Clusters of intergenic mRNA expression were identified as follows: 1. The from RNA-seq alignments bam files reads aligned into multiple locations were excluded and duplicated/multiplicated reads were accounted only once. 2. Read coverage was calculated in 200bp bins genome wide. After that read coverage was converted into RPKM values, using the same normalization procedure as for annotated genes. 3. All bins that overlap any of the gene body as annotated by Ensembl v65 (GenCode v10) we excluded 4. All bins with RPKM<0.5 were excluded 5. Resulting clusters of indetrgenic expression were summarized in the UCSC bedGraph format (with 200bp resolution). 6. For the data from the strand-specific experiments analysis was performed in a strand specific manner. At the final step, after all filtering, for the overlapping fragments of the clusters on positive and negative strands RPKM values were averaged.