/projects/bioqc_dev/ilitests/BQ-861/cPin/IX5763/A77337/A77337.CBKY8ANXX_5.bam Tue.Oct. 21447394 + 2330142 in total (QC-passed reads + QC-failed reads) 0 + 0 secondary 0 + 0 supplementary 400298 + 59338 duplicates 21167563 + 1632138 mapped (98.70% : 70.04%) 21447394 + 2330142 paired in sequencing 10723697 + 1165071 read1 10723697 + 1165071 read2 20835551 + 1582104 properly paired (97.15% : 67.90%) 21082787 + 1593248 with itself and mate mapped 84776 + 38890 singletons (0.40% : 1.67%) 11103 + 1350 with mate mapped to a different chr 2726 + 561 with mate mapped to a different chr (mapQ>=5) b7b5d6f717192a5c75658613405415b8 /projects/bioqc_dev/ilitests/BQ-861/cPin/IX5763/A77337/A77337.CBKY8ANXX_5.bam Tue.Oct.