/projects/bioqc_dev/ilitests/BQ-861/cPin/IX5776/A77368/A77368.CBTEAANXX_2.bam Tue.Oct. 19798334 + 1563426 in total (QC-passed reads + QC-failed reads) 0 + 0 secondary 0 + 0 supplementary 328146 + 22189 duplicates 19042887 + 1102588 mapped (96.18% : 70.52%) 19798334 + 1563426 paired in sequencing 9899167 + 781713 read1 9899167 + 781713 read2 18793680 + 1067582 properly paired (94.93% : 68.28%) 18915302 + 1072560 with itself and mate mapped 127585 + 30028 singletons (0.64% : 1.92%) 21092 + 1418 with mate mapped to a different chr 4466 + 357 with mate mapped to a different chr (mapQ>=5) 7d3223012c855291e150faba346203fe /projects/bioqc_dev/ilitests/BQ-861/cPin/IX5776/A77368/A77368.CBTEAANXX_2.bam Tue.Oct.