory. An error occurred while setting "%1" to "%2" in the file "%3". This product may not function correctly. Update "%4" in the file "%5" with the location of your Informix client installation directory. An error occurred while setting "%1" to "%2" in the file "%3". This product may not function correctly. Update "%4" in the file "%5" with the location of your Informix Server. An error occurred while setting "%1" to "%2" in the file "%3". This product may not function correctly. Update "%4" in the file "%5" with the path to .odbc.ini file. An error occurred while setting "%1" to "%2" in the file "%3". This product may not function correctly. Update "%4" in the file "%5" with the location of your ODBC driver installation directory. The special fix "%1" has been successfully applied to this computer. An unknown error has occurred during the installation of "%1". Additional information about this error has be written to the file "%2". Provide this file to your technical service representative for assistance. An unknown error has occurred. The text associated with the error is "%1". If you require additional assistance contact a technical service representative. In order to install this fix pack, DB2 Setup needs access to the fix packs for all the products that are currently installed. Obtain a fix pack for all the products you have installed. In order to install this fix pack, DB2 Setup needs access to the fix packs for all the products that are currently installed. Obtain a fix pack for all the products you have installed. For more information point your web browser to "%2". Specify the path to the location of all of your fix packs. The fix pack for the product "%1" cannot be found. Ensure the fix packs for all the products that are currently installed are located in this directory. A general error occurred while applying this fix pack. The return value is "%1". If the problem persists contact your technical service representative. Fix pack % DB2 Setup is unable to find any products installed on this system. The DB2 installer detected that you are trying to apply the fix pack to "%1". A fix pack installation is not permitted on "%2". DB2 Setup requires access to the original source media to apply this fix pack. Specify the location where the original source media for "%1" can be obtained. The source media for the product "%1" is at the wrong level. Specify the location of the source media. DB2 Setup has found that the following products are not necessary: %3 All the features and configuration of these products will be merged into "%1". DB2 Setup is unable to open the response file "%1". The return code is "%2". A major error occurred while installing "%1" on this computer. The installation cannot continue. If the problem persists contact your technical service representative. A minor error occurred while installing "%1" on this computer. Some features may not function correctly. The TCP/IP entries are invalid for the instance "%1". Specify a valid service name and port number. One or more protocol configuration parameters are invalid for the instance "%1". The schema name "%1" is invalid for the database "%2". Specify a valid schema name. The host name "%1" is invalid for the database "%2". Specify a valid host name. The instance "%1" associated with this contact does not exist. Specify an instance that is being created during this install or one that already exists. The user name or password specified to add contacts to the remote contact list is incorrect. Specify a valid user name and password. A Response file error occurred. For non-root install, the value "%1" is not valid for the keyword instance.NAME. The instance name is not needed in non-root install. But if specified, the instance name must be the user who owns the non-root installation copy. The %1 is not valid. You have defined the keyword %2 which is associated with the %3 feature. The %3 feature is not selected or installed. Select %3 or remove the definition for %2 and re-start the install. The tools catalog database must be a local database. Specify a local database that will be used to store the DB2 tools catalog. The tools catalog database is invalid. Specify a valid database that will be used to store the DB2 tools catalog. The satellite control database "%1" must be a local database. Specify a local database that will be used as the satellite control database. The satellite control database "%1" is invalid. Specify a valid database that will used as the satellite control database. The keyword "%1" is not valid in the context that it is used. An error occurred while upgrading the database "%1". DB2 Setup is unable to upgrade the database "%1". Ensure this database can be upgraded by using the "%2" tool. DB2 setup is unable to upgrade the database "%1". Refer to the DB2 documentation on how to configure the DB2 tools catalog post-install. DB2 setup is unable to upgrade the database "%1". Refer to the DB2 documentation on how to configure the DB2 metadata database post-install. DB2 setup is unable to upgrade the database "%1". Refer to the DB2 documentation on how to upgrade this database post-install. One or more special fixes are installed on this computer. Installing this Fix pack will overwrite these special fixes. If this is not desired then contact a technical service representative. An error occurred while restoring files that were replaced with a special fix applied on this computer. Contact a technical service representative. An error occurred while restoring files that were replaced with a special fix applied on this computer. Run the repair feature in the Add/Remove Programs control panel applet for the following products: %s. An error occurred while replacing the file "%1". Ensure the file is not in use. The file "%1" has be successfully replaced. Installing special fix "%1". The special fix "%1" has been successfully applied to this computer. Restarting your computer may be necessary if any files are in use. The installation of the license file "%1" using the command "%2" did not complete successfully. See the Installation and Configuration guide on how to add the license after the install has completed. An error occurred while processing the file "%1", in the "%2" database. The log file can be found at "%3". "%1" components must be installed on a system which already has installed either: InfoSphere Federation Server, including its restricted-use version of DB2 Enterprise Server Edition, or Both InfoSphere Federation Server and a separately licensed copy of DB2 Enterprise Server Edition, DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition, DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition or DB2 Connect Application Server Edition. In both cases, the InfoSphere Federation Server license, located in the "%2" file on the InfoSphere Federation Server installation media, must be present. You can install this license using the "%3" command. For more information on adding DB2 licenses see the DB2 documentation. DB2 is currently running and locked by the following process(es): %s Click No to exit. (Recommended) Click Yes to shutdown these processes and continue. (Warning: Terminating a process can cause loss of data) The following process(es) could not be stopped: %s. An error occurred while adding the user right "%1" to user "%2" on the computer "%3". The last operating system error code returned is "%4". The installation error code returned is "%5". An error occurred while removing the user right "%1" from user "%2" on computer "%3". The last operating system error code returned is "%4". The installation error code returned is "%5". The installation program has granted the current user the required additional advanced operating system user rights, but the user rights will not take effect until the system is rebooted. It is suggested that you stop your DB2 installation now and reboot your system, at which time you should launch the DB2 installation program again. An error occurred while attempting to set "%1" to be the SYSADM user group on computer "%2". The last operating system error code returned is "%3". The installation error code returned is "%4". An error occurred while attempting to find what the SYSADM user group is on computer "%1". The last operating system error code returned is "%2". The installation error code returned is "%3". An error occurred while attempting to set the group lookup type to be "%1" on computer "%2". The last operating system error code returned is "%3". The installation error code returned is "%4". An error occurred while attempting to find what the group lookup type is set to on computer "%1". The last operating system error code returned is "%2". The installation error code returned is "%3". An error occurred while attempting to determine if user account "%1" has group membership giving it the authority of "%2". The last operating system error code returned is "%3". The installation error code returned is "%4". The entry "%1" does not meet required naming conventions. The entry given for the password is invalid. An error occurred while attempting to validate the password entered. The last operating system error returned is "%1". The installation error code returned is "%2". An error occurred while attempting to find if user name "%1" exists on computer "%2". The last operating system error returned is "%3". The installation error code returned is "%4". An error occurred while attempting to get a list of user names on computer "%1". The last operating system error returned is "%2". The installation error code returned is "%3". The Satellite ID "%1" is invalid. The application version "%1" is invalid. DB2 has been installed previously by a