Warning: Permanently added 'qi0037.hpc.bcgsc.bc.ca,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. warning: discarded 74334 reads shorter than 30 bases warning: discarded 116475 unchaste reads warning: discarded 5553 reads containing non-ACGT characters Reading `HS1780-1.fa'... Read 9592 contigs Vertices: 9592 Edges: 28268 Bubbles: 209 Popped: 185 Too long: 24 Reading `HS1780-3.fa'... Read 9407 contigs Vertices: 9407 Edges: 27528 Reading target `HS1780-3.fa'... Reading from standard input... Read 2267482 bases, 9407 contigs, 9407 scaffolds from `HS1780-3.fa'. Expecting 1994679 k-mer. Reading target `HS1780-3.fa'... Read 9407 contigs. Hash load: 1994679 / 16777216 = 0.118892 Reading `/projects/NBL/assemblies/targeted/NBL01/HS1780.sam.gz'... Read 54 alignments. Hash load: 54 / 97 = 0.556701 Read 100 alignments. Hash load: 98 / 193 = 0.507772 Read 202 alignments. Hash load: 194 / 389 = 0.498715 Read 210326 alignments. Hash load: 390 / 769 = 0.507152 Read 261734 alignments. Hash load: 770 / 1543 = 0.499028 Read 656568 alignments. Hash load: 1544 / 3079 = 0.501462 Aligned 1000000 reads Read 1000000 alignments. Hash load: 1692 / 3079 = 0.549529 Read 1945622 alignments. Hash load: 3080 / 6151 = 0.500732 Aligned 2000000 reads Read 2000000 alignments. Hash load: 1650 / 6151 = 0.268249 Aligned 3000000 reads Read 3000000 alignments. Hash load: 2300 / 6151 = 0.373923 Aligned 3479846 of 3611758 reads (96.3477%) Read 3611758 alignments Mateless 1576 0.0872% Unaligned 3451 0.191% Singleton 124968 6.92% FR 1184338 65.6% RF 1 5.54e-05% FF 292 0.0162% Different 470876 26.1% Multimap 78 0.00432% Split 21087 1.17% Total 1806667 Stats mean: 401.5 median: 403 sd: 40.65 n: 1184223 min: 74 max: 529 ___▁▁▂▃▃▄▅▆▇▇█████▇▇▆▅▄▃▂▁▁__ Stats mean: 401.5 median: 403 sd: 40.65 n: 1184223 min: 74 max: 529 ___▁▁▂▃▃▄▅▆▇▇█████▇▇▆▅▄▃▂▁▁__ warning: overlap does not agree with estimate 4314-,1122+ -22 4314-,28,17,9.9 warning: overlap does not agree with estimate 8318-,4469+ -5 8318-,-28,62,5.2 warning: overlap does not agree with estimate 8918+,8016+ -19 8918+,8,90,4.3 Reading `HS1780-4.fa'... Read 9551 contigs Vertices: 9551 Edges: 28104 Reading `HS1780-4.path2'... Total number of paths: 393 The minimum coverage of single-end contigs is 6.16667. The minimum coverage of merged contigs is 6.85714. Consider increasing the coverage threshold parameter, c, to 6.85714.