/projects/bioqc_dev/ilitests/BQ-861/cPin/IX5776/A77366/A77366.CBTEAANXX_2.bam Mon.Oct. 42938156 + 3602484 in total (QC-passed reads + QC-failed reads) 0 + 0 secondary 0 + 0 supplementary 1267912 + 86939 duplicates 40983568 + 2472188 mapped (95.45% : 68.62%) 42938156 + 3602484 paired in sequencing 21469078 + 1801242 read1 21469078 + 1801242 read2 40347481 + 2375196 properly paired (93.97% : 65.93%) 40713930 + 2391044 with itself and mate mapped 269638 + 81144 singletons (0.63% : 2.25%) 92822 + 5604 with mate mapped to a different chr 56674 + 2880 with mate mapped to a different chr (mapQ>=5) 7399c497737fa1ed5e12a64a7c3c19cd /projects/bioqc_dev/ilitests/BQ-861/cPin/IX5776/A77366/A77366.CBTEAANXX_2.bam Mon.Oct.