user that is not an administrator of this computer. This installation will not be allowed as only one installation of DB2 is allowed on the computer at one time. DB2 has been installed previously by a user that is an administrator of this computer. This installation will not be allowed as only one installation of DB2 is allowed on the computer at one time. DB2 has been installed previously by a user that is not an administrator of this computer. This installation will not be allowed as only one installation of DB2 is allowed on the computer at one time. In order to install the product "%1", the user running the installation must have at minimum the authority of a member of the user group "%2". The installation program has been unable to determine if the computer "%1" is a Primary Domain Controller, Backup Domain Controller, or other type of computer. The installation program has been unable to store all data for user names that exist on the computer %s due to a lack of space allocated in the application. There is not enough memory allocated to successfully complete the operating system call to the function "%1" for computer "%2". The non-domain portion of the user name being checked has been passed to DB2 as NULL or empty. The installation program has been unable to retrieve the security identifier for the user group "%1" on domain "%2". The installation program has failed to set the user group "%1" as the primary group for user "%2" on domain "%3" in the security descriptor. The last error code returned by the operating system is "%4". The computer "%1" returns "%2" from the "%3" function, which is an unexpected value. The last operating system error code returned is "%4". The entry "%1" does not seem to exist on computer "%2", but there was an error getting the list of user groups on the system. The last error code returned by the operating system is "%3". An error occurred while getting the security identifier for user "%1" on the computer "%2". The last operating system error code returned is "%3". The installation error code returned is "%4". Tracing has been turned on. The location of the trace file is "%1". The DB2 Installation is unable to initialize tracing. Ensure you have permission to write the file "%1". Successfully started all automatic DB2 NT services. Failed to start all automatic DB2 NT services. The DB2 Control Server Instance, "%1", provides administrative and status reporting support for Satellite systems. The default instance, DB2, stores application data. You can build a partitioned database environment by installing Enterprise Server Edition on other computers, and specify that these computers participate in the default instance, DB2. Notification SMTP server has not been specified. Notifications cannot be sent to contacts in your contact list until this is specified. For more information see the DB2 administration documentation. The following response file settings will be ignored: %1 A DB2 product at version %1, release %2, modification %3, and service level %4 is already installed on this DB2 installation copy location. The installation you are performing is for DB2 at version %5, release %6, modification %7, and service level %8. If you continue this install, there might be some configuration errors that need to be fixed manually. After the completion of this install, you should apply a DB2 fix pack at version %9, release %10, modification %11, and service level %12 or higher. To avoid the possible problems, download the install image at the same code level as the one installed on your machine from the following location: %13. A DB2 product at version %1, release %2, modification %3, and service level %4 is already installed on this DB2 installation copy location. The installation of the DB2 product at version %5, release %6, modification %7, and service level %8, will not be permitted. An error has occurred while updating DB2 because of an Operating System upgrade. The return code is "%1". Some parts of DB2 may not function properly. Remove and reinstall the product to correct these problems or contact your technical service representative.. DB2 Setup is unable to find the files it needs to repair itself because of an Operating System upgrade. The return code is "%1". Some parts of DB2 may not function properly. Remove and reinstall the product to correct these problems or contact your technical service representative. An error occurred while staring the service "%1". The return value was "%2". Ensure the logon credentials for this service are correct. If the problem persists contact a technical service representative. One or more errors occurred while starting the automatic DB2 Services. An error occurred while running the command "%1" to initialize and/or upgrade the DB2 tools catalog database. The return value is "%2". An error occurred while launching the command "%1" to initialize and/or upgrade the DB2 tools catalog database. The return value is "%2". The domain ID and password entered cannot be verified because domain admininstrator privileges are required. If you have entered the ID and password correctly, click OK to continue to the next panel. Otherwise, click Cancel to return to the current panel. The value "%1=%2" was set in the Profile Registry for the "%3" instance. The value "%1=%2" was set in the Profile Registry. One or more errors occurred while initializing and/or upgrading the DB2 tools catalog database. The return value is "%1". The instance "%1" has been updated successfully. The instance "%1" has been created successfully. The home directory for the user "%1" does not exist. DB2 Setup will create the directory "%2". For more information see the DB2 installation log at "%1". There is not enough free disk space in "%1" to continue with the installation. Free up additional space and run the installation again. There is not enough free disk space in "%1" to continue with the installation. Free up additional space and continue with the installation. The Informix client installation directory is not set. In order for DB2 to access Informix data sources you must specify the installation directory of your Informix client. The Informix server is not set. In order for DB2 to access Informix data sources you must specify the Informix server. The Informix client installation directory "%1" is not valid. In order for DB2 to access Informix data sources you must specify the installation directory of your Informix client. The Informix server "%1" is not valid. In order for DB2 to access Informix data sources you must specify the your Informix server. The database section "%1" specified for "%2" does not exist in the response file. The instance section "%1" specified for "%2" does not exist in the response file. The node section "%1" specified for "%2" does not exist in the response file. The contact section "%1" specified for "%2" does not exist in the response file. The DB2 command line environment could not be initialized. "%1" must have a value. Enter a value for it. The value of "%1" is invalid. Enter a valid value. There are one or more values missing in this panel. Enter all values required for this panel. There are one or more fields in this panel that have invalid values. A user name is required. Enter a user name. The user name specified is invalid. Password must have a value. Confirmed password must have a value. Enter the confirmed password. A user name is required to connect to the database "%1". Enter the user name. The user name "%1" is invalid and cannot be used to connect to the database "%2". Specify a valid user name. The user name "%1" is an existing user. Enter a new user. The user name "%1" is not an existing user. Enter an existing user name. Satellite ID is not provided. Default value will be used. Application version is required. Enter the application version. An error occurred while running the command "%1". Informix data sources may not function correctly. The return code is "%2". An error occurred while running the command "%1". Data sources may not function correctly. The return code is "%2". An error occurred while executing the command "%1" to import the configuration profile "%2". The return value is "%3". The configuration profile "%1" has been successfully imported into instance "%2.". Specify an existing user. Do you want to continue using the existing settings? DB2 setup is unable to upgrade the DB2 Administration Server data from the previous version. The version 8 DB2 Administration Server will function properly, however some of this information from the past version may be lost. DB2 setup is unable to save existing data from the DB2 Administration Server. The version 8 DB2 Administration Server will function normally however some of your information may be lost. An error occurred while running the command "%1" to upgrade the DB2 Administration Server. The return value is "%2". DB2 setup is unable to upgrade the database "%1". Refer to the DB2 documentation on how to configure the satellite control database post-install. DB2 setup is unable to complete the upgrade of the DB2 Administration Server. To complete this upgrade you must ensure that a DB2 tools catalog is configured and functioning properly. At that time you can use the command "dasmigr" to complete the DB2 Administration Server upgrade process. An error occurred while launching the command "%1" to upgrade the DB2 Administration Server. The return value is "%2". The file set "%1" requires "%2" to be installed first. The installation will continue however "%3" will not be installed. The following entries are required in the file "%1". Since conflicting entries already exist in this file it cannot be updated. The following ports are