** ============================================================================ ** ** Sample response file for IBM DB2 ** -------------------------------- ** ** To select features and settings to install, uncomment the corresponding ** keywords and specify values for those keywords. You do not need to select ** features if you select the TYPICAL or COMPACT installation options. ** ** Comments are made by placing either an asterisk (*) or a number sign (#) at ** the start of a line, or by placing ** or ## after the start of a line to ** comment out the rest of that line. ** ** All keywords that are currently enabled (i.e., not preceded by *) are ** mandatory and must be specified in order for the installation to continue. ** All other keywords are optional. If optional keywords are not specified, ** the installation will proceed using default values. Lines that start out ** with two asterisks are documentation and should not be enabled. ** ** For more information on configuration parameters, see "Configuring DB2 with ** configuration parameters" in the DB2 Information Center. ** ** For more information on DB2 registry and environment variables, and configuration ** parameters, see "DB2 registry and environment variables" in the DB2 Information Center. ** ** For more information on how to perform a response file installation, see "Creating a ** response file using the DB2 Setup wizard" in the DB2 Information Center. ** ** Refer to the DB2 Information Center at: ** http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v9r7. ** ** ============================================================================ ** General Options ** --------------- ** Only one product can be specified for the following PROD keyword. Specifying ** multiple products in an installation is not supported. PROD = EXPRESS_C ** The FILE keyword determines the base install path. If you specify a path ** that does not yet have this product, this will install a new copy. If you ** specify a path that has this product, this will be considered an "existing" ** install intended to install additional functionality. This is a mandatory ** keyword for root install. Remove this keyword for non-root install. If not ** removed, its value must be $HOME/sqllib where $HOME represents the HOME ** directory of the non-root user ID that owns the non-root installation. FILE = /opt/ibm/db2/V9.7 ** Modify the value of the following LIC_AGREEMENT keyword to indicate that you ** have read and agreed to the license agreement file in the db2/license ** directory on the installation media. LIC_AGREEMENT = DECLINE ** ACCEPT or DECLINE ** If an interactive type is set, db2setup will prompt for CD locations and ** give feedback as to progress, otherwise nothing will be displayed until the ** install is complete. *INTERACTIVE = NONE ** NONE, YES, MACHINE ** This keyword is used only when the National Language Pack is removed from ** the image and NL languages are selected to install. This keyword specifies ** the location of the National Language Pack. *PACKAGE_LOCATION = ** Any valid path ** Specify that nothing will actually be installed to allow the response file ** to be also used for creating and configuring new instances. This has to be ** set to YES if a response file is used with db2isetup. *CONFIG_ONLY = ** YES or NO ** INSTALL_TYPE keyword is used to select the installation type. If you specify ** a TYPICAL or a COMPACT install type, you do not need to enable any of the ** COMP keywords that follow. In this case the installer will select the ** appropriate components for you. All COMP keywords are ignored by the ** installer unless the INSTALL_TYPE is set to CUSTOM. If you select the CUSTOM ** install type, then ensure that you enable all of the COMP keywords that are ** required for your database environment. ** ** Note: The install type is not related to the language selection. ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INSTALL_TYPE = TYPICAL ** TYPICAL, COMPACT, CUSTOM ** The following components are part of all TYPICAL installations. If you ** perform a typical installation, all of these components will be installed on ** your computer. ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** DB2 Advanced Copy Services help protect mission-critical data that requires ** 24x7 availability. It offers an integrated solution designed to implement ** high-efficiency backup and restore processes and helps eliminate ** backup-related performance issues. *COMP = ACS ** Integrated Flash Copy Support ** The Control Center is a Java-based tool that provides a central ** administration point for DB2. *COMP = CONTROL_CENTER ** Control Center ** Provides federated support required to access DB2 for iSeries and DB2 for ** z/OS and OS/390 data sources. *COMP = DB2_DATA_SOURCE_SUPPORT ** DB2 data source support ** Sample database source provides sample data and metadata that allows you to ** create a sample database using the First Steps application. *COMP = DB2_SAMPLE_DATABASE ** Sample database source ** First Steps is a graphical tool that will help familiarize you with DB2 ** features and functions. *COMP = FIRST_STEPS ** First Steps ** The DB2 Instance Setup wizard is a Java-based tool you can use to set up ** instances on your computer after installing DB2. *COMP = INSTANCE_SETUP_SUPPORT ** DB2 Instance Setup wizard ** LDAP Exploitation allows DB2 to use an LDAP directory to store database ** directory and configuration information. *COMP = LDAP_EXPLOITATION ** DB2 LDAP support ** The following components are not part of TYPICAL installations, and thus can ** only be installed through CUSTOM installs. ** ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** The base application development tools component contains tools and files ** (including header files, libraries, and a precompiler) that are needed for ** developing applications that work with DB2. *COMP = APPLICATION_DEVELOPMENT_TOOLS ** Base application development tools ** DB2 Update Service is a web tool that lists the available DB2 product ** updates, and provides details about product updates. The DB2 Update Service ** requires an internet connection. *COMP = DB2_UPDATE_SERVICE ** DB2 Update Service ** The DB2 Text Search component, powered by OmniFind, delivers an integrated, ** high quality and scalable search technology in DB2 databases. *COMP = TEXT_SEARCH ** DB2 Text Search ** The following languages apply to all translated components. Enable the ** language(s) you want installed. If you do not enable any language keywords, ** then the English language (EN) will still be installed by default. ** --------------------------------------------------------------------------- *LANG = BR ** Portuguese - Brazil (pt_BR) *LANG = CN ** Simplified Chinese (zh_CN) *LANG = CZ ** Czech (cs_CZ) *LANG = DE ** German (de_DE) *LANG = ES ** Spanish (es_ES) *LANG = FR ** French (fr_FR) *LANG = IT ** Italian (it_IT) *LANG = JP ** Japanese (ja_JP) *LANG = KR ** Korean (ko_KR) *LANG = PL ** Polish (pl_PL) *LANG = RU ** Russian (ru_RU) *LANG = TW ** Traditional Chinese (zh_TW) ** (Valid for non-root upgrade only) Upgrade Older Release ** ------------------------------------------------------- ** Specify whether you want to upgrade any previous versions of the product. ** Specifying this keyword will remove any previous version and upgrade any ** settings to the new installation. Be aware that during upgrade of the ** current copy, only the product specified in the response file will be ** installed, other previously installed products need to be upgraded ** separately follow this upgrade. *UPGRADE_PRIOR_VERSIONS = FALSE ** TRUE or FALSE ** (Valid for non-root upgrade only) Ignore Type-1 Indices ** ------------------------------------------------------- ** Specify whether you want to ignore type-1 indices in DB2 versions prior to ** v9.7. Please note that this applies to a non-root upgrade only. *UPGRADE_DBCK_IGNORE_TYPE1 = NO ** YES or NO ** Instance Creation Settings ** -------------------------- ** User ID managed by NIS/NIS+ is not supported. If existing ID is used, make ** sure it is not locked and its password is not expired. ** Prefix name of one instance set. Its value is used by all keywords for the ** same instance. INSTANCE = DB2_INST ** char(8) no spaces ** Real name of the instance, and also the user of instance owner. It can be ** different from the value of the INSTANCE keyword