/projects/bioqc_dev/ilitests/BQ-861/cPin/IX5762/A77316/A77316.CBKY8ANXX_4.bam Wed.Oct. 40737562 + 2922918 in total (QC-passed reads + QC-failed reads) 0 + 0 secondary 0 + 0 supplementary 1001734 + 62831 duplicates 38475326 + 2045450 mapped (94.45% : 69.98%) 40737562 + 2922918 paired in sequencing 20368781 + 1461459 read1 20368781 + 1461459 read2 37641909 + 1947938 properly paired (92.40% : 66.64%) 38137768 + 1966944 with itself and mate mapped 337558 + 78506 singletons (0.83% : 2.69%) 112630 + 5767 with mate mapped to a different chr 71840 + 3195 with mate mapped to a different chr (mapQ>=5) 830a4b6705849e46e1c95da9f3cacdac /projects/bioqc_dev/ilitests/BQ-861/cPin/IX5762/A77316/A77316.CBKY8ANXX_4.bam Wed.Oct.