not available on this computer: %1 DB2 setup is unable to upgrade DB2 to function properly on this computer after upgrading the Operating System. Remove and reinstall the product to correct the problem. Starting DB2 Services An error occurred while removing DB2 services. Shutdown any programs that may have open handles to these services including the Service Control Manager. The instance "%1" cannot be created because an existing NT Service of the same name already exists on the computer. An existing database with the name "%1" has been found on the file system. The entry "%1" is too long. Correct this entry. Failed to query instance settings with the following error : "%1" Failed to query remote registry of "%1". Make sure that you have Administrator privileges on "%1". The instance owner machine name is invalid. The database "%1" has been cataloged. db2setup command line usage: [-r response file name] [-l log file path] [-i 2 letter language code] [-t trace file] [-SMS] A severe error has occurred which has prevented the installation from continuing. Any existing files will be removed. For more information refer to the DB2 Installation log at "%1". Removing %1 The DB2 Administration Server is not running. The task "%1" cannot be completed. The task "%1" cannot be performed because of previous errors. No instance is specified for the contact "%1". Specify an instance. The sqlca output from the command "%1" is not properly formatted. Contact a technical service representative. An error occurred while updating the logon information for the DB2 Administration Server in the Service Control Manager. Update the service manually with the user name "%1". The return value is "%2". The DB2 Administration Server does not exist. You cannot install from a network mapped drive using a remote session on Windows 2000 Terminal Server edition. The available work around is to use Universal Naming Convention (UNC) paths to launch the installation, or run the install from the console session. We are unable to reserve a range of ports needed for the Fast Connection Manager(FCM). Free up at least "%1" continuous ports in the "%2" file or reduce the maximum logical nodes. A value is required for the maximum logical nodes. Specify the number of maximum logical nodes that can be added to this instance. The Satellite ID "%1" is invalid. Enter a valid Satellite ID or leave it blank to use the default value. %s requires one of the following products: %s Install one of these products before installing %s. An error occurred while copying the file or directory "%1" to "%2". The return value is "%3". The instance "%1" cannot be updated because it is invalid or because no product exists on this system which is capable of updating this instance. You may correct this error by removing the instance using "%2" or by installing a product which supports this type of this instance. The host name is required for the %1 database. Enter a valid host name. The TCP/IP service name is required to catalog the remote %1 database. Enter service name of the server database manager instance. The value of "%1" cannot be retrieved. The TCP/IP port number %s, which is required for the %s instance, is not available on your local system. The TCP/IP service name %s, which is required for the %s instance, is not available on your local system. DB2 Setup has detected that the level of the fix pack being applied is lower than what is currently installed on the DB2 installation copy location. A DB2 product at version %1 is already installed on this machine. Because of this, the installation of a DB2 fix pack at version %2 will not be permitted. DB2 Setup has detected that the level of the DB2 product that is being installed is lower then what is currently installed on the computer. A DB2 product at version %1 is already installed on this computer. The installation you are attempting to perform is for DB2 at version %2, and will not be permitted. A user name is required for Query Patroller database The user "%1" can not be created. The password of the query patroller database user "%1" must have a value. The password of the query patroller database user "%1" is invalid. The user name "%1" must have a value if password "%2" is provided. User "%1" does not exist. Specify an existing user for query patroller database. The user "%1" does not have administrator authority, enter a user with administrator authority or give this user administrator authority before continuing. The partition group "%1" is invalid. The table space name is not valid. The DMS value must be yes or no. The container path "%1" is invalid. Give a correct path with write-permission. The container type must be file or device. The number of pages is invalid. Use a value which is both positive and within the disk space. Teradata The %1 environment variable "%2" cannot be found from the registry or the response file. This product may not function correctly. Update the variable "%3" in the file "%4". An error occurred while setting "%1" to "%2" in the file "%3". This product may not function correctly. Update "%4" in the file "%5" with the location of your %6 client installation directory. An error occurred while setting "%1" to "%2" in the file "%3". This product may not function correctly. The group name of user "%1" is longer than the maximum supported length of DB2 or the Operating System. Refer to your operating system and DB2 documentation for more information. An attempt to install DB2 for Linux on AMD64 has failed. DB2 installation detected that DB2 for Linux 32-bit has been installed on the system. Remove the installed DB2 and attempt the installation again. An attempt to install DB2 for Linux on AMD64 has failed. DB2 installation detected that the system is running Linux 32-bit. Obtain DB2 for Linux 32-bit and attempt the installation again. An attempt to install DB2 for Linux 32-bit has failed. DB2 installation detected that the system is running Linux AMD64. Obtain DB2 for Linux on AMD64 and attempt the installation again. A valid fix pack image for %1 could not be found in the location provided. Specify the correct location of the fix pack image. The installation failed because the fix pack image for the existing DB2 product %1 could not be found in the same location as the current install image. Make sure the fix pack image for %2 is located in the same parent directory. The installation failed because not all of the fix pack images for the existing DB2 products: %2, could be found in the same location as the current install image. Make sure the fix pack images for all existing DB2 products are located in the same parent directory. The install image specified is not valid. Fix pack images can be downloaded from %1. You can download the images required to update this system from the following locations:%1 The install image %1 is not valid. Fix pack images can be downloaded from %2. A general error occurred while upgrading the following product %1. The return code is %2. For assistance contact a technical service representative. You can download and install the required fix packs easily by using the db2update tool. This tool can be downloaded from %1 %1 requires an Information Integration license file to be installed on this computer before this installation can proceed. The service name "%1" is invalid since it is being used by more than one instance. Use a different service name for each instance. The port number "%1" is invalid since it is being used by more than one instance. Use a different port number for each instance. The service name or port number is being used by another instance. Enter a valid service name and port number. The NNAME "%1" is not valid since it is used by more than one instance. Select a valid NNAME. The ADAPTER_NUMBER "%1" is not valid since it is used by more than one instance. Select a valid ADAPTER_NUMBER. You are setting up QP database on a non-existing database, which is not recommended. You are setting up QP database using a non-existing instance, which is not recommended. DB2 is going to create the instance during installation. DB2 is going to create the database during installation. Do you want to continue with the current settings? Enter Y for yes or N for no. The UID "%1" is not valid for user "%2". The valid UID for this existing user is "%3". The UID "%1" is not valid. The UID "%1" is not valid for user "%2". The GID "%1" is not valid for user "%2". The group name "%1" is not valid for user "%2". The keyword "%1" is not valid for client type instance. The value of "%1" is in use. Provide another value for it. The GID "%1" is not valid for user "%2". The valid GID for this existing user is "%3". The group name "%1" is not valid for user "%2". The valid group name for this existing user is "%3". The information of "%1" in the response file is not valid for a client type instance. Remove all the server type related entries and attempt the installation again. Update the variable "%1" in file "%2" failed. Control tables "%1" already exist for the selected database "%2". Set the keyword "%3" to YES to replace the existing control tables or select another database to set up for "%4". Control tables "%1" already exist for the selected database "%2". The control tables are going to be replaced since the keyword "%3" is set to YES. Control tables "%1" already exist for the selected database "%2". If you want to replace the existing "%3" control tables, click OK to continue. Click Cancel to select another database to set up for "%4". Table space "%1" already exists. All the user specified container path, partition group and partition number for this table space are ignored. The FCM port range of INSTANCE section "%1" overlaps