/projects/bioqc_dev/ilitests/BQ-861/cPin/IX5763/A77331/A77331.CBKY8ANXX_5.bam Wed.Oct. 48469078 + 5124572 in total (QC-passed reads + QC-failed reads) 0 + 0 secondary 0 + 0 supplementary 1295420 + 113915 duplicates 46425742 + 3610102 mapped (95.78% : 70.45%) 48469078 + 5124572 paired in sequencing 24234539 + 2562286 read1 24234539 + 2562286 read2 45735943 + 3480930 properly paired (94.36% : 67.93%) 46083368 + 3500928 with itself and mate mapped 342374 + 109174 singletons (0.71% : 2.13%) 112123 + 8136 with mate mapped to a different chr 74068 + 4392 with mate mapped to a different chr (mapQ>=5) dcbe6645201382b0e81ade221df4178b /projects/bioqc_dev/ilitests/BQ-861/cPin/IX5763/A77331/A77331.CBKY8ANXX_5.bam Wed.Oct.