DB2_INST.NAME = db2inst1 ** char(8) no spaces, no upper case letters ** Use a generated UID if no value provided - highly recommended. *DB2_INST.UID = ** Unsigned integer DB2_INST.GROUP_NAME = db2iadm1 ** char(30) no spaces ** Use a generated GID if no value provided - highly recommended. *DB2_INST.GID = ** Unsigned integer DB2_INST.HOME_DIRECTORY = ** char(64) no spaces. Valid for root install only DB2_INST.PASSWORD = Replace with your password ** Valid for root install only ** Set the instance to be auto-started after system reboot. This keyword is ** invalid for non-root install DB2_INST.AUTOSTART = YES ** YES or NO ** The START_DURING_INSTALL option will start the instance during the ** installation. If this keyword is not specified, the behavior follows the ** AUTOSTART keyword above. DB2_INST.START_DURING_INSTALL = YES ** YES or NO *DB2_INST.SVCENAME = db2c_db2inst1 ** BLANK or char(14). Reserved for root install only *DB2_INST.PORT_NUMBER = 50000 ** 1024 - 65535, Reserved for root install only *DB2_INST.CLIENT_IMPORT_PROFILE = ** a full path or a file in the same directory as the rspfile *DB2_INST.TYPE = WSE ** WSE STANDALONE CLIENT *DB2_INST.CONFIGURE_TEXT_SEARCH = NO ** YES or NO *DB2_INST.TEXT_SEARCH_HTTP_SERVICE_NAME = db2j_db2inst1 ** BLANK or char(14). Valid for root install only *DB2_INST.TEXT_SEARCH_HTTP_PORT_NUMBER = 55000 ** Any unused port number from 1024 - 65535 *DB2_INST.AUTHENTICATION = SERVER ** CLIENT, SERVER, or SERVER_ENCRYPT ** Fenced User Creation Settings ** ----------------------------- ** Valid for root install only. User ID managed by NIS/NIS+ is not supported. ** If existing ID is used, make sure it is not locked and its password is not ** expired. DB2_INST.FENCED_USERNAME = db2fenc1 ** char(8) no spaces, no upper case letters ** Use a generated UID if no value provided - highly recommended. *DB2_INST.FENCED_UID = ** Unsigned integer DB2_INST.FENCED_GROUP_NAME = db2fadm1 ** char(30) no spaces ** Use a generated GID if no value provided - highly recommended. *DB2_INST.FENCED_GID = ** Unsigned integer *DB2_INST.FENCED_HOME_DIRECTORY = ** char(64) no spaces ** This password is required if the fenced user id is a new user *DB2_INST.FENCED_PASSWORD = ** char(14) ** Instance DBM CFG settings ** ------------------------- *DB2_INST.AGENTPRI = ** SYSTEM, -1 or 41-128 *DB2_INST.ASLHEAPSZ = ** 1 - 524288 *DB2_INST.AUDIT_BUF_SZ = ** 0 - 65000 *DB2_INST.CATALOG_NOAUTH = ** 0, 1, YES or NO *DB2_INST.CLUSTER_MGR = ** TSA, VENDOR: *DB2_INST.CPUSPEED = ** -1 or 1e-10 - 1 *DB2_INST.DFTDBPATH = ** any valid path *DB2_INST.DFT_ACCOUNT_STR = ** BLANK or char(25) *DB2_INST.DFT_MON_BUFPOOL = ** ON or OFF *DB2_INST.DFT_MON_LOCK = ** ON or OFF *DB2_INST.DFT_MON_SORT = ** ON or OFF *DB2_INST.DFT_MON_STMT = ** ON or OFF *DB2_INST.DFT_MON_TABLE = ** ON or OFF *DB2_INST.DFT_MON_UOW = ** ON or OFF *DB2_INST.DFT_MON_TIMESTAMP = ** ON or OFF *DB2_INST.DIAGLEVEL = ** 0 - 4 *DB2_INST.DIAGPATH = ** BLANK or char(215) *DB2_INST.DIAGSIZE = ** A value specified in MB and limited by the available disk space in DIAGPATH. Minimum 2 MB must be specified. *DB2_INST.FENCED_POOL = -1 or AUTOMATIC ** -1(MAX_COORDAGENTS), AUTOMATIC or a number in range [0, 64000] *DB2_INST.INSTANCE_MEMORY = AUTOMATIC ** AUTOMATIC or a number in range [0, 1000000] for 32-bit and [0, 68719476736] for 64-bit *DB2_INST.HEALTH_MON = ** default is ON; ON or OFF *DB2_INST.MAX_CONNECTIONS = -1 or AUTOMATIC ** -1, AUTOMATIC or [1, 64000] *DB2_INST.FED_NOAUTH = ** YES or NO, default is NO *DB2_INST.DIR_CACHE = ** YES or NO *DB2_INST.DISCOVER = ** DISABLE, KNOWN or SEARCH *DB2_INST.DISCOVER_COMM = ** BLANK or TCPIP *DB2_INST.DISCOVER_INST = ** ENABLE or DISABLE *DB2_INST.FCM_NUM_ANCHORS = ** -1 or 128 - FCM_NUM_RQB *DB2_INST.FCM_NUM_BUFFERS = ** 128 - 65300 *DB2_INST.FCM_NUM_CONNECT = ** -1 or 128 - FCM_NUM_RQB *DB2_INST.FCM_NUM_RQB = ** 128 - 120000 *DB2_INST.INDEXREC = ** ACCESS or RESTART *DB2_INST.INTRA_PARALLEL = NO ** SYSTEM, YES or NO *DB2_INST.JAVA_HEAP_SZ = ** 0 - 4096 *DB2_INST.JDK_PATH = ** BLANK or char(255) *DB2_INST.SSL_SVR_KEYDB = ** BLANK or char(1023) *DB2_INST.SSL_SVR_STASH = ** BLANK or char(1023) *DB2_INST.SSL_SVR_LABEL = ** BLANK or char(1023) *DB2_INST.SSL_SVCENAME = ** BLANK or char(14) *DB2_INST.SSL_CIPHERSPECS = ** BLANK or char(255) *DB2_INST.SSL_VERSIONS = ** BLANK or char(255) *DB2_INST.SSL_CLNT_KEYDB = ** BLANK or char(1023) *DB2_INST.SSL_CLNT_STASH = ** BLANK or char(1023) *DB2_INST.ALTERNATE_AUTH_ENC = ** NOT_SPECIFIED, AES_ONLY, AES_CMP *DB2_INST.KEEPDARI = ** YES or NO *DB2_INST.MAXAGENTS = ** 1 - 64000 *DB2_INST.MAXCAGENTS = ** -1 or 1 - MAX_COORDAGENTS *DB2_INST.MAXDARI = ** -1 or 1 - MAX_COORDAGENTS *DB2_INST.MAXTOTFILOP = ** 100 - 32768 *DB2_INST.MAX_COORDAGENTS = 200 or AUTOMATIC ** 200, AUTOMATIC, -1 or 0 - 64000, -1 translates into a value of 200 *DB2_INST.MAX_QUERYDEGREE = ** ANY, -1 or 1 - 32767 *DB2_INST.MON_HEAP_SZ = AUTOMATIC ** AUTOMATIC or 0 - 60000 *DB2_INST.NUMDB = ** 1 - 256 *DB2_INST.NUM_INITAGENTS = 0 ** 0 - 64000 *DB2_INST.NUM_INITDARIS = ** 0 - MAXDARI *DB2_INST.NUM_INITFENCED = 0 ** 0 - 64000 *DB2_INST.NUM_POOLAGENTS = 100 or AUTOMATIC ** -1, AUTOMATIC or 0 - 64000 *DB2_INST.QUERY_HEAP_SZ = ** 2 - 524288 *DB2_INST.RESTBUFSZ = ** 16 - 524288 *DB2_INST.RESYNC_INTERVAL = ** 1 - 60000 *DB2_INST.ROUTE_OBJ_NAME = ** BLANK or char(255) *DB2_INST.RQRIOBLK = ** 4096 - 65535 *DB2_INST.SHEAPTHRES = ** 250 - 2097152 *DB2_INST.SPM_LOG_FILE_SZ = ** 4 - 1000 *DB2_INST.SPM_LOG_PATH = ** BLANK or char(226) *DB2_INST.SPM_MAX_RESYNC = ** 10 - 256 *DB2_INST.SPM_NAME = ** BLANK or char(8) *DB2_INST.SYSADM_GROUP = ** BLANK or char(30) *DB2_INST.SYSCTRL_GROUP = ** BLANK or char(30) *DB2_INST.SYSMAINT_GROUP = ** BLANK or char(30) *DB2_INST.TP_MON_NAME = ** BLANK or char(19) *DB2_INST.TRUST_ALLCLNTS = ** YES, NO or DRDAONLY *DB2_INST.TRUST_CLNTAUTH = ** CLIENT or SERVER *DB2_INST.UDF_MEM_SZ = ** 128 - 60000 *DB2_INST.FCM_NUM_CHANNELS = ** 128, 524288 *DB2_INST.FEDERATED_ASYNC = 0 ** ANY or 0 - 32767 ** Instance Profile Registry Settings ** ---------------------------------- *DB2_INST.DB2ACCOUNT = ** BLANK or char(199) *DB2_INST.DB2BIDI = ** BLANK, 0, 1, YES, NO, ON, OFF, Y, N, TRUE, FALSE, T or F *DB2_INST.DB2BQTIME = ** BLANK or 1 - MAX *DB2_INST.DB2BQTRY = ** BLANK or 0 - MAX *DB2_INST.DB2CHKPTR = ** BLANK, 0, 1, YES, NO, ON, OFF, Y, N, TRUE, FALSE, T or F *DB2_INST.DB2CLIINIPATH = ** BLANK or char(260) *DB2_INST.DB2CODEPAGE = ** BLANK or 0 - MAX *DB2_INST.DB2COUNTRY = ** BLANK or 1 - 999 *DB2_INST.DB2DBDFT = ** BLANK or char(8) *DB2_INST.DB2DEFPREP = ** BLANK, ALL, 0, 1, YES, NO, ON, OFF, Y, N, TRUE, FALSE, T or F *DB2_INST.DB2ENVLIST = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2INCLUDE = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2IQTIME = ** BLANK or 1 - MAX *DB2_INST.DB2LIBPATH = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2LOADREC = ** BLANK or char(260) *DB2_INST.DB2LOCK_TO_RB = ** BLANK or STATEMENT *DB2_INST.DB2NOEXITLIST = ** BLANK, 0, 1, YES, NO, ON, OFF, Y, N, TRUE, FALSE, T or F *DB2_INST.DB2OLDEVMON = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2OPTIONS = ** BLANK or -/+[a,c,e[c,s],n,o,p,s,t,v,w,x] and/or -[f,l,r,z]filename *DB2_INST.DB2_OPTSTATS_LOG = ** OFF or ON with parameters {NUM | SIZE | NAME | DIR} *DB2_INST.DB2PRIORITIES = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2RQTIME = ** BLANK or 1 - MAX *DB2_INST.DB2_SET_MAX_CONTAINER_SIZE = ** -1 (no limit) or any integer greater than 64MB *DB2_INST.DB2SORT = ** BLANK or char(260) *DB2_INST.DB2_SYSTEM_MONITOR_SETTINGS = ** Controls parameters OLD_CPU_USAGE and DISABLE_CPU_USAGE with ON or OFF values *DB2_INST.DB2_AVOID_PREFETCH = ** BLANK, 0, 1, YES, NO, ON, OFF, Y, N, TRUE, FALSE, T or F *DB2_INST.DB2_CORRELATED_PREDICATES = ** BLANK, 0, 1, YES, NO, ON, OFF, Y, N, TRUE, FALSE, T or F *DB2_INST.DB2_FORCE_NLS_CACHE = ** BLANK, 0, 1, YES, NO, ON, OFF, Y, N, TRUE, FALSE, T or F *DB2_INST.DB2_HASH_JOIN = ** BLANK, 0, 1, YES, NO, ON, OFF, Y, N, TRUE, FALSE, T or F *DB2_INST.DB2_INDEX_FREE = ** BLANK or 0 - 60 *DB2_INST.DB2_LIKE_VARCHAR = ** BLANK, 0, 1, YES, NO, ON, OFF, Y, N, TRUE, FALSE, T, F or 0.0 - 5.0 (exclusive) *DB2_INST.DB2_LOADSORT_STACKSZ = ** BLANK or 1 - MAX *DB2_INST.DB2_NO_PKG_LOCK = ** BLANK, 0, 1, YES, NO, ON, OFF, Y, N, TRUE, FALSE, T or F *DB2_INST.DB2_PARALLEL_IO = ** BLANK, * or 0-4095,0-4095,... *DB2_INST.DB2_PRED_FACTORIZE = ** BLANK, 0, 1, YES, NO, ON, OFF, Y, N, TRUE, FALSE, T