with the FCM port range of another INSTANCE "%2". The CONTACT section "%1" is not valid for a type CLIENT instance. Remove the CONTACT section and try the installation again. The SVCENAME and PORT_NUMBER is not needed for a type CLIENT instance. Remove the SVCENAME and PORT_NUMBER for the INSTANCE section "%1" and try the installation again. The instance user "%1" is also used as the DAS user, which is not allowed. Use a different user for instance. The user "%1" already has a das directory or sqllib directory in the home directory. This user cannot be used as the DAS user. The user "%1" already has a sqllib directory in the home directory. This user cannot be used as the instance-owning user. The location where SQL Server is installed could not be found from the registry. This product may not function correctly. Update the variables ODBCINI and DJX_ODBC_LIBRARY_PATH in the file "%1". The location where Teradata is installed could not be found from the registry. This product may not function correctly. Update the variables COPLIB and COPERR in the file "%1". The instance type "%1" is invalid. The database "%1" under instance "%2" is not at current version. Specify a database of current version for the installation. The database "%1" under instance "%2" is not a local database. Specify a local database for the installation. The database "%1" under instance "%2" cannot be connected. Specify another database for the installation. The database partition group "%1" exists. All values of "%2" are ignored. An error occurred while setting "%1" with value "%2" in the file "%3". This product may not function correctly. Set the value manually. The "%1" has been set to "%2", but the product "%3" cannot be found on this machine. The "%1" has been set to "%2". This value does not match the port number "%3" of the local "%4". The DB2 Setup Wizard has detected that Java is not be installed or configured correctly. Ensure the proper version of Java is installed and configured properly on this machine. The group name "%1" already exists in the system and will be granted complete access to DB2 folders and objects through the operating system. Click OK to continue the installation, or click Cancel to input another group name. DB2 Setup has determined that the group name "%1" already exists in the system and has granted its members complete access to DB2 folders and objects through the operating system. A different DB2 product at a lower fix pack level is already installed on this DB2 installation copy location. You need to upgrade the installed products first to the same fix pack level of the product you are installing. The DB2 Setup Wizard was unable to drop the "%1" instance. The return code is "%2". The DB2 Setup Wizard has detected that the application "%1" which includes DB2 Merge Modules has already been installed on this system. This application must be removed in order to proceed with the DB2 Setup Wizard. Error happened while copying or moving the registry key "%1" or one of its sub keys to the 64-bit view of the registry. Failed to upgrade files from a previous 32-bit install of DB2. You are trying to setup Query Patroller on an instance that does not exist. It is recommended that you use an existing instance. You are trying to setup Query Patroller on a database that does not exist. It is recommended that you use an existing database. An error occurred while attempting to determine the DB2 installation path for the DB2 copy named "%1". Verify that the DB2 copy name you are using is valid and previously used on this computer. The DB2 Setup Wizard is unable to determine a default installation path to use for this installation. Ensure your computer meets all the installation prerequisites and try the installation again. The DB2 Setup was unable to determine the location of the installation that is being upgrated. This installation cannot be upgrated. The DB2 Setup Wizard has detected that the Service Level of this installation is different from the installed DB2 copy being upgraded. The Service Level of this installation is "%1", whereas the installed copy of the DB2 being upgraded is "%2". Although this installation is from the same fix pack level, it might not contain fixes or features available in the currently installed copy of the DB2 product. Functionality could be lost. Do you want to continue? The copy of DB2 being removed is the default DB2 copy. To remove this DB2 copy, you must choose a new default using the DB2 Default Selection Wizard. After selecting a new default DB2 copy, restart the uninstallation to remove this copy. No default instance was specified. DB2 commands require a default instance or you must set the DB2INSTANCE environment variable to the instance you want to use. A different DB2 product (%s) at a lower fix pack level is already installed on this DB2 installation copy location. Before installing %s, update the installed product (%s) to the same fix pack level as %s. Different DB2 products (%s) at a lower fix pack level are already installed on this DB2 installation copy location. Before installing %s, update the installed products (%s) to the same fix pack level as %s. One or more errors occurred while removing the link "%1". Remove this link manually. Refer to DB2 documentation for more information One or more errors occurred while updating the link "%1". Create this link manually to the latest version of DB2 copy with db2ls installed, or if the link cannot be created, run the db2ls command from the DB2 installation media. Refer to DB2 documentation for more information. You have more than one 32-bit DB2 copy installed. The installation of a 64-bit DB2 copy is not allowed. Only one 32-bit DB2 copy can be upgraded to 64-bit. If you have instances on the 32-bit DB2 copy, you must move them into one 32-bit DB2 copy. Then, uninstall all 32-bit DB2 copies except for the one that houses all the 32-bit instances. At that point, you will be able to install your 64-bit DB2 copy. There is not enough free disk space in "%1" to continue with the installation. DB2 installer detected that the free space in "%2" is "%3", while space needed is "%4". Free up additional space and run the installation again. The DB2 Setup wizard has detected that you are using Microsoft Clustering Services. Instead of upgrading the entire installation, you are required to install a new DB2 copy and use the "db2iupgrade" command or the "dasmigr" command to upgrade any instances or the DB2 Administration Server to this new DB2 copy. You can install a new DB2 copy by selecting "Install New" from the "Install a Product" tab in the DB2 Setup Launchpad. LocalSystem account cannot be used in ESE and AESE admin installation. Specify another account name for the installation. LocalSystem account cannot be used in a non-admin installation. Specify another account name for the installation. The DB2 Setup wizard cannot configure the DB2 Administration Server because it is from a previous DB2 version. The DB2 Setup wizard will continue, however any options you specified for the DB2 Administration Server will be ignored. There is not enough free disk space in "%1" to create the tools catalog database %2 . You must free up another 200MB to create this database. The total disk space required for the installation is %3 MB. The keyword "%1" is not valid when there is no DB2 product on the system. This keyword should only be used to configure the existing DB2 product(s) to access the DB2 documentation specified by "%2". The log file "%1" cannot be created. No log will be generated. The trace file "%1" cannot be created. No trace will be generated. The value of "%1" cannot be set. Multi-partition instances are not supported for DB2 Text Search. The installer will not configure the DB2 instance for DB2 Text Search. Click OK to continue the installation, or click Cancel to return to the current panel. Multi-partition instances are not supported for DB2 Text Search. The installer will not configure the DB2 instance for DB2 Text Search. The DB2 Setup program cannot launch the installation for %1. If the problem persists contact your technical service representative. Components selected or installed are not valid for the instance type "%1". A Response file error occurred. The keyword "%1" cannot be specified with the following keywords: "%2". There is not enough free disk space in "%1". Free space detected in "%2" is "%3", while space needed is "%4". Free up additional space and try again. The process cannot continue as the DB2 copy selected for uninstallation is associated with DB2 instances on the AIX system Workload Partitions (WPARs) %1. Before attemping to uninstall this DB2 copy, either drop the DB2 instances related to this DB2 copy on the above mentioned WPARs, or, use db2iupdt to update the instances to another DB2 copy with the same version as this one. The process cannot continue as the DB2 copy selected for uninstallation is in use by the DAS on the AIX system Workload Partitions (WPARs) %1. Before attemping to uninstall this DB2 copy, either drop the DAS on the above mentioned WPARs, or, update the DAS to another DB2 copy with the same version as this one. The following inactive AIX system Workload Partitions (WPARs) share the DB2 copy %1 on the global environment. These system WPARs need to be active to allow the DB2 installer to properly perform required actions on the DB2 instances or DAS (such as fix pack update or uninstallation). You must manually update the instances and DAS on each inactive system WPAR that shares this DB2 copy. The specified instance "%1" does not exist. Specify an existing instance name. The existing product or products installed on this system do not support fix pack upgrades. There is a problem with a port number in the etc/services file for use in the "%1" by FCM. Check the entry for the service name "%2" with port number "%3". Port number "%3" is not sequential or in use. An error occurred while trying to enable the input/output completion port (IOCP). The input/output completion Port (IOCP) is not installed on this system. For more information see the DB2 uninstallation log at "%1". The value specified for the maximum logical partitions is invalid. Enter a value between 1 and 999. The value of TCP/IP start port is invalid. Specify a value between 1024 and 65535. You do not have the authority to install the network version of the DB2 Information Center. Installing the product named %1 requires administrator authority. You can find the workstation version of the DB2 Information Center in the subdirectory called "workstation" of the folder located at %2, at IBM Passport Advantage, or at the following URL: %3. You do not need to have administrator authority to install the workstation version of the DB2 Information Center. Failed to get the Windows directory. Failed to get the default DB2 copy. The database "%1" is not created because no user account is provided for the database. Both the install user and DB2 instance user are the LocalSystem account. Please create the database manually after the installation is completed. The database "%1" is not created because no user account is specified for this database in the response file. Please create the database manually after the installation is completed. The DB2 tools catalog database "%1" is not created because no user account is provided for the database. The install user, DAS user and DB2 instance user are the LocalSystem account. Please create the tools database and tools catalog manually after the installation is completed. The SAMPLE database is not created during the installation because both the install user and DB2 instance user are the LocalSystem account. Please execute the db2sample.exe command line to create the SAMPLE database manually. Failed to load the library "%s". %s: %s failed. The return code is '%d'. Failed to get the path to the response file. Failed to access the response file: "%s". Failed to resolve the entry point: "%s". Failed to initialize silent install. Failed to generate a response file. Failed to start the up and running engine. Failed to detect existing DB2 products on this system. Failed to enable tracing. Failed to create registry entries for selected features. Failed to create registry entries for installed components. Failed to setup the initial Windows Installer properties for the response file installation. Failed to set Windows Installer feature selection properties. Failed to drop DB2 Instances. An error occurred while upgrading the database directory for the instance "%1". Some configuration settings may be lost. If problems persist contact a technical service representative. The upgrade of the instance "%1" has failed. The return value is "%2". Failed to configure MS ODBC Driver Manager. Failed to configure IBM data server driver for ODBC and CLI. Failed to de-register IBM data server driver for ODBC and CLI. Failed to set up the registry for Merant OEM ODBC Drivers. Failed to set up the registry for Cross Access ODBC Drivers. Failed to uninstall NetQuestion. Failed to remove non-instance TCP/IP services from the services file. Failed to remove files from a previous version of DB2. Failed to remove shortcuts from a previous version of DB2. Failed to remove registry entries from a previous version of DB2. Failed to upgrade files from a previous version of DB2. %s failed. The return code is '%d'. Failed to remove environment variables set by a previous version of DB2. Failed to remove %s key value. Return code is %d. Failed to de-register NT services. Failed to kill active DB2 processes prior to additional DB2 functionality being installed. Failed to remove "%1" from the services file. Return code is "%2". Failed to ensure that at least one feature was selected. Restart your computer and attempt to uninstall DB2 again. DB2 has been unable to cause the following process(es) to unload DB2 files: UNINSTALL ERROR Uninstall is unable to determine the location of the autoexec.bat file. Failed to access the generated response file "%1". Unable to set the response file "%1" in the up and running engine. Unable to set the trace file "%1" in the up and running engine. Failed to open the active Windows Installer database. %s is not supported on this version of the operating system. An error occurred while removing the "%1" product. The return code is "%2". The uninstall of the "%1" product was canceled by the user. The "%1" product cannot be found on this DB2 installation copy location. Error happened while enumerating node registry keys for the instance "%1". Not all of the database partition servers will be removed. Error happened while enumerating partitioned instance registry keys. Not all of the partitioned instances or database partition servers will be removed. Uninstall is unable to create the process "%1". Return code is "%2". The "%1" command finished with error code "%2". Failed to remove the "%1" non-instance related service. Return code is "%2". If you are using APPC to connect to remote servers, see the Release Notes regarding changes to DB2 UDB and DB2 Connect version 8 APPC support. Notification SMTP server has not been specified. Notifications cannot be sent to contacts in your contact list until this is specified. For more information see the DB2 administration documentation. The DB2 copy name, %1, is already in use. Enter a different DB2 copy name. You are installing an additional DB2 copy on this computer. When using multiple DB2 copies on the same computer there are restrictions on some of the features that are available. Refer to the DB2 Information Center to review any restrictions. "%1" is not supported on Windows Itanium-based systems (IA64). Upgrading the existing DB2 product on the system into a secondary partition of a database server is not allowed. Select another option. Enter a valid domain name, as one is required in order to proceed with this installation. The contact "%1" already exists. The Sybase OCS directory is not set. In order for InfoSphere Federation Server Relational Wrappers to access Sybase data sources you must specify the SYBASE_OCS directory of your Sybase client. The Sybase OCS directory "%1" is not valid subdirectory of the Sybase installation directory. In order for InfoSphere Federation Server Relational Wrappers to access Sybase data sources you must specify a valid SYBASE_OCS directory of your Sybase client. "%1" failed. Reason: startdbm failed with return code of %2. "%1" failed. Reason: connect to database "%2" failed with return code of %3. "%1" failed with return code of %2. This product may not function correctly because Informix is not installed. Install Informix and then update the variable "%1" and "%2" in the file "%3". The location of the original source image specified in the keyword "%1" is not valid. If the original source image is required by the DB2 Setup Wizard during the installation and cannot be found, the install will not be able to continue. Failed to register the COM object %s. Failed to unregister the COM object %s. An error occurred while querying the system information. The ID of the user running the installation cannot include double-byte characters. Failed to grant complete operating system access to DB2 objects to members of the "%1" group Failed to grant read and execute operating system access to DB2 objects to members of the "%1" group Failed to create the "%1" group. Failed to grant the "%1" right to the "%2" group. Successfully started the daemon. Failed to start the daemon. An error occurred while configuring the daemon. An error occurred while initializing the daemon. The "%1" is no longer compatible with this version of "%2". Remove the "%1" manually and restart this installation. DB2 Setup Wizard has not been able to remove all the files or folders from the system during uninstall. You may have to remove them manually. Check the %1 folder. The DB2 Setup Wizard has detected that winlogon.exe is loading DB2 resources that must be updated during this installation. In order to release these resources ensure the DB2 Performance Counters are unregistered by running the command "db2perfi.exe /u". You will then need to reboot the computer and restart the DB2 Setup Wizard The DB2 Setup Wizard has detected that winlogon.exe is loading DB2 resources that must be updated during this installation. Depending on the configuration of your operating system the DB2 Setup Wizard may not be able to unload these resources which will prevent the install from completing successfully. In order to ensure these resources are released ensure the DB2 Performance Counters are unregistered by running the command "db2perfi.exe /u" .You will then need to reboot the computer and restart the DB2 Setup Wizard Do you want to continue with the installation? The DB2 Setup wizard has detected that you are using Microsoft Clustering Services to manage the %s instance. After the installation run "db2iupgrade.exe %s" to upgrade the instance. In order to upgrade the DB2 instance the MSCS Disk containing the instance directory must be active on this node in the cluster. The DB2 resources in the group should not be active. The DB2 Setup wizard has detected that you are using Microsoft Clustering Services. This service is loading DB2 resources that must be updated during this installation. In order to proceed with the install you must shutdown the clustering service. The DB2 copy name entered is