or F *DB2_INST.DB2_STRIPED_CONTAINERS = ** BLANK, 0, 1, YES, NO, ON, OFF, Y, N, TRUE, FALSE, T or F *DB2_INST.DB2INSTOWNER = ** BLANK or char(30) *DB2_INST.DB2SATELLITEAPPVER = ** BLANK or 1 - 18 *DB2_INST.DB2SATELLITEID = ** BLANK or 1 - 20 *DB2_INST.DB2DBMSADDR = ** BLANK or char(10) *DB2_INST.DB2_DISABLE_FLUSH_LOG = ** BLANK or ON, OFF *DB2_INST.DB2LOCALE = ** BLANK or YES, NO *DB2_INST.DB2NODE = ** BLANK or YES NO *DB2_INST.DB2_USE_PAGE_CONTAINER_TAG = ** BLANK or ON *DB2_INST.DB2TCPCONNMGRS = ** BLANK or 1 - 8 *DB2_INST.DB2_PARTITIONEDLOAD_DEFAULT = ** BLANK or YES, NO *DB2_INST.DB2_INLIST_TO_NLJN = ** BLANK or YES, NO *DB2_INST.DB2_SELECTIVITY = ** BLANK or YES, NO *DB2_INST.DB2_REDUCED_OPTIMIZATION = ** BLANK, DISABLE, YES, NO, 0 - MAX *DB2_INST.DB2_BINSORT = ** BLANK or YES, NO *DB2_INST.DB2BPVARS = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2_ENABLE_BUFPD = ** BLANK or ON, OFF *DB2_INST.DB2_EVMON_EVENT_LIST_SIZE = 0 ** A value specified in KB, MB or GB and limited by the available memory from the monitor heap *DB2_INST.DB2_EXTENDED_OPTIMIZATION = ** BLANK or ON, OFF *DB2_INST.DB2FODC = Concatenation of all FODC parameters: CORELIMIT, DUMPCORE, DUMDIR and MEMSCAN; and their values ** CORELIMIT, DUMPCORE, DUMPDIR and MEMSCAN parameters are set different for Unix and Windows *DB2_INST.DB2MAXFSCRSEARCH = ** BLANK or -1, 1 - 33554 *DB2_INST.DB2MEMDISCLAIM = ** BLANK or YES, NO *DB2_INST.DB2_VENDOR_INI = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2_XBSA_LIBRARY = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2LDAP_SEARCH_SCOPE = ** BLANK LOCAL DOMAIN GLOBAL *DB2_INST.DB2MEMMAXFREE = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2NTMEMSIZE = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2_OVERRIDE_BPF = ** BLANK or 1 - MAX *DB2_INST.DB2_DJ_COMM = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2ADMINSERVER = ** BLANK or char(64) *DB2_INST.DB2_PINNED_BP = NO ** YES or NO *DB2_INST.DB2REMOTEPREG = ** BLANK or char(64) *DB2_INST.DB2_ANTIJOIN = ** BLANK or YES, NO, EXTEND *DB2_INST.DB2_COLLECT_TS_REC_INFO = ** BLANK or YES, NO *DB2_INST.DB2PROCESSORS = ** BLANK or 1 - MAX *DB2_INST.DB2ASSUMEUPDATE = ** BLANK or ON, OFF *DB2_INST.DB2_SKIPDELETED = ** BLANK or ON, OFF *DB2_INST.DB2_SQLROUTINE_PREPOPTS = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2_INDEX_TYPE2 = ** BLANK or ON, OFF *DB2_INST.DB2_APM_PERFORMANCE = ** BLANK or ON, OFF *DB2_INST.DB2_FMP_COMM_HEAPSZ = ** BLANK or 1 - MAX *DB2_INST.DB2_EVALUNCOMMITTED = ** BLANK or YES, NO *DB2_INST.DB2_NO_FORK_CHECK = ** BLANK or ON, OFF *DB2_INST.DB2_KEEPTABLELOCK = ** BLANK or ON, OFF *DB2_INST.DB2GRAPHICUNICODESERVER = ** BLANK or ON, OFF *DB2_INST.DB2_MINIMIZE_LISTPREFETCH = ** BLANK or YES, NO *DB2_INST.DB2_TRUSTED_BINDIN = ** BLANK or ON, OFF, CHECK *DB2_INST.DB2_CLPPROMPT = ** BLANK or char(99) *DB2_INST.DB2_FORCE_APP_ON_MAX_LOG = ** BLANK or TRUE, FALSE *DB2_INST.DB2_CLP_EDITOR = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2_CLP_HISTSIZE = ** BLANK or 1 - 500 *DB2_INST.DB2_LOAD_COPY_NO_OVERRIDE = ** BLANK or LOCAL, DOMAIN, GLOBAL *DB2_INST.DB2_MAX_NON_TABLE_LOCKS = ** BLANK or 1 - MAX *DB2_INST.DB2_USE_ALTERNATE_PAGE_CLEANING = ** BLANK or ON, OFF *DB2_INST.DB2_SCATTERED_IO = ** BLANK or ON, OFF *DB2_INST.DB2_NO_MPFA_FOR_NEW_DB = ** BLANK or YES, NO *DB2_INST.DB2_OBJECT_TABLE_ENTRIES = ** BLANK or 0 - 50000 *DB2_INST.DB2_VIEW_REOPT_VALUES = ** BLANK or YES, NO *DB2_INST.DB2_SELUDI_COMM_BUFFER = ** BLANK or ON, OFF *DB2_INST.DB2_ENABLE_AUTOCONFIG_DEFAULT = ** BLANK, YES, NO *DB2_INST.DB2_OPT_MAX_TEMP_SIZE = ** BLANK or 0 - MAX *DB2_INST.DB2RCMD_LEGACY_MODE = ** YES, ON, TRUE, 1 or NO, OFF, FALSE, 0 *DB2_INST.DB2_LARGE_PAGE_MEM = ** *, DB *DB2_INST.DB2_MAX_LOB_BLOCK_SIZE = 0 ** 0 - 21487483647 *DB2_INST.DB2AUTH = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2CONNECT_DISCONNECT_ON_INTERRUPT = NO ** YES, TRUE, 1 or NO, FALSE, 0 *DB2_INST.DB2CONNECT_ENABLE_EURO_CODEPAGE = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2FCMCOMM = TCPIP4 ** TCPIP4 or TCPIP6 *DB2_INST.DB2FFDC = ** BLANK, ON, CORE:OFF *DB2_INST.DB2LOADFLAGS = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2TCP_CLIENT_CONTIMEOUT = 0 ** 0 - 32767 *DB2_INST.DB2TCP_CLIENT_RCVTIMEOUT = 0 ** 0 - 32767 *DB2_INST.DB2TRC_DEF_BUFFSIZE = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2YIELD = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2_ASYNC_IO_MAXFILOP = MAXFILOP ** MAXFILOP - MAX *DB2_INST.DB2_BAR_AUTONOMIC_DISABLE = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2_CONNRETRIES_INTERVAL = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2_DXX_PATHS_ALLOWED_READ = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2_DXX_PATHS_ALLOWED_WRITE = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2_HADR_BUF_SIZE = 2*LOGBUFSZ ** BLANK or 0 - MAX *DB2_INST.DB2_LOGGING_DETAIL = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2_MAP_XML_AS_CLOB_FOR_DLC = NO ** YES, NO *DB2_INST.DB2_MAX_CLIENT_CONNRETRIES = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2_MAX_INACT_STMTS = ** 0 - 4294967296 *DB2_INST.DB2_MDC_ROLLOUT = IMMEDIATE ** DEFER, IMMEDIATE or OFF *DB2_INST.DB2_MINIMUM_CLIENT_LEVEL = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2_NUM_CKPW_DAEMONS = 3 ** 0 - 100 *DB2_INST.DB2_RESOURCE_POLICY = ** valid path to configuration file *DB2_INST.DB2_SKIPINSERTED = OFF ** ON, OFF *DB2_INST.DB2_SMS_TRUNC_TMPTABLE_THRESH = ** -1, 0-n where n is the number of extents per container that are to be maintained *DB2_INST.DB2_SNAPSHOT_NOAUTH = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2_TAPEMGR_TAPE_EXPIRATION = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2_UPDDBCFG_SINGLE_DBPARTITION = ** YES, 1, TRUE or NO, 0, FALSE *DB2_INST.DB2_USE_DB2JCCT2_JROUTINE = ** ON, YES, 1, TRUE or OFF, NO, 0, FALSE *DB2_INST.DB2_UTIL_MSGPATH = instanceName/tmp directory ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INST.DB2_WORKLOAD = Not set ** BLANK, SAP ** 2nd Instance Creation Settings ** ------------------------------ ** Multiple DB2 instances can be created in the same installation. This section ** shows how to specify the 2nd instance in the rsp file. Note: Only a subset ** of the instance keywords are listed below. You can specify other instance ** related keywords similar as the 1st instance. All keywords in this section ** are commented out. By default, only one instance will be created during the ** install. ** Prefix name of this instance set. Its value is used by all keywords for the ** same instance. *INSTANCE = DB2_INS2 ** char(8) no spaces *DB2_INS2.NAME = db2inst2 ** char(8) no spaces, no upper case letters ** Use a generated UID if no value provided - highly recommended. *DB2_INS2.UID = ** Unsigned integer *DB2_INS2.GROUP_NAME = db2iadm1 ** char(30) no spaces ** Use a generated GID if no value provided - highly recommended. *DB2_INS2.GID = ** Unsigned integer *DB2_INS2.HOME_DIRECTORY = ** char(64) no spaces. Valid for root install only *DB2_INS2.PASSWORD = Replace with your password ** Valid for root install only ** Administration Server Creation Settings ** --------------------------------------- ** Valid for root install only. User ID managed by NIS/NIS+ is not supported. ** If existing ID is used, make sure it is not locked and its password is not ** expired. *DAS_USERNAME = ** char(8) no spaces, no upper case letters *DAS_UID = ** use db2 generated uid if no values provided(highly recommended) OR a valid unsign int *DAS_GROUP_NAME = ** char(30) no spaces *DAS_GID = ** use db2 generated gid if no values provided(highly recommended) OR a valid unsign int *DAS_HOME_DIRECTORY = ** char(64) no spaces *DAS_PASSWORD = ** char(8) *DAS_SMTP_SERVER = ** char(64) no spaces ** Global Profile Registry Settings ** -------------------------------- *DB2ACCOUNT = ** BLANK or char(199) *DB2BIDI = ** BLANK, 0, 1, YES, NO, ON, OFF, Y, N, TRUE, FALSE, T or F *DB2BQTIME = ** BLANK or 1 - MAX *DB2BQTRY = ** BLANK or 0 - MAX *DB2CHKPTR = ** BLANK, 0, 1, YES, NO, ON, OFF, Y, N, TRUE, FALSE, T or F *DB2CLIINIPATH = ** BLANK or char(260) *DB2CODEPAGE = ** BLANK or 0 - MAX *DB2COMM = ** BLANK or TCPIP *DB2COUNTRY = ** BLANK or 1 - 999 *DB2DBDFT = ** BLANK or char(8) *DB2DEFPREP = ** BLANK, ALL, 0, 1, YES, NO, ON, OFF, Y, N, TRUE, FALSE, T or F *DB2ENVLIST = ** BLANK or char() *DB2IQTIME = ** BLANK or 1 - MAX *DB2LDAPCACHE = ** YES or NO *DB2LDAPHOST = ** BLANK or char() *DB2LDAP_BASEDN = ** BLANK or char() *DB2LDAP_CLIENT_PROVIDER = ** BLANK, MICROSOFT or IBM *DB2LIBPATH = ** BLANK or char() *DB2LOADREC = ** BLANK or char(1023) *DB2LOCK_TO_RB = ** BLANK or STATEMENT *DB2NOEXITLIST = ** BLANK, 0, 1, YES, NO, ON, OFF, Y, N, TRUE, FALSE, T or F *DB2OLDEVMON = ** BLANK or char() *DB2OPTIONS = ** BLANK or -/+[a,c,e[c,s],n,o,p,s,t,v,w,x] and/or -[f,l,r,z]filename *DB2_OPTSTATS_LOG = ** OFF or ON with parameters {NUM | SIZE | NAME | DIR} *DB2PRIORITIES = ** BLANK or char() *DB2RQTIME = ** BLANK or 1 - MAX *DB2_SET_MAX_CONTAINER_SIZE = ** -1 (no limit) or any integer greater than 64MB *DB2SORT = ** BLANK or char(1023) *DB2SYSTEM = ** char(64) *DB2_SYSTEM_MONITOR_SETTINGS = ** Controls parameters OLD_CPU_USAGE and DISABLE_CPU_USAGE with ON or OFF values *DB2_ENABLE_LDAP = ** BLANK, 0, 1, YES, NO, ON, OFF, Y, N, TRUE, FALSE, T or F *DB2_FORCE_NLS_CACHE = ** BLANK, 0, 1, YES, NO, ON, OFF, Y, N, TRUE, FALSE, T or F *DB2INSTOWNER = ** BLANK or char(30) *DB2SATELLITEAPPVER = ** BLANK or 1 - 18 *DB2SATELLITEID = ** BLANK or 1 - 20 *DB2DBMSADDR = ** BLANK or char(10) *DB2_DISABLE_FLUSH_LOG = ** BLANK or ON, OFF *DB2_LIC_STAT_SIZE = ** BLANK or 0 - 32767 *DB2LOCALE = ** BLANK or YES, NO *DB2NODE = ** BLANK or YES NO *DB2_USE_PAGE_CONTAINER_TAG = ** BLANK or ON *DB2TCPCONNMGRS = ** BLANK or 1 - 8 *DB2_PARTITIONEDLOAD_DEFAULT = ** BLANK or YES, NO *DB2_INLIST_TO_NLJN = ** BLANK or YES, NO *DB2_SELECTIVITY = ** BLANK or YES, NO *DB2_REDUCED_OPTIMIZATION = ** BLANK, DISABLE, YES, NO, 0 - MAX *DB2_BINSORT = ** BLANK or YES, NO *DB2BPVARS = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_ENABLE_BUFPD = ** BLANK or ON, OFF *DB2_EVMON_EVENT_LIST_SIZE = 0 ** A value specified in KB, MB or GB but limited by the available memory from the monitor heap *DB2_EXTENDED_OPTIMIZATION = ** BLANK or ON, OFF *DB2FODC = Concatenation of all FODC parameters: CORELIMIT, DUMPCORE, DUMDIR and MEMSCAN; and their values ** CORELIMIT, DUMPCORE, DUMPDIR and MEMSCAN parameters are set different for Unix and Windows *DB2MAXFSCRSEARCH = ** BLANK or -1, 1 - 33554 *DB2MEMDISCLAIM = ** BLANK or YES, NO *DB2_VENDOR_INI = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_XBSA_LIBRARY = ** BLANK or char() *DB2LDAP_SEARCH_SCOPE = ** BLANK LOCAL DOMAIN GLOBAL *DB2MEMMAXFREE = ** BLANK or char() *DB2NTMEMSIZE = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_OVERRIDE_BPF = ** BLANK or 1 - MAX *DB2_DJ_COMM = ** BLANK or char() *DB2ADMINSERVER = ** BLANK or char(64) *DB2_PINNED_BP = NO ** YES or NO *DB2REMOTEPREG = ** BLANK or char(64) *DB2_ANTIJOIN = ** BLANK or YES, NO, EXTEND *DB2_COLLECT_TS_REC_INFO = ** BLANK or YES, NO *DB2PROCESSORS = ** BLANK or 1 - MAX *DB2ASSUMEUPDATE = ** BLANK or ON, OFF *DB2_SKIPDELETED = ** BLANK or ON, OFF *DB2_SQLROUTINE_PREPOPTS = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_INDEX_TYPE2 = ** BLANK or ON, OFF *DB2_APM_PERFORMANCE = ** BLANK or ON, OFF *DB2_FMP_COMM_HEAPSZ = ** BLANK or 1 - MAX *DB2_EVALUNCOMMITTED = ** BLANK or YES, NO *DB2_NO_FORK_CHECK = ** BLANK or ON, OFF *DB2_KEEPTABLELOCK = ** BLANK or ON, OFF *DB2GRAPHICUNICODESERVER = ** BLANK or ON, OFF *DB2_MINIMIZE_LISTPREFETCH = ** BLANK or YES, NO *DB2_TRUSTED_BINDIN = ** BLANK or ON, OFF, CHECK *DB2_CLPPROMPT = ** BLANK or char(99) *DB2_FORCE_APP_ON_MAX_LOG = ** BLANK or TRUE, FALSE *DB2_CLP_EDITOR = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_CLP_HISTSIZE = ** BLANK or 1 - 500 *DB2_LOAD_COPY_NO_OVERRIDE = ** BLANK or LOCAL, DOMAIN, GLOBAL *DB2_MAX_NON_TABLE_LOCKS = ** BLANK or 1 - MAX *DB2_USE_ALTERNATE_PAGE_CLEANING = ** BLANK or ON, OFF *DB2_SCATTERED_IO = ** BLANK or ON, OFF *DB2_NO_MPFA_FOR_NEW_DB = ** BLANK or YES, NO *DB2_OBJECT_TABLE_ENTRIES = ** BLANK or 0 - 50000 *DB2_VIEW_REOPT_VALUES = ** BLANK or YES, NO *DB2_SELUDI_COMM_BUFFER = ** BLANK or ON, OFF *DB2_ENABLE_AUTOCONFIG_DEFAULT = ** BLANK, YES, NO *DB2_OPT_MAX_TEMP_SIZE = ** BLANK or 0 - MAX *DB2RCMD_LEGACY_MODE = ** YES, ON, TRUE, 1 or NO, OFF, FALSE, 0 *DB2_LARGE_PAGE_MEM = ** *, DB *DB2_MAX_LOB_BLOCK_SIZE = 0 ** 0 - 21487483647 *DB2AUTH = ** BLANK or char() *DB2CONNECT_DISCONNECT_ON_INTERRUPT = NO ** YES, TRUE, 1 or NO, FALSE, 0 *DB2CONNECT_ENABLE_EURO_CODEPAGE = ** BLANK or char() *DB2FCMCOMM = TCPIP4 ** TCPIP4 or TCPIP6 *DB2FFDC = ** BLANK, ON, CORE:OFF *DB2LOADFLAGS = ** BLANK or char() *DB2TCP_CLIENT_CONTIMEOUT = 0 ** 0 - 32767 *DB2TCP_CLIENT_RCVTIMEOUT = 0 ** 0 - 32767 *DB2TRC_DEF_BUFFSIZE = ** BLANK or char() *DB2YIELD = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_ASYNC_IO_MAXFILOP = MAXFILOP ** MAXFILOP - MAX *DB2_BAR_AUTONOMIC_DISABLE = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_CONNRETRIES_INTERVAL = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_DXX_PATHS_ALLOWED_READ = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_DXX_PATHS_ALLOWED_WRITE = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_HADR_BUF_SIZE = 2*LOGBUFSZ ** BLANK or 0 - MAX *DB2_LOGGING_DETAIL = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_MAP_XML_AS_CLOB_FOR_DLC = NO ** YES, NO *DB2_MAX_CLIENT_CONNRETRIES = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_MAX_INACT_STMTS = ** 0 - 4294967296 *DB2_MDC_ROLLOUT = IMMEDIATE ** DEFER, IMMEDIATE or OFF *DB2_MINIMUM_CLIENT_LEVEL = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_NUM_CKPW_DAEMONS = 3 ** 0 - 100 *DB2_RESOURCE_POLICY = ** valid path to configuration file *DB2_SKIPINSERTED = OFF ** ON, OFF *DB2_SMS_TRUNC_TMPTABLE_THRESH = ** -1, 0-n where n is the number of extents per container that are to be maintained *DB2_SNAPSHOT_NOAUTH = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_TAPEMGR_TAPE_EXPIRATION = ** BLANK or char() *DB2_DJ_COMM = OFF ** ON or OFF *DB2_UPDDBCFG_SINGLE_DBPARTITION = ** YES, 1, TRUE or NO, 0, FALSE *DB2_USE_DB2JCCT2_JROUTINE = ** ON, YES, 1, TRUE or OFF, NO, 0, FALSE *DB2_UTIL_MSGPATH = instanceName/tmp directory ** BLANK or char() *DB2_WORKLOAD = Not set ** BLANK, SAP ** Database Settings ** ----------------- *DATABASE = ** databas1: char(8) no spaces - this is the prefix for this DB set *databas1.DATABASE_NAME = ** favorateDB: char(8) no spaces - this is the real database *databas1.INSTANCE = ** db2inst1: char(8) no spaces - one value of INSTANCE keyword *databas1.ALIAS = ** alias of databas1: char(8) no spaces and can not start with SYS, DBM or IBM *databas1.LOCATION = ** local, remote, LOCAL or REMOTE; For client only product use remote or REMOTE *databas1.SYSTEM_NAME = ** some remote host char(64) no spaces: for LOCATION=remote only *databas1.AUTHENTICATION = ** CLIENT, SERVER, SERVER_ENCRYPT: optional *databas1.PATH = ** the directory for the database: optional *databas1.SVCENAME = ** service1: for remote LOCATION only *databas1.USERNAME = ** db2user: char(8) no spaces *databas1.PASSWORD = ** db2pwd: char(8) no spaces *TOOLS_CATALOG_DATABASE = ** databas1: one of DATABASE values. Valid for root install only *TOOLS_CATALOG_SCHEMA = ** db2schema: char(8) no spaces. Valid for root install only ** Contact List Settings ** --------------------- ** Valid for root install only *DAS_CONTACT_LIST = ** LOCAL or REMOTE *DAS_CONTACT_LIST_HOSTNAME = ** hostname for REMOTE CONTACT_LIST *DAS_CONTACT_LIST_USERNAME = ** contactL: char(8) no spaces *DAS_CONTACT_LIST_DOMAIN = ** contactLdomain: char(14) *DAS_CONTACT_LIST_PASSWORD = ** contactLpasswd: char(14) ** Contact Information for each Instance ** ------------------------------------- ** Valid for root install only *CONTACT = contact1 ** contact1, char(80) *contact1.NEW_CONTACT = YES ** YES or NO *contact1.CONTACT_NAME = ** userName *contact1.EMAIL = ** sysadmin@yourcompany.com - email address where the notification should be sent *contact1.PAGER = ** YES or NO *contact1.INSTANCE = ** DB2_INST - instance that this contact belongs to, this should be one of the values of keyword INSTANCE. ** Information Center settings ** --------------------------- ** The default location for accessing the DB2 documentation is the IBM Web ** site. Only edit this section if you wish to access DB2 documentation from a ** different location, such as your local computer or an intranet server. ** The following DB2_DOCHOST keyword is used to specify where the Information ** Center server is installed. e.g., "localhost" for the local computer. *DB2_DOCHOST = ** Any valid hostname ** The following DB2_DOCPORT keyword is used to specify the port number of the ** Information Center server. *DB2_DOCPORT = ** 1024-65535