invalid. The DB2 copy name is limited to 64 English characters consisting of the characters A-Z, a-z and 0-9.The first character of the DB2 copy name cannot be a number. The DB2 copy name, %1, you have entered is already in use. If you wish to install this product to the same location as other DB2 Products - you can do this by selecting the "Work with existing installations" option in the DB2 Launchpad. Otherwise enter an DB2 copy name that is not in use. An error occurred while setting DB2 runtime path. Contact a technical service representative. The DB2 Setup Wizard was not able to generate a Globally Unique Identifier (GUID). The Win32 error code is "%1". The DB2_ADMINGROUP_NAME and DB2_USERSGROUP_NAME are identical. Making the two group names the same would result in members of the DB2 Users group having the same rights as the DB2 Administrators Group. For security reasons, granting members of the DB2 Users group full control rights over DB2 system objects is not permitted. The DB2 Setup Wizard was unable configure this DB2 copy as the default. As a result, some applications may have problems accessing this DB2 copy. To correct this problem, use the Default DB2 Selection Wizard to configure the default DB2 copy after the installation has completed. For more information on the details of the error see the DB2 Installation Log at "%1". The "%1" command did not finish. The DB2 Setup Wizard will continue, but you may experience problems during runtime. For more information, contact DB2 Support. The value specified in the response file for %s conflicts with a value that is already registered on this computer. You can either specify a new value, or remove this keyword and a value will be generated for you. Failed to configure IBM Data Server Provider for .NET with the system. Return code is: "%s". IBM Data Server Provider for .NET requires .NET framework v1.1 or v2.0. It can not be configured until the required .NET framework is installed on the system. In order to use the IBM Data Server Provider for .NET, install .NET framework v1.1 or v2.0 and then configure the IBM Data Server Provider for .NET, either from the Startup shortcut or from the command line. IBM Data Server Provider for .NET could not be configured successfully, because the logon user does not have the required user authorities. In order to configure IBM Data Server Provider for .NET successfully during the DB2 installation, the logon user should either be a member of the Administrator user group, or have the elevated user privileges. IBM Data Server Provider for .NET could not be configured successfully, because the logon user does not have the required user authorities. In order to configure IBM Data Server Provider for .NET successfully, the logon user should be a member of the Administrator user group. IBM Data Server Provider for .NET could not be configured successfully. Make sure the logon user has the required user authorities to configure IBM Data Server Provider for .NET. The logon user should either be a member of the Administrator user group, or have the elevated user privileges. Unable to open MACHINE.CONFIG file. Ensure no other program is using MACHINE.CONFIG. NOTE: Re-running program with the -verbose option will show more detail. Unable to save MACHINE.CONFIG file. Ensure no other program is using MACHINE.CONFIG. NOTE: Re-running program with the -verbose option will show more detail. Incorrect CLR version. NOTE: Re-running program with the -verbose option will show more detail. Unable to get environment variable. NOTE: Re-running program with the -verbose option will show more detail. Unable to get DB2PATH. Re-run program inside a DB2 Command Window or set DB2PATH to the location of DB2. NOTE: Re-running program with the -verbose option will show more detail. Unable to locate the Windows directory. Set the environment variable SYSTEMROOT to the windows location. For example: set SYSTEMROOT=C:WINDOWS NOTE: Re-running program with the -verbose option will show more detail. Unable to verify CLR version. NOTE: Re-running program with the -verbose option will show more detail. Unable to remove provider from GAC. NOTE: Re-running program with the -verbose option will show more detail. Failed to add DB2ProviderFactory support to MACHINE.CONFIG. NOTE: Re-running program with the -verbose option will show more detail. Unable to read from registry because of security constraints. Grant registry permissions to this assembly or run with a user that has more privileges. NOTE: Re-running program with the -verbose option will show more detail. Unknown error occurred. NOTE: Re-running program with the -verbose option will show more detail. The FILE keyword is a mandatory keyword and must be set. The value provided for the FILE keyword is too long: "%1". The maximum length allowed is %2 characters. The FILE keyword value is not creatable or writable: "%1". The value provided for the FILE keyword is not valid. The location specified "%1" exists and is not empty. Specify a new or empty location. The Teradata installation directory is not set. In order for InfoSphere Federation Server Relational Wrappers to access Teradata data sources you must specify the installation directory of your Teradata client. The Teradata COPLIB "%1" is not valid. The location specified is too long: "%1". The maximum length allowed is %2 characters. The location specified is not creatable or writable: "%1". The location specified "%1" exists and is not empty. Specify a new or empty location. The location specified "%1" contains an installed DB2 product and cannot be used for this installation. Specify a different path to install %2. If you want to work with a DB2 product installed in this location, exit the installation and select the 'Work with Existing' option from the DB2 Setup Launchpad. The location provided is a file name: "%1". Enter a directory path instead. The FILE keyword value is a file name: "%1". Specify a directory path instead. The DB2 library file "%1" is not linking to the current DB2 install path. If you have run db2ln, db2rmln needs to be run to clean up all these links. A DB2 copy, %1, already exists at, %2. Specify another location for your new installation. The instance "%1" already exists in the DB2 copy named "%2". Specify a new instance name. The install location specified "%1" cannot include a directory named 'sqllib'. The directory name 'sqllib' indicates the home directory of a DB2 instance. To ensure the DB2 copy does not overlap with an instance, specify a path that does not include directory name 'sqllib'. The DB2 copy name cannot be used as the instance name due to naming restrictions for DB2 instances. The DB2 Setup wizard has generated a new default instance named "%1", to be used by this installation. The username %1 does not conform to the DB2 naming rules. You may experience authentication problems when using your DB2 product after the installation has completed. Do you want to continue? DB2 installer detects that the current product to be intalled can not coexist with one or more products installed in the current install path. Select another install path and try the installation again. Only one copy of %1 Version %2 is allowed on the system. The DB2 installer detects that there is already a copy of %3 Version %4 installed in "%5". The %6 can not be installed to another location "%7". Use the existing DB2 Information Center installation path and try the install again. When installing as non-root user installation must be performed in user's home directory. Currently specified installation path is %1. When installing as non-root user installation must be performed in sqllib subdirectory in user's home directory. Currently specified installation path is %1. The logged on user does not have necessary permission to add or update the registry key %s. The domain name of the admin group is invalid. Enter a valid domain name. The domain name of the users group is invalid. Enter a valid domain name. An invalid value has been entered. Confirm that the values entered meet the requirements for the fields. Check the Help for more information. The install location "%1" is not valid because it exists but not empty. Ensure the install location is not in use and is empty, then rerun the command. The admin group name is invalid. Specify a valid group name. The users group name is invalid. Specify a valid group name. The domain ID and password entered cannot be verified because domain admininstrator privileges are required. The DB2 setup program will proceed using this domain ID and password. Ensure all DB2 services can be started after the installation. The IBM Tivoli Monitoring for Databases: DB2 Agent is removed. You cannot use the IBM Data Studio Administration Console to monitor the DB2 databases. The instance "%1" will not function entirely without a DB2 product that supports the instance type "%2". The instance "%1" cannot function without a DB2 product that supports the instance type "%2". Prior to uninstalling, either drop the instance or move the instance to another DB2 copy that supports this instance type. English cannot be removed. The install location "%1" contains an installed DB2 product that is not at the same level as the DB2 product you are attempting to install. Specify another location. The keyword "%1" is obsolete. The obsolete keyword is replaced by new keyword "%2". Replace the obsolete keyword with the new keyword in the response file. The specified backup or restore directory, "%1", is not accessible. The path "%1" is longer than the maximum supported length of DB2 or the Operating System. Refer to your operating system and DB2 documentation for more information. One or more of the following keywords are required in response file: "%1". "%1" cannot be removed because dependency checking failed. "%2" is dependent on "%3". You must first remove these components before removing "%4". "%1" was not be removed because it was not installed. Set package location to "%1" failed. Error occurred while reading the content of metadata file "%1". Some DB2 files are not removed. Error occurred while removing the .metadata directory of the selected feature. Some files under the "%1" directory are not removed. All remaining files under this directory can be removed manually. Some error occurred while removing the following file: "%1". The selected feature "%1" cannot be removed because it is not installed. The installation package location is not set or is incorrect. Contact your technical service representative. There is more than one DB2 product installed on the system. Use the DB2 Universal Fix Pack for the update. The fix pack image used is not the same product as the installed product. Use the fix pack image for product "%1" or Universal Fix Pack and run the fix pack update again. The DOCE fix pack should be used to update installed DOCE. Attempt again with DOCE fix pack. Updating DB2 global registry with the current installation failed. Rerun the command again to try to update global registry. If the problem still exist, contact IBM Service. Some error occurred while moving file(s) during backup or restore to directory, "%1". The return code is "%2". Some error occurred while move file, "%1", to directory, "%2". The metadata file "%1" of the selected feature "%2" does not exist. Only the .metadata directory of the feature is removed. There is not enough free disk space in "%1" to continue with the fix pack update. Free up additional space and run the fix pack update again. The installFixPack command completed successfully. The installFixPack command completed successfully. The installFixPack command detected that the fix pack image being used is at a lower level "%1" than the installed product's level "%2". To update the installed DB2 product or products to a lower level, use the installFixPack force option '-f level' . The installFixPack command detected that both of the installed DB2 products and the fix pack image are at "%1" level. There is nothing to be updated. To add new features, run the db2setup command. To update the installed DB2 products to a higher level, use the appropriate fix pack image and run the installFixPack command again. To refresh the installed DB2 products to the same level, run the installFixPack command again with the '-f level' option. There are no "%1" DB2 products installed at the selected location "%2" can be updated using the current image. To install a DB2 product to the selected location, run the db2setup command. To update an installed DB2 product in a different location, specify the appropriate location and run the installFixPack command again. Errors occurred during back up. Contact IBM Service. Errors occurred restoring the backed up files. Contact IBM Service. DB2 installer detected that the installed DB2 products at "%1" are not at the same level. This is not supported. The installFixPack command detected that the fix pack image for InfoSphere Federation Server being used is at a lower level "%1" than the installed DB2 products level "%2". To update the InfoSphere Federation Server product at a lower level, the INSTALL_OVERRIDE keyword must be set. A DB2 product at level "%1" fix pack "%2" is already installed on this DB2 installation copy location. The installation you are attempting is for DB2 at level "%3" fix pack "%4" will not be permitted. A DB2 product at level "%1" fix pack "%2" is already installed on this DB2 installation copy location. The installation you are attempting is for DB2 at level "%3" fix pack "%4" will not be permitted. To update installed DB2 products to a different fix pack level, run "%5". To add new features on top of installed DB2 products, use the fix pack image that is at the same level of installed DB2 products. The deinstallation process cannot continue while there are DB2 instances related to the current DB2 copy. If you need to move up or down a level from this DB2 level, use the installFixPack command from the DB2 image for the level you desire to move to, which will update this copy. If you are only trying to uninstall this DB2 copy, you must either drop the related instances first, or you can update the instances to another DB2 copy which is at the same version as this DB2 copy, then restart the db2_deinstall command. The media does not have the product "%1" specified by the keyword PROD in the response file. Correct the error and try again. GSKit installation on the system failed. Return code from "%1" is "%2". Possible causes for this failure include: GSKit is already installed on the system, insufficient space, image is corrupted, or other system errors. Check for possible causes and run "%3" again to install GSKit if needed. The db2setup command detected that the level of this install image is "%1" and the level of the installed DB2 products in the path "%2" is "%3". These levels do not match. Use the "installfixpack" command to update the installed DB2 products to the desired level or run db2setup from an image that is at the same level as what's already installed to add new features. Removing files for "%1". Installation was cancelled by user when installing the file set "%1". Current installation is running in non-interactive mode. In non-interactive mode, all the file sets locations must be specified in the command line or in the response file. If you are running response file install, provide the location for the missing file set "%1" using response file keyword "%2". This keyword can be used multiple times if needed. If you are running db2_install, provide the location for the missing file set in the command line. The keyword "%1" is ignored since the value "%2" is not supported by silent installation. The installation will continue in non-interactive mode. Back up the file "%1" failed since it does not exist. The DB2 installer detects that one or more DB2 instances "%1" are still active. Stop the active instances and rerun the command again. The DB2 installer detects that DAS "%1" is still active. Stop the DAS and rerun the command again. The DB2 installer detects the DAS is using the current DB2 copy to be uninstalled. The deinstallation process cannot continue. If the deinstallation is moving up or down a DB2 level from the current DB2 installation, you need to use the installFixPack command from the DB2 images of the desired DB2 Level to update the current DB2 installation. If the purpose is to uninstall a DB2 product from the current location with no desire to install it again to the same location, you need to drop the DAS or update the DAS to use another DB2 installation location of the same version and then rerun the command again to uninstall. Error: The -b option is required. Run the db2ls command without the -q option for a list of DB2 installation locations to query. Error: The "%1" option is required when the "%2" option is specified. Run db2ls -h|-? for usage options. Warning: One or more features are installed at a different fix level. It is recomended the fix pack level "%1" be applied to this installation. Warning: One or more features are installed at a different fix level. It is recommended the latest fix pack level be applied to this installation. Warning: One or more features installed are missing one or more prerequisite features. Information on missing prerequisite feature names is provided in the above output. Install the missing prerequisite features. Warning: One or more features installed are missing one or more prerequisite features. Information on missing prerequisite feature names can be displayed when db2ls -q is run without the -p option. Install the missing prerequisite features. Error: An unrecognized option "%1" was used. Run db2ls -h|-? for usage options. DB2 instances still exist in the DB2 copy that is being uninstalled. If you continue, these DB2 instances will be removed. DB2 databases will not be removed. Do you want to continue with the uninstallation? InstallFixPack will update your instances and DAS (if applicable) and this may take several minutes or longer to complete, depending on how many instances are related with the current installation path The installFixPack command detected some DB2 libraries are still loaded in memory and some applications might still be running in the current installation copy. All applications must be stopped. See the fix pack readme for pre-installation instructions, and re-run the installFixPack command. Alternatively, to override automatic checking, you can re-issue the installFixPack command with the '-f db2lib' parameter. Note: If you re-issue the installFixPack command with the '-f db2lib' parameter, after the DB2 instances are updated, some applications might not work properly and might need to be restarted to function properly against the updated DB2 instance. The installFixPack command is not able to detect if there are any DB2 libraries still loaded in memory in the current installation copy. Unload all DB2 libraries and re-issue the installFixPack command with the '-f db2lib' parameter. Note: All DB2 libraries must be unloaded before re-issuing the installFixPack command with the '-f db2lib' parameter, otherwise, some applications might not work properly and might need to be restarted to function properly against the updated DB2 instance. The following instances were successfully updated: %1 The following instances were not updated because the current node is not the instance owning node: %1 These instances will be updated when the installFixPack command is run on the instance owing node. An error occurred while updating the instances. The following instances were not updated successfully: %1 You must update the instances manually. If you are performing a root installation, use the db2iupdt command. If you are performing a non-root installation, use the db2nrupdt command. If the manual instance update also failed, contact DB2 Customer Service. Warning: The trace file "%1" cannot be created. Verify you have permission to write the specified file and ensure there is sufficent disk space and run the command again, or specify a different file name. Product "%1" and "%2" can not coexist in the same path. The absolute path "%1" for "%2" is longer than the maximum supported length of DB2 or the Operating System. Refer to your operating system and DB2 documentation for more information. "%1" is needed but can not be found on the media. The install location "%1" is not valid because it exists and is not empty. Clean up the install location and rerun the installation. Multiple products were specified to install which is not supported. You should only specify one product to install at a time. The product "%1" is only supported in root install. The DB2 Setup Wizard has detected that the DB2 Administration Server (DAS) is configured and active under the DB2 copy that is being removed. After the uninstallation, any other DB2 copies on this computer that require the use of a DAS will not function properly. To correct this problem you can use the "dasupdt.exe" command to move the DAS to another copy of DB2 or if you choose to continue with the removal of this DB2 copy you can recreate the DAS using the command "db2admin.exe create". Do you want to continue with the removal of this DB2 copy? "%1" cannot be removed because dependency checking failed. Products "%2" requires "%3". You must remove these products in order to remove "%4". The selected language "%1" cannot be removed because it is not installed. The DB2 installation of version "%1" failed. The copy of DB2 has been restored to the original version. The DB2 installation of version "%1" failed. The DB2 configuration files are saved in "%2". Do not remove these files if you want to upgrade the instance. Manual steps are needed to complete the upgrade. First, run the DB2 installer to install products of your choice; Second, run db2nrupgrade to upgrade the instance. Upgrade the current instance to DB2 version "%1" failed. Before using the instance you need to upgrade the instance by running db2nrupgrade manually after the installation. The DB2 installer detects that the directory "%1" exists, which will be used for backing up the DB2 configuration files. Remove or rename the directory and rerun the DB2 installer. The DB2 installer detects that upgrade is needed. If you want to upgrade the current non-root install copy, specify the keyword UPGRADE_PRIOR_VERSIONS=YES in the response file and rerun the DB2 installer. You cannot prune all products on the media. At least one product must remain. Correct the error and try again. "%1" cannot be removed because it is not on the media. DB2 MSCS instances still exist in the DB2 copy that is being uninstalled. If you continue, these DB2 instances will be removed from the cluster. DB2 databases will not be removed. It is recommended running "db2mscs -u" command to transfer the MSCS instances to non-MSCS ones before the uninstallation. Do you want to continue with the uninstallation? Component "%1" was incorrect or misspelled. Check to see if the component name is a valid DB2 component. If so, check to see if the component name is misspelled. The value provided for the "%1" keyword is not valid. The location specified in the response file "%2" is not located within the current DB2 copy. Modify the "%1" keyword in the response file to specify the location of the current DB2 copy or run the command from the DB2 copy that you wish to modify. You cannot prune all languages on the media. Correct the error and try again. Uninstallation was cancelled by user. The DB2 installer could not find the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) on the DB2 install media. The SA MP should be located at db2//tsamp sub directory under the top directory of the DB2 install media. If you want to use the SA MP with the DB2 HA feature, see the SA MP Installation and Configuration Guide for information about how to manually install the SA MP. DB2 internal error: the required utility "%1" can not be found. Rerun the install or update utility (db2setup, db2_install, or installFixPack) again with trace turned on (by adding the -t argument.) Collect the resulting trace file, and the install log file, and contact IBM DB2 service for assistance. The DB2 installer could not upgrade the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) from the currently installed version "%1" to the version "%2" on the DB2 install media. Upgrading from this particular older version to this newer version is not supported. For information about manually upgrading the SA MP, see the SA MP Installation and Configuration Guide. The DB2 install could not upgrade the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP) because there exists one or more IBM Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology (RSCT) peer domains. You must manually upgrade the SA MP. For information about manually upgrading the SA MP, see the SA MP Installation and Configuration Guide. The version of the SA MP that is currently installed is "%1". The version of the SA MP on the DB2 install media is "%2". Because the version that is already installed is at the same version or higher than what is on the DB2 install media, no upgrade was performed. Cannot uninstall the SA MP because it is not installed. The language "%1" was not installed. See the log file "%2" for details. The DB2 installer did not find an installed version of the SA MP to upgrade. DB2 internal error: failure to detect existence of or version information for SA MP on the system or the DB2 install media. Rerun the install or update utility (db2setup, db2_install, or installFixPack) again with trace turned on (by adding the -t argument.) Collect the resulting trace file, and the install log file, and contact IBM DB2 service for assistance. The installation of %1 failed. The log file can be found at %2. The installation of %1 has completed. The log file can be found at %2. %1 needs to be uninstalled via the Add/Remove Programs. Refer to your operating system's help for more information about removing software products from your windows operating system. Successfully uninstalled %1. Failed to uninstall %1. SA MP cannot be uninstalled because the DB2 products to be removed were not specified in the response file. In order to remove the SA MP, all DB2 products must be specified in the response file. "%1" is not a valid install action. The DB2 installer detected that DB2 Version %1 is installed on the system. The DB2 Version %2 image cannot upgrade or add new features to DB2 Version %1. To add new features, run the DB2 installer from a DB2 image at DB2 Version %1. To upgrade, use a supported version of the DB2 image, and run the installer again. For details see the upgrade DB2 version topic in DB2 Information Centre. The DB2 installer could not automatically upgrade the IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms (SA MP). The SA MP version "%1" installed on your system has a permanent license while the SA MP version "%2" on the installation media has a Try and Buy license. To upgrade the SA MP, see the DB2 Information Center at: "%3" The IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms cannot be installed as the Solaris 9 platform is not supported. For a list of supported platforms refer to http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/tividd/td/IBMTivoliSystemAutomationforMultiplatforms2.2.html. The IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms cannot be installed as the non-global zones on Solaris is not supported. For a list of supported platforms and system configurations refer to http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/tividd/td/IBMTivoliSystemAutomationforMultiplatforms2.2.html. The IBM Tivoli System Automation for Multiplatforms cannot be installed as the AIX system workload partitions(WPARs) are not supported. For a list of supported platforms and system configurations refer to http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/tividd/td/IBMTivoliSystemAutomationforMultiplatforms2.2.html. The current directory has server product installed. It cannot be upgraded to the current product "%1". A server product is required. This product cannot be used to upgrade the SERVER type instance. Use a product that supports the current instance type to do the upgrade. The database upgrade check detected type-1 indexes in your databases. The type-1 indexes are not supported in DB2 version %1. Follow the instructions in the log file %2 to update the type-1 indexes to type-2 indexes then rerun the installer. If you do not want to update your indexes, rerun the db2install command with the '-f ignoreType1' or specify UPGRADE_DBCK_IGNORE_TYPE1=YES in the db2setup response file. The database upgrade check has detected type-1 indexes in your databases. The type-1 indexes are not supported in DB2 version %1. You can convert your type-1 indexes before upgrading or you can continue the upgrade which will invalidate your type-1 indexes. The directory "%1" is not readable or writable by group or other. Some functionalities might not work correctly if they require read or write access for